TEST_F(LuaMobileTest, LuaMobileTemplatesTest) { CreatureTemplateManager::DEBUG_MODE = 1; // Verify that all mobiles load ASSERT_EQ(CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->loadTemplates(), 0); // Verify loot group map loads LootGroupMap* lootGroupMap = LootGroupMap::instance(); ASSERT_EQ(lootGroupMap->initialize(), 0); HashTableIterator<uint32, Reference<CreatureTemplate*> > iter = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CreatureTemplate* creature = iter.next(); std::string templateName( creature->getTemplateName().toCharArray() ); // Verify loot group percentages LootGroupCollection* groupCollection = creature->getLootGroups(); if( groupCollection->count() > 0 ){ for( int i = 0; i < groupCollection->count(); i++ ){ LootGroupCollectionEntry* collectionEntry = groupCollection->get(i); LootGroups* groups = collectionEntry->getLootGroups(); if( groups->count() > 0){ int totalChance = 0; for( int j = 0; j < groups->count(); j++ ){ LootGroupEntry* lootGroup = groups->get(j); totalChance += lootGroup->getLootChance(); // Verify loot group is configured correctly LootGroupTemplate* foundGroup = lootGroupMap->getLootGroupTemplate( lootGroup->getLootGroupName() ); std::string groupName( lootGroup->getLootGroupName().toCharArray() ); EXPECT_TRUE( foundGroup != NULL ) << "Loot group " << groupName << " from " << templateName << " was not found in LootGroupMap"; } EXPECT_EQ( 10000000, totalChance ) << "Loot groups total chance is incorrect " << templateName; } } } // Verify weapon groups exist Vector<String> weapons = creature->getWeapons(); for (int i = 0; i < weapons.size(); i++) { String weaponGroup = weapons.get(i); std::string groupName( weaponGroup.toCharArray() ); Vector<String> group = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->getWeapons(weaponGroup); EXPECT_TRUE( group.size() > 0 ) << "Weapon group " << groupName << " from " << templateName << " was not found in weaponMap"; } } }
int HuntingMissionObjectiveImplementation::notifyObserverEvent(MissionObserver* observer, uint32 eventType, Observable* observable, ManagedObject* arg1, int64 arg2) { ManagedReference<MissionObject* > mission = this->mission.get(); if (eventType == ObserverEventType::KILLEDCREATURE) { if (cast<CreatureObject*>(observable) != getPlayerOwner().get()) return 0; CreatureObject* creature = cast<CreatureObject*>(arg1); AiAgent* agent = cast<AiAgent*>(creature); if (agent == NULL) return 0; CreatureTemplate* creatureTemplate = agent->getCreatureTemplate(); if (creatureTemplate == NULL) return 0; String temp1 = mission->getTemplateString1(); String temp2 = mission->getTemplateString2(); if (creatureTemplate->getTemplateName() == temp1 || creatureTemplate->getTemplateName() == temp2) { targetsKilled--; if (targetsKilled <= 0) { complete(); return 1; } StringIdChatParameter message("mission/mission_generic", "hunting_kills_remaining"); message.setDI(targetsKilled); message.setTO(mission->getTargetName()); getPlayerOwner().get()->sendSystemMessage(message); } } return 0; }
String CreatureManagerImplementation::getTemplateToSpawn(uint32 templateCRC) { String templateToSpawn = ""; CreatureTemplate* creoTempl = creatureTemplateManager->getTemplate(templateCRC); Vector<String> objTemps = creoTempl->getTemplates(); if (objTemps.size() > 0) { uint32 randomTemp = System::random(objTemps.size() - 1); templateToSpawn = objTemps.get(randomTemp); } else { StringBuffer errMsg; errMsg << "could not spawn creature... no object templates in script " << creoTempl->getTemplateName(); //error(errMsg.toString()); } return templateToSpawn; }
void PetControlDeviceImplementation::callObject(CreatureObject* player) { if (player->isInCombat() || player->isDead() || player->isIncapacitated() || player->getPendingTask("tame_pet") != NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call"); // You cannot call this pet right now. return; } if (player->isRidingMount()) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:mounted_call_warning"); // You cannot call a pet while mounted or riding a vehicle. return; } if (player->getParent() != NULL) { ManagedReference<SceneObject*> strongRef = player->getRootParent(); ManagedReference<BuildingObject*> building = NULL; if (strongRef != NULL) building = strongRef.castTo<BuildingObject*>(); if (building == NULL || building->isPrivateStructure()) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:private_house"); // You cannot call pets in a private building. return; } } if (!isASubChildOf(player)) return; ManagedReference<TangibleObject*> controlledObject = this->controlledObject.get(); if (controlledObject == NULL || !controlledObject->isAiAgent()) return; ManagedReference<AiAgent*> pet = cast<AiAgent*>(controlledObject.get()); ManagedReference<PlayerObject*> ghost = player->getPlayerObject(); if (ghost->hasActivePet(pet)) return; FrsManager* frsManager = server->getZoneServer()->getFrsManager(); if (frsManager->isFrsEnabled() && frsManager->isPlayerInEnclave(player)) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call"); // You cannot call this pet right now. return; } if (vitality <= 0) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:dead_pet"); // This pet is dead. Select DESTROY from the radial menu to delete this pet control device. return; } if (!pet->getCooldownTimerMap()->isPast("call_cooldown")) { if (petType == PetManager::DROIDPET) player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/droid_modules:droid_maint_on_maint_run"); //You cannot call that droid. It is currently on a maintenance run. else player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call"); // cant call pet right now return; } assert(pet->isLockedByCurrentThread()); unsigned int petFaction = pet->getFaction(); if (petFaction != 0) { if (player->getFaction() == 0) { StringIdChatParameter message("@faction_perk:prose_be_declared"); // You must be declared to a faction to use %TT. message.setTT(pet->getDisplayedName()); player->sendSystemMessage(message); return; } if (player->getFaction() != petFaction || player->getFactionStatus() == FactionStatus::ONLEAVE) { StringIdChatParameter message("@faction_perk:prose_be_declared_faction"); // You must be a declared %TO to use %TT. message.setTO(pet->getFactionString()); message.setTT(pet->getDisplayedName()); player->sendSystemMessage(message); return; } } if(player->getPendingTask("call_pet") != NULL) { StringIdChatParameter waitTime("pet/pet_menu", "call_delay_finish_pet"); // Already calling a Pet: Call will be finished in %DI seconds. AtomicTime nextExecution; Core::getTaskManager()->getNextExecutionTime(player->getPendingTask("call_pet"), nextExecution); int timeLeft = (nextExecution.getMiliTime() / 1000) - System::getTime(); waitTime.setDI(timeLeft); player->sendSystemMessage(waitTime); return; } if (!growPet(player)) return; if (petType == PetManager::CREATUREPET && !isValidPet(pet)) { ManagedReference<SuiMessageBox*> box = new SuiMessageBox(player,SuiWindowType::PET_FIX_DIALOG); box->setCallback(new PetFixSuiCallback(player->getZoneServer(), _this.getReferenceUnsafeStaticCast())); box->setPromptText("@bio_engineer:pet_sui_text"); box->setPromptTitle("@bio_engineer:pet_sui_title"); box->setOkButton(true,"@bio_engineer:pet_sui_fix_stats"); box->setCancelButton(true,"@bio_engineer:pet_sui_abort"); box->setOtherButton(true,"@bio_engineer:pet_sui_fix_level"); box->setUsingObject(_this.getReferenceUnsafeStaticCast()); player->getPlayerObject()->addSuiBox(box); player->sendMessage(box->generateMessage()); return; } int currentlySpawned = 0; int spawnedLevel = 0; int maxPets = 1; int maxLevelofPets = 10; int level = pet->getLevel(); if (pet->getCreatureTemplate() == NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("Invalid creature to spawn!"); // Old npc without a npc template? return; } if (petType == PetManager::CREATUREPET) { ManagedReference<Creature*> creaturePet = cast<Creature*>(pet.get()); if (creaturePet == NULL) return; bool ch = player->hasSkill("outdoors_creaturehandler_novice"); if (ch) { maxPets = player->getSkillMod("keep_creature"); maxLevelofPets = player->getSkillMod("tame_level"); } if (creaturePet->getAdultLevel() > maxLevelofPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:control_exceeded"); // Calling this pet would exceed your Control Level ability. return; } if (creaturePet->isVicious() && (player->getSkillMod("tame_aggro") <= 0 || !ch)) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:lack_skill"); // You lack the skill to call a pet of this type. return; } } else if (petType == PetManager::FACTIONPET){ maxPets = 3; } for (int i = 0; i < ghost->getActivePetsSize(); ++i) { ManagedReference<AiAgent*> object = ghost->getActivePet(i); if (object != NULL) { if (object->isCreature() && petType == PetManager::CREATUREPET) { CreatureTemplate* activePetTemplate = object->getCreatureTemplate(); if (activePetTemplate == NULL || activePetTemplate->getTemplateName() == "at_st") continue; if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } spawnedLevel += object->getLevel(); if ((spawnedLevel + level) > maxLevelofPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:control_exceeded"); // Calling this pet would exceed your Control Level ability. return; } } else if (object->isNonPlayerCreatureObject() && petType == PetManager::FACTIONPET) { if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } } else if (object->isCreature() && petType == PetManager::FACTIONPET) { CreatureTemplate* activePetTemplate = object->getCreatureTemplate(); CreatureTemplate* callingPetTemplate = pet->getCreatureTemplate(); if (activePetTemplate == NULL || callingPetTemplate == NULL || activePetTemplate->getTemplateName() != "at_st") continue; if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets || (activePetTemplate->getTemplateName() == "at_st" && callingPetTemplate->getTemplateName() == "at_st")) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } } else if (object->isDroidObject() && petType == PetManager::DROIDPET) { if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } } } } ManagedReference<TradeSession*> tradeContainer = player->getActiveSession(SessionFacadeType::TRADE).castTo<TradeSession*>(); if (tradeContainer != NULL) { server->getZoneServer()->getPlayerManager()->handleAbortTradeMessage(player); } if (player->getCurrentCamp() == NULL && player->getCityRegion() == NULL) { Reference<CallPetTask*> callPet = new CallPetTask(_this.getReferenceUnsafeStaticCast(), player, "call_pet"); StringIdChatParameter message("pet/pet_menu", "call_pet_delay"); // Calling pet in %DI seconds. Combat will terminate pet call. message.setDI(15); player->sendSystemMessage(message); player->addPendingTask("call_pet", callPet, 15 * 1000); if (petControlObserver == NULL) { petControlObserver = new PetControlObserver(_this.getReferenceUnsafeStaticCast()); petControlObserver->deploy(); } player->registerObserver(ObserverEventType::STARTCOMBAT, petControlObserver); } else { // Player is in a city or camp, spawn pet immediately if( player->getCooldownTimerMap() == NULL ) return; // Check cooldown if( !player->getCooldownTimerMap()->isPast("petCallOrStoreCooldown") ){ player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call_1sec"); //"You cannot CALL for 1 second." return; } spawnObject(player); // Set cooldown player->getCooldownTimerMap()->updateToCurrentAndAddMili("petCallOrStoreCooldown", 1000); // 1 sec } EnqueuePetCommand* enqueueCommand = new EnqueuePetCommand(pet, String("petFollow").toLowerCase().hashCode(), String::valueOf(player->getObjectID()), player->getObjectID(), 1); enqueueCommand->execute(); }
TEST_F(LuaMobileTest, LuaMobileTemplatesTest) { CreatureTemplateManager::DEBUG_MODE = 1; // Verify that all mobiles load ASSERT_EQ(CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->loadTemplates(), 0); // Verify loot group map loaded ASSERT_EQ(LootGroupMap::ERROR_CODE, 0); // Verify factions load FactionManager::instance()->loadData(); ASSERT_FALSE(FactionManager::instance()->getFactionMap()->isEmpty()); // Load Templates ASSERT_TRUE( TemplateManager::instance() != NULL ); if( TemplateManager::instance()->loadedTemplatesCount == 0 ){ TemplateManager::instance()->loadLuaTemplates(); ASSERT_EQ(TemplateManager::ERROR_CODE, 0); } // verify DNA manager loads DnaManager::instance()->loadSampleData(); ASSERT_TRUE( DnaManager::instance() != NULL); // Test Creature Templates HashTableIterator<uint32, Reference<CreatureTemplate*> > creatureIterator = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->iterator(); while (creatureIterator.hasNext()) { CreatureTemplate* creature = creatureIterator.next(); std::string templateName( creature->getTemplateName().toCharArray() ); //Verify non-empty objectName is a valid string String objName = creature->getObjectName(); if (!objName.isEmpty()) { std::string name = objName.toCharArray(); EXPECT_TRUE( mobNames.contains(objName) ) << "Mobile " << templateName << " has invalid objectName: " << name; } // Check configured templates Vector<String> objTemps = creature->getTemplates(); EXPECT_FALSE( objTemps.isEmpty() ) << "Mobile " << templateName << " does not have any templates configured"; int objectType = 0; for( int j=0; j< objTemps.size(); j++ ){ SharedObjectTemplate* templateData = templateManager->getTemplate(objTemps.get(j).hashCode()); std::string objName = objTemps.get(j).toCharArray(); EXPECT_TRUE( templateData != NULL ) << "Mobile " << templateName << " has invalid template configured: " << objName; // Check Template Genetics math to find invalid mobs if (templateData != NULL) { SharedCreatureObjectTemplate* creoData = dynamic_cast<SharedCreatureObjectTemplate*> (templateData); if (creoData != NULL) { } } if (objectType == 0) { objectType = templateData->getGameObjectType(); } } // Verify that control device template is valid String controlDeviceTemplate = creature->getControlDeviceTemplate(); if (!controlDeviceTemplate.isEmpty()) { SharedObjectTemplate* controlDeviceTemplateData = templateManager->getTemplate(controlDeviceTemplate.hashCode()); EXPECT_TRUE( controlDeviceTemplateData != NULL ) << "Control device template " << controlDeviceTemplate.toCharArray() << " from " << templateName << " does not exist."; EXPECT_TRUE( controlDeviceTemplate.beginsWith("object/intangible/pet/") ) << "Control device template " << controlDeviceTemplate.toCharArray() << " from " << templateName << " is not a pet/droid control device template."; } // Verify that faction is valid String faction = creature->getFaction(); if (!faction.isEmpty()) { EXPECT_TRUE( FactionManager::instance()->isFaction(faction) ) << "Faction, " << faction.toCharArray() << ", from mobile template " << templateName << " does not exist."; } // Verify level int level = creature->getLevel(); EXPECT_TRUE( level > 0 ) << "Level is not a positive value on mobile: " << templateName; // Verify hit chance float hitChance = creature->getChanceHit(); EXPECT_TRUE( hitChance > 0 ) << "ChanceHit is not a positive value on mobile: " << templateName; // Verify xp int xp = creature->getBaseXp(); EXPECT_TRUE( xp >= 0 ) << "Xp has a negative value on mobile: " << templateName; // Verify damage int minDamage = creature->getDamageMin(); int maxDamage = creature->getDamageMax(); EXPECT_TRUE( minDamage > 0 ) << "Min damage is not a positive value on mobile: " << templateName; EXPECT_TRUE( maxDamage >= minDamage ) << "Max damage is lower than min damage on mobile: " << templateName; // Verify HAM int minHam = creature->getBaseHAM(); int maxHam = creature->getBaseHAMmax(); EXPECT_TRUE( minHam > 0 ) << "Base ham is not a positive value on mobile: " << templateName; EXPECT_TRUE( maxHam >= minHam ) << "Base ham max is lower than base ham on mobile: " << templateName; // Verify armor int armor = creature->getArmor(); EXPECT_TRUE( armor >= 0 && armor <= 3 ) << "Armor is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; // Verify resists float kinetic = creature->getKinetic(); EXPECT_TRUE( kinetic >= -1 && kinetic <= 200 ) << "Kinetic resist is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; float energy = creature->getEnergy(); EXPECT_TRUE( energy >= -1 && energy <= 200 ) << "Energy resist is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; float electricity = creature->getElectricity(); EXPECT_TRUE( electricity >= -1 && electricity <= 200 ) << "Electricity resist is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; float stun = creature->getStun(); EXPECT_TRUE( stun >= -1 && stun <= 200 ) << "Stun resist is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; float blast = creature->getBlast(); EXPECT_TRUE( blast >= -1 && blast <= 200 ) << "Blast resist is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; float heat = creature->getHeat(); EXPECT_TRUE( heat >= -1 && heat <= 200 ) << "Heat resist is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; float cold = creature->getCold(); EXPECT_TRUE( cold >= -1 && cold <= 200 ) << "Cold resist is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; float acid = creature->getAcid(); EXPECT_TRUE( acid >= -1 && acid <= 200 ) << "Acid resist is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; float lightSaber = creature->getLightSaber(); EXPECT_TRUE( lightSaber >= -1 && lightSaber <= 200 ) << "LightSaber resist is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; // Verify creature resources String meat = creature->getMeatType(); float meatMax = creature->getMeatMax(); if (!meat.isEmpty()) { String meatResources = "meat_domesticated,meat_wild,meat_herbivore,meat_carnivore,meat_reptilian,meat_avian,meat_insect"; StringTokenizer tokenizer(meatResources); tokenizer.setDelimeter(","); bool match = false; String token; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { tokenizer.getStringToken(token); if (meat == token) match = true; } EXPECT_TRUE( match ) << "Meat type on mobile " << templateName << " is not a valid meat resource"; EXPECT_TRUE( meatMax > 0 ) << "Meat amount on mobile " << templateName << " is zero."; } else { EXPECT_TRUE( meatMax == 0 ) << "MeatAmount is not zero yet has no type defined on mobile " << templateName; } String hide = creature->getHideType(); float hideMax = creature->getHideMax(); if (!hide.isEmpty()) { String hideResources = "hide_bristley,hide_leathery,hide_scaley,hide_wooly"; StringTokenizer tokenizer(hideResources); tokenizer.setDelimeter(","); bool match = false; String token; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { tokenizer.getStringToken(token); if (hide == token) match = true; } EXPECT_TRUE( match ) << "Hide type on mobile " << templateName << " is not a valid hide resource"; EXPECT_TRUE( hideMax > 0 ) << "Hide amount on mobile " << templateName << " is zero."; } else { EXPECT_TRUE( hideMax == 0 ) << "HideAmount is not zero yet has no type defined on mobile " << templateName; } String bone = creature->getBoneType(); float boneMax = creature->getBoneMax(); if (!bone.isEmpty()) { String boneResources = "bone_avian,bone_mammal"; StringTokenizer tokenizer(boneResources); tokenizer.setDelimeter(","); bool match = false; String token; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { tokenizer.getStringToken(token); if (bone == token) match = true; } EXPECT_TRUE( match ) << "Bone type on mobile " << templateName << " is not a valid bone resource"; EXPECT_TRUE( boneMax > 0 ) << "Bone amount on mobile " << templateName << " is zero."; } else { EXPECT_TRUE( boneMax == 0 ) << "BoneAmount is not zero yet has no type defined on mobile " << templateName; } String milk = creature->getMilkType(); float milkMax = creature->getMilk(); if (!milk.isEmpty()) { String milkResources = "milk_domesticated,milk_wild"; StringTokenizer tokenizer(milkResources); tokenizer.setDelimeter(","); bool match = false; String token; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { tokenizer.getStringToken(token); if (milk == token) match = true; } EXPECT_TRUE( match ) << "Milk type on mobile " << templateName << " is not a valid milk resource"; EXPECT_TRUE( milkMax > 0 ) << "Milk amount on mobile " << templateName << " is zero."; } else { EXPECT_TRUE( milkMax == 0 ) << "Milk is not zero yet has no type defined on mobile " << templateName; } // Verify taming chance float tamingChance = creature->getTame(); EXPECT_TRUE( tamingChance >= 0 && tamingChance <= 1 ) << "Taming chance is not a valid value on mobile: " << templateName; // Verify diet on creatures if (boneMax > 0 || hideMax > 0 || meatMax > 0 || milkMax > 0 || tamingChance > 0) { uint32 diet = creature->getDiet(); EXPECT_TRUE( diet != 0 ) << "Diet is NONE on creature type mobile " << templateName; } // Verify scale float scale = creature->getScale(); EXPECT_TRUE( scale > 0 ) << "Scale is not a positive value on mobile: " << templateName; // Verify PACK mobs have a social group uint32 creatureBitmask = creature->getCreatureBitmask(); String socialGroup = creature->getSocialGroup(); if (creatureBitmask & CreatureFlag::PACK) { EXPECT_FALSE( socialGroup.isEmpty() ) << "Social group is empty on pack mobile: " << templateName; } // Verify loot group percentages LootGroupCollection* groupCollection = creature->getLootGroups(); if( groupCollection->count() > 0 ){ for( int i = 0; i < groupCollection->count(); i++ ){ LootGroupCollectionEntry* collectionEntry = groupCollection->get(i); LootGroups* groups = collectionEntry->getLootGroups(); if( groups->count() > 0){ int totalChance = 0; for( int j = 0; j < groups->count(); j++ ){ LootGroupEntry* lootGroup = groups->get(j); totalChance += lootGroup->getLootChance(); // Verify loot group is configured correctly LootGroupTemplate* foundGroup = lootGroupMap->getLootGroupTemplate( lootGroup->getLootGroupName() ); std::string groupName( lootGroup->getLootGroupName().toCharArray() ); EXPECT_TRUE( foundGroup != NULL ) << "Loot group " << groupName << " from " << templateName << " was not found in LootGroupMap"; } EXPECT_EQ( 10000000, totalChance ) << "Loot groups total chance is incorrect " << templateName; } } } // Verify weapon groups exist Vector<String> weapons = creature->getWeapons(); for (int i = 0; i < weapons.size(); i++) { String weaponGroup = weapons.get(i); std::string groupName( weaponGroup.toCharArray() ); Vector<String> group = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->getWeapons(weaponGroup); EXPECT_TRUE( group.size() > 0 ) << "Weapon group " << groupName << " from " << templateName << " was not found in weaponMap"; } // Verify conversation template exist, and the mob has converse option bit uint32 convoTemplate = creature->getConversationTemplate(); uint32 optionsBitmask = creature->getOptionsBitmask(); if (convoTemplate != 0) { ConversationTemplate* convoTemp = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->getConversationTemplate(convoTemplate); EXPECT_TRUE( convoTemp != NULL ) << "Conversation template from " << templateName << " was not found."; EXPECT_TRUE( optionsBitmask & OptionBitmask::CONVERSE ) << templateName << " has a convo template but not the CONVERSE options bit."; } // Verify that mobs with converse option bit have a convo template if (optionsBitmask & OptionBitmask::CONVERSE) { EXPECT_TRUE( convoTemplate != 0 ) << templateName << " has the CONVERSE options bit but not a convo template."; } // Verify that outfits exist String outfit = creature->getOutfit(); if (!outfit.isEmpty()) { MobileOutfitGroup* outfitGroup = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->getMobileOutfitGroup(outfit); EXPECT_TRUE( outfitGroup != NULL ) << "Outfit group " << outfit.toCharArray() << " from " << templateName << " was not found."; } // Verify attacks are valid commands CreatureAttackMap* cam = creature->getAttacks(); for (int i = 0; i < cam->size(); i++) { String commandName = cam->getCommand(i); EXPECT_TRUE( commandName.isEmpty() || commandConfigManager->contains(commandName) ) << "Attack: " << commandName.toCharArray() << " is not a valid command in mobile template: " << templateName; } // Very attackable npcs uint32 pvpBitmask = creature->getPvpBitmask(); if ((pvpBitmask & CreatureFlag::ATTACKABLE) && objectType == 1025) { // Verify attackable npcs have attacks EXPECT_TRUE( cam->size() > 0 ) << "Attackable npc " << templateName << " does not have attacks."; } } // Test Lair Templates HashTableIterator<uint32, Reference<LairTemplate*> > lairIterator = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->lairTemplateIterator(); while (lairIterator.hasNext()) { LairTemplate* lair = lairIterator.next(); std::string templateName( lair->getName().toCharArray() ); // Verify that mobiles exist and that their weighting is positive VectorMap<String, int>* mobiles = lair->getMobiles(); for (int i = 0; i < mobiles->size(); i++) { int weighting = mobiles->elementAt(i).getValue(); String mobile = mobiles->elementAt(i).getKey(); std::string mobName = mobile.toCharArray(); EXPECT_TRUE( CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->getTemplate(mobile) != NULL ) << "Mobile " << mobName << " in lair template " << templateName << " does not exist"; EXPECT_TRUE( weighting > 0 ) << "Mobile " << mobName << " in lair template " << templateName << " has a non positive weighting"; } // Verify that boss mobiles exist and that their count is positive VectorMap<String, int>* bossMobiles = lair->getBossMobiles(); for (int i = 0; i < bossMobiles->size(); i++) { int count = bossMobiles->elementAt(i).getValue(); String bossMob = bossMobiles->elementAt(i).getKey(); std::string bossName = bossMob.toCharArray(); EXPECT_TRUE( CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->getTemplate(bossMob) != NULL ) << "Boss mobile " << bossName << " in lair template " << templateName << " does not exist"; EXPECT_TRUE( count > 0 ) << "Boss mobile " << bossName << " in lair template " << templateName << " has a non positive spawn count"; } // Verify spawn limit is positive int limit = lair->getSpawnLimit(); EXPECT_TRUE( limit > 0 ) << "Spawn limit in lair template " << templateName << " is not positive"; // Verify any configured buildings exist int buildingCount = 0; for(int i=0; i<=4; i++){ Vector<String>* buildings = lair->getBuildings( i ); if( buildings == NULL ) continue; buildingCount += buildings->size(); for( int j=0; j < buildings->size(); j++ ){ String buildingTemplate = buildings->get(j); std::string buildingStr = buildingTemplate.toCharArray(); SharedObjectTemplate* templateObject = templateManager->getTemplate(buildingTemplate.hashCode()); EXPECT_TRUE( templateObject != NULL && templateObject->isSharedTangibleObjectTemplate() ) << "Building template " << buildingStr << " in lair template " << templateName << " does not exist"; if( lair->getBuildingType() == LairTemplate::LAIR ){ EXPECT_TRUE( buildingTemplate.beginsWith( "object/tangible/lair/") ) << "Building template " << buildingStr << " in lair template " << templateName << " is not a child of object/tangible/lair/"; } if( lair->getBuildingType() == LairTemplate::THEATER ){ EXPECT_TRUE( buildingTemplate.beginsWith( "object/building/poi/") ) << "Building template " << buildingStr << " in lair template " << templateName << " is not a child of object/building/poi/"; } } } // Verify mission buildings exist and are lairs String missionBuilding = lair->getMissionBuilding(10); if (!missionBuilding.isEmpty()) { std::string buildingStr = missionBuilding.toCharArray(); SharedObjectTemplate* templateObject = templateManager->getTemplate(missionBuilding.hashCode()); EXPECT_TRUE( templateObject != NULL && templateObject->isSharedTangibleObjectTemplate() ) << "Mission building template " << buildingStr << " in lair template " << templateName << " does not exist"; EXPECT_TRUE( missionBuilding.beginsWith( "object/tangible/lair/") ) << "Mission building template " << buildingStr << " in lair template " << templateName << " is not a child of object/tangible/lair/"; } if( lair->getBuildingType() == LairTemplate::THEATER ){ EXPECT_TRUE( buildingCount > 0 ) << "There are no buildings configured in theater type lair template " << templateName; } if( lair->getBuildingType() == LairTemplate::NONE ){ EXPECT_TRUE( buildingCount == 0 ) << "There are buildings configured in 'none' type lair template " << templateName; } if( lair->getBuildingType() == LairTemplate::LAIR ){ EXPECT_TRUE( buildingCount > 0 ) << "There are no buildings configured in lair type lair template " << templateName; } } // Test Spawn Groups HashTableIterator<uint32, Reference<SpawnGroup*> > spawnIterator = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->spawnGroupIterator(); while (spawnIterator.hasNext()) { SpawnGroup* group = spawnIterator.next(); std::string templateName( group->getTemplateName().toCharArray() ); Vector<String> lairTemplates; // Verify spawn list Vector<Reference<LairSpawn*> >* spawnList = group->getSpawnList(); for (int i = 0; i < spawnList->size(); i++) { LairSpawn* spawn = spawnList->get(i); std::string lairName( spawn->getLairTemplateName().toCharArray() ); // Verify lair template exists and isn't duplicated in the group String lairTemplateName = spawn->getLairTemplateName(); Reference<LairTemplate*> lairTemplate = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->getLairTemplate(lairTemplateName.hashCode()); EXPECT_TRUE( lairTemplate != NULL ) << "Lair template " << lairName << " in spawn group " << templateName << " does not exist."; EXPECT_FALSE( lairTemplates.contains(lairTemplateName) ) << "Lair template " << lairName << " is duplicated in spawn group " << templateName; lairTemplates.add(lairTemplateName); // Verify spawn limit is at least -1 float spawnLimit = spawn->getSpawnLimit(); EXPECT_TRUE( spawnLimit >= -1 ) << "SpawnLimit for lairTemplate " << lairName << " in spawn group " << templateName << " is less than -1."; // Verify difficulties int minDiff = spawn->getMinDifficulty(); int maxDiff = spawn->getMaxDifficulty(); EXPECT_TRUE( minDiff > 0 ) << "MinDifficulty for lairTemplate " << lairName << " in spawn group " << templateName << " is not positive."; EXPECT_TRUE( maxDiff >= minDiff ) << "MaxDifficulty for lairTemplate " << lairName << " in spawn group " << templateName << " is less than min difficulty."; // Verify number to spawn is not negative int numberToSpawn = spawn->getNumberToSpawn(); EXPECT_TRUE( numberToSpawn >= 0 ) << "NumberToSpawn for lairTemplate " << lairName << " in spawn group " << templateName << " is negative."; // Verify weighting is positive int weighting = spawn->getWeighting(); EXPECT_TRUE( weighting > 0 ) << "Weighting for lairTemplate " << lairName << " in spawn group " << templateName << " is not positive."; // Verify size is at least 1 float size = spawn->getSize(); EXPECT_TRUE( size >= 1 ) << "Size for lairTemplate " << lairName << " in spawn group " << templateName << " is less than 1."; } } // Test Destroy Mission Spawn Groups HashTableIterator<uint32, Reference<SpawnGroup*> > missionIterator = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->destroyMissionGroupIterator(); while (missionIterator.hasNext()) { SpawnGroup* group = missionIterator.next(); std::string templateName( group->getTemplateName().toCharArray() ); Vector<String> lairTemplates; // Verify spawn list Vector<Reference<LairSpawn*> >* spawnList = group->getSpawnList(); for (int i = 0; i < spawnList->size(); i++) { LairSpawn* spawn = spawnList->get(i); std::string lairName( spawn->getLairTemplateName().toCharArray() ); // Verify lair template exists String lairTemplateName = spawn->getLairTemplateName(); Reference<LairTemplate*> lairTemplate = CreatureTemplateManager::instance()->getLairTemplate(lairTemplateName.hashCode()); EXPECT_TRUE( lairTemplate != NULL ) << "Lair template " << lairName << " in destroy mission spawn group " << templateName << " does not exist."; EXPECT_FALSE( lairTemplates.contains(lairTemplateName) ) << "Lair template " << lairName << " is duplicated in destroy mission spawn group " << templateName; lairTemplates.add(lairTemplateName); if (lairTemplate != NULL) { // Verify that lair template has a valid mission building or is of type LAIR String missionBuilding = lairTemplate->getMissionBuilding(10); if (!missionBuilding.isEmpty()) { std::string buildingStr = missionBuilding.toCharArray(); SharedObjectTemplate* templateObject = templateManager->getTemplate(missionBuilding.hashCode()); EXPECT_TRUE( templateObject != NULL && templateObject->isSharedTangibleObjectTemplate() ) << "Mission building template " << buildingStr << " in lair template " << lairName << ", part of destroy mission group " << templateName << " does not exist"; EXPECT_TRUE( missionBuilding.beginsWith( "object/tangible/lair/") ) << "Mission building template " << buildingStr << " in lair template " << lairName << ", part of destroy mission group " << templateName << " is not a child of object/tangible/lair/"; } else { EXPECT_TRUE( lairTemplate->getBuildingType() == LairTemplate::LAIR ) << "Lair template " << lairName << ", part of destroy mission group " << templateName << " is not of type LAIR"; } } // Verify difficulties int minDiff = spawn->getMinDifficulty(); int maxDiff = spawn->getMaxDifficulty(); EXPECT_TRUE( minDiff > 0 ) << "MinDifficulty for lairTemplate " << lairName << " in destroy mission spawn group " << templateName << " is not positive."; EXPECT_TRUE( maxDiff >= minDiff ) << "MaxDifficulty for lairTemplate " << lairName << " in destroy mission spawn group " << templateName << " is less than min difficulty."; // Verify size is at least 1 float size = spawn->getSize(); EXPECT_TRUE( size >= 1 ) << "Size for lairTemplate " << lairName << " in destroy mission spawn group " << templateName << " is less than 1."; } } }