예제 #1
int Cluster_DPeaks::ChoosePointsAutomatically() {
  // Right now all density values are discrete. Try to choose outliers at each
  // value for which there is density.;
  // For each point, calculate average distance (X,Y) to points in next and
  // previous density values.
  const double dens_cut = 3.0 * 3.0;
  const double dist_cut = 1.32 * 1.32;
  for (Carray::const_iterator point0 = Points_.begin(); point0 != Points_.end(); ++point0)
    int Npts = 0;
    for (Carray::const_iterator point1 = Points_.begin(); point1 != Points_.end(); ++point1)
      if (point0 != point1) {
        // Only do this for close densities
        double dX = (double)(point0->PointsWithinEps() - point1->PointsWithinEps());
        double dX2 = dX * dX;
        double dY = (point0->Dist() - point1->Dist());
        double dY2 = dY * dY;
        if (dX2 < dens_cut && dY2 < dist_cut) {
    mprintf("%i %i %i\n", point0->PointsWithinEps(), point0->Fnum()+1, Npts);

  CpptrajFile tempOut;
  int currentDensity = -1;
  double distAv = 0.0;
  double distSD = 0.0;
  double sumWts = 0.0;
  int nValues = 0;
  Carray::const_iterator lastPoint = Points_.end() + 1;
  for (Carray::const_iterator point = Points_.begin(); point != lastPoint; ++point)
    if (point == Points_.end() || point->PointsWithinEps() != currentDensity) {
      if (nValues > 0) {
        distAv = distAv / sumWts; //(double)nValues;
        distSD = (distSD / sumWts) - (distAv * distAv);
        if (distSD > 0.0)
          distSD = sqrt(distSD);
          distSD = 0.0;
        //mprintf("Density %i: %i values  Avg= %g  SD= %g  SumWts= %g\n", currentDensity,
        //        nValues, distAv, distSD, sumWts);
        tempOut.Printf("%i %g\n", currentDensity, distAv);
      if (point == Points_.end()) break;
      currentDensity = point->PointsWithinEps();
      distAv = 0.0;
      distSD = 0.0;
      sumWts = 0.0;
      nValues = 0;
    double wt = exp(point->Dist());
    double dval = point->Dist() * wt;
    sumWts += wt;
    distAv += dval;
    distSD += (dval * dval);

  CpptrajFile tempOut;
  DataSet_Mesh weightedAverage;
  Carray::const_iterator cp = Points_.begin();
  // Skip local density of 0.
  //while (cp->PointsWithinEps() == 0 && cp != Points_.end()) ++cp;
  while (cp != Points_.end())
    int densityVal = cp->PointsWithinEps();
    Carray densityArray;
    // Add all points of current density.
    while (cp->PointsWithinEps() == densityVal && cp != Points_.end())
      densityArray.push_back( *(cp++) );
    mprintf("Density value %i has %zu points.\n", densityVal, densityArray.size());
    // Sort array by distance
    std::sort(densityArray.begin(), densityArray.end(), Cpoint::dist_sort());
    // Take the average of the points weighted by their position. 
    double wtDistAv = 0.0;
    double sumWts = 0.0;
    //std::vector<double> weights;
    //weights.reserve( densityArray.size() );
    int maxPt = (int)densityArray.size() - 1;
    for (int ip = 0; ip != (int)densityArray.size(); ++ip) 
      double wt = exp( (double)(ip - maxPt) );
      //mprintf("\t%10i %10u %10u %10g\n", densityVal, ip, maxPt, wt);
      wtDistAv += (densityArray[ip].Dist() * wt);
      sumWts += wt;
      //weights.push_back( wt );
    wtDistAv /= sumWts;
    // Calculate the weighted sample variance
    //double distSD = 0.0;
    //for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip != densityArray.size(); ++ip) {
    //  double diff = densityArray[ip].Dist() - wtDistAv;
    //  distSD += weights[ip] * (diff * diff);
    //distSD /= sumWts;
    weightedAverage.AddXY(densityVal, wtDistAv); 
    //tempOut.Printf("%i %g %g %g\n", densityVal, wtDistAv, sqrt(distSD), sumWts);
    tempOut.Printf("%i %g %g\n", densityVal, wtDistAv, sumWts);
    // Find the median.
    double median, Q1, Q3;
    if (densityArray.size() == 1) {
      median = densityArray[0].Dist();
      Q1 = median;
      Q3 = median;
    } else {
      unsigned int q3_beg;
      unsigned int med_idx = densityArray.size() / 2; // Always 0 <= Q1 < med_idx
      if ((densityArray.size() % 2) == 0) {
        median = (densityArray[med_idx].Dist() + densityArray[med_idx-1].Dist()) / 2.0;
        q3_beg = med_idx;
      } else {
        median = densityArray[med_idx].Dist();
        q3_beg = med_idx + 1;
      if (densityArray.size() == 2) {
        Q1 = densityArray[0].Dist();
        Q3 = densityArray[1].Dist();
      } else {
        // Find lower quartile
        unsigned int q1_idx = med_idx / 2;
        if ((med_idx % 2) == 0)
          Q1 = (densityArray[q1_idx].Dist() + densityArray[q1_idx-1].Dist()) / 2.0;
          Q1 = densityArray[q1_idx].Dist();
        // Find upper quartile
        unsigned int q3_size = densityArray.size() - q3_beg;
        unsigned int q3_idx = (q3_size / 2) + q3_beg;
        if ((q3_size %2) == 0)
          Q3 = (densityArray[q3_idx].Dist() + densityArray[q3_idx-1].Dist()) / 2.0;
          Q3 = densityArray[q3_idx].Dist();
    mprintf("\tMedian dist value is %g. Q1= %g   Q3= %g\n", median, Q1, Q3);

  // TEST
  std::vector<double> Hist( Points_.back().PointsWithinEps()+1, 0.0 );
  int gWidth = 3;
  double cval = 3.0;
  double two_c_squared = 2.0 * cval * cval;
  mprintf("DBG: cval= %g, Gaussian denominator is %g\n", cval, two_c_squared);
  for (int wtIdx = 0; wtIdx != (int)weightedAverage.Size(); wtIdx++)
    int bval = weightedAverage.X(wtIdx);
    for (int xval = std::max(bval - gWidth, 0);
             xval != std::min(bval + gWidth + 1, (int)Hist.size()); xval++)
      // a: height (weighted average)
      // b: center (density value)
      // c: width
      // x: density value in histogram 
      //int xval = weightedAverage.X(idx);
      //double bval = weightedAverage.X(wtIdx);
      //double bval = (double)wtIdx;
      double diff = (double)(xval - bval);
      //Hist[xval] += (weightedAverage.Y(wtIdx) * exp( -( (diff * diff) / two_c_squared ) ));
      Hist[xval] = std::max(Hist[xval],
                            weightedAverage.Y(wtIdx) * exp( -( (diff * diff) / two_c_squared ) ));
  for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx != Hist.size(); idx++)
    tempOut.Printf("%u %g\n", idx, Hist[idx]);
  // TEST
  // Construct best-fit line segments
  double slope, intercept, correl;
  int segment_length = 3;
  DataSet_Mesh Segment;
  Segment.Allocate1D( segment_length );
  for (int wtIdx = 0; wtIdx != (int)weightedAverage.Size(); wtIdx++)
    for (int idx = std::max(wtIdx - 1, 0); // TODO: use segment_length
             idx != std::min(wtIdx + 2, (int)weightedAverage.Size()); idx++)
        Segment.AddXY(weightedAverage.X(idx), weightedAverage.Y(idx));
    Segment.LinearRegression(slope, intercept, correl, true);
    for (int idx = std::max(wtIdx - 1, 0); // TODO: use segment_length
             idx != std::min(wtIdx + 2, (int)weightedAverage.Size()); idx++)
      double x = weightedAverage.X(idx);
      double y = slope * x + intercept;
      tempOut.Printf("%g %g %i\n", x, y, weightedAverage.X(wtIdx));

  // For each point, determine if it is greater than the average of the
  // weighted average distances of the previous, current, and next densities.
  int width = 2;
  int currentDensity = 0;
  int wtIdx = 0;
  double currentAvg = 0.0;
  double deltaSD = 0.0;
  double deltaAv = 0.0;
  int    Ndelta = 0;
  CpptrajFile raOut;
  if (!rafile_.empty()) raOut.OpenWrite(rafile_);
  CpptrajFile raDelta;
  if (!radelta_.empty()) raDelta.OpenWrite(radelta_);
  std::vector<unsigned int> candidateIdxs;
  std::vector<double> candidateDeltas;
  cp = Points_.begin();
  // Skip over points with zero density
  while (cp != Points_.end() && cp->PointsWithinEps() == 0) ++cp;
  while (weightedAverage.X(wtIdx) != cp->PointsWithinEps() && wtIdx < (int)Points_.size())
  for (Carray::const_iterator point = cp; point != Points_.end(); ++point)
    if (point->PointsWithinEps() != currentDensity) {
      //currentAvg = weightedAverage.Y(wtIdx);
      // New density value. Determine average.
      currentAvg = 0.0;
     // unsigned int Npt = 0; 
      double currentWt = 0.0;
      for (int idx = std::max(wtIdx - width, 0);
               idx != std::min(wtIdx + width + 1, (int)weightedAverage.Size()); idx++)
        //currentAvg += weightedAverage.Y(idx);
        double wt = weightedAverage.Y(idx);
        currentAvg += (weightedAverage.Y(idx) * wt);
        currentWt += wt;
      //currentAvg /= (double)Npt;
      currentAvg /= currentWt;
      //smoothAv += currentAvg;
      //smoothSD += (currentAvg * currentAvg);
      currentDensity = point->PointsWithinEps();
      if (raOut.IsOpen())
        raOut.Printf("%i %g %g\n", currentDensity, currentAvg, weightedAverage.Y(wtIdx));
    double delta = (point->Dist() - currentAvg);
    if (delta > 0.0) {
      //delta *= log((double)currentDensity);
      if (raDelta.IsOpen())
        raDelta.Printf("%8i %8.3f %8i %8.3f %8.3f\n",
                       currentDensity, delta, point->Fnum()+1, point->Dist(), currentAvg);
      candidateIdxs.push_back( point - Points_.begin() );
      candidateDeltas.push_back( delta );
      deltaAv += delta;
      deltaSD += (delta * delta);
  deltaAv /= (double)Ndelta;
  deltaSD = (deltaSD / (double)Ndelta) - (deltaAv * deltaAv);
  if (deltaSD > 0.0)
    deltaSD = sqrt(deltaSD);
    deltaSD = 0.0;
  if (raDelta.IsOpen())
    raDelta.Printf("#DeltaAvg= %g  DeltaSD= %g\n", deltaAv, deltaSD);
  int cnum = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != candidateIdxs.size(); i++) {
    if (candidateDeltas[i] > (deltaSD)) {
      Points_[candidateIdxs[i]].SetCluster( cnum++ );
      mprintf("\tPoint %u (frame %i, density %i) selected as candidate for cluster %i\n",
              candidateIdxs[i], Points_[candidateIdxs[i]].Fnum()+1,
              Points_[candidateIdxs[i]].PointsWithinEps(), cnum-1);

  // Currently doing this by calculating the running average of density vs 
  // distance, then choosing points with distance > twice the SD of the 
  // running average.
  // NOTE: Store in a mesh data set for now in case we want to spline etc later.
  if (avg_factor_ < 1) avg_factor_ = 10; 
  unsigned int window_size = Points_.size() / (unsigned int)avg_factor_;
  mprintf("\tRunning avg window size is %u\n", window_size);
  // FIXME: Handle case where window_size < frames
  DataSet_Mesh runavg;
  unsigned int ra_size = Points_.size() - window_size + 1;
  runavg.Allocate1D( ra_size );
  double dwindow = (double)window_size;
  double sumx = 0.0;
  double sumy = 0.0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < window_size; i++) {
    sumx += (double)Points_[i].PointsWithinEps();
    sumy += Points_[i].Dist();
  runavg.AddXY( sumx / dwindow, sumy / dwindow );
  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < ra_size; i++) {
    unsigned int nextwin = i + window_size - 1;
    unsigned int prevwin = i - 1;
    sumx = (double)Points_[nextwin].PointsWithinEps() -
           (double)Points_[prevwin].PointsWithinEps() + sumx;
    sumy =         Points_[nextwin].Dist()    -
                   Points_[prevwin].Dist()    + sumy;
    runavg.AddXY( sumx / dwindow, sumy / dwindow );
  // Write running average
  if (!rafile_.empty()) {
    CpptrajFile raOut;
    if (raOut.OpenWrite(rafile_))
      mprinterr("Error: Could not open running avg file '%s' for write.\n", rafile_.c_str());
    else {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i != runavg.Size(); i++)
        raOut.Printf("%g %g\n", runavg.X(i), runavg.Y(i));
  double ra_sd;
  double ra_avg = runavg.Avg( ra_sd );
  // Double stdev to use as cutoff for findning anomalously high peaks.
  ra_sd *= 2.0;
  mprintf("\tAvg of running avg set is %g, SD*2.0 (delta cutoff) is %g\n", ra_avg, ra_sd);
  // For each point in density vs distance plot, determine which running
  // average point is closest. If the difference between the point and the
  // running average point is > 2.0 the SD of the running average data,
  // consider it a 'peak'. 
  CpptrajFile raDelta;
  if (!radelta_.empty())
  if (raDelta.IsOpen())
    raDelta.Printf("%-10s %10s %10s\n", "#Frame", "RnAvgPos", "Delta");
  unsigned int ra_position = 0; // Position in the runavg DataSet
  unsigned int ra_end = runavg.Size() - 1;
  int cnum = 0;
  for (Carray::iterator point = Points_.begin();
                        point != Points_.end(); ++point)
    if (ra_position != ra_end) {
      // Is the next running avgd point closer to this point?
      while (ra_position != ra_end) {
        double dens  = (double)point->PointsWithinEps();
        double diff0 = fabs( dens - runavg.X(ra_position  ) );
        double diff1 = fabs( dens - runavg.X(ra_position+1) );
        if (diff1 < diff0)
          ++ra_position; // Next running avg position is closer for this point.
          break; // This position is closer.
    double delta = point->Dist() - runavg.Y(ra_position);
    if (raDelta.IsOpen())
      raDelta.Printf("%-10i %10u %10g", point->Fnum()+1, ra_position, delta);
    if (delta > ra_sd) {
      if (raDelta.IsOpen())
        raDelta.Printf(" POTENTIAL CLUSTER %i", cnum);
    if (raDelta.IsOpen()) raDelta.Printf("\n");
  return cnum;
예제 #2
/** Given the structure of a molecule and its normal mode vibrational
  * frequencies this routine uses standard statistical mechanical
  * formulas for an ideal gas (in the canonical ensemble, see,
  * for example, d. a. mcquarrie, "statistical thermodynamics",
  * harper & row, new york, 1973, chapters 5, 6, and 8) to compute
  * the entropy, heat capacity, and internal energy.

  * The si system of units is used internally. Conversion to units
  * more familiar to most chemists is made for output.
  * \param outfile output file, should already be open.
  * \param natoms  Number of atoms
  * \param nvecs   Number of eigenvectors (already converted to frequencies)
  * \param crd     coordinates in Angstroms
  * \param amass   atomic weights, in amu.
  * \param freq    vibrational frequencies, in cm**-1 and in ascending order
  * \param temp    temperature
  * \param patm    pressure, in atmospheres
void thermo( CpptrajFile& outfile, int natoms, int nvecs, int ilevel, 
             const double* crd, const double* amass, const double* freq, 
             double temp, double patm)
  // pmom    principal moments of inertia, in amu-bohr**2 and in ascending order.
  double pmom[3], rtemp, rtemp1, rtemp2, rtemp3;

  // ----- Constants -------------------
  const double thresh = 900.0;        // vibrational frequency threshold
  const double tokg   = 1.660531e-27; // kilograms per amu.
  const double boltz  = 1.380622e-23; // boltzman constant, in joules per kelvin.
  const double planck = 6.626196e-34; // planck constant, in joule-seconds.
  const double avog   = 6.022169e+23; // avogadro constant, in mol**(-1).
  const double jpcal  = 4.18674e+00;  // joules per calorie.
  const double tomet  = 1.0e-10;      // metres per Angstrom.
  const double hartre = 4.35981e-18;  // joules per hartree.
  const double pstd   = 1.01325e+05;  // Standard pressure in pascals
  // -----------------------------------

  //     compute the gas constant, pi, pi**2, and e.
  //     compute the conversion factors cal per joule and kcal per joule.
  const double gas  = avog * boltz;
  // pi   = four * datan(one)
  const double pipi = PI * PI;
  const double e    = exp(1.0);
  const double tocal  = 1.0 / jpcal;
  const double tokcal = tocal / 1000.0;

  if (!outfile.IsOpen()) {
    mprinterr("Internal Error: thermo: output file is not open.\n");

  //     print the temperature and pressure.
  outfile.Printf("\n                    *******************\n");
  outfile.Printf(  "                    - Thermochemistry -\n");
  outfile.Printf(  "                    *******************\n\n");
  outfile.Printf("\n temperature %9.3f kelvin\n pressure    %9.5f atm\n",temp,patm);
  double pressure = pstd * patm;
  double rt = gas * temp;

  //     compute and print the molecular mass in amu, then convert to
  //     kilograms.
  double weight = 0.0;
  for (int iat = 0; iat < natoms; ++iat)
    weight += amass[iat];
  outfile.Printf(" molecular mass (principal isotopes) %11.5f amu\n", weight);
  weight *= tokg;

  //trap non-unit multiplicities.
  //if (multip != 1) {
  //  outfile.Printf("\n Warning-- assumptions made about the electronic partition function\n");
  //  outfile.Printf(  "           are not valid for multiplets!\n\n");
  //     compute contributions due to translation:
  //        etran-- internal energy
  //        ctran-- constant v heat capacity
  //        stran-- entropy
  double dum1 = boltz * temp;
  double dum2 = pow(TWOPI, 1.5);
  double arg = pow(dum1, 1.5) / planck;
  arg = (arg / pressure) * (dum1 / planck);
  arg = arg * dum2 * (weight / planck);
  arg = arg * sqrt(weight) * exp(2.5);
  double stran = gas * log(arg);
  double etran = 1.5 * rt;
  double ctran = 1.5 * gas;

  //     Compute contributions due to electronic motion:
  //        It is assumed that the first electronic excitation energy
  //        is much greater than kt and that the ground state has a
  //        degeneracy of one.  Under these conditions the electronic
  //        partition function can be considered to be unity.  The
  //        ground electronic state is taken to be the zero of
  //        electronic energy.

  //     for monatomics print and return.
  if (natoms <= 1){ 
    outfile.Printf("\n internal energy:   %10.3f joule/mol         %10.3f kcal/mol\n",
           etran, etran * tokcal);
    outfile.Printf(  " entropy:           %10.3f joule/k-mol       %10.3f cal/k-mol\n",
           stran, stran * tocal);
    outfile.Printf(  " heat capacity cv:  %10.3f joule/k-mol       %10.3f  cal/k-mol\n",
           ctran, ctran * tocal);

  // Allocate workspace memory
  // vtemp   vibrational temperatures, in kelvin.
  // evibn   contribution to e from the vibration n.
  // cvibn   contribution to cv from the vibration n.
  // svibn   contribution to s from the vibration n.
  double* WorkSpace = new double[ 4 * nvecs ];
  double* vtemp = WorkSpace;
  double* evibn = WorkSpace + nvecs;
  double* cvibn = WorkSpace + nvecs*2;
  double* svibn = WorkSpace + nvecs*3;

  //     compute contributions due to rotation.

  //     Compute the principal moments of inertia, get the rotational
  //     symmetry number, see if the molecule is linear, and compute
  //     the rotational temperatures.  Note the imbedded conversion
  //     of the moments to SI units.
  MomentOfInertia( natoms, crd, amass, pmom );
  outfile.Printf("\n principal moments of inertia (nuclei only) in amu-A**2:\n");
  outfile.Printf(  "      %12.2f%12.2f%12.2f\n", pmom[0], pmom[1], pmom[2]);
  bool linear = false;
  // Symmetry number: only for linear molecules. for others symmetry number is unity
  double sn = 1.0;
  if (natoms <= 2) {
    linear = true;
    if (amass[0] == amass[1]) sn = 2.0;
  outfile.Printf("\n rotational symmetry number %3.0f\n", sn);

  double con = planck / (boltz*8.0*pipi);
  con = (con / tokg)  *  (planck / (tomet*tomet));
  if (linear) {
    rtemp = con / pmom[2];
    if (rtemp < 0.2) {
      outfile.Printf("\n Warning-- assumption of classical behavior for rotation\n");
      outfile.Printf(  "           may cause significant error\n");
    outfile.Printf("\n rotational temperature (kelvin) %12.5f\n", rtemp);                 
  } else {
    rtemp1 = con / pmom[0];
    rtemp2 = con / pmom[1];
    rtemp3 = con / pmom[2];
    if (rtemp1 < 0.2) {
      outfile.Printf("\n Warning-- assumption of classical behavior for rotation\n");
      outfile.Printf(  "           may cause significant error\n");
    outfile.Printf("\n rotational temperatures (kelvin) %12.5f%12.5f%12.5f\n", 
           rtemp1, rtemp2, rtemp3);

  //         erot-- rotational contribution to internal energy.
  //         crot-- rotational contribution to cv.
  //         srot-- rotational contribution to entropy.
  double erot, crot, srot;

  if (linear) { 
     erot = rt;
     crot = gas;
     arg  = (temp/rtemp) * (e/sn);
     srot = gas * log(arg);
  } else {
     erot = 1.5 * rt;
     crot = 1.5 * gas;
     arg  = sqrt(PI*e*e*e) / sn;
     double dum  = (temp/rtemp1) * (temp/rtemp2) * (temp/rtemp3);
     arg  = arg * sqrt(dum);
     srot = gas * log(arg);

  //     compute contributions due to vibration.

  //     compute vibrational temperatures and zero point vibrational
  //     energy.  only real frequencies are included in the analysis.

  //     ndof = 3*natoms - 6 - nimag
  //     if (nimag .ne. 0) write(iout,1210) nimag
  //     if (linear) ndof = ndof + 1
  int ndof = nvecs;

  //       (---iff is the first frequency to include in thermo:)
  int iff;
  if (ilevel != 0)
     iff = 0;
  else if (linear)
     iff = 5;
     iff = 6;
  con = planck / boltz;
  double ezpe = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < ndof; ++i) {
     vtemp[i] = freq[i+iff] * con * 3.0e10;
     ezpe    += freq[i+iff] * 3.0e10;
  ezpe = 0.5 * planck * ezpe;
  outfile.Printf("\n zero point vibrational energy %12.1f (joules/mol) \n",ezpe * avog);
  outfile.Printf(  "                               %12.5f (kcal/mol)\n",ezpe * tokcal * avog);
  outfile.Printf(  "                               %12.7f (hartree/particle)\n", ezpe / hartre); 
  //     compute the number of vibrations for which more than 5% of an
  //     assembly of molecules would exist in vibrational excited states.
  //     special printing for these modes is done to allow the user to
  //     easily take internal rotations into account.  the criterion
  //     corresponds roughly to a low frequency of 1.9(10**13) hz, or
  //     625 cm**(-1), or a vibrational temperature of 900 k.

  int lofreq = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < ndof; ++i)
    if (vtemp[i] < thresh)
  if (lofreq != 0) {
    outfile.Printf("\n Warning-- %3i vibrations have low frequencies and may represent hindered \n",
    outfile.Printf(  "         internal rotations.  The contributions printed below assume that these \n");
    outfile.Printf(  "         really are vibrations.\n");

  //     compute:
  //        evib-- the vibrational component of the internal energy.
  //        cvib-- the vibrational component of the heat capacity.
  //        svib-- the vibrational component of the entropy.
  double evib = 0.0;
  double cvib = 0.0;
  double svib = 0.0;
  double scont;
  for (int i = 0; i < ndof; ++i) {
     //       compute some common factors.

     double tovt  = vtemp[i] / temp;
     double etovt = exp(tovt);
     double em1   = etovt - 1.0;

     //       compute contributions due to the i'th vibration.

     double econt = tovt  *  (0.5 + 1.0/em1);
     double ccont = etovt *  pow(tovt/em1,2.0);
     double argd = 1.0 - 1.0/etovt;
     if (argd > 1.0e-7) 
        scont = tovt/em1 - log(argd);
     else {
        scont = 0.0;
        outfile.Printf(" warning: setting vibrational entropy to zero for mode %i with vtemp = %f\n",
               i+1, vtemp[i]);
     //       if (lofreq .ge. i) then
     evibn[i] = econt * rt;
     cvibn[i] = ccont * gas;
     svibn[i] = scont * gas;
     //       end if
     evib += econt;
     cvib += ccont;
     svib += scont;
  evib *= rt;
  cvib *= gas;
  svib *= gas;

  //     the units are now:
  //         e-- joules/mol
  //         c-- joules/mol-kelvin
  //         s-- joules/mol-kelvin

  double etot = etran + erot + evib;
  double ctot = ctran + crot + cvib;
  double stot = stran + srot + svib;

  //     print the sum of the hartree-fock energy and the thermal energy.

  //     call tread(501,gen,47,1,47,1,0)
  //     esum = gen(32) + etot/avog/hartre
  //     write(iout,1230) esum

  //     convert to the following and print
  //         e-- kcal/mol
  //         c-- cal/mol-kelvin
  //         s-- cal/mol-kelvin
  etran = etran * tokcal;
  ctran = ctran * tocal;
  stran = stran * tocal;
  erot   = erot * tokcal;
  crot   = crot * tocal;
  srot   = srot * tocal;
  evib   = evib * tokcal;
  cvib   = cvib * tocal;
  svib   = svib * tocal;
  etot   = etran + erot + evib;
  ctot   = ctran + crot + cvib;
  stot   = stran + srot + svib;
  for (int i = 0; i < ndof; ++i) {
     evibn[i] *= tokcal;
     cvibn[i] *= tocal;
     svibn[i] *= tocal;

  outfile.Printf("\n\n           freq.         E                  Cv                 S\n");
  outfile.Printf(    "          cm**-1      kcal/mol        cal/mol-kelvin    cal/mol-kelvin\n");
  outfile.Printf(    "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
  outfile.Printf(    " Total              %11.3f        %11.3f        %11.3f\n",etot,ctot,stot);
  outfile.Printf(    " translational      %11.3f        %11.3f        %11.3f\n",etran,ctran,stran);
  outfile.Printf(    " rotational         %11.3f        %11.3f        %11.3f\n",erot,crot,srot);
  outfile.Printf(    " vibrational        %11.3f        %11.3f        %11.3f\n",evib,cvib,svib);

  for (int i = 0; i < iff; ++i) 
    outfile.Printf(" %5i%10.3f\n", i+1, freq[i]);

  for (int i = 0; i < ndof; ++i) {
    outfile.Printf(" %5i%10.3f    %11.3f        %11.3f        %11.3f\n",i+iff+1,
           freq[i+iff], evibn[i], cvibn[i], svibn[i]);
  delete[] WorkSpace;