예제 #1
bool complex_poly(void)
{	bool ok    = true;
	size_t deg = 4;

	using CppAD::AD;
	using CppAD::Poly;
	typedef std::complex<double> Complex;

	// polynomial coefficients
	CPPAD_TESTVECTOR( Complex )   a   (deg + 1); // coefficients for p(z)
	CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(AD<Complex>) A   (deg + 1);
	size_t i;
	for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++)
		A[i] = a[i] = Complex(double(i), double(i));

	// independent variable vector
	Complex z = Complex(1., 2.);
	Z[0]      = z;

	// dependent variable vector and indices

	// dependent variable values
	P[0] = Poly(0, A, Z[0]);

	// create f: Z -> P and vectors used for derivative calculations
	CppAD::ADFun<Complex> f(Z, P);
	CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(Complex) v( f.Domain() );
	CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(Complex) w( f.Range() );

	// check first derivative w.r.t z
	v[0]      = 1.;
	w         = f.Forward(1, v);
	Complex p = Poly(1, a, z);
	ok &= ( w[0]  == p );

	// second derivative w.r.t z is 2 times its second order Taylor coeff
	v[0] = 0.;
	w    = f.Forward(2, v);
	p    = Poly(2, a, z);
	ok &= ( 2. * w[0]  == p );

	return ok;