// Mark cells we can use to bomb a specific target
void CvTacticalAnalysisMap::SetTargetBombardCells(CvPlot* pTarget, int iRange, bool bIgnoreLOS)
	int iDX, iDY;
	CvPlot* pLoopPlot;
	int iPlotIndex;
	int iPlotDistance;

	for(iDX = -(iRange); iDX <= iRange; iDX++)
		for(iDY = -(iRange); iDY <= iRange; iDY++)
			pLoopPlot = plotXY(pTarget->getX(), pTarget->getY(), iDX, iDY);
			if(pLoopPlot != NULL)
				iPlotDistance = plotDistance(pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY(), pTarget->getX(), pTarget->getY());
				if(iPlotDistance > 0 && iPlotDistance <= iRange)
					iPlotIndex = GC.getMap().plotNum(pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY());
					if(m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsRevealed() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsImpassableTerrain() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsImpassableTerritory())
						if(!m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsEnemyCity() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsNeutralCity())
							if(bIgnoreLOS || pLoopPlot->canSeePlot(pTarget, m_pPlayer->getTeam(), iRange, NO_DIRECTION))
예제 #2
/// Updates the danger plots values to reflect threats across the map
void CvDangerPlots::UpdateDanger(bool bPretendWarWithAllCivs, bool bIgnoreVisibility)
	// danger plots have not been initialized yet, so no need to update

	// wipe out values
	int iGridSize = GC.getMap().numPlots();
	CvAssertMsg(iGridSize == m_DangerPlots.size(), "iGridSize does not match number of DangerPlots");
	for(int i = 0; i < iGridSize; i++)

	//units we know from last turn
	UnitSet previousKnownUnits = m_knownUnits;

	CvPlayer& thisPlayer = GET_PLAYER(m_ePlayer);
	TeamTypes thisTeam = thisPlayer.getTeam();

	// for each opposing civ
	for(int iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayer++)
		PlayerTypes ePlayer = (PlayerTypes)iPlayer;
		CvPlayer& loopPlayer = GET_PLAYER(ePlayer);
		TeamTypes eTeam = loopPlayer.getTeam();


		if(eTeam == thisTeam)

		if(ShouldIgnorePlayer(ePlayer) && !bPretendWarWithAllCivs)

		//for each unit
		int iLoop;
		CvUnit* pLoopUnit = NULL;
		for(pLoopUnit = loopPlayer.firstUnit(&iLoop); pLoopUnit != NULL; pLoopUnit = loopPlayer.nextUnit(&iLoop))
			UpdateDangerSingleUnit(pLoopUnit, bIgnoreVisibility, true);

		// for each city
		CvCity* pLoopCity;
		for(pLoopCity = loopPlayer.firstCity(&iLoop); pLoopCity != NULL; pLoopCity = loopPlayer.nextCity(&iLoop))
			if(ShouldIgnoreCity(pLoopCity, bIgnoreVisibility))

			bool bIndirectFireAllowed = false;
			int iRange = pLoopCity->getBombardRange(bIndirectFireAllowed);
			int iRange = GC.getCITY_ATTACK_RANGE();
			CvPlot* pCityPlot = pLoopCity->plot();
			CvPlot* pLoopPlot = NULL;
			for(int iDX = -(iRange); iDX <= iRange; iDX++)
				for(int iDY = -(iRange); iDY <= iRange; iDY++)
					pLoopPlot = plotXYWithRangeCheck(pCityPlot->getX(), pCityPlot->getY(), iDX, iDY, iRange);
					if(!pLoopPlot || pLoopPlot == pCityPlot)

					if (!bIndirectFireAllowed && !pCityPlot->canSeePlot(pLoopPlot, NO_TEAM, iRange, NO_DIRECTION))
					AssignCityDangerValue(pLoopCity, pLoopPlot);

	// now compare the new known units with the previous known units
	for (UnitSet::iterator it = previousKnownUnits.begin(); it != previousKnownUnits.end(); ++it)
		//might have made peace ...
		if (ShouldIgnorePlayer(it->first))

		if (m_knownUnits.find(*it) == m_knownUnits.end())
			CvUnit* pVanishedUnit = GET_PLAYER(it->first).getUnit(it->second);

			//it's still there, but moved out of sight - nevertheless count is, a human would do that as well
			//do not add it to the known units though, so next turn we will have forgotten about it
			if (pVanishedUnit)
				UpdateDangerSingleUnit(pVanishedUnit, true, false);

	int iPlotLoop;
	CvPlot* pPlot, *pAdjacentPlot;
	for(iPlotLoop = 0; iPlotLoop < GC.getMap().numPlots(); iPlotLoop++)
		pPlot = GC.getMap().plotByIndexUnchecked(iPlotLoop);

			//remember the plot based damage, but it depends on the unit's promotions also, so we won't apply it directly
			int iPlotDamage = 0;
			if (pPlot->getFeatureType() != NO_FEATURE)
				iPlotDamage += (GC.getFeatureInfo(pPlot->getFeatureType())->getTurnDamage());
			if (pPlot->getTerrainType() != NO_FEATURE)
				iPlotDamage += (GC.getTerrainInfo(pPlot->getTerrainType())->getTurnDamage());

			m_DangerPlots[iPlotLoop].m_bFlatPlotDamage = (iPlotDamage>0);

			ImprovementTypes eImprovement = pPlot->getRevealedImprovementType(thisTeam);
			if(eImprovement != NO_IMPROVEMENT && GC.getImprovementInfo(eImprovement)->GetNearbyEnemyDamage() > 0)
				if(!ShouldIgnoreCitadel(pPlot, bIgnoreVisibility))
					for(int iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++)
						pAdjacentPlot = plotDirection(pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iI));

						if(pAdjacentPlot != NULL)
							m_DangerPlots[iPlotLoop].m_pCitadel = pPlot;

	// testing city danger values
	CvCity* pLoopCity;
	int iLoopCity = 0;
	for(pLoopCity = thisPlayer.firstCity(&iLoopCity); pLoopCity != NULL; pLoopCity = thisPlayer.nextCity(&iLoopCity))
		//adding danger would count each unit multiple times, is biased towards fast units
		//so we pretend they would all attack the city and tally up the damage
		//question is, what about our own defensive units in the area. should we count those as well?
		int iEvalRange = 4;
		int iThreatValue = 0;
		for(int iX = -iEvalRange; iX <= iEvalRange; iX++)
			for(int iY = -iEvalRange; iY <= iEvalRange; iY++)
				CvPlot* pEvalPlot = plotXYWithRangeCheck(pLoopCity->getX(), pLoopCity->getY(), iX, iY, iEvalRange);
				if (pEvalPlot)
					const CvUnit* pEnemy = pEvalPlot->getBestDefender(NO_PLAYER, thisPlayer.GetID(), NULL, true);
					if (pEnemy)
						int iAttackerDamage = 0; //to be ignored
						iThreatValue += TacticalAIHelpers::GetSimulatedDamageFromAttackOnCity(pLoopCity,pEnemy,iAttackerDamage);


	m_bDirty = false;
// Mark cells we can use to bomb a specific target
void CvTacticalAnalysisMap::SetTargetBombardCells(CvPlot* pTarget, int iRange, bool bIgnoreLOS)
	int iDX, iDY;
	CvPlot* pLoopPlot;
	int iPlotIndex;
	int iMaxDX;
	for (iDY = -iRange; iDY <= iRange; iDY++)
		iMaxDX = iRange - MAX(0, iDY);
		for (iDX = -iRange - MIN(0, iDY); iDX <= iMaxDX; iDX++) // MIN() and MAX() stuff is to reduce loops (hexspace!)
	int iPlotDistance;

	for(iDX = -(iRange); iDX <= iRange; iDX++)
		for(iDY = -(iRange); iDY <= iRange; iDY++)
			if (iDX == 0 && iDY == 0)
			pLoopPlot = plotXY(pTarget->getX(), pTarget->getY(), iDX, iDY);
			if(pLoopPlot != NULL)
				iPlotDistance = hexDistance(iDX, iDY);
				iPlotDistance = plotDistance(pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY(), pTarget->getX(), pTarget->getY());
				if(iPlotDistance > 0 && iPlotDistance <= iRange)
					iPlotIndex = GC.getMap().plotNum(pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY());
					if(m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsRevealed() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsImpassableTerrain() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsImpassableTerritory())
						if(!m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsEnemyCity() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsNeutralCity())
							if(bIgnoreLOS || pLoopPlot->canSeePlot(pTarget, m_pPlayer->getTeam(), iRange, NO_DIRECTION))

// Mark cells we can use to bomb a specific target
void CvTacticalAnalysisMap::SetTargetFlankBonusCells(CvPlot* pTarget)
	CvPlot* pLoopPlot;
	int iPlotIndex;

	// No flank attacks on units at sea (where all combat is bombards)

	for(int iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++)
		pLoopPlot = plotDirection(pTarget->getX(), pTarget->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iI));
		if(pLoopPlot != NULL)
			iPlotIndex = GC.getMap().plotNum(pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY());
			if(m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsRevealed() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsImpassableTerrain() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsImpassableTerritory())
				if(!m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsFriendlyCity() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsEnemyCity() && !m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsNeutralCity())
					if(!m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].IsFriendlyTurnEndTile() && m_pPlots[iPlotIndex].GetEnemyMilitaryUnit() == NULL)