예제 #1
void physics_step(DB& db, double timeStep) {
    using std::get;
    using components::Velocity;
    using components::BoundingBox;
    using components::Solid;
    using components::NoCollide;
    using Ginseng::Not;

    auto gravity = 1500.0;

    auto bb_vels = db.query<BoundingBox, Velocity, Not<NoCollide>>();
    auto bbs = db.query<BoundingBox, Not<NoCollide>>();

    for (auto ent : db.query<CollisionData>()) {

    for (auto ent_v : bb_vels) {
        Velocity &v_vel = get<2>(ent_v).data();
        v_vel.acc.y += gravity;
        for (auto& p : v_vel.timed_accs) {
            double t = std::min(p.second,timeStep);
            p.second -= t;
            v_vel.acc += p.first * float(t/timeStep);
        v_vel.timed_accs.erase(std::remove_if(v_vel.timed_accs.begin(), v_vel.timed_accs.end(), [](auto& p){return p.second<=0;}), v_vel.timed_accs.end());

    auto do_axis = [&](auto get_axis) {
        for (auto ent_v : bb_vels) //search entities with velocities
            EntID v_eid = get<0>(ent_v);
            BoundingBox &v_bb = get<1>(ent_v).data();
            Velocity &v_vel = get<2>(ent_v).data();

            get_axis(v_vel.vel) += get_axis(v_vel.acc) * timeStep;

            get_axis(v_bb.rect) += get_axis(v_vel.vel) * timeStep + 0.5 * get_axis(v_vel.acc) * timeStep * timeStep;

            auto v_coll_info = v_eid.get<CollisionData>();
            if (!v_coll_info) {
                db.makeComponent(v_eid, CollisionData{});
                v_coll_info = v_eid.get<CollisionData>();

            for (auto ent_bb : bbs)    //search entities with bounding boxes
                EntID bb_eid = get<0>(ent_bb);
                BoundingBox &bb = get<1>(ent_bb).data();
                if (v_eid == bb_eid)

                sf::FloatRect isect;
                sf::FloatRect bbsmall (bb.rect.left, bb.rect.top, bb.rect.width-0.5, bb.rect.height-0.5);
                if (v_bb.rect.intersects(bbsmall, isect)) {
                    if (bb_eid.get<Solid>()) {
                        if (get_axis(v_bb.rect) < get_axis(bb.rect)) {
                            get_axis(v_bb.rect) -= get_axis.len(isect);
                        } else {
                            get_axis(v_bb.rect) += get_axis.len(isect);
                        get_axis(v_vel.vel) = 0;
                        get_axis.other(v_vel.vel) -= float(get_axis.other(v_vel.vel)*5*timeStep); //friction

                    auto bb_coll_info = bb_eid.get<CollisionData>();
                    if (!bb_coll_info) {
                        db.makeComponent(bb_eid, CollisionData{});
                        bb_coll_info = bb_eid.get<CollisionData>();

                    auto hitdirs = get_axis.hitdirs(v_bb.rect, bb.rect);
            get_axis(v_vel.acc) = 0;
