예제 #1
string RNEncryptor::encrypt(string plaintext, string password, RNCryptorSchema schemaVersion)

	RNCryptorPayloadComponents components;
	components.schema = (char)schemaVersion;
	components.options = (char)this->options;
	components.salt = this->generateSalt();
	components.hmacSalt = this->generateSalt();
	components.iv = this->generateIv(this->ivLength);

	SecByteBlock key = this->generateKey(components.salt, password);

	switch (this->aesMode) {
		case MODE_CTR: {

			CTR_Mode<AES>::Encryption encryptor;
			encryptor.SetKeyWithIV((const byte *)key.data(), key.size(), (const byte *)components.iv.data());

			StringSource(plaintext, true,
				// StreamTransformationFilter adds padding as required.
				new StreamTransformationFilter(encryptor,
					new StringSink(components.ciphertext)

		case MODE_CBC: {

			CBC_Mode<AES>::Encryption encryptor;
			encryptor.SetKeyWithIV(key.BytePtr(), key.size(), (const byte *)components.iv.data());

			StringSource(plaintext, true,
				// StreamTransformationFilter adds padding as required.
				new StreamTransformationFilter(encryptor,
					new StringSink(components.ciphertext)


	stringstream binaryData;
	binaryData << components.schema;
	binaryData << components.options;
	binaryData << components.salt;
	binaryData << components.hmacSalt;
	binaryData << components.iv;
	binaryData << components.ciphertext;

	std::cout << "Hex encoded: " << this->hex_encode(binaryData.str()) << std::endl;

	binaryData << this->generateHmac(components, password);

	return this->base64_encode(binaryData.str());
예제 #2
QString QuizDatabase::Encrypt(QString src)
    QString t_output;
    byte key[AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH] = EncryptionKey;
    byte iv[AES::BLOCKSIZE] = EncryptionKey_2;
    OFB_Mode<AES>::Encryption t_Encrypt;
    string t_Str,t_strNonHex,t_strCompletelyEncrypted;
    t_Str = src.toStdString();
    StringSource(t_Str,true,new StreamTransformationFilter(t_Encrypt,new StringSink(t_strNonHex)));
    StringSource(t_strNonHex,true,new HexEncoder(new StringSink(t_strCompletelyEncrypted)));
    t_output = QString::fromStdString(t_strCompletelyEncrypted);
    return t_output;
예제 #3
void encrypt_file(string oFile, string encMode)
    // SecByteBlock key(AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH);
    // byte iv[ AES::BLOCKSIZE ];
    string ofilename = oFile;
    string outFile = oFile + ".egg";
    string efilename = outFile;   
    std::ifstream ifile(oFile.c_str(), ios::binary);
    std::ifstream::pos_type size = ifile.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end).tellg();
    ifile.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg);

    string temp;
    ifile.read((char*)temp.data(), temp.size());
    if(encMode == "OFB")
        OFB_Mode< AES >::Encryption e1;
        e1.SetKeyWithIV( key, key.size(), iv, sizeof(iv) );
        StringSource( temp, true,
                        new StreamTransformationFilter( e1,
                        new FileSink( efilename.c_str() ))); 
    else if(encMode == "CFB")
        CFB_Mode< AES >::Encryption e1;
        e1.SetKeyWithIV( key, key.size(), iv, sizeof(iv) );

        StringSource( temp, true,
                        new StreamTransformationFilter( e1,
                        new FileSink( efilename.c_str() ))); 
    else if(encMode == "GCM")
        GCM< AES >::Encryption e1;
        e1.SetKeyWithIV( key, key.size(), iv, sizeof(iv) );
        StringSource ss1( temp, true,
                        new AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter( e1,
                        new FileSink( efilename.c_str() )));
        cerr << "Invalid Mode" <<endl;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
  byte fkey[SHA256::DIGESTSIZE];
  string key_from_file, plain;
  byte key[AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH]; // 32 bytes
  string filename=argv[2];
  string share_fkey;
  FileSource(argv[1], true,
             new HexDecoder(
                            new StringSink(key_from_file))
  //removing directory paths if any
  filename = filename.substr(filename.find_last_of("/")+1,filename.length());

  byte iv[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; // 16 bytes
  iv[0] = 0;
  //prng.GenerateBlock(iv, sizeof(iv));
  string temp = key_from_file+filename;
  byte digest_input[temp.length()];
  for (int i=0;i<=temp.length();i++)

  SHA256().CalculateDigest(fkey, digest_input, sizeof(digest_input));

  StringSource(fkey, sizeof(fkey),true,
               new HexEncoder(
                              new StringSink(share_fkey))

  cout<<"fkey to share : "<<share_fkey<<endl;

  string new_filename = filename.substr(filename.find_last_of(".")+1,filename.length()) + '.' + filename.substr(0,filename.find_last_of("."));
  byte efile[SHA256::DIGESTSIZE];
  string encoded_efile;
  byte filename_plain_input[new_filename.length()];
  for (int i=0;i<=new_filename.length();i++)

  SHA256().CalculateDigest(efile, filename_plain_input, sizeof(filename_plain_input));
  StringSource(efile, sizeof(efile), true,
               new HexEncoder(
                              new StringSink(encoded_efile)
                              ) // HexEncoder
               ); // StringSource
  cout<<"the filename on cloud server : "<<encoded_efile<<endl<<endl;
  return 0;
예제 #5
int HASH224_message(char* message, int len, 
				char* hash_message, int hash_len)
	AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
	SecByteBlock key(16);
	prng.GenerateBlock(key, key.size());

	string plain;
	CharToString(plain, message, len);
	string mac, encoded;

	StringSource(key, key.size(), true,
					new HexEncoder(
					new StringSink(encoded)
				); //StringSource

		HMAC<SHA224> hmac(key, key.size());

		StringSource(plain, true, 
			new HashFilter(hmac, 
			new StringSink(mac)
	catch(const CryptoPP::Exception& e)
		return 0;

	StringSource(mac, true, 
			new HexEncoder(
			new StringSink(encoded)

	if(hash_len <= encoded.length())
		return -1;
	StringToChar(encoded, hash_message);
	return (int)encoded.length();
예제 #6
void encrypt_file(string oFile)
    // SecByteBlock key(AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH);
    // byte iv[ AES::BLOCKSIZE ];
    string ofilename = oFile;
    string outFile = oFile + ".egg";
    string efilename = outFile;   
    //try {
    OFB_Mode< AES >::Encryption e1;
    e1.SetKeyWithIV( key, key.size(), iv, sizeof(iv) );
    std::ifstream ifile(oFile.c_str(), ios::binary);
    std::ifstream::pos_type size = ifile.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end).tellg();
    ifile.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg);
    string temp;
    ifile.read((char*)temp.data(), temp.size());
    StringSource( temp, true,
                    new StreamTransformationFilter( e1,
                    new FileSink( efilename.c_str() )
                    ) // StreamTransformationFilter
                    ); // StringSource
예제 #7
string convert_to_string(const private_key& priv_key) {
  string x;
  string x_1;
  StringSource ss(x, true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(x_1)));
  return x_1;
예제 #8
string signature_sign(const string & msg){
  // Setup
  string message = msg;
  cout << "unsigned message: "<< msg <<endl;
  RSA::PrivateKey privateKey = privkey;
  AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
  // Load private key
  CryptoPP::ByteQueue bytes;
  FileSource file("privkey.txt", true, new Base64Decoder);
  // Sign and Encode
  RSASS<PSSR, SHA1>::Signer signer(privateKey);
  string signature;
  // StringSource
  StringSource(message, true,
               new SignerFilter(rng, signer,
                                new StringSink(signature),
                                true // putMessage
                                ) // SignerFilter
  return signature;
void LoadKey(const string& filename, RSA::PrivateKey& PrivateKey)
  // DER Encode Key - PKCS #8 key format
                  FileSource(filename.c_str(), true, NULL, true /*binary*/).Ref()
void signature_verify( const string & account_num, string & signature){
  RSA::PublicKey publicKey;
  string recovered, message;
  // Load public key
  CryptoPP::ByteQueue bytes;
  FileSource file("pubkey.txt", true, new Base64Decoder);
  // Verify and Recover
  RSASS<PSSR, SHA1>::Verifier verifier(publicKey);
  StringSource(signature, true,
               new SignatureVerificationFilter(
                                               new StringSink(recovered),
                                               SignatureVerificationFilter::THROW_EXCEPTION |
                                               ) // SignatureVerificationFilter
               ); // StringSource
  assert(account_num == recovered);
  cout << "Verified signature on message" << endl;
  cout << "Message: " << "'" << recovered << "'" << endl;
void signature_sign(const string & account_num, string & signature){
  // Setup
  string message = account_num;
  RSA::PrivateKey privateKey;
  AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
  // Load private key
  CryptoPP::ByteQueue bytes;
  FileSource file("privkey.txt", true, new Base64Decoder);
  // Sign and Encode
  RSASS<PSSR, SHA1>::Signer signer(privateKey);
  // StringSource
  StringSource(message, true,
               new SignerFilter(rng, signer,
                                new StringSink(signature),
                                true // putMessage
                                ) // SignerFilter
예제 #12
unsigned int rcry_encryptInContext(string *input, string *output)
	if (target == RCRY_RIJNDAEL)

			CTR_Mode<AES>::Encryption e;
			e.SetKeyWithIV(vault_key, sizeof(vault_key), context->iv);
			StringSource((*input), true,
					new StreamTransformationFilter(e,
							new StringSink((*output))));
		} catch (const CryptoPP::Exception& e)
			cerr << e.what() << endl;
			return 0x44;
		cerr << "Context not implemented! Use RCRY_RIJNAEL INSTEAD!" << endl;
		return 0xFAF;

	return 0;
void SaveKey(const RSA::PublicKey& PublicKey, const string& filename)
  // DER Encode Key - X.509 key format
                 FileSink(filename.c_str(), true /*binary*/).Ref()
void SaveKey(const RSA::PrivateKey& PrivateKey, const string& filename)
  // DER Encode Key - PKCS #8 key format
                  FileSink(filename.c_str(), true /*binary*/).Ref()
void LoadKey(const string& filename, RSA::PublicKey& PublicKey)
  // DER Encode Key - X.509 key format
                 FileSource(filename.c_str(), true, NULL, true /*binary*/).Ref()
예제 #16
int QuizDatabase::DecryptToInt(QString &src)
    QString t_input;
    int lResult;
    QString temp;
    byte key[AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH] = EncryptionKey;
    byte iv[AES::BLOCKSIZE] = EncryptionKey_2;
    OFB_Mode<AES>::Decryption t_Decrypt;
    string t_Str,t_strNonHex,t_strCompletelyEncrypted;
    t_strCompletelyEncrypted = src.toStdString();
    StringSource(t_strCompletelyEncrypted,true,new HexDecoder(new StringSink(t_strNonHex)));
    StringSource(t_strNonHex,true,new StreamTransformationFilter(t_Decrypt,new StringSink(t_Str)));
    t_input = QString::fromStdString(t_Str);
    lResult = t_input.toInt();
    return lResult;
예제 #17
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	std::clock_t start,finish;
	AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
	/* generate key for mac */
	unsigned char key1[16];
	prng.GenerateBlock(key1, sizeof(key1));
	/* generate key for encrypt */
	unsigned char key2[AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH];
	prng.GenerateBlock(key2, sizeof(key2));
	string encoded1,encoded2;
	StringSource(key1, sizeof(key1), true,
                 new HexEncoder(
                                new StringSink(encoded1)
	cout << "key for mac is:" << key1 <<endl;
	cout << "hexadecimal key for mac is: " << encoded1 << endl;
	StringSource(key2, sizeof(key2), true,
                 new HexEncoder(
                                new StringSink(encoded2)
	cout << "key for encrypt is:" << key2 <<endl;
	cout << "hexadecimal key for encrypto is: " << encoded2 << endl;
    std::fstream f("key.txt",std::ios::out);
    cout<< "the keygen running time is " << difftime(finish,start) << " ms" << endl;
    return 0;
예제 #18
void decrypt_file(string efile)  //keep hash

    string efilename = efile;
    efile.erase(efile.end()-4, efile.end());
    string rfilename = efile;

    //SecByteBlock key(AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH);
    //byte iv[ AES::BLOCKSIZE ];

    if(decMode == "OFB")
        OFB_Mode< AES >::Decryption d2;
        d2.SetKeyWithIV( key, key.size(), iv, sizeof(iv) );
        FileSource( efilename.c_str(), true,
                        new StreamTransformationFilter( d2,
                        new FileSink( rfilename.c_str() ))); 
    else if(decMode == "CFB")
        CFB_Mode< AES >::Decryption d2;
        d2.SetKeyWithIV( key, key.size(), iv, sizeof(iv) );
        FileSource( efilename.c_str(), true,
                        new StreamTransformationFilter( d2,
                        new FileSink( rfilename.c_str() )));
    else if(decMode == "GCM")
        GCM< AES >::Decryption d2;
        d2.SetKeyWithIV( key, key.size(), iv, sizeof(iv) );
        FileSource fs2( efilename.c_str(), true,
                        new AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter( d2,
                        new FileSink( rfilename.c_str() ),
        cerr << "Decryption Error" <<endl;
예제 #19
std::string Encryptor::encrypt(const std::string& word)
		throw (CryptoPP::Exception) {
	std::string cipher;

	ECB_Mode<AES>::Encryption e;
	e.SetKey(key, AES_SIZE);

	// The StreamTransformationFilter adds padding
	//  as required. ECB and CBC Mode must be padded
	//  to the block size of the cipher.
	StringSource(word, true,
			new StreamTransformationFilter(e, new StringSink(cipher)) // StreamTransformationFilter
	); // StringSource

	std::string encoded;
	StringSource(cipher, true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(encoded))); // StringSource
	return encoded;

예제 #20
inline void Swap128(__m128i& a,__m128i& b)
#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && (__SUNPRO_CC <= 0x5120)
    // __m128i is an unsigned long long[2], and support for swapping it was not added until C++11.
    // SunCC 12.1 - 12.3 fail to consume the swap; while SunCC 12.4 consumes it without -std=c++11.
    vec_swap(a, b);
    std::swap(a, b);
예제 #21
void SPECK64_Dec_Block(uint32x4_p &block0, uint32x4_p &block1,
        const word32 *subkeys, unsigned int rounds)
    const uint8x16_p m1 = {7,6,5,4, 15,14,13,12, 23,22,21,20, 31,30,29,28};
    const uint8x16_p m2 = {3,2,1,0, 11,10,9,8, 19,18,17,16, 27,26,25,24};
    const uint8x16_p m1 = {3,2,1,0, 11,10,9,8, 19,18,17,16, 27,26,25,24};
    const uint8x16_p m2 = {7,6,5,4, 15,14,13,12, 23,22,21,20, 31,30,29,28};

    // [A1 A2 A3 A4][B1 B2 B3 B4] ... => [A1 A3 B1 B3][A2 A4 B2 B4] ...
    uint32x4_p x1 = VecPermute(block0, block1, m1);
    uint32x4_p y1 = VecPermute(block0, block1, m2);

    for (int i = static_cast<int>(rounds-1); i >= 0; --i)
        const uint32x4_p rk = vec_splats(subkeys[i]);
        // subkeys has extra elements so memory backs the last subkey
        const uint8x16_p m = {0,1,2,3, 0,1,2,3, 0,1,2,3, 0,1,2,3};
        uint32x4_p rk = VecLoad(subkeys+i);
        rk = VecPermute(rk, rk, m);

        y1 = VecXor(y1, x1);
        y1 = RotateRight32<3>(y1);

        x1 = VecXor(x1, rk);
        x1 = VecSub(x1, y1);
        x1 = RotateLeft32<8>(x1);

    const uint8x16_p m3 = {19,18,17,16, 3,2,1,0, 23,22,21,20, 7,6,5,4};
    const uint8x16_p m4 = {27,26,25,24, 11,10,9,8, 31,30,29,28, 15,14,13,12};
    const uint8x16_p m3 = {3,2,1,0, 19,18,17,16, 7,6,5,4, 23,22,21,20};
    const uint8x16_p m4 = {11,10,9,8, 27,26,25,24, 15,14,13,12, 31,30,29,28};

    // [A1 A3 B1 B3][A2 A4 B2 B4] => [A1 A2 A3 A4][B1 B2 B3 B4]
    block0 = (uint32x4_p)VecPermute(x1, y1, m3);
    block1 = (uint32x4_p)VecPermute(x1, y1, m4);
예제 #22
unsigned int rcry_toBase64Converter(byte *binary, string *base64, bool print)
	if (base64 == NULL) return 0xB0;

	// TODO: Figure out WHY?
	StringSource(binary, sizeof(binary) * 2, true,
			new HexEncoder(new StringSink((*base64))));

	if (print) cout << "=> " << (*base64) << endl;
	return 0;
    QByteArray encrypt(QByteArray in) {
        byte iv[CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE];
        rnd.GenerateBlock(iv, CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE);
        QByteArray out = QByteArray((char*)iv, CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE);
        int inputSize = in.size();
        string cipher;

        CBC_Mode<AES>::Encryption aes(keyByte(), keySize(), iv);
        ArraySource((byte *)in.data(), inputSize, true, new StreamTransformationFilter(aes, new StringSink(cipher)));

        QByteArray encryptedBytes = QByteArray(cipher.c_str(), cipher.size());
        return out;
예제 #24
bool VerifyMessage(const ECDSA<ECP, SHA1>::PublicKey& key, 
				const string& message, const string& signature)
	bool result = false;

	StringSource(signature + message, true,
		new SignatureVerificationFilter(
		ECDSA<ECP, SHA1>::Verifier(key),
		new ArraySink((byte*)&result, sizeof(result))
		) // SignatureVerificationFilter

	return result;
예제 #25
int Cryption::decrypt(int fd){

  string IVContents, decryptionKey, decodedKey, decodedIV;

  IVContents = read(fd);
  string encodedIV = IVContents.substr(0,32);
  string FileContents = IVContents.substr(encodedIV.length());

  //Decoding the Key
  decryptionKey = getKey();
  StringSource(decryptionKey, true, new HexDecoder(new StringSink(decodedKey)));
  const byte* dbyteKey = (const byte*) decodedKey.data();

  //Decoding the IV
  StringSource(encodedIV, true, new HexDecoder(new StringSink(decodedIV)));
  const byte* IV = (const byte*) decodedIV.data();

  string decryptedContents;
  //Decrypting actual file
    CBC_Mode< AES >::Decryption d;
    d.SetKeyWithIV(dbyteKey, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH, IV);
    StringSource de(FileContents, true, new StreamTransformationFilter(d, new StringSink (decryptedContents)));
  catch(const CryptoPP::Exception& e){

  string DContents = decryptedContents;
  const char *OriginalContents = DContents.c_str();
  ssize_t WriteLength = pwrite(fd, OriginalContents, DContents.length(), 0);
  ftruncate(fd, DContents.length());

  return 0;
예제 #26
int Cryption::encrypt(int fd){
  AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
  string encryptedBytes, encodedKey, decodedKey;

  encodedKey = getKey();
  cout<<"Encode: "<<encodedKey<<endl;
  StringSource(encodedKey, true, new HexDecoder(new StringSink(decodedKey)));
  cout<<"Decode: "<<decodedKey<<endl;
  const byte* ebyteKey = (const byte*) decodedKey.data();

  string encodedIV;
  byte IVBytes[AES::BLOCKSIZE];
  prng.GenerateBlock(IVBytes, sizeof(IVBytes));
  StringSource(IVBytes, sizeof(IVBytes), true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(encodedIV)));

  encryptedBytes = read(fd);

  string encryptedContents;
  //Encrypting the file contents
    CBC_Mode< AES >::Encryption e;
    e.SetKeyWithIV(ebyteKey, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH, IVBytes);
    StringSource file(encryptedBytes, true, new StreamTransformationFilter(e,new StringSink(encryptedContents)));
  catch( const CryptoPP::Exception& e ){
    cerr << e.what() << endl;

  string output = encodedIV + encryptedContents;
  const char *bufContents = output.c_str();
  ssize_t WriteLength = pwrite(fd, bufContents, output.length(), 0);
  ftruncate(fd, output.length());
  return 0;
예제 #27
inline void SIMON128_Dec_Block(uint32x4_p &block, const word64 *subkeys, unsigned int rounds)
    const uint8x16_p m1 = {31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24, 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8};
    const uint8x16_p m2 = {23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
    const uint8x16_p m1 = {7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0, 23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16};
    const uint8x16_p m2 = {15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8, 31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24};

    // [A1 A2][B1 B2] ... => [A1 B1][A2 B2] ...
    uint64x2_p x1 = (uint64x2_p)VecPermute(block, block, m1);
    uint64x2_p y1 = (uint64x2_p)VecPermute(block, block, m2);

    if (rounds & 1)
        std::swap(x1, y1);
        const uint64x2_p rk = vec_splats((unsigned long long)subkeys[rounds-1]);
        y1 = VecXor(VecXor(y1, rk), SIMON128_f(x1));

    for (int i = static_cast<int>(rounds-2); i >= 0; i -= 2)
        const uint64x2_p rk1 = vec_splats((unsigned long long)subkeys[i+1]);
        x1 = VecXor(VecXor(x1, SIMON128_f(y1)), rk1);

        const uint64x2_p rk2 = vec_splats((unsigned long long)subkeys[i]);
        y1 = VecXor(VecXor(y1, SIMON128_f(x1)), rk2);

    const uint8x16_p m3 = {31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24, 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8};
    //const uint8x16_p m4 = {23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
    const uint8x16_p m3 = {7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0, 23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16};
    //const uint8x16_p m4 = {15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8, 31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24};

    // [A1 B1][A2 B2] ... => [A1 A2][B1 B2] ...
    block = (uint32x4_p)VecPermute(x1, y1, m3);
예제 #28
std::string Encryptor::decrypt(const std::string& word)
		throw (CryptoPP::Exception) {
	ECB_Mode<AES>::Decryption d;
	d.SetKey(key, AES_SIZE);

	std::string cipher;
	StringSource(word, true, new HexDecoder(new StringSink(cipher)));

	std::string recovered;
	StringSource s(cipher, true,
			new StreamTransformationFilter(d, new StringSink(recovered)) // StreamTransformationFilter
			); // StringSource

	return recovered;
예제 #29
bool SignMessage(const ECDSA<ECP, SHA1>::PrivateKey& key, const string& message, 
			string& signature)
	AutoSeededRandomPool prng;


	StringSource(message, true,
		new SignerFilter(prng,
		ECDSA<ECP, SHA1>::Signer(key),
		new StringSink(signature)
		)	//SignerFilter
		);  //StringSource
	return !signature.empty();
예제 #30
void decrypt_file(string efile)

    string efilename = efile;
    efile.erase(efile.end()-4, efile.end());
    string rfilename = efile;

    //SecByteBlock key(AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH);
    //byte iv[ AES::BLOCKSIZE ];

    OFB_Mode< AES >::Decryption d2;
    d2.SetKeyWithIV( key, key.size(), iv, sizeof(iv) );
    FileSource( efilename.c_str(), true,
                    new StreamTransformationFilter( d2,
                    new FileSink( rfilename.c_str() )
                    ) // StreamTransformationFilter
                    ); // StringSource