예제 #1
void IncrementalPlot::appendPoint( const QPointF &point )
    CurveData *data = static_cast<CurveData *>( d_curve->data() );
    data->append( point );

    const bool doClip = !canvas()->testAttribute( Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen );
//    if ( doClip )
//    {
//        /*
//           Depending on the platform setting a clip might be an important
//           performance issue. F.e. for Qt Embedded this reduces the
//           part of the backing store that has to be copied out - maybe
//           to an unaccelerated frame buffer device.
//         */
//        const QwtScaleMap xMap = canvasMap( d_curve->xAxis() );
//        const QwtScaleMap yMap = canvasMap( d_curve->yAxis() );

//        QRegion clipRegion;

//        const QSize symbolSize = d_curve->symbol()->size();
//        QRect r( 0, 0, symbolSize.width() + 2, symbolSize.height() + 2 );

//        const QPointF center =
//            QwtScaleMap::transform( xMap, yMap, point );
//        r.moveCenter( center.toPoint() );
//        clipRegion += r;

//        d_directPainter->setClipRegion( clipRegion );
//    }

    d_directPainter->drawSeries( d_curve,
        data->size() - 1, data->size() - 1 );
예제 #2
파일: Wykres2d.cpp 프로젝트: werty/PSOEVO
void Wykres2d::aktualizuj()
    CurveData *data = static_cast<CurveData *> (plot2dCurve->data()); 
    for (int i = 0; i < punkty.size(); i++) {


예제 #3
파일: plot.cpp 프로젝트: d2mitry/d2m_reno
void Plot::appendPoint1(double u)
    double elapsed = d_clock.elapsed() / 1000.0;
    qDebug() << "d_clock1: " << elapsed;
    qDebug() << "udouble1: " << u;
    QPointF point(elapsed,(u*5/1024));
    CurveData *data = static_cast<CurveData *>( d_curve1->data() );

    const int numPoints = data->size();
    if ( numPoints > d_paintedPoints1 )
        const bool doClip = !canvas()->testAttribute( Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen );
        if ( doClip )
                Depending on the platform setting a clip might be an important
                performance issue. F.e. for Qt Embedded this reduces the
                part of the backing store that has to be copied out - maybe
                to an unaccelerated frame buffer device.

            const QwtScaleMap xMap = canvasMap( d_curve1->xAxis() );
            const QwtScaleMap yMap = canvasMap( d_curve1->yAxis() );

            QRectF br = qwtBoundingRect( *data,
                d_paintedPoints1 - 1, numPoints - 1 );

            const QRect clipRect = QwtScaleMap::transform( xMap, yMap, br ).toRect();
            d_directPainter0->setClipRegion( clipRect );

            d_paintedPoints1 - 1, numPoints - 1);
        d_paintedPoints1 = numPoints;
예제 #4
BrainPlot::BrainPlot(QWidget *parent, int nChannels, int Length, int Amplitude):
    QwtPlot( parent ),
    d_curves( nChannels ),
    d_zeros( nChannels )
    /*Set some attributes*/
    minusExpectedAmplitude = -Amplitude;
    plotLength = Length;
    this->nChannels = nChannels;

    /*Start sample counter*/
    sample = 0;

    d_directPainter = new QwtPlotDirectPainter( this );
    if ( QwtPainter::isX11GraphicsSystem() )
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
        canvas()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent, true );
        canvas()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen, true );

    /*Activates the legend for channel tracking*/
    QwtLegend *legend = new QwtLegend;
    legend->setDefaultItemMode( QwtLegendData::ReadOnly);
    insertLegend( legend, QwtPlot::LeftLegend );

    /*Instantiate the reference lines and the data curves for each channel*/
    int Hfactor = 360/(nChannels+1);//different colors for each curve
    char name[15];

    for(int c = 0; c < nChannels; c++) {
        sprintf(name, "Channel %d", c+1);
        d_curves[c] = new QwtPlotCurve( name);
        d_curves[c]->setData( new CurveData(plotLength,
                                            minusExpectedAmplitude*(2*c+1)) );
        d_curves[c]->setPen( QColor::fromHsv ( Hfactor*c, 255, 255));
        d_curves[c]->setStyle( QwtPlotCurve::Lines );
        d_curves[c]->setSymbol( new QwtSymbol( QwtSymbol::NoSymbol));
        d_curves[c]->attach( this );

        /*Reference line*/
        d_zeros[c] = new QwtPlotCurve;
        d_zeros[c]->setData( new CurveData() );
        d_zeros[c]->setPen( QColor::fromHsv ( Hfactor*c, 255, 140));
        d_zeros[c]->setStyle( QwtPlotCurve::Lines );
        d_zeros[c]->setSymbol( new QwtSymbol( QwtSymbol::NoSymbol));
        d_zeros[c]->setItemAttribute(QwtPlotItem::Legend, false);
        d_zeros[c]->attach( this );

        /*Draw reference lines*/
        CurveData *data = static_cast<CurveData *>( d_zeros[c]->data() );
        data->append(QPointF(0, minusExpectedAmplitude*(2*c+1)));
        data->append(QPointF(plotLength, minusExpectedAmplitude*(2*c+1)));
        d_directPainter->drawSeries( d_zeros[c], 0, 1);

    /*Sweeping line*/
    d_sweep = new QwtPlotCurve;
    d_sweep->setData( new CurveData() );
    d_sweep->setPen( Qt::black, plotLength/100, Qt::SolidLine);
    d_sweep->setStyle( QwtPlotCurve::Lines );
    d_sweep->setSymbol( new QwtSymbol( QwtSymbol::NoSymbol));
    d_sweep->setItemAttribute(QwtPlotItem::Legend, false);
    d_sweep->attach( this );

    CurveData *data = static_cast<CurveData *>( d_sweep->data() );
    data->append(QPointF(0, plotLength));
    data->append(QPointF(0, 2*nChannels*minusExpectedAmplitude));

    setAxisScale( xBottom, 0, plotLength );
    setAxisScale( yLeft, 2*nChannels*minusExpectedAmplitude, 0 );

    enableAxis(xBottom, false);
    enableAxis(yLeft, false);

    setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
    setLineWidth( 0 );

    plotLayout()->setAlignCanvasToScales( true );
    plotLayout()->setCanvasMargin(100, QwtPlot::xBottom);
    plotLayout()->setCanvasMargin(100, QwtPlot::xTop);
    setCanvasBackground( Qt::black );

    QwtPlotGrid *grid = new QwtPlotGrid;
    grid->setMajorPen( Qt::gray, 0, Qt::DotLine );
    grid->setMinorPen( Qt::gray, 0, Qt::DotLine );
    grid->attach( this );

    /*Optimizaion for real-time data collecting*/
    setAutoReplot( false );
