bool XmlWorldReader::Read(const std::string &file) { // ワールドを初期化 try { initialize(); if (initFlag) { initializeWorld(); } } catch (...) { return false; } // TODO: ファイルの有無を確認 // XMLファイルをパース const XMLCh gLS[] = {chLatin_L, chLatin_S, chNull}; DOMImplementationLS *impl = DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(gLS); DOMLSParser *parser = impl->createLSParser( DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, NULL ); DOMDocument *doc = parser->parseURI(file.c_str()); if (doc == nullptr) { return false; } // rootノードを取得 DOMElement *worldElement = doc->getDocumentElement(); if (worldElement == nullptr) { parser->release(); return false; } { YPT::XmlString temp("world"); bool res = XMLString::equals(worldElement->getNodeName(), temp); if (!res) { parser->release(); return false; } } // ロード用クラス作成 YPT::XmlWorldPartReader partReader(doc); // XPathコンテキスト作成 DOMXPathNSResolver *resolver = doc->createNSResolver(worldElement); if (resolver == nullptr) { parser->release(); return false; } YPT::XmlString str, str2; DOMXPathResult *result; // -------------------------------------------------- // ワールド全体の設定 // -------------------------------------------------- // ワールド名 str = worldElement->getAttribute(YPT::XmlString("name")); if (str != "") { name = str; } // 重力ベクトル result = doc->evaluate( YPT::XmlString("./gravity"), worldElement, resolver, DOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NULL ); if (result != nullptr) { if (result->getSnapshotLength() >= 1) { str = result->getNodeValue()->getTextContent(); b2Vec2 temp; if (!YPT::ConvertStrToVec2(str.ToChar(), &temp)) { world.SetGravity(temp); } } result->release(); } // -------------------------------------------------- // shapes // -------------------------------------------------- result = doc->evaluate( YPT::XmlString("./shape"), worldElement, resolver, DOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NULL ); if (result != nullptr) { const XMLSize_t len = result->getSnapshotLength(); for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { result->snapshotItem(i); DOMNode *node = result->getNodeValue(); if (node == nullptr) { continue; } DOMNamedNodeMap *nodeMap = node->getAttributes(); if (nodeMap == nullptr) { continue; } DOMNode *typeNode = nodeMap->getNamedItem(YPT::XmlString("type")); if (typeNode == nullptr) { continue; } str = typeNode->getNodeValue(); b2Shape::Type type; int index; if (str == "circle") { type = b2Shape::e_circle; b2CircleShape temp; if (partReader.ReadCircleShape(node, &temp)) { circleShapes.push_back(temp); index = circleShapes.size()-1; } else { // 読み込み失敗 continue; } } else if (str == "edge") { type = b2Shape::e_edge; b2EdgeShape temp; if (partReader.ReadEdgeShape(node, &temp)) { edgeShapes.push_back(temp); index = edgeShapes.size()-1; } else { // 読み込み失敗 continue; } } else if (str == "polygon") { type = b2Shape::e_polygon; b2PolygonShape temp; if (partReader.ReadPolygonShape(node, &temp)) { polygonShapes.push_back(temp); index = polygonShapes.size()-1; } else { // 読み込み失敗 continue; } } else if (str == "chain") { type = b2Shape::e_chain; b2ChainShape temp; if (partReader.ReadChainShape(node, &temp)) { chainShapes.push_back(temp); index = chainShapes.size()-1; } else { // 読み込み失敗 continue; } } else { // 未対応 continue; } // nameプロパティがあれば保存 DOMNode *name = nodeMap->getNamedItem(YPT::XmlString("name")); if (name != nullptr) { str = name->getNodeValue(); shapes.insert(ShapesMap::value_type( std::string(str), std::make_pair(type, index) )); } } result->release(); } // -------------------------------------------------- // fixtures // -------------------------------------------------- result = doc->evaluate( YPT::XmlString("./fixture"), worldElement, resolver, DOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NULL ); if (result != nullptr) { const XMLSize_t len = result->getSnapshotLength(); for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { result->snapshotItem(i); DOMNode *node = result->getNodeValue(); if (node == nullptr) { continue; } DOMXPathResult *result2 = doc->evaluate( YPT::XmlString("./shape"), node, resolver, DOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NULL ); if (result2 == nullptr) { continue; } DOMNode *shapeNode = result2->getNodeValue(); if (shapeNode == nullptr) { continue; } str = shapeNode->getTextContent(); result2->release(); ShapesMap::iterator found = shapes.find(std::string(str)); if (found == shapes.end()) { continue; } // fixture読み込み b2FixtureDef fixtureDef; b2Shape *shape = NULL; int index = found->second.second; switch (found->second.first) { case b2Shape::e_circle: shape = &circleShapes[index]; break; case b2Shape::e_edge: shape = &edgeShapes[index]; break; case b2Shape::e_polygon: shape = &polygonShapes[index]; break; case b2Shape::e_chain: shape = &chainShapes[index]; break; default: // 未対応 break; } if (shape == NULL) { continue; } if (partReader.ReadFixture(node, shape, &fixtureDef)) { // 読み込み成功 // nameプロパティがあれば保存する DOMNamedNodeMap *nodeMap = node->getAttributes(); if (nodeMap == nullptr) { continue; } DOMNode *nameNode = nodeMap->getNamedItem(YPT::XmlString("name")); if (nameNode == nullptr) { continue; } str = nameNode->getNodeValue(); fixtures.insert(FixturesMap::value_type( std::string(str), fixtureDef )); } } result->release(); } // -------------------------------------------------- // bodies // -------------------------------------------------- result = doc->evaluate( YPT::XmlString("./body"), worldElement, resolver, DOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NULL ); if (result != nullptr) { const XMLSize_t len = result->getSnapshotLength(); for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { result->snapshotItem(i); DOMNode *node = result->getNodeValue(); if (node == nullptr) { continue; } DOMXPathResult *result2 = doc->evaluate( YPT::XmlString("./fixtures/fixture"), node, resolver, DOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NULL ); if (result2 == nullptr) { continue; } std::vector< b2FixtureDef *> fixtureDefs; const XMLSize_t fixturesLen = result2->getSnapshotLength(); for (XMLSize_t j = 0; j < fixturesLen; ++j) { result2->snapshotItem(j); DOMNode *fixtureNode = result2->getNodeValue(); if (fixtureNode == nullptr) { continue; } str = fixtureNode->getTextContent(); FixturesMap::iterator found = fixtures.find( std::string(str) ); if (found != fixtures.end()) { fixtureDefs.push_back(&found->second); } } result2->release(); b2Body *body = partReader.ReadBody(world, node, fixtureDefs); if (body != nullptr) { // 読み込み成功 // nameプロパティがあれば保存する DOMNamedNodeMap *nodeMap = node->getAttributes(); if (nodeMap == nullptr) { continue; } DOMNode *nameNode = nodeMap->getNamedItem(YPT::XmlString("name")); if (nameNode == nullptr) { continue; } str = nameNode->getNodeValue(); bodies.insert(BodiesMap::value_type( std::string(str), body )); } } result->release(); } // -------------------------------------------------- // 読み込み完了 // -------------------------------------------------- resolver->release(); parser->release(); return true; }
bool SignatureSetImporter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* OutArgList) { VERIFY(pInArgList != NULL); Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg()); ProgressTracker progress(pProgress, "Loading spectral signature library", "spectral", "7B21EE8A-D2E1-4325-BB9F-F4E521BFD5ED"); SignatureSet* pSignatureSet = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<SignatureSet>(Importer::ImportElementArg()); VERIFY(pSignatureSet != NULL); DataDescriptor* pDataDescriptor = pSignatureSet->getDataDescriptor(); VERIFY(pDataDescriptor != NULL); FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = pDataDescriptor->getFileDescriptor(); VERIFY(pFileDescriptor != NULL); const string& filename = pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName(); progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("signature set", pSignatureSet->getName()); progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("dataset location", pFileDescriptor->getDatasetLocation()); // locate the spot in the tree for this dataset try { string expr; vector<string> parts = StringUtilities::split(pFileDescriptor->getDatasetLocation(), '/'); for (vector<string>::iterator part = parts.begin(); part != parts.end(); ++part) { if (!part->empty()) { expr += "/signature_set[metadata/@name='Name' and metadata/@value='" + *part + "']"; } } expr += "/signature"; loadDoc(filename); DOMXPathResult* pResult = mXml[filename]->query(expr, DOMXPathResult::SNAPSHOT_RESULT_TYPE); VERIFY(pResult != NULL); int nodeTotal = pResult->getSnapshotLength(); for (int nodeNum = 0; nodeNum < nodeTotal; ++nodeNum) { if (isAborted()) {"Aborted file " + pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName(), 0, WARNING, true);"User aborted the operation.", 0, ABORT, true); return false; } int percent = static_cast<int>(100.0 * nodeNum / nodeTotal);"Importing signature library", percent, NORMAL); if (!pResult->snapshotItem(nodeNum) || !pResult->isNode()) { continue; } const DOMElement* pElmnt = static_cast<const DOMElement*>(pResult->getNodeValue()); string filename = A(pElmnt->getAttribute(X("filename"))); if (filename.empty() == false) { string path = pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getPath(); QString tempFilename = QString::fromStdString(filename); if (tempFilename.startsWith("./") == true) { tempFilename.replace(0, 1, QString::fromStdString(path)); filename = tempFilename.toStdString(); } else { QFileInfo fileInfo(tempFilename); if (fileInfo.isRelative() == true) { filename = path + SLASH + filename; } } } // don't pass progress to importer - the individual signature imports are rapid and passing progress will // cause isAborted() to not function properly. ImporterResource importer("Auto Importer", filename, NULL); if (importer->getPlugIn() == NULL) {"The \"Auto Importer\" is not available and is required to import signature sets.", 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } if (importer->execute()) { vector<DataElement*> elements = importer->getImportedElements(); vector<Signature*> sigs(elements.size(), NULL); for (vector<DataElement*>::iterator element = elements.begin(); element != elements.end(); ++element) { Signature* pSig = dynamic_cast<Signature*>(*element); if (pSig != NULL) { pSignatureSet->insertSignature(pSig); // reparent the signature Service<ModelServices>()->setElementParent(pSig, pSignatureSet); } } } else {"Unable to import signature " + filename, percent, WARNING, true); } } } catch(DOMException &exc) {, 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } SignatureSet* pParent = dynamic_cast<SignatureSet*>(pSignatureSet->getParent()); if (pParent != NULL && pParent->getFilename() == pSignatureSet->getFilename()) { pParent->insertSignature(pSignatureSet); }"Spectral signature library loaded", 100, NORMAL); progress.upALevel(); return true; }