예제 #1
// printTypesForNode --prints all the types for the given NodeValue, without a newline
// (meant to be called as a helper)
static void printTypesForNode(llvm::raw_ostream &O, NodeValue &NV) {
  DSNode *N = NV.getNode();

  if (N->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
    O << "Folded";
  // Go through all the types, and just dump them.
  // FIXME: Lifted from Printer.cpp, probably should be shared
  bool firstType = true;
  if (N->type_begin() != N->type_end())
    for (DSNode::TyMapTy::const_iterator ii = N->type_begin(),
        ee = N->type_end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
      if (!firstType) O << "::";
      firstType = false;
      O << ii->first << ":";
      if (ii->second) {
        bool first = true;
        for (svset<Type*>::const_iterator ni = ii->second->begin(),
            ne = ii->second->end(); ni != ne; ++ni) {
          if (!first) O << "|";
          Type * t = *ni;
          t->print (O);
          first = false;
        O << "VOID";
    O << "VOID";

  if (N->isArrayNode())
    O << "Array";
PoolRegisterElimination::removeTypeSafeRegistrations (const char * name) {
  // Scan through all uses of the registration function and see if it can be
  // safely removed.  If so, schedule it for removal.
  std::vector<CallInst*> toBeRemoved;
  Function * F = intrinsic->getIntrinsic(name).F;

  // Look for and record all registrations that can be deleted.
  for (Value::use_iterator UI=F->use_begin(), UE=F->use_end();
       UI != UE;
       ++UI) {
    // Get the pointer to the registered object.
    CallInst * CI = cast<CallInst>(*UI);
    Value * Ptr = intrinsic->getValuePointer(CI);
    // Lookup the DSNode for the value in the function's DSGraph.
    DSGraph * TDG = dsaPass->getDSGraph(*(CI->getParent()->getParent()));
    DSNodeHandle DSH = TDG->getNodeForValue(Ptr);
    assert ((!(DSH.isNull())) && "No DSNode for Value!\n");

    // If the DSNode is type-safe and is never used as an array, then there
    // will never be a need to look it up in a splay tree, so remove its
    // registration.
    DSNode * N = DSH.getNode();
    if(!N->isArrayNode() && 
       TS->isTypeSafe(Ptr, F)){

  // Update the statistics.
  if (toBeRemoved.size()) {
    RemovedRegistration += toBeRemoved.size();
    TypeSafeRegistrations += toBeRemoved.size();

  // Remove the unnecesary registrations.
  std::vector<CallInst*>::iterator it, end;
  for (it = toBeRemoved.begin(), end = toBeRemoved.end(); it != end; ++it) {