예제 #1
파일: initsysvar.cpp 프로젝트: cenit/GDL
 DString MsgPrefix()
   DStructGDL* errorState = Error_State();
   static unsigned msgTag = errorState->Desc()->TagIndex( "MSG_PREFIX");
   return (*static_cast<DStringGDL*>( errorState->GetTag( msgTag, 0)))[0];
예제 #2
파일: initsysvar.cpp 프로젝트: cenit/GDL
 DLongGDL* GetPMulti()
   DStructGDL* pStruct = SysVar::P();   //MUST NOT BE STATIC, due to .reset 
   static int tag = pStruct->Desc()->TagIndex( "MULTI");
   return static_cast<DLongGDL*>( pStruct->GetTag( tag, 0));
예제 #3
파일: initsysvar.cpp 프로젝트: cenit/GDL
 DLong GetPFont()
   DStructGDL* pStruct = SysVar::P();   //MUST NOT BE STATIC, due to .reset 
   static int tag = pStruct->Desc()->TagIndex( "FONT");
   return (*static_cast<DLongGDL*>( pStruct->GetTag( tag)))[0];
void GDLInterpreter::SetRootR( ProgNodeP tt, DotAccessDescT* aD, BaseGDL* r, ArrayIndexListT* aL) 
// check here for object and get struct
if( r->Type() == GDL_STRUCT)
      if( r->IsAssoc())
	      ArrayIndexListGuard guard( aL);
	      throw GDLException( tt, "File expression not allowed in this context: "+
      DStructGDL* structR=static_cast<DStructGDL*>(r);
      aD->ADRoot( structR, aL); 
      ArrayIndexListGuard guard( aL);

      if( r->Type() != GDL_OBJ)
	      throw GDLException( tt, "Expression must be a"
				  " STRUCT in this context: "+Name(r),

      DStructGDL* oStruct = ObjectStruct( static_cast<DObjGDL*>(r), tt);
      DStructDesc* desc = oStruct->Desc();

      bool isObj = callStack.back()->IsObject();

      if( desc->IsParent( GDL_OBJECT_NAME))
	    SizeT sss = 0;
	    SizeT ooo = 0;
	    if( isObj)
	      static_cast<DObjGDL*>(r)->Scalar( ooo); // checked in ObjectStruct

	      BaseGDL* self = callStack.back()->GetKW(callStack.back()->GetPro()->NKey()); // SELF

	      assert( dynamic_cast<DObjGDL*>(self) != NULL);

	      if( !static_cast<DObjGDL*>(self)->Scalar( sss))
		  throw GDLException( tt, "Internal error: SELF Object reference"
				    " must be scalar in this context: "+Name(self));

	      assert( sss != 0);

	    if( !isObj || (sss != ooo))
	      // call GetProperty
	      throw GDLException( tt, "Calling GetProperty not yet implemented: "+Name(r));

	      //aD->ADRootGetProperty( oStruct, guard.release()); 

      if( isObj)
	      if( !desc->IsParent( callStack.back()->GetPro()->Object()))
		      throw GDLException( tt, "Object of type "+desc->Name()+
					  " is not accessible within "+
					  callStack.back()->GetProName() + 
					  ": "+Name(r));
	      // DStructGDL* oStruct = 
	      //     ObjectStructCheckAccess( static_cast<DObjGDL*>(r), tt);

	      if( aD->IsOwner()) delete r; 
	      aD->SetOwner( false); // object struct, not owned
	      aD->ADRoot( oStruct, guard.release()); 
	      throw GDLException( tt, "Expression must be a"
				  " STRUCT in this context: "+Name(r),true,false);