예제 #1
/** Create new DataFile, or return existing DataFile. */
DataFile* DataFileList::AddDataFile(FileName const& nameIn, ArgList& argIn,
                                    DataFile::DataFormatType typeIn)
  // If no filename, no output desired
  if (nameIn.empty()) return 0;
  FileName fname( nameIn );
  // Append ensemble number if set.
  //rprintf("DEBUG: Setting up data file '%s' with ensembleNum %i\n", nameIn.base(), ensembleNum_);
  if (ensembleNum_ != -1)
    fname.Append( "." + integerToString(ensembleNum_) );
  // Check if filename in use by CpptrajFile.
  CpptrajFile* cf = GetCpptrajFile(fname);
  if (cf != 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Data file name '%s' already in use by text output file '%s'.\n",
              fname.full(), cf->Filename().full());
    return 0;
  // Check if this filename already in use
  DataFile* Current = GetDataFile(fname);
  // If no DataFile associated with name, create new DataFile
  if (Current==0) {
    Current = new DataFile();
    if (Current->SetupDatafile(fname, argIn, typeIn, debug_)) {
      mprinterr("Error: Setting up data file %s\n", fname.full());
      delete Current;
      return 0;
  } else {
    // Set debug level
    // If a type was specified, make sure it matches.
    if (typeIn != DataFile::UNKNOWN_DATA && typeIn != Current->Type()) {
      mprinterr("Error: '%s' is type %s but has been requested as type %s.\n",
                Current->DataFilename().full(), Current->FormatString(),
                DataFile::FormatString( typeIn ));
      return 0;
    // Check for keywords that do not match file type
    DataFile::DataFormatType kType = DataFile::GetFormatFromArg( argIn );
    if (kType != DataFile::UNKNOWN_DATA && kType != Current->Type())
      mprintf("Warning: %s is type %s but type %s keyword specified; ignoring keyword.\n",
              Current->DataFilename().full(), Current->FormatString(),
              DataFile::FormatString( kType ));
    // Process Arguments
    if (!argIn.empty())
      Current->ProcessArgs( argIn );
  return Current;
예제 #2
Exec::RetType Exec_Precision::Execute(CpptrajState& State, ArgList& argIn) {
  // Next string is DataSet(s)/DataFile that command pertains to.
  std::string name1 = argIn.GetStringNext();
  if (name1.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No filename/setname given.\n");
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  // This will break if dataset name starts with a digit...
  int width = argIn.getNextInteger(12);
  if (width < 1) {
    mprintf("Error: Cannot set width < 1 (%i).\n", width);
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  int precision = argIn.getNextInteger(4);
  if (precision < 0) precision = 0;
  DataFile* df = State.DFL().GetDataFile(name1);
  if (df != 0) {
    mprintf("\tSetting precision for all sets in %s to %i.%i\n", df->DataFilename().base(),
            width, precision);
    df->SetDataFilePrecision(width, precision);
  } else {
    State.DSL().SetPrecisionOfDataSets( name1, width, precision );
  return CpptrajState::OK;
예제 #3
// Action_FilterByData::Init()
Action::RetType Action_FilterByData::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  maxmin_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::INTEGER, actionArgs.GetStringKey("name"), "Filter" );
  if (maxmin_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  DataFile* maxminfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  if (maxminfile != 0)
    maxminfile->AddDataSet( maxmin_ );
  // Get min and max args.
  while (actionArgs.Contains("min"))
    Min_.push_back( actionArgs.getKeyDouble("min", 0.0) );
  while (actionArgs.Contains("max"))
    Max_.push_back( actionArgs.getKeyDouble("max", 0.0) );
  if (Min_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: At least one 'min' arg must be specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  if (Max_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: At least one 'max' arg must be specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  if (Min_.size() != Max_.size()) {
    mprinterr("Error: # of 'min' args (%zu) != # of 'max' args (%zu)\n",
              Min_.size(), Max_.size());
    return Action::ERR;
  // Get DataSets from remaining arguments
  Dsets_.AddSetsFromArgs( actionArgs.RemainingArgs(), init.DSL() );

  if (Dsets_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No data sets specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  if ( Dsets_.size() < Min_.size() ) {
    mprinterr("Error: More 'min'/'max' args (%zu) than data sets (%zu).\n",
              Min_.size(), Dsets_.size());
    return Action::ERR;
  if ( Dsets_.size() > Min_.size() ) {
    unsigned int Nremaining = Dsets_.size() - Min_.size();
    double useMin = Min_.back();
    double useMax = Max_.back();
    mprintf("Warning: More data sets than 'min'/'max' args.\n"
            "Warning:  Using min=%f and max=%f for last %zu data sets.\n",
            useMin, useMax, Nremaining);
    for (unsigned int ds = 0; ds < Nremaining; ++ds) {
      Min_.push_back( useMin );
      Max_.push_back( useMax );

  mprintf("    FILTER: Filtering out frames using %zu data sets.\n", Dsets_.size());
  for (unsigned int ds = 0; ds < Dsets_.size(); ds++)
    mprintf("\t%.4f < '%s' < %.4f\n", Min_[ds], Dsets_[ds]->legend(), Max_[ds]);
  if (maxminfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tFilter frame info will be written to %s\n", maxminfile->DataFilename().full());

  return Action::OK;
예제 #4
// Action_Grid::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Grid::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  nframes_ = 0;
  // Get output filename
  std::string filename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
  // Get grid options
  grid_ = GridInit( "GRID", actionArgs, init.DSL() );
  if (grid_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
# ifdef MPI
  if (ParallelGridInit(init.TrajComm(), grid_)) return Action::ERR;
# endif
  // Get extra options
  max_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("max", 0.80);
  madura_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("madura", 0);
  smooth_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("smoothdensity", 0);
  invert_ = actionArgs.hasKey("invert");
  pdbfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("pdb"),"Grid PDB",DataFileList::PDB,true);
  density_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("density",0.033456);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("normframe")) normalize_ = TO_FRAME;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("normdensity")) normalize_ = TO_DENSITY;
  else normalize_ = NONE;
  if (normalize_ != NONE && (smooth_ > 0.0 || madura_ > 0.0)) {
    mprinterr("Error: Normalize options are not compatible with smoothdensity/madura options.\n");
    init.DSL().RemoveSet( grid_ );
    return Action::ERR;
  // Get mask
  std::string maskexpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (maskexpr.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: GRID: No mask specified.\n");
    init.DSL().RemoveSet( grid_ );
    return Action::ERR;

  // Setup output file
  // For backwards compat., if no 'out' assume next string is filename
  if (filename.empty() && actionArgs.Nargs() > 1 && !actionArgs.Marked(1))
    filename = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(filename, actionArgs);
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet((DataSet*)grid_);

  // Info
  mprintf("    GRID:\n");
  GridInfo( *grid_ );
  if (outfile != 0) mprintf("\tGrid will be printed to file %s\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tGrid data set: '%s'\n", grid_->legend());
  mprintf("\tMask expression: [%s]\n",mask_.MaskString());
  if (pdbfile_ != 0)
      mprintf("\tPseudo-PDB will be printed to %s\n", pdbfile_->Filename().full());
  if (normalize_ == TO_FRAME)
    mprintf("\tGrid will be normalized by number of frames.\n");
  else if (normalize_ == TO_DENSITY)
    mprintf("\tGrid will be normalized to a density of %g molecules/Ang^3.\n", density_);
  // TODO: print extra options

  return Action::OK;
예제 #5
// Action_VelocityAutoCorr::Init()
Action::RetType Action_VelocityAutoCorr::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("usevelocity")) {
    mprinterr("Error: The 'usevelocity' keyword is deprecated. Velocity information\n"
              "Error:   is now used by default if present. To force cpptraj to use\n"
              "Error:   coordinates to estimate velocities (not recommended) use the\n"
              "Error:   'usecoords' keyword.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  useVelInfo_ = !actionArgs.hasKey("usecoords");
  if (mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() )) return Action::ERR;
  DataFile* outfile =  init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  diffout_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("diffout"),
                                        "VAC diffusion constants", DataFileList::TEXT, true );
  maxLag_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("maxlag", -1);
  tstep_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("tstep", 1.0);
  useFFT_ = !actionArgs.hasKey("direct");
  normalize_ = actionArgs.hasKey("norm");
  // Set up output data set
  VAC_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "VAC");
  if (VAC_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  // TODO: This should just be a scalar
  diffConst_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE,
                                 MetaData(VAC_->Meta().Name(), "D", MetaData::NOT_TS));
  if (diffConst_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( VAC_ );
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm(); 
  if (trajComm_.Size() > 1 && !useVelInfo_)
    mprintf("\nWarning: When calculating velocities between consecutive frames,\n"
            "\nWarning:   'velocityautocorr' in parallel will not work correctly if\n"
            "\nWarning:   coordinates have been modified by previous actions (e.g. 'rms').\n\n");
  diffConst_->SetNeedsSync( false );
# endif
  mprintf("    VELOCITYAUTOCORR:\n"
          "\tCalculate velocity auto-correlation function for atoms in mask '%s'\n",
  if (useVelInfo_)
    mprintf("\tUsing velocity information present in frames.\n");
    mprintf("\tCalculating velocities between consecutive frames from coordinates.\n");
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput velocity autocorrelation function '%s' to '%s'\n", VAC_->legend(), 
  mprintf("\tWriting diffusion constants to '%s'\n", diffout_->Filename().full());
  if (maxLag_ < 1)
    mprintf("\tMaximum lag will be half total # of frames");
    mprintf("\tMaximum lag is %i frames", maxLag_);
  mprintf(", time step between frames is %f ps\n", tstep_);
  if (useFFT_)
    mprintf("\tUsing FFT to calculate autocorrelation function.\n");
    mprintf("\tUsing direct method to calculate autocorrelation function.\n");
  if (normalize_)
    mprintf("\tNormalizing autocorrelation function to 1.0\n");
  return Action::OK;
예제 #6
// Analysis_Wavelet::Setup
Analysis::RetType Analysis_Wavelet::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* datasetlist,
        TopologyList* PFLin, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
    // Attempt to get COORDS DataSet from DataSetList. If none specified the
    // default COORDS set will be used.
    std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("crdset");
    coords_ = (DataSet_Coords*)datasetlist->FindCoordsSet( setname );
    if (coords_ == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: Could not locate COORDS set corresponding to %s\n", setname.c_str());
        return Analysis::ERR;
    // Get keywords
    DataFile* outfile = DFLin->AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs );
    setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
    // TODO: Check defaults
    nb_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("nb", 0); // FIXME: Should be more descriptive? nscale?
    if (nb_ < 1) {
        mprinterr("Error: Scaling number must be > 0\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
    S0_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("s0", 0.2);
    ds_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("ds", 1.0/3.0);
    correction_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("correction", 1.01);
    chival_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("chival", 0.2231);
    // Wavelet type: default to Morlet
    std::string wavelet_name = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("type");
    if (wavelet_name.empty())
        wavelet_type_ = W_MORLET;
    else {
        wavelet_type_ = W_NONE;
        for (int itoken = 0; itoken != (int)W_NONE; itoken++)
            if (wavelet_name.compare(Tokens_[itoken].key_) == 0) {
                wavelet_type_ = (WaveletType)itoken;
        if (wavelet_type_ == W_NONE) {
            mprinterr("Error: Unrecognized wavelet type: %s\n", wavelet_name.c_str());
            return Analysis::ERR;
    // Atom mask
    mask_.SetMaskString( analyzeArgs.GetMaskNext() );
    // Set up output data set
    output_ = datasetlist->AddSet( DataSet::MATRIX_FLT, setname, "WAVELET" );
    if (output_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( output_ );

    mprintf("    WAVELET: Using COORDS set '%s', wavelet type %s\n",
            coords_->legend(), Tokens_[wavelet_type_].description_);
    mprintf("\tCalculating for atoms in mask '%s'\n", mask_.MaskString());
    mprintf("\tScaling wavelet %i times starting from %g with delta of %g\n",
            nb_, S0_, ds_);
    mprintf("\tCorrection: %g\n", correction_);
    mprintf("\tChiVal:     %g\n", chival_);
    if (outfile != 0) mprintf("\tOutput to '%s'\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());

    return Analysis::OK;
예제 #7
// Action_AtomicFluct::Init()
Action::RetType Action_AtomicFluct::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, TopologyList* PFL, DataSetList* DSL, DataFileList* DFL, int debugIn)
    // Get frame # keywords
    if (InitFrameCounter(actionArgs)) return Action::ERR;
    // Get other keywords
    bfactor_ = actionArgs.hasKey("bfactor");
    calc_adp_ = actionArgs.hasKey("calcadp");
    adpoutfile_ = DFL->AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("adpout"), "PDB w/ADP",
    if (adpoutfile_!=0) calc_adp_ = true; // adpout implies calcadp
    if (calc_adp_ && !bfactor_) bfactor_ = true;
    DataFile* outfile = DFL->AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
    if (actionArgs.hasKey("byres"))
        outtype_ = BYRES;
    else if (actionArgs.hasKey("bymask"))
        outtype_ = BYMASK;
    else if (actionArgs.hasKey("byatom") || actionArgs.hasKey("byatm"))
        outtype_ = BYATOM;
    // Get Mask
    Mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext()  );
    // Get DataSet name
    std::string setname = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
    // Add output dataset
    MetaData md( setname );
    md.SetTimeSeries( MetaData::NOT_TS );
    if (bfactor_)
    dataout_ = DSL->AddSet( DataSet::XYMESH, md, "Fluct" );
    if (dataout_ == 0) {
        mprinterr("Error: AtomicFluct: Could not allocate dataset for output.\n");
        return Action::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0)
        outfile->AddDataSet( dataout_ );

    mprintf("    ATOMICFLUCT: calculating");
    if (bfactor_)
        mprintf(" B factors");
        mprintf(" atomic positional fluctuations");
    if (outfile != 0)
        mprintf(", output to file %s", outfile->DataFilename().full());
    mprintf("\n                 Atom mask: [%s]\n",Mask_.MaskString());
    if (calc_adp_) {
        mprintf("\tCalculating anisotropic displacement parameters.\n");
        if (adpoutfile_!=0) mprintf("\tWriting PDB with ADP to '%s'\n", adpoutfile_->Filename().full());
    if (!setname.empty())
        mprintf("\tData will be saved to set named %s\n", setname.c_str());

    return Action::OK;
예제 #8
// TODO: Accept const ArgList so arguments are not reset?
CpptrajFile* DataFileList::AddCpptrajFile(FileName const& nameIn, 
                                          std::string const& descrip,
                                          CFtype typeIn, bool allowStdout)
  // If no filename and stdout not allowed, no output desired.
  if (nameIn.empty() && !allowStdout) return 0;
  FileName name;
  CpptrajFile* Current = 0;
  int currentIdx = -1;
  if (!nameIn.empty()) {
    name = nameIn;
    // Append ensemble number if set.
    if (ensembleNum_ != -1)
      name.Append( "." + integerToString(ensembleNum_) );
    // Check if filename in use by DataFile.
    DataFile* df = GetDataFile(name);
    if (df != 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Text output file name '%s' already in use by data file '%s'.\n",
                nameIn.full(), df->DataFilename().full());
      return 0;
    // Check if this filename already in use
    currentIdx = GetCpptrajFileIdx( name );
    if (currentIdx != -1) Current = cfList_[currentIdx];
  // If no CpptrajFile associated with name, create new CpptrajFile
  if (Current==0) {
    switch (typeIn) {
      case TEXT: Current = new CpptrajFile(); break;
      case PDB:  Current = (CpptrajFile*)(new PDBfile()); break;
    // Set up file for writing. 
    //if (Current->SetupWrite( name, debug_ ))
    if (Current->OpenWrite( name ))
      mprinterr("Error: Setting up text output file %s\n", name.full());
      delete Current;
      return 0;
    cfList_.push_back( Current );
    cfData_.push_back( CFstruct(descrip, typeIn) );
  } else {
    // If Current type does not match typeIn do not allow.
    if (typeIn != cfData_[currentIdx].Type()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Cannot change type of text output for '%s'.\n", Current->Filename().full());
      return 0;
    // Update description
    if (!descrip.empty())
      cfData_[currentIdx].UpdateDescrip( descrip );
  return Current;
예제 #9
Analysis::RetType Analysis_AutoCorr::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* datasetlist,
                            TopologyList* PFLin, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
  const char* calctype;

  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  DataFile* outfile = DFLin->AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs );
  lagmax_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("lagmax",-1);
  calc_covar_ = !analyzeArgs.hasKey("nocovar");
  usefft_ = !analyzeArgs.hasKey("direct");
  // Select datasets from remaining args
  ArgList dsetArgs = analyzeArgs.RemainingArgs();
  for (ArgList::const_iterator dsa = dsetArgs.begin(); dsa != dsetArgs.end(); ++dsa)
    dsets_ += datasetlist->GetMultipleSets( *dsa );
  if (dsets_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: autocorr: No data sets selected.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // If setname is empty generate a default name
  if (setname.empty())
    setname = datasetlist->GenerateDefaultName( "autocorr" );
  // Setup output datasets
  int idx = 0;
  MetaData md( setname );
  for (DataSetList::const_iterator DS = dsets_.begin(); DS != dsets_.end(); ++DS) {
    md.SetIdx( idx++ );
    DataSet* dsout = datasetlist->AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    if (dsout==0) return Analysis::ERR;
    dsout->SetLegend( (*DS)->Meta().Legend() );
    outputData_.push_back( dsout );
    // Add set to output file
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( outputData_.back() );
  if (calc_covar_)
    calctype = "covariance";
    calctype = "correlation";
  mprintf("    AUTOCORR: Calculating auto-%s for %i data sets:\n", calctype, dsets_.size());
  if (lagmax_!=-1)
    mprintf("\tLag max= %i\n", lagmax_);
  if ( !setname.empty() )
    mprintf("\tSet name: %s\n", setname.c_str() );
  if ( outfile != 0 )
    mprintf("\tOutfile name: %s\n", outfile->DataFilename().base());
  if (usefft_)
    mprintf("\tUsing FFT to calculate %s.\n", calctype);
    mprintf("\tUsing direct method to calculate %s.\n", calctype);

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #10
// Analysis_VectorMath::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_VectorMath::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* DSLin, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
  // Get Vectors
  vinfo1_ = (DataSet_Vector*)DSLin->FindSetOfType( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("vec1"),
                                                   DataSet::VECTOR );
  vinfo2_ = (DataSet_Vector*)DSLin->FindSetOfType( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("vec2"),
                                                   DataSet::VECTOR );
  if (vinfo1_ == 0 ) {
    mprinterr("Error: 'vec1' not found.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  if (vinfo2_ == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: 'vec2' not found.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  norm_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("norm");
  // Check for dotproduct/crossproduct keywords
  DataOut_ = 0;
  if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("dotproduct")) {
    mode_ = DOTPRODUCT;
    if ((DataOut_ = DSLin->AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, setname, "Dot")) == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  } else if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("dotangle")) {
    mode_ = DOTANGLE;
    norm_ = true; // Vecs must be normalized for angle calc to work
    if ((DataOut_ = DSLin->AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, setname, "Angle")) == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  } else if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("crossproduct")) {
    mode_ = CROSSPRODUCT;
    if ((DataOut_ = DSLin->AddSet(DataSet::VECTOR, setname, "Cross")) == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  } else
    mode_ = DOTPRODUCT;
  // Set up output file in DataFileList if necessary
  DataFile* outfile = DFLin->AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs );
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( DataOut_ );

  // Print Status
  mprintf("    VECTORMATH: Calculating %s of vectors %s and %s\n", 
            ModeString[mode_], vinfo1_->legend(), vinfo2_->legend());
  if (norm_) mprintf("\tVectors will be normalized.\n");
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tResults are written to %s\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #11
// Action_VelocityAutoCorr::Init()
Action::RetType Action_VelocityAutoCorr::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  useVelInfo_ = actionArgs.hasKey("usevelocity");
  mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  DataFile* outfile =  init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  maxLag_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("maxlag", -1);
  tstep_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("tstep", 1.0);
  useFFT_ = !actionArgs.hasKey("direct");
  normalize_ = actionArgs.hasKey("norm");
  // Set up output data set
  VAC_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "VAC");
  if (VAC_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( VAC_ );
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm(); 
  if (trajComm_.Size() > 1 && !useVelInfo_)
    mprintf("\nWarning: When calculating velocities between consecutive frames,\n"
            "\nWarning:   'velocityautocorr' in parallel will not work correctly if\n"
            "\nWarning:   coordinates have been modified by previous actions (e.g. 'rms').\n\n");
# endif
  mprintf("    VELOCITYAUTOCORR:\n"
          "\tCalculate velocity auto-correlation function for atoms in mask '%s'\n",
  if (useVelInfo_)
    mprintf("\tUsing velocity information present in frames.\n");
    mprintf("\tCalculating velocities between consecutive frames.\n");
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput data set '%s' to '%s'\n", VAC_->legend(), 
  if (maxLag_ < 1)
    mprintf("\tMaximum lag will be half total # of frames");
    mprintf("\tMaximum lag is %i frames", maxLag_);
  mprintf(", time step is %f ps\n", tstep_);
  if (useFFT_)
    mprintf("\tUsing FFT to calculate autocorrelation function.\n");
    mprintf("\tUsing direct method to calculate autocorrelation function.\n");
  if (normalize_)
    mprintf("\tNormalizing autocorrelation function to 1.0\n");
  return Action::OK;
예제 #12
// Action_GridFreeEnergy::init()
Action::RetType Action_GridFreeEnergy::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get output filename
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringNext(), actionArgs);
  if (outfile == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: GridFreeEnergy: no output filename specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  // Get grid options (<nx> <dx> <ny> <dy> <nz> <dz> [box|origin] [negative])
  grid_ = GridInit( "GridFreeEnergy", actionArgs, init.DSL() );
  if (grid_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
# ifdef MPI
  if (ParallelGridInit(init.TrajComm(), grid_)) return Action::ERR;
# endif
  //grid_.PrintXplor( filename_, "", "REMARKS Change in Free energy from bulk solvent with bin normalisation of " + integerToString(currentLargestVoxelOccupancyCount) );

  // Get mask
  std::string maskexpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (maskexpr.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: GridFreeEnergy: No mask specified.\n");
    init.DSL().RemoveSet( grid_ );
    return Action::ERR;

  // Get extra args
  tempInKevin_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("temp", 293.0);
  outfile->AddDataSet( grid_ );

  // Info
  mprintf("Warning: DNAIONTRACKER is experimental code!\n");
  mprintf("    GridFreeEnergy\n");
  GridInfo( *grid_ );
  mprintf("\tGrid will be printed to file %s\n",outfile->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tMask expression: [%s]\n",mask_.MaskString());
  mprintf("\tTemp is : %f K\n",tempInKevin_);

  // Allocate grid
  //if (GridAllocate()) return 1;

  return Action::OK;
예제 #13
// Analysis_FFT::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_FFT::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* datasetlist, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  DataFile* outfile = DFLin->AddDataFile(analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs);
  dt_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("dt",1.0);
  // Select datasets from remaining args
  if (input_dsets_.AddSetsFromArgs( analyzeArgs.RemainingArgs(), *datasetlist )) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not add data sets.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  if (input_dsets_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No input data sets.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // If setname is empty generate a default name
  if (setname.empty())
    setname = datasetlist->GenerateDefaultName( "FFT" );
  // Setup output datasets.
  int idx = 0;
  if ( input_dsets_.size() == 1 )
    idx = -1; // Only one input set, no need to refer to it by index
  for ( Array1D::const_iterator DS = input_dsets_.begin(); 
                                DS != input_dsets_.end(); ++DS) 
    DataSet* dsout = datasetlist->AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(setname, idx++) );
    if (dsout==0) return Analysis::ERR;
    dsout->SetLegend( (*DS)->Meta().Legend() );
    output_dsets_.push_back( (DataSet_1D*)dsout );
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( dsout );

  mprintf("    FFT: Calculating FFT for %u data sets.\n", input_dsets_.size());
  mprintf("\tTime step: %f\n", dt_);
  if ( !setname.empty() )
    mprintf("\tSet name: %s\n", setname.c_str() );
  if ( outfile != 0 )
    mprintf("\tOutfile name: %s\n", outfile->DataFilename().base());

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #14
// Action_Density::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Density::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm();
# endif
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs);

  std::string dsname = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");

  if (actionArgs.hasKey("x") ) {
    axis_ = DX;
    area_coord_[0] = DY;
    area_coord_[1] = DZ;
  } else if (actionArgs.hasKey("y") ) {
    axis_ = DY;
    area_coord_[0] = DX;
    area_coord_[1] = DZ;
  } else if (actionArgs.hasKey("z") ) {
    axis_ = DZ;
    area_coord_[0] = DX;
    area_coord_[1] = DY;

  property_ = NUMBER;
  if      (actionArgs.hasKey("number") )   property_ = NUMBER;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("mass") )     property_ = MASS;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("charge") )   property_ = CHARGE;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("electron") ) property_ = ELECTRON;

  binType_ = CENTER;
  if      (actionArgs.hasKey("bincenter")) binType_ = CENTER;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("binedge")  ) binType_ = EDGE;

  delta_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("delta", 0.01);
  if (delta_ <= 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Delta must be > 0.0\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  // for compatibility with ptraj, ignored because we rely on the atom code to
  // do the right thing, see Atom.{h,cpp}
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("efile"))
    mprintf("Warning: The 'efile' keyword is deprecated.\n");

  // read the rest of the command line as a series of masks
  std::string maskstr;

  unsigned int idx = 1;
  while ( (maskstr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext() ) != emptystring) {
    masks_.push_back( AtomMask(maskstr) );
    if (dsname.empty())
      dsname = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("DENSITY");
    MetaData MD(dsname, "avg", idx);
    MD.SetTimeSeries( MetaData::NOT_TS );
    // Hold average density
    DataSet* ads = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MD );
    if (ads == 0) return Action::ERR;
    ads->SetLegend( NoWhitespace(masks_.back().MaskExpression()) );
    AvSets_.push_back( ads );
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( ads );
    // Hold SD density
    DataSet* sds = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MD );
    if (sds == 0) return Action::ERR;
    sds->SetLegend( NoWhitespace("sd(" + masks_.back().MaskExpression() + ")") );
    SdSets_.push_back( sds );
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( sds );
#   ifdef MPI
    ads->SetNeedsSync( false ); // Populated in Print()
    sds->SetNeedsSync( false );
#   endif
  if (masks_.empty()) {
    // If no masks assume we want total system density.
    if (dsname.empty())
      dsname = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
    density_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, dsname, "DENSITY");
    if (density_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( density_ );
    image_.InitImaging( true );
    // Hijack delta for storing sum of masses
    delta_ = 0.0;
  } else {
    // Density selected by mask(s) along an axis
    density_ = 0;
    histograms_.resize(masks_.size() );

  mprintf("    DENSITY:");
  if (density_ == 0) {
    const char* binStr[] = {"center", "edge"};
    mprintf(" Determining %s density for %zu masks.\n", PropertyStr_[property_], masks_.size());
    mprintf("\troutine version: %s\n", ROUTINE_VERSION_STRING);
    mprintf("\tDelta is %f\n", delta_);
    mprintf("\tAxis is %s\n", AxisStr_[axis_]);
    mprintf("\tData set name is '%s'\n", dsname.c_str());
    mprintf("\tData set aspect [avg] holds the mean, aspect [sd] holds standard deviation.\n");
    mprintf("\tBin coordinates will be to bin %s.\n", binStr[binType_]);
  } else {
    mprintf(" No masks specified, calculating total system density in g/cm^3.\n");
    mprintf("\tData set name is '%s'\n", density_->legend());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput to '%s'\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());

  return Action::OK;
예제 #15
Analysis::RetType Analysis_AutoCorr::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, AnalysisSetup& setup, int debugIn)
  const char* calctype;

  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  DataFile* outfile = setup.DFL().AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs );
  lagmax_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("lagmax",-1);
  calc_covar_ = !analyzeArgs.hasKey("nocovar");
  usefft_ = !analyzeArgs.hasKey("direct");
  // Select datasets from remaining args
  ArgList dsetArgs = analyzeArgs.RemainingArgs();
  for (ArgList::const_iterator dsa = dsetArgs.begin(); dsa != dsetArgs.end(); ++dsa) {
    DataSetList setsIn = setup.DSL().GetMultipleSets( *dsa );
    for (DataSetList::const_iterator ds = setsIn.begin(); ds != setsIn.end(); ++ds) {
      if ( (*ds)->Group() != DataSet::SCALAR_1D && (*ds)->Type() != DataSet::VECTOR )
        mprintf("Warning: Set '%s' type not supported in AUTOCORR - skipping.\n",
        dsets_.push_back( *ds );
  if (dsets_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No data sets selected.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // If setname is empty generate a default name
  if (setname.empty())
    setname = setup.DSL().GenerateDefaultName( "autocorr" );
  // Setup output datasets
  MetaData md( setname );
  for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx != dsets_.size(); idx++) {
    md.SetIdx( idx );
    DataSet* dsout = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    if (dsout==0) return Analysis::ERR;
    dsout->SetLegend( dsets_[idx]->Meta().Legend() );
    outputData_.push_back( dsout );
    // Add set to output file
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( outputData_.back() );
  if (calc_covar_)
    calctype = "covariance";
    calctype = "correlation";
  mprintf("    AUTOCORR: Calculating auto-%s for %i data sets:\n\t", calctype, dsets_.size());
  for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx != dsets_.size(); ++idx)
    mprintf(" %s", dsets_[idx]->legend());
  if (lagmax_!=-1)
    mprintf("\tLag max= %i\n", lagmax_);
  if ( !setname.empty() )
    mprintf("\tSet name: %s\n", setname.c_str() );
  if ( outfile != 0 )
    mprintf("\tOutfile name: %s\n", outfile->DataFilename().base());
  if (usefft_)
    mprintf("\tUsing FFT to calculate %s.\n", calctype);
    mprintf("\tUsing direct method to calculate %s.\n", calctype);

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #16
// Analysis_Timecorr::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_Timecorr::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* DSLin,
                            TopologyList* PFLin, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
  // Get Vectors
  std::string vec1name = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("vec1");
  if (vec1name.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: no vec1 given, ignoring command\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  vinfo1_ = (DataSet_Vector*)DSLin->FindSetOfType( vec1name, DataSet::VECTOR );
  if (vinfo1_==0) {
    mprinterr("Error: vec1: no vector with name %s found.\n", 
    return Analysis::ERR;
  std::string vec2name = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("vec2");
  if (!vec2name.empty()) {
    vinfo2_ = (DataSet_Vector*)DSLin->FindSetOfType( vec2name, DataSet::VECTOR );
    if (vinfo2_==0) {
      mprinterr("Error: vec2: no vector with name %s found.\n", 
      return Analysis::ERR;
  } else
    vinfo2_ = 0;
  // Get output DataSet name
  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  if (setname.empty())
    setname = DSLin->GenerateDefaultName("TC");
  // Determine auto or cross correlation 
  if (vinfo2_ == 0)
    mode_ = AUTOCORR;
    mode_ = CROSSCORR;
  // Get dplr, norm, drct
  dplr_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("dplr");
  norm_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("norm");
  drct_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("drct");
  std::string dplrname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("dplrout");
  // Get order for Legendre polynomial, tstep, and tcorr
  order_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("order",2);
  if (order_ < 0 || order_ > 2) {
    mprintf("Warning: vector order out of bounds (should be 0, 1, or 2), resetting to 2.\n");
    order_ = 2;
  tstep_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("tstep", 1.0);
  tcorr_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("tcorr", 10000.0);
  // File output. For ptrajformat, time correlation functions and dipolar
  // are output to file specified by 'out'. Otherwise time correlation
  // functions are written to file specified by 'out' using DataFile 
  // framework and dipolar output to 'dplrname'.
  ptrajformat_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("ptrajformat");
  std::string filename = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out");
  if (ptrajformat_ && filename.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No output file name given ('out <filename>'). Required for 'ptrajformat'.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  DataFile* dataout = 0;
  if (!ptrajformat_) {
    dataout = DFLin->AddDataFile( filename, analyzeArgs );
    if (dplr_) {
      if (!dplrname.empty() && dplrname == filename) {
        mprinterr("Error: 'dplrname' cannot be the same file as 'out' when 'ptrajformat' not specified.\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
      outfile_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( dplrname, "Timecorr dipolar", DataFileList::TEXT, true );
      if (outfile_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  } else {
    outfile_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( filename, "Timecorr output" );
    if (outfile_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  // Set up output DataSets
  tc_p_ = DSLin->AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(setname, "P"));
  if (tc_p_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  tc_p_->SetLegend( Plegend_[order_] );
  if (dataout != 0) dataout->AddDataSet( tc_p_ );
  if (dplr_) {
    tc_c_ = DSLin->AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(setname, "C"));
    tc_r3r3_ = DSLin->AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(setname, "R3R3"));
    if (tc_c_ == 0 || tc_r3r3_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    tc_r3r3_->SetLegend( "<1/(r^3*r^3)>" );
    if (dataout != 0) {
      dataout->AddDataSet( tc_c_ );
      dataout->AddDataSet( tc_r3r3_ );

  // Print Status
  mprintf("    TIMECORR: Calculating %s", ModeString[mode_]);
  if (mode_ == AUTOCORR)
    mprintf(" of vector %s\n", vinfo1_->legend());
  else // CROSSCORR
    mprintf(" of vectors %s and %s\n", vinfo1_->legend(),
  mprintf("\tCorrelation time %f, time step %f, order %i\n", tcorr_, tstep_, order_);
  mprintf("\tCorr. func. are");
  if (dplr_)
    mprintf(" for dipolar interactions and");
  if (norm_)
    mprintf(" normalized.\n");
    mprintf(" not normalized.\n");
  mprintf("\tCorr. func. are calculated using the");
  if (drct_)
    mprintf(" direct approach.\n");
    mprintf(" FFT approach.\n");
  if (ptrajformat_)
    mprintf("\tResults are written to %s\n", outfile_->Filename().full());
  else {
    if (dataout != 0) mprintf("\tTime correlation functions written to %s\n", dataout->DataFilename().full());
    if (outfile_ != 0) mprintf("\tDipolar results written to %s\n", outfile_->Filename().full()); 
  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #17
// Analysis_TI::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_TI::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, AnalysisSetup& setup, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  int nq = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("nq", 0);
  ArgList nskipArg(analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("nskip"), ","); // Comma-separated
  avg_increment_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("avgincrement", -1);
  avg_max_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("avgmax", -1);
  avg_skip_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("avgskip", 0);
  n_bootstrap_pts_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("bs_pts", -1);
  n_bootstrap_samples_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("bs_samples", 0);
  bootstrap_seed_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("bs_seed", -1);
  bootstrap_fac_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("bs_fac", 0.75);
  if (!nskipArg.empty()) {
    avgType_ = SKIP;
    // Specified numbers of points to skip
    for (int i = 0; i != nskipArg.Nargs(); i++) {
      nskip_.push_back( nskipArg.getNextInteger(0) );
      if (nskip_.back() < 0) nskip_.back() = 0;
  } else if (avg_increment_ > 0)
    avgType_ = INCREMENT;
  else if (n_bootstrap_samples_ > 0)
    avgType_ = BOOTSTRAP;
    avgType_ = AVG;
  masterDSL_ = setup.DslPtr();
  // Get lambda values
  ArgList xArgs(analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("xvals"), ","); // Also comma-separated
  if (!xArgs.empty()) {
    for (int i = 0; i != xArgs.Nargs(); i++)
      xval_.push_back( xArgs.getNextDouble(0.0) );
  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  DataFile* outfile = setup.DFL().AddDataFile(analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs);
  curveout_ = setup.DFL().AddDataFile(analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("curveout"), analyzeArgs);
  // Select datasets from remaining args
  if (input_dsets_.AddSetsFromArgs( analyzeArgs.RemainingArgs(), setup.DSL() )) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not add data sets.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  if (input_dsets_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No input data sets.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  if (SetQuadAndWeights(nq)) return Analysis::ERR;
  // Determine integration mode
  if (nq > 0)
    mode_ = GAUSSIAN_QUAD;
    mode_ = TRAPEZOID;
  // Check that # abscissas matches # data sets
  if (xval_.size() != input_dsets_.size()) {
     mprinterr("Error: Expected %zu data sets for integration, got %zu\n",
               input_dsets_.size(), xval_.size());
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // Set up output data sets
  DataSet::DataType dtype = DataSet::DOUBLE;
  if (avgType_ == SKIP || avgType_ == INCREMENT)
    dtype = DataSet::XYMESH;
  dAout_ = setup.DSL().AddSet(dtype, setname, "TI");
  if (dAout_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( dAout_ );
  MetaData md(dAout_->Meta().Name(), "TIcurve");
  if (avgType_ == AVG) {
    // Single curve
    curve_.push_back( setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::XYMESH, md) );
    if (curve_.back() == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    if (curveout_ != 0) curveout_->AddDataSet( curve_.back() );
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->ProcessArgs("noxcol");
  } else if (avgType_ == SKIP) {
    // As many curves as skip values
    for (Iarray::const_iterator it = nskip_.begin(); it != nskip_.end(); ++it) {
      md.SetIdx( *it );
      DataSet* ds = setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::XYMESH, md);
      if (ds == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
      ds->SetLegend( md.Name() + "_Skip" + integerToString(*it) );
      if (curveout_ != 0) curveout_->AddDataSet( ds );
      curve_.push_back( ds );
  } else if (avgType_ == BOOTSTRAP) {
    // As many curves as resamples
    for (int nsample = 0; nsample != n_bootstrap_samples_; nsample++) {
      DataSet* ds = setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::XYMESH, md);
      if (ds == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
      ds->SetLegend( md.Name() + "_Sample" + integerToString(nsample) );
      if (curveout_ != 0) curveout_->AddDataSet( ds );
      curve_.push_back( ds );
    // Standard devation of avg free energy over samples
    dA_SD_ = setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(md.Name(), "SD"));
    if (dA_SD_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) {
      outfile->AddDataSet( dA_SD_ );
  // NOTE: INCREMENT is set up once data set size is known 

  mprintf("    TI: Calculating TI");
  if (mode_ == GAUSSIAN_QUAD) {
    mprintf(" using Gaussian quadrature with %zu points.\n", xval_.size());
    mprintf("\t%6s %8s %8s %s\n", "Point", "Abscissa", "Weight", "SetName");
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i != xval_.size(); i++)
      mprintf("\t%6i %8.5f %8.5f %s\n", i, xval_[i], wgt_[i], input_dsets_[i]->legend());
  } else {
    mprintf(" using the trapezoid rule.\n");
    mprintf("\t%6s %8s %s\n", "Point", "Abscissa", "SetName");
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i != xval_.size(); i++)
      mprintf("\t%6i %8.5f %s\n", i, xval_[i], input_dsets_[i]->legend());
  mprintf("\tResult(s) of integration(s) saved in set '%s'\n", dAout_->legend());
  if (avgType_ == AVG)
    mprintf("\tUsing all data points in <DV/DL> calc.\n");
  else if (avgType_ == SKIP) {
    mprintf("\tSkipping first");
    for (Iarray::const_iterator it = nskip_.begin(); it != nskip_.end(); ++it)
      mprintf(" %i", *it);
    mprintf(" data points for <DV/DL> calc.\n");
  } else if (avgType_ == INCREMENT) {
    mprintf("\tCalculating <DV/DL> starting from point %i, increment by %i.",
            avg_skip_, avg_increment_);
    if (avg_max_ != -1)
      mprintf(" Max %i points.", avg_max_);
  } else if (avgType_ == BOOTSTRAP) {
    mprintf("\tStandard devation of result stored in set '%s'\n", dA_SD_->legend());
    mprintf("\tCalculating <DV/DL> from %i bootstrap resamples.\n", n_bootstrap_samples_);
    if (n_bootstrap_pts_ > 0)
      mprintf("\tBootstrap resample size is %i data points.\n", n_bootstrap_pts_);
      mprintf("\tWill use bootstrap resample size of %g%% of total points.\n",
    if (bootstrap_seed_ != -1)
      mprintf("\tBoostrap base seed is %i\n", bootstrap_seed_);
  mprintf("\tTI curve(s) saved in set(s)");
  if (avgType_ != INCREMENT)
    for (DSarray::const_iterator ds = curve_.begin(); ds != curve_.end(); ++ds)
      mprintf(" '%s'", (*ds)->legend());
    mprintf(" named '%s'", md.PrintName().c_str());
  if (outfile != 0) mprintf("\tResults written to '%s'\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  if (curveout_!= 0) mprintf("\tTI curve(s) written to '%s'\n", curveout_->DataFilename().full());

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #18
/** Syntax: dataset invert <set arg0> ... name <new name> */
Exec::RetType Exec_DataSetCmd::InvertSets(CpptrajState& State, ArgList& argIn) {
  DataSetList& DSL = State.DSL();
  // Get keywords
  DataSet* inputNames = 0;
  std::string dsname = argIn.GetStringKey("legendset");
  if (!dsname.empty()) {
    inputNames = DSL.GetDataSet( dsname );
    if (inputNames == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Name set '%s' not found.\n", dsname.c_str());
      return CpptrajState::ERR;
    if (inputNames->Type() != DataSet::STRING) {
      mprinterr("Error: Set '%s' does not contain strings.\n", inputNames->legend());
      return CpptrajState::ERR;
    mprintf("\tUsing names from set '%s' as legends for inverted sets.\n", inputNames->legend());
  dsname = argIn.GetStringKey("name");
  if (dsname.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: 'invert' requires that 'name <new set name>' be specified.\n");
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  mprintf("\tNew sets will be named '%s'\n", dsname.c_str());
  DataFile* outfile = State.DFL().AddDataFile( argIn.GetStringKey("out"), argIn );
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tNew sets will be output to '%s'\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  // TODO determine type some other way
  DataSet::DataType outtype = DataSet::DOUBLE;
  // Get input DataSets
  std::vector<DataSet_1D*> input_sets; 
  std::string dsarg = argIn.GetStringNext();
  while (!dsarg.empty()) {
    DataSetList sets = DSL.GetMultipleSets( dsarg );
    for (DataSetList::const_iterator ds = sets.begin(); ds != sets.end(); ++ds)
      if ( (*ds)->Group() != DataSet::SCALAR_1D ) {
        mprintf("Warning: '%s': Inversion only supported for 1D scalar data sets.\n",
      } else {
        if (!input_sets.empty()) {
          if ( (*ds)->Size() != input_sets.back()->Size() ) {
            mprinterr("Error: Set '%s' has different size (%zu) than previous set (%zu)\n",
                      (*ds)->legend(), (*ds)->Size(), input_sets.back()->Size());
            return CpptrajState::ERR;
        input_sets.push_back( (DataSet_1D*)*ds );
    dsarg = argIn.GetStringNext();
  if (input_sets.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No sets selected.\n");
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  if (inputNames != 0 && inputNames->Size() != input_sets.front()->Size()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Name set '%s' size (%zu) differs from # data points (%zu).\n",
              inputNames->legend(), inputNames->Size(), input_sets.front()->Size());
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  mprintf("\t%zu input sets; creating %zu output sets.\n",
          input_sets.size(), input_sets.front()->Size());
  // Need an output data set for each point in input sets
  std::vector<DataSet*> output_sets;
  int column = 1;
  for (int idx = 0; idx != (int)input_sets[0]->Size(); idx++, column++) {
    DataSet* ds = 0;
    ds = DSL.AddSet(outtype, MetaData(dsname, column));
    if (ds == 0) return CpptrajState::ERR;
    if (inputNames != 0)
      ds->SetLegend( (*((DataSet_string*)inputNames))[idx] );
    output_sets.push_back( ds );
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( ds );
  // Create a data set containing names of each input data set
  DataSet* nameset = DSL.AddSet(DataSet::STRING, MetaData(dsname, column));
  if (nameset == 0) return CpptrajState::ERR;
  if (inputNames != 0)
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( nameset );
  // Populate output data sets
  for (int jdx = 0; jdx != (int)input_sets.size(); jdx++)
    DataSet_1D const& INP = static_cast<DataSet_1D const&>( *(input_sets[jdx]) );
    nameset->Add( jdx, INP.legend() );
    for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx != INP.Size(); idx++)
      double dval = INP.Dval( idx );
      output_sets[idx]->Add( jdx, &dval );

  return CpptrajState::OK;
예제 #19
// Action_Watershell::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Watershell::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  image_.InitImaging( !actionArgs.hasKey("noimage") );
  // Get keywords
  std::string filename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
  lowerCutoff_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("lower", 3.4);
  upperCutoff_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("upper", 5.0);
  // Get solute mask
  std::string maskexpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (maskexpr.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Solute mask must be specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  soluteMask_.SetMaskString( maskexpr );
  // Check for solvent mask
  std::string solventmaskexpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (!solventmaskexpr.empty())
    solventMask_.SetMaskString( solventmaskexpr );
  // For backwards compat., if no 'out' assume next string is file name 
  if (filename.empty() && actionArgs.Nargs() > 2 && !actionArgs.Marked(2))
    filename = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( filename, actionArgs );

  // Set up datasets
  std::string dsname = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (dsname.empty())
    dsname = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("WS");
  lower_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, MetaData(dsname, "lower"));
  upper_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, MetaData(dsname, "upper"));
  if (lower_ == 0 || upper_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0) {
# ifndef CUDA
# ifdef _OPENMP
  // Determine number of parallel threads
  int numthreads = 0;
#pragma omp parallel
  if (omp_get_thread_num()==0)
    numthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
  shellStatus_thread_.resize( numthreads );
# endif
# endif
  mprintf("    WATERSHELL:");
  if (outfile != 0) mprintf(" Output to %s", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  if (!image_.UseImage())
    mprintf("\tImaging is disabled.\n");
  mprintf("\tThe first shell will contain solvent < %.3f angstroms from\n",
  mprintf("\t  the solute; the second shell < %.3f angstroms...\n",
  mprintf("\tSolute atoms will be specified by [%s]\n",soluteMask_.MaskString());
  if (solventMask_.MaskStringSet())
    mprintf("\tSolvent atoms will be specified by [%s]\n", solventMask_.MaskString());
#ifdef CUDA
  mprintf("\tDistance calculations will be GPU-accelerated with CUDA.\n");
# ifdef _OPENMP
  if (shellStatus_thread_.size() > 1)
    mprintf("\tParallelizing calculation with %zu threads.\n", shellStatus_thread_.size());
# endif
  mprintf("\t# solvent molecules in 'lower' shell stored in set '%s'\n", lower_->legend());
  mprintf("\t# solvent molecules in 'upper' shell stored in set '%s'\n", upper_->legend());

  // Pre-square upper and lower cutoffs
  lowerCutoff_ *= lowerCutoff_;
  upperCutoff_ *= upperCutoff_;

  return Action::OK;
예제 #20
// Action_NativeContacts::Init()
Action::RetType Action_NativeContacts::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm();
# endif
  masterDSL_ = init.DslPtr();
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Get Keywords
  image_.InitImaging( !(actionArgs.hasKey("noimage")) );
  double dist = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("distance", 7.0);
  byResidue_ = actionArgs.hasKey("byresidue");
  resoffset_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("resoffset", 0) + 1;
  if (resoffset_ < 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: Residue offset must be >= 0\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  includeSolvent_ = actionArgs.hasKey("includesolvent");
  series_ = actionArgs.hasKey("series");
  saveNonNative_ = actionArgs.hasKey("savenonnative");
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("skipnative"))
    determineNativeContacts_ = false;
  if (!determineNativeContacts_ && !saveNonNative_) {
    mprintf("Warning: 'skipnative' specified; implies 'savenonnative'.\n");
    saveNonNative_ = true;
# ifdef MPI
  if (saveNonNative_) {
    mprinterr("Error: Saving non-native contact data not yet supported for MPI\n");
    return Action::ERR;
# endif
  distance_ = dist * dist; // Square the cutoff
  first_ = actionArgs.hasKey("first");
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  Rseries_ = NO_RESSERIES;
  if (series_) {
    seriesout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("seriesout"), actionArgs);
    init.DSL().SetDataSetsPending( true );
    if (saveNonNative_)
      seriesNNout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("seriesnnout"), actionArgs);
    std::string rs_arg = actionArgs.GetStringKey("resseries");
    if (!rs_arg.empty()) {
      if (rs_arg == "present")
        Rseries_ = RES_PRESENT;
      else if (rs_arg == "sum")
        Rseries_ = RES_SUM;
      else {
        mprinterr("Error: '%s' is not a valid 'resseries' keyword.\n", rs_arg.c_str());
        return Action::ERR;
      seriesRout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("resseriesout"), actionArgs);
  } else {
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"seriesout")) return Action::ERR;
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"seriesnnout")) return Action::ERR;
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"resseries")) return Action::ERR;
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"resseriesout")) return Action::ERR;
  cfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("writecontacts"), "Native Contacts",
                               DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  pfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("contactpdb"), "Contact PDB",
  if (saveNonNative_)
    nfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("nncontactpdb"),
                                       "Non-native Contact PDB", DataFileList::PDB);
  rfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("resout"), "Contact Res Pairs",
                               DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  if (cfile_ == 0 || rfile_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  pdbcut_ = (float)actionArgs.getKeyDouble("pdbcut", -1.0);
  usepdbcut_ = (pdbcut_ > -1.0);
  // Get reference for native contacts. Do this even if we wont be
  // determining native contacts in order to set up contact lists.
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (!first_) {
    if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
    if (REF.empty()) {
      mprintf("Warning: No reference structure specified. Defaulting to first.\n");
      first_ = true;
  } else {
    if (!REF.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Must only specify 'first' or a reference structure, not both.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
  // Create data sets
  std::string name = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  if (name.empty())
    name = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("Contacts");
  numnative_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, MetaData(name, "native"));
  nonnative_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, MetaData(name, "nonnative"));
  if (outfile != 0) {
  if (numnative_ == 0 || nonnative_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("mindist")) {
    mindist_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(name, "mindist"));
    if (mindist_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet(mindist_);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("maxdist")) {
    maxdist_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(name, "maxdist"));
    if (maxdist_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet(maxdist_);
  DataFile *natmapfile = 0, *nonmapfile = 0;
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("map")) {
    nativeMap_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(name, "nativemap"));
    if (nativeMap_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    nonnatMap_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(name, "nonnatmap"));
    if (nonnatMap_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    FileName mapFilename;
    mapFilename.SetFileName( actionArgs.GetStringKey("mapout") );
    if (!mapFilename.empty()) {
      natmapfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(mapFilename.PrependFileName("native."));
      if (natmapfile != 0) natmapfile->AddDataSet(nativeMap_);
      nonmapfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(mapFilename.PrependFileName("nonnative."));
      if (nonmapfile != 0) nonmapfile->AddDataSet(nonnatMap_);
  // Get Masks
  if (Mask1_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() )) return Action::ERR;
  std::string mask2 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (!mask2.empty()) {
    if (Mask2_.SetMaskString( mask2 )) return Action::ERR;
  mprintf("    NATIVECONTACTS: Mask1='%s'", Mask1_.MaskString());
  if (Mask2_.MaskStringSet())
    mprintf(" Mask2='%s'", Mask2_.MaskString());
  if (determineNativeContacts_) {
    mprintf(", native contacts set up based on");
    if (first_)
      mprintf(" first frame.\n");
      mprintf("'%s'.\n", REF.refName());
  } else {
    mprintf(", skipping native contacts set up.\n");
  if (byResidue_) {
    mprintf("\tContacts will be ignored for residues spaced < %i apart.\n", resoffset_);
    if (nativeMap_ != 0)
      mprintf("\tMap will be printed by residue.\n");
  if (saveNonNative_)
    mprintf("\tSaving non-native contacts as well (may use a lot of memory).\n");
  mprintf("\tDistance cutoff is %g Angstroms,", sqrt(distance_));
  if (!image_.UseImage())
    mprintf(" imaging is off.\n");
    mprintf(" imaging is on.\n");
  if (includeSolvent_)
    mprintf("\tMask selection will including solvent.\n");
    mprintf("\tMask selection will not include solvent.\n");
  mprintf("\tData set name: %s\n", name.c_str());
  if (maxdist_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tSaving maximum observed distances in set '%s'\n", maxdist_->legend());
  if (mindist_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tSaving minimum observed distances in set '%s'\n", mindist_->legend());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput to '%s'\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tContact stats will be written to '%s'\n", cfile_->Filename().full());
  mprintf("\tContact res pairs will be written to '%s'\n", rfile_->Filename().full());
  if (pfile_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tContact PDB will be written to '%s'\n", pfile_->Filename().full());
    if (usepdbcut_) mprintf("\tOnly atoms with values > %g will be written to PDB.\n", pdbcut_);
  if (nfile_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tNon-native contact PDB will be written to '%s'\n", nfile_->Filename().full());
    if (usepdbcut_) mprintf("\tOnly atoms with values > %g will be written to PDB.\n", pdbcut_);
  if (nativeMap_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tNative contacts map will be saved as set '%s'\n"
            "\tNon-native contacts map will be saved as set '%s'\n",
            nativeMap_->legend(), nonnatMap_->legend());
    if (natmapfile!=0) mprintf("\tNative map output to '%s'\n",natmapfile->DataFilename().full());
    if (nonmapfile!=0) mprintf("\tNative map output to '%s'\n",nonmapfile->DataFilename().full());
  if (series_) {
    mprintf("\tSaving native contact time series %s[NC].\n", name.c_str());
    if (seriesout_ != 0) mprintf("\tWriting native contact time series to %s\n",
    if (saveNonNative_) {
      mprintf("\tSaving non-native contact time series %s[NN]\n", name.c_str());
      if (seriesNNout_ != 0) mprintf("\tWriting non-native contact time series to %s\n",
    if (Rseries_ != NO_RESSERIES) {
      if (Rseries_ == RES_PRESENT)
        mprintf("\tResidue contact time series will reflect presence of individual contacts.\n");
      else if (Rseries_ == RES_SUM)
        mprintf("\tResidue contact time series will reflect sum of individual contacts.\n");
      if (seriesRout_ != 0) mprintf("\tWriting residue contact time series to %s\n",
  // Set up reference if necessary.
  if (!first_) {
    // Set up imaging info for ref parm
    image_.SetupImaging( REF.CoordsInfo().TrajBox().Type() );
    if (image_.ImageType() == NONORTHO)
      REF.Coord().BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell_, recip_);
    if (DetermineNativeContacts( REF.Parm(), REF.Coord() )) return Action::ERR;
  return Action::OK;
예제 #21
// Analysis_CrdFluct::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_CrdFluct::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* datasetlist, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
  bfactor_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("bfactor");
  // Attempt to get coords dataset from datasetlist
  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("crdset");
  coords_ = (DataSet_Coords*)datasetlist->FindCoordsSet( setname );
  if (coords_ == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: crdfluct: Could not locate COORDS set corresponding to %s\n",
    return Analysis::ERR;
  DataFile* outfile = DFLin->AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs );
  windowSize_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("window", -1);
  // Get mask
  mask_.SetMaskString( analyzeArgs.GetMaskNext() );

  mprintf("    CRDFLUCT: Atomic fluctuations will be calcd for set %s, mask [%s]\n", 
          coords_->legend(), mask_.MaskString());
  if (windowSize_ != -1) mprintf("\tWindow size = %i\n", windowSize_);
  if (outfile != 0) mprintf("\tOutput to %s\n", outfile->DataFilename().base());

  // Set up data sets
  setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (windowSize_ < 1) {
    // Only one data set for total B-factors
    DataSet* ds = datasetlist->AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, setname, "fluct" );
    if (ds == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    outSets_.push_back( ds );
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( ds );
  } else {
    if (coords_->Size() == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: window size > 0 and COORDS data set %s is empty.\n", 
      mprinterr("Error: Cannot predict how many window data sets will be needed.\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    if (setname.empty()) setname = datasetlist->GenerateDefaultName("fluct");
    // Determine how many windows will be needed
    int nwindows = coords_->Size() / windowSize_;
    for (int win = 0; win < nwindows; ++win) {
      int frame = (win + 1) * windowSize_;
      DataSet* ds = datasetlist->AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(setname, frame) );
      if (ds == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
      ds->SetLegend( "F_" + integerToString( frame ) );
      ds->SetDim( Dimension::X, Dimension(1.0, 1.0, "Atom") );
      outSets_.push_back( ds );
      if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( ds );
    if ( (coords_->Size() % windowSize_) != 0 ) {
      DataSet* ds = datasetlist->AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(setname, coords_->Size()) );
      outSets_.push_back( ds );
      if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( ds );
    for (SetList::iterator out = outSets_.begin(); out != outSets_.end(); ++out)
      mprintf("\t%s\n", (*out)->legend());
  // Setup output file
/*  if (bfactor_)

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #22
Analysis::RetType Analysis_State::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* datasetlist, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  masterDSL_ = datasetlist;
  DataFile* outfile = DFLin->AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs );
  curveOut_ = DFLin->AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("curveout"), analyzeArgs );
  stateOut_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("stateout"), "State Output",
                                     DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  transOut_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("transout"), "Transitions Output",
                                     DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  normalize_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("norm");
  // Get definitions of states if present.
  // Define states as 'state <#>,<dataset>,<min>,<max>'
  std::string state_arg = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("state");
  if (!state_arg.empty()) {
    while (!state_arg.empty()) {
      // Expect form <#>,<dataset>
      ArgList argtmp(state_arg, ",");
      if (argtmp.Nargs() != 4) {
        mprinterr("Error: Malformed state argument '%s': expect <ID>,<dataset>,<min>,<max>\n",
        return Analysis::ERR;
      std::string state_id = argtmp.GetStringNext();
      // TODO: Check duplicate names
      if (state_id.empty()) {
        mprinterr("Error: In state argument, could not get ID.\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
      DataSet* ds = datasetlist->GetDataSet( argtmp.GetStringNext() );
      if (ds == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
      if (ds->Ndim() != 1) {
        mprinterr("Error: Only 1D data sets allowed.\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
      double min = argtmp.getNextDouble(0.0);
      double max = argtmp.getNextDouble(0.0);
      if (max < min) {
        mprinterr("Error: max value cannot be less than min.\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
      States_.push_back( StateType(state_id, (DataSet_1D*)ds, min, max) );
      state_arg = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("state");
  if (States_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No states defined.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  state_data_ = datasetlist->AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name"), "State");
  if (state_data_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( state_data_ );

  mprintf("    STATE: The following states have been set up:\n");
  for (StateArray::const_iterator state = States_.begin(); state != States_.end(); ++state)
    mprintf("\t%u: %20s %12.4f <= %-20s < %12.4f\n", state - States_.begin(), state->DS().legend(),
            state->Min(), state->id(), state->Max());
  mprintf("\tState data set: %s\n", state_data_->legend());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tStates vs time output to file '%s'\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  if (curveOut_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tCurves output to file '%s'\n", curveOut_->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tState output to file '%s'\n", stateOut_->Filename().full());
  mprintf("\tTransitions output to file '%s'\n", transOut_->Filename().full());
  if (normalize_)
    mprintf("\tCurves will be normalized to 1.0\n");

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #23
// Analysis_Matrix::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_Matrix::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, AnalysisSetup& setup, int debugIn)
  mprinterr("Error: Compiled without LAPACK routines.\n");
  return Analysis::ERR;
  // Get matrix name
  std::string mname = analyzeArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (mname.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Missing matrix name (first argument).\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // Find matrix in DataSetList.
  matrix_ = (DataSet_2D*)setup.DSL().FindSetOfType( mname, DataSet::MATRIX_DBL );
  if (matrix_ == 0)
    matrix_ = (DataSet_2D*)setup.DSL().FindSetOfType( mname, DataSet::MATRIX_FLT );
  if (matrix_ == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not find matrix named %s\n",mname.c_str());
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // Check that matrix is symmetric (half-matrix incl. diagonal).
  if (matrix_->MatrixKind() != DataSet_2D::HALF) {
    mprinterr("Error: Only works for symmetric matrices (i.e. no mask2)\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // nmwiz flag
  nmwizopt_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("nmwiz");
  if (nmwizopt_) { 
    nmwizvecs_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("nmwizvecs", 20);
    if (nmwizvecs_ < 1) {
      mprinterr("Error: nmwizvecs must be >= 1\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    nmwizfile_ = setup.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("nmwizfile"), "NMwiz output",
                                       DataFileList::TEXT, true);
    Topology* parmIn = setup.DSL().GetTopology( analyzeArgs); // TODO: Include with matrix
    if (parmIn == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: nmwiz: No topology specified.\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    AtomMask nmwizMask( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("nmwizmask") );
    if (parmIn->SetupIntegerMask( nmwizMask )) return Analysis::ERR;
    Topology* nparm = parmIn->partialModifyStateByMask( nmwizMask );
    if (nparm == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    nmwizParm_ = *nparm;
    delete nparm;
    nmwizParm_.Brief("nmwiz topology");
  // Filenames
  DataFile* outfile = setup.DFL().AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs);
  // Thermo flag
  thermopt_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("thermo");
  if (thermopt_) {
    outthermo_ = setup.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("outthermo"), "'thermo' output",
                                       DataFileList::TEXT, true);
    if (outthermo_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  thermo_temp_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("temp", 298.15);
  if (thermopt_ && matrix_->Meta().ScalarType() != MetaData::MWCOVAR) {
    mprinterr("Error: Parameter 'thermo' only works for mass-weighted covariance matrix ('mwcovar').\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // Number of eigenvectors; allow "0" only in case of 'thermo'. -1 means 'All'
  nevec_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("vecs",-1);
  if (nevec_ == 0 && !thermopt_) {
    mprintf("Warning: # of eigenvectors specified is 0 and 'thermo' not specified.\n");
    mprintf("Warning: Specify # eigenvectors with 'vecs <#>'. Setting to All.\n");
    nevec_ = -1;
  // Reduce flag
  reduce_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("reduce");
  // Set up DataSet_Modes. Set Modes DataSet type to be same as input matrix. 
  MetaData md( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name") );
  md.SetScalarType( matrix_->Meta().ScalarType() );
  modes_ = (DataSet_Modes*)setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::MODES, md, "Modes" );
  if (modes_==0) return Analysis::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( modes_ );

  // Print Status
  mprintf("    DIAGMATRIX: Diagonalizing matrix %s",matrix_->legend());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf(" and writing modes to %s", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  if (nevec_ > 0)
    mprintf("\n\tCalculating %i eigenvectors.\n", nevec_);
  else if (nevec_ == 0)
    mprintf("\n\tNot calculating eigenvectors.\n");
    mprintf("\n\tCalculating all eigenvectors.\n");
  if (thermopt_)
    mprintf("\tCalculating thermodynamic data at %.2f K, output to %s\n",
            thermo_temp_, outthermo_->Filename().full());
  if (nmwizopt_)
    mprintf("\tWriting %i modes to NMWiz file %s", nmwizvecs_, nmwizfile_->Filename().full());
  if (nevec_>0 && reduce_)
    mprintf("\tEigenvectors will be reduced\n");
  mprintf("\tStoring modes with name: %s\n", modes_->Meta().Name().c_str());
  return Analysis::OK;
Action::RetType Action_DNAionTracker::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, TopologyList* PFL, DataSetList* DSL, DataFileList* DFL, int debugIn)
  // Get keywords
  DataFile* outfile = DFL->AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs);
  poffset_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("poffset", 5.0);
  InitImaging( !actionArgs.hasKey("noimage") );
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("shortest"))
    bintype_ = SHORTEST;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("counttopcone"))
    bintype_ = TOPCONE;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("countbottomcone"))
    bintype_ = BOTTOMCONE;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("count"))
    bintype_ = COUNT;

  // Get masks - 4 must be specified
  std::string m1 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  std::string m2 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  std::string m3 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  std::string m4 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (m1.empty() || m2.empty() || m3.empty() || m4.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: dnaiontracker requires 4 masks.\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  // Add dataset to dataset list (and datafile list if filename specified)
  distance_ = DSL->AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(actionArgs.GetStringNext(),
                                                    MetaData::M_DISTANCE), "DNAion");
  if (distance_==0) return Action::ERR;
  if (outfile != 0)
    outfile->AddDataSet( distance_ );

  // INFO
  mprintf("    DNAIONTRACKER: Data representing the ");
  switch (bintype_) {
    case COUNT : 
      mprintf("count within the cone will be\n"); break;
    case SHORTEST: 
      mprintf("shortest distance to a phosphate or base centroid will be\n"); break;
    case TOPCONE: 
      mprintf("count in the top half of the cone (and sort-of bound) will be\n"); break;
    case BOTTOMCONE: 
      mprintf("count in the bottom half of the cone will be\n"); break;
  mprintf("      saved to array named %s\n", distance_->legend());
  mprintf("      Perpendicular offset for cone is %5.2f angstroms\n", poffset_);
  if (!UseImage())
    mprintf("      Imaging has been disabled\n");
  mprintf("\tPhosphate1 Mask [%s]\n", p1_.MaskString());
  mprintf("\tPhosphate2 Mask [%s]\n", p2_.MaskString());
  mprintf("\tBase Mask       [%s]\n", base_.MaskString());
  mprintf("\tIons Mask       [%s]\n", ions_.MaskString());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tData will be printed to a file named %s\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());

  return Action::OK;
예제 #25
Analysis::RetType Analysis_Lifetime::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* datasetlist,
                            TopologyList* PFLin, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
  // Get Keywords
  DataFile* outfile = DFLin->AddDataFile(analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs);
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->ProcessArgs("noemptyframes");
  DataFile* maxfile = 0;
  DataFile* avgfile = 0;
  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  windowSize_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("window", -1);
  averageonly_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("averageonly");
  if (!averageonly_ && outfile != 0) {
    maxfile = DFLin->AddDataFile("max." + outfile->DataFilename().Full(), analyzeArgs);
    avgfile = DFLin->AddDataFile("avg." + outfile->DataFilename().Full(), analyzeArgs);
  cumulative_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("cumulative");
  deltaAvg_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("delta");
  cut_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("cut", 0.5);
  // Select datasets from remaining args
  ArgList dsetArgs = analyzeArgs.RemainingArgs();
  for (ArgList::const_iterator dsa = dsetArgs.begin(); dsa != dsetArgs.end(); ++dsa)
    inputDsets_ += datasetlist->GetMultipleSets( *dsa );
  if (inputDsets_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: lifetime: No data sets selected.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // Sort input datasets

  // Create output datasets
  if ( windowSize_ != -1) {
    if (setname.empty()) 
      setname = datasetlist->GenerateDefaultName( "lifetime" );
    int didx = 0;
    for (DataSetList::const_iterator set = inputDsets_.begin(); set != inputDsets_.end(); ++set)
      DataSet* outSet = datasetlist->AddSetIdx( DataSet::FLOAT, setname, didx );
      if (outSet==0) {
        mprinterr("Error: lifetime: Could not allocate output set for %s\n", 
        return Analysis::ERR;
      outSet->SetLegend( (*set)->Legend() );
      outputDsets_.push_back( outSet );
      if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddSet( outSet );
      if (!averageonly_) {
        // MAX
        // FIXME: CHeck for nullS
        outSet = datasetlist->AddSetIdxAspect( DataSet::INT, setname, didx, "max" );
        outSet->SetLegend( (*set)->Legend() );
        maxDsets_.push_back( outSet );
        if (maxfile != 0) maxfile->AddSet( outSet );
        // AVG
        outSet = datasetlist->AddSetIdxAspect( DataSet::FLOAT, setname, didx, "avg" );
        outSet->SetLegend( (*set)->Legend() );
        avgDsets_.push_back( outSet );
        if (avgfile != 0) avgfile->AddSet( outSet );
  } else if (outfile != 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Output file name specified but no window size given ('window <N>')\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;

  if (!averageonly_)
    mprintf("    LIFETIME: Calculating average lifetime using a cutoff of %f", cut_);
    mprintf("    LIFETIME: Calculating only averages");
  mprintf(" of data in %i sets\n", inputDsets_.size());
  if (debugIn > 0)
  if (windowSize_ != -1) {
    mprintf("\tAverage of data over windows will be saved to sets named %s\n",
    mprintf("\tWindow size for averaging: %i\n", windowSize_);
    if (cumulative_)
      mprintf("\tCumulative averages will be saved.\n");
    if (deltaAvg_)
      mprintf("\tChange of average from previous average will be saved.\n");
    if (outfile != 0) {
      mprintf("\tOutfile: %s", outfile->DataFilename().base());
      if (!averageonly_)
        mprintf(", %s, %s", maxfile->DataFilename().base(), avgfile->DataFilename().base());

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #26
// Analysis_Modes::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_Modes::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, AnalysisSetup& setup, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Analysis type
  if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("fluct"))
    type_ = FLUCT;
  else if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("displ"))
    type_ = DISPLACE;
  else if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("corr"))
    type_ = CORR;
  else if (analyzeArgs.Contains("trajout"))
    type_ = TRAJ;
  else if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("eigenval"))
    type_ = EIGENVAL;
  else if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("rmsip"))
    type_ = RMSIP;
  else {
    mprinterr("Error: No analysis type specified.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;

  // Get modes name
  std::string modesfile = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  if (modesfile.empty()) {
    // Check for deprecated args
    CheckDeprecated(analyzeArgs, modesfile, "file");
    CheckDeprecated(analyzeArgs, modesfile, "stack");
    if (modesfile.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: No 'name <modes data set name>' argument given.\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
  // Get second modes name for RMSIP
  std::string modesfile2 = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name2");
  if (type_ == RMSIP) {
    if (modesfile2.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: 'rmsip' requires second modes data 'name2 <modes>'\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
  } else
  // Get topology for TRAJ/CORR
  Topology* analyzeParm = setup.DSL().GetTopology( analyzeArgs ); 

  if (type_ == TRAJ ) {
    // Get trajectory format args for projected traj
    beg_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("beg",1) - 1; // Args start at 1
    std::string tOutName = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("trajout");
    if (tOutName.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Require output trajectory filename, 'trajout <name>'\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    TrajectoryFile::TrajFormatType tOutFmt = TrajectoryFile::UNKNOWN_TRAJ;
    if ( analyzeArgs.Contains("trajoutfmt") )
      tOutFmt = TrajectoryFile::GetFormatFromString( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("trajoutfmt") );
    if (analyzeParm == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Could not get topology for output trajectory.\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    AtomMask tOutMask( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("trajoutmask") );
    if ( analyzeParm->SetupIntegerMask( tOutMask ) || tOutMask.None() ) {
      mprinterr("Error: Could not setup output trajectory mask.\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    // Strip topology to match mask.
    if (tOutParm_ != 0) delete tOutParm_;
    tOutParm_ = analyzeParm->modifyStateByMask( tOutMask );
    if (tOutParm_ == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Could not create topology to match mask.\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    // Setup output traj
    if (trajout_.InitTrajWrite( tOutName, ArgList(), tOutFmt ) != 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Could not init output trajectory.\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    // Get min and max for PC
    pcmin_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("pcmin", -10.0);
    pcmax_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("pcmax",  10.0);
    if (pcmax_ < pcmin_ || pcmax_ - pcmin_ < Constants::SMALL) {
      mprinterr("Error: pcmin must be less than pcmax\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    tMode_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("tmode", 1);
  } else {
    // Args for everything else
    beg_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("beg",7) - 1; // Args start at 1
    bose_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("bose");
    calcAll_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("calcall");
  end_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("end", 50);
  factor_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("factor",1.0);
  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("setname");

  // Check if modes name exists on the stack
  modinfo_ = (DataSet_Modes*)setup.DSL().FindSetOfType( modesfile, DataSet::MODES );
  if (modinfo_ == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: '%s' not found: %s\n", modesfile.c_str(), DataSet_Modes::DeprecateFileMsg);
    return Analysis::ERR;
  if (!modesfile2.empty()) {
    modinfo2_ = (DataSet_Modes*)setup.DSL().FindSetOfType( modesfile2, DataSet::MODES );
    if (modinfo2_ == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Set %s not found.\n", modesfile2.c_str());
      return Analysis::ERR;

  // Check modes type for specified analysis
  if (type_ == FLUCT || type_ == DISPLACE || type_ == CORR || type_ == TRAJ) {
    if (modinfo_->Meta().ScalarType() != MetaData::COVAR && 
        modinfo_->Meta().ScalarType() != MetaData::MWCOVAR)
      mprinterr("Error: Modes must be of type COVAR or MWCOVAR for %s.\n",
      return Analysis::ERR;

  // Get output filename for types that use DataSets
  std::string outfilename = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"); // TODO all datafile?
  DataFile* dataout = 0;
  if (type_ == FLUCT || type_ == DISPLACE || type_ == EIGENVAL || type_ == RMSIP)
    dataout = setup.DFL().AddDataFile( outfilename, analyzeArgs );
  else if (type_ == CORR) {
    // CORR-specific setup
    outfile_ = setup.DFL().AddCpptrajFile( outfilename, "Modes analysis",
                                           DataFileList::TEXT, true );
    if (outfile_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    // Get list of atom pairs
    if (analyzeParm == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: 'corr' requires topology.\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;
    std::string maskexp = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("mask1");
    if (maskexp.empty()) {
      while (analyzeArgs.hasKey("maskp")) {
        // Next two arguments should be one-atom masks
        std::string a1mask = analyzeArgs.GetMaskNext();
        std::string a2mask = analyzeArgs.GetMaskNext();
        if (a1mask.empty() || a2mask.empty()) {
          mprinterr("Error: For 'corr' two 1-atom masks are expected.\n");
          return Analysis::ERR;
        // Check that each mask is just 1 atom
        AtomMask m1( a1mask );
        AtomMask m2( a2mask );
        analyzeParm->SetupIntegerMask( m1 ); 
        analyzeParm->SetupIntegerMask( m2 );
        if ( m1.Nselected()==1 && m2.Nselected()==1 )
          // Store atom pair
          atompairStack_.push_back( std::pair<int,int>( m1[0], m2[0] ) );
        else {
          mprinterr("Error: For 'corr', masks should specify only one atom.\n"
                    "\tM1[%s]=%i atoms, M2[%s]=%i atoms.\n", m1.MaskString(), m1.Nselected(),
                    m2.MaskString(), m2.Nselected());
          return Analysis::ERR;
    } else {
      AtomMask mask1( maskexp );
      maskexp = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("mask2");
      if (maskexp.empty()) {
        mprinterr("Error: 'mask2' must be specified if 'mask1' is.\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
      AtomMask mask2( maskexp );
      if ( analyzeParm->SetupIntegerMask( mask1 ) ) return Analysis::ERR;
      if ( analyzeParm->SetupIntegerMask( mask2 ) ) return Analysis::ERR;
      if (mask1.None() || mask2.None()) {
        mprinterr("Error: One or both masks are empty.\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
      if (mask1.Nselected() != mask2.Nselected()) {
        mprinterr("Error: # atoms in mask 1 not equal to # atoms in mask 2.\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
      for (int idx = 0; idx != mask1.Nselected(); idx++)
        atompairStack_.push_back( std::pair<int,int>( mask1[idx], mask2[idx] ) );
    if ( atompairStack_.empty() ) {
      mprinterr("Error: No atom pairs found (use 'maskp' or 'mask1'/'mask2' keywords.)\n");
      return Analysis::ERR;

  // Set up data sets
  Dimension Xdim;
  if (type_ == FLUCT) {
    if (setname.empty()) setname = setup.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("FLUCT");
    MetaData md(setname, "rmsX");
    OutSets_.resize( 4, 0 );
    OutSets_[RMSX] = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    OutSets_[RMSY] = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    OutSets_[RMSZ] = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    OutSets_[RMS]  = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    Xdim = Dimension(1, 1, "Atom_no.");
  } else if (type_ == DISPLACE) {
    if (setname.empty()) setname = setup.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("DISPL");
    MetaData md(setname, "displX");
    OutSets_.resize( 3, 0 );
    OutSets_[RMSX] = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    OutSets_[RMSY] = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    OutSets_[RMSZ] = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    Xdim = Dimension(1, 1, "Atom_no.");
  } else if (type_ == EIGENVAL) {
    if (setname.empty()) setname = setup.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("XEVAL");
    MetaData md(setname, "Frac");
    OutSets_.resize( 3, 0 );
    OutSets_[0] = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    OutSets_[1] = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    OutSets_[2] = setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, md );
    Xdim = Dimension( 1, 1, "Mode" );
  } else if (type_ == RMSIP) {
    if (setname.empty()) setname = setup.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("RMSIP");
    OutSets_.push_back( setup.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, setname ) );
    if (dataout != 0) dataout->ProcessArgs("noxcol");
    OutSets_[0]->SetupFormat() = TextFormat(TextFormat::GDOUBLE);
    OutSets_[0]->SetLegend( modinfo_->Meta().Legend() + "_X_" + modinfo2_->Meta().Legend() );
  for (std::vector<DataSet*>::const_iterator set = OutSets_.begin(); set != OutSets_.end(); ++set)
    if (*set == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    if (dataout != 0) dataout->AddDataSet( *set );
    (*set)->SetDim(Dimension::X, Xdim);

  // Status
  mprintf("    ANALYZE MODES: Calculating %s using modes from %s", 
          analysisTypeString[type_], modinfo_->legend());
  if ( type_ != TRAJ ) {
    if (type_ != EIGENVAL)
      mprintf(", modes %i to %i", beg_+1, end_);
    if (outfile_ != 0)
      mprintf("\n\tResults are written to %s\n", outfile_->Filename().full());
    else if (dataout != 0)
      mprintf("\n\tResults are written to '%s'\n", dataout->DataFilename().full());
    if (type_ != EIGENVAL && type_ != RMSIP) {
      if (bose_)
        mprintf("\tBose statistics used.\n");
        mprintf("\tBoltzmann statistics used.\n");
      if (calcAll_)
        mprintf("\tEigenvectors associated with zero or negative eigenvalues will be used.\n");
        mprintf("\tEigenvectors associated with zero or negative eigenvalues will be skipped.\n");
    if (type_ == DISPLACE)
      mprintf("\tFactor for displacement: %f\n", factor_);
    if (type_ == CORR) {
      mprintf("\tUsing the following atom pairs:");
      for (modestack_it apair = atompairStack_.begin();
                        apair != atompairStack_.end(); ++apair)
        mprintf(" (%i,%i)", apair->first+1, apair->second+1 );
    if (type_ == RMSIP)
      mprintf("\tRMSIP calculated to modes in %s\n", modinfo2_->legend());
  } else {
    mprintf("\n\tCreating trajectory for mode %i\n"
              "\tWriting to trajectory %s\n"
              "\tPC range: %f to %f\n"
              "\tScaling factor: %f\n", tMode_, 
            trajout_.Traj().Filename().full(), pcmin_, pcmax_, factor_);

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #27
// Analysis_RemLog::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_RemLog::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* datasetlist, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Get remlog dataset
  std::string remlogName = analyzeArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (remlogName.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: no remlog data set or file name specified.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // Check if data set exists
  remlog_ = (DataSet_RemLog*)datasetlist->FindSetOfType( remlogName, DataSet::REMLOG );
  if (remlog_ == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: remlog data with name %s not found.\n", remlogName.c_str());
    return Analysis::ERR;
  if (remlog_->Size() < 1 || remlog_->NumExchange() < 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: remlog data set appears to be empty.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  acceptout_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("acceptout"), "replica acceptance",
                                      DataFileList::TEXT, true );
  if (acceptout_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  lifetimes_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("lifetime"), "remlog lifetimes" );
  calculateLifetimes_ = (lifetimes_ != 0);
  calculateStats_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("stats");
  if (calculateStats_) {
    statsout_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("statsout"), "remlog stats",
                                       DataFileList::TEXT, true );
    reptime_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("reptime"), "replica times",
                                      DataFileList::TEXT, true );
    if (statsout_ == 0 || reptime_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  calcRepFracSlope_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("reptimeslope", 0);
  std::string rfs_name = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("reptimeslopeout");
  if (!calculateStats_) {
    calcRepFracSlope_ = 0;
  if ( (calcRepFracSlope_ > 0) != (!rfs_name.empty()) ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Both reptimeslope and reptimeslopeout must be specified.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  repFracSlope_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( rfs_name, "replica fraction slope" );
  printIndividualTrips_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("printtrips");
  // Get mode
  if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("crdidx"))
    mode_ = CRDIDX;
  else if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("repidx"))
    mode_ = REPIDX;
    mode_ = NONE;
  const char* def_name = 0;
  const char* yaxis = 0;
  if (mode_ == CRDIDX) {
    def_name = "repidx";
    yaxis = "ylabel CrdIdx";
  } else if (mode_ == REPIDX) {
    def_name = "crdidx";
    yaxis = "ylabel RepIdx";
  // Set up an output set for each replica
  DataFile* dfout = 0;
  if (mode_ != NONE) {
    // Get output filename
    std::string outname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out");
    if (!outname.empty()) {
      dfout = DFLin->AddDataFile( outname, analyzeArgs );
      if (dfout == 0 ) return Analysis::ERR;
      if (yaxis != 0 ) dfout->ProcessArgs(yaxis);
    std::string dsname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
    if (dsname.empty())
      dsname = datasetlist->GenerateDefaultName(def_name);
    MetaData md(dsname);
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)remlog_->Size(); i++) {
      DataSet_integer* ds = (DataSet_integer*)datasetlist->AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, md);
      if (ds == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
      outputDsets_.push_back( (DataSet*)ds );
      if (dfout != 0) dfout->AddDataSet( (DataSet*)ds );
      ds->Resize( remlog_->NumExchange() ); 
  mprintf("   REMLOG: %s, %i replicas, %i exchanges\n", remlog_->legend(),
          remlog_->Size(), remlog_->NumExchange());
  if (mode_ == CRDIDX)
    mprintf("\tGetting coordinate index vs exchange.\n");
  else if (mode_ == REPIDX)
    mprintf("\tGetting replica index vs exchange.\n");
  if (mode_ != NONE && dfout != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput is to %s\n", dfout->DataFilename().base());
  if (calculateStats_) {
    mprintf("\tGetting replica exchange stats, output to %s\n", statsout_->Filename().full());
    if (printIndividualTrips_)
      mprintf("\tIndividual round trips will be printed.\n");
    mprintf("\tWriting time spent at each replica to %s\n", reptime_->Filename().full());
  if (calculateLifetimes_)
    mprintf("\tThe lifetime of each crd at each replica will be calculated.\n");
  if (acceptout_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tOverall exchange acceptance % will be written to %s\n",

  return Analysis::OK;
// Analysis_HausdorffDistance::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_HausdorffDistance::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, AnalysisSetup& setup, int debugIn)
  // Keywords
  int nrows = -1;
  int ncols = -1;
  std::string outtypearg = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("outtype");
  if (!outtypearg.empty()) {
    if (outtypearg == "basic")
      outType_ = BASIC;
    else if (outtypearg == "trimatrix") {
      outType_ = UPPER_TRI_MATRIX;
      nrows = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("nrows", -1);
      if (nrows < 1) {
        mprinterr("Error: 'nrows' must be specified and > 0 for 'trimatrix'\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
    } else if (outtypearg == "fullmatrix") {
      outType_ = FULL_MATRIX;
      nrows = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("nrows", -1);
      if (nrows < 1) {
        mprinterr("Error: 'nrows' must be specified and > 0 for 'fullmatrix'\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
      ncols = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("ncols", nrows);
      if (ncols < 1) {
        mprinterr("Error: 'ncols' must be > 0 for 'fullmatrix'\n");
        return Analysis::ERR;
    } else {
      mprinterr("Error: Unrecognized keyword for 'outtype': %s\n", outtypearg.c_str());
      return Analysis::ERR;
  } else
    outType_ = BASIC;
  std::string dsname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  DataFile* df = setup.DFL().AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out"), analyzeArgs );
  DataFile* dfab = setup.DFL().AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("outab"), analyzeArgs );
  DataFile* dfba = setup.DFL().AddDataFile( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("outba"), analyzeArgs );
  // Get input data sets
  std::string dsarg = analyzeArgs.GetStringNext();
  while (!dsarg.empty()) {
    DataSetList selected = setup.DSL().GetMultipleSets( dsarg );
    for (DataSetList::const_iterator set = selected.begin(); set != selected.end(); ++set)
      if ((*set)->Group() == DataSet::MATRIX_2D)
        inputSets_.AddCopyOfSet( *set );
        mprintf("Warning: Currently only 2D matrices supported; skipping set '%s'\n",
    //inputSets_ += setup.DSL().GetMultipleSets( dsarg );
    dsarg = analyzeArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (inputSets_.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No data sets specified.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // Output data set
  out_ = 0;
  if (outType_ == BASIC) {
    out_ = setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::FLOAT, dsname, "HAUSDORFF");
    if (out_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    // Directed sets
    ab_out_ = setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::FLOAT, MetaData(out_->Meta().Name(),"AB"));
    if (ab_out_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    ba_out_ = setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::FLOAT, MetaData(out_->Meta().Name(),"BA"));
    if (ba_out_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  } else if (outType_ == UPPER_TRI_MATRIX || outType_ == FULL_MATRIX) {
    out_ = setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_FLT, dsname, "HAUSDORFF");
    ab_out_ = setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_FLT, MetaData(out_->Meta().Name(),"AB"));
    ba_out_ = setup.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_FLT, MetaData(out_->Meta().Name(),"BA"));
    if (out_ == 0 || ab_out_ == 0 || ba_out_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
    if (outType_ == UPPER_TRI_MATRIX) {
      if (((DataSet_2D*)out_)->AllocateTriangle( nrows )) return Analysis::ERR;
      if (((DataSet_2D*)ab_out_)->AllocateTriangle( nrows )) return Analysis::ERR;
      if (((DataSet_2D*)ba_out_)->AllocateTriangle( nrows )) return Analysis::ERR;
    } else if (outType_ == FULL_MATRIX) {
      if (((DataSet_2D*)out_)->Allocate2D( nrows,ncols )) return Analysis::ERR;
      if (((DataSet_2D*)ab_out_)->Allocate2D( nrows,ncols )) return Analysis::ERR;
      if (((DataSet_2D*)ba_out_)->Allocate2D( nrows,ncols )) return Analysis::ERR;
    if (out_->Size() != inputSets_.size()) {
      mprinterr("Warning: Number of input data sets (%zu) != number of expected"
                " sets in matrix (%zu)\n", inputSets_.size(), out_->Size());
      return Analysis::ERR;
    // Directed sets
  if (df != 0)
    df->AddDataSet( out_ );
  if (dfab != 0) 
    df->AddDataSet( ab_out_ );
  if (dfba != 0)
    df->AddDataSet( ba_out_ );

  mprintf("    HAUSDORFF:\n");
  mprintf("\tCalculating Hausdorff distances from the following 2D distance matrices:\n\t  ");
  for (DataSetList::const_iterator it = inputSets_.begin(); it != inputSets_.end(); ++it)
    mprintf(" %s", (*it)->legend());
  if (outType_ == BASIC)
    mprintf("\tOutput will be stored in 1D array set '%s'\n", out_->legend());
  else if (outType_ == UPPER_TRI_MATRIX)
    mprintf("\tOutput will be stored in upper-triangular matrix set '%s' with %i rows.\n",
            out_->legend(), nrows);
  else if (outType_ == FULL_MATRIX)
    mprintf("\tOutput will be stored in matrix set '%s' with %i rows, %i columns.\n",
            out_->legend(), nrows, ncols);
  mprintf("\tDirected A->B distance output set: %s\n", ab_out_->legend());
  mprintf("\tDirected B->A distance output set: %s\n", ba_out_->legend());
  if (df != 0) mprintf("\tOutput set written to '%s'\n", df->DataFilename().full());
  if (dfab != 0) mprintf("\tA->B output set written to '%s'\n", dfab->DataFilename().full());
  if (dfba != 0) mprintf("\tB->A output set written to '%s'\n", dfba->DataFilename().full());

  return Analysis::OK;
예제 #29
// Action_Radial::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Radial::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Get Keywords
  image_.InitImaging( !(actionArgs.hasKey("noimage")) );
  std::string outfilename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
  // Default particle density (mols/Ang^3) for water based on 1.0 g/mL
  density_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("density",0.033456);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("center1"))
    rmode_ = CENTER1;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("center2"))
    rmode_ = CENTER2;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("nointramol"))
    rmode_ = NO_INTRAMOL;
    rmode_ = NORMAL;
  useVolume_ = actionArgs.hasKey("volume");
  DataFile* intrdfFile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("intrdf"));
  DataFile* rawrdfFile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("rawrdf"));
  spacing_ = actionArgs.getNextDouble(-1.0);
  if (spacing_ < 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Radial: No spacing argument or arg < 0.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  double maximum = actionArgs.getNextDouble(-1.0);
  if (maximum < 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: Radial: No maximum argument or arg < 0.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  // Store max^2, distances^2 greater than max^2 do not need to be
  // binned and therefore do not need a sqrt calc.
  maximum2_ = maximum * maximum;

  // Get First Mask
  std::string mask1 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (mask1.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Radial: No mask given.\n");
    return Action::ERR;

  // Check for second mask - if none specified use first mask
  std::string mask2 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (!mask2.empty()) 
  // If filename not yet specified check for backwards compat.
  if (outfilename.empty() && actionArgs.Nargs() > 1 && !actionArgs.Marked(1))
    outfilename = actionArgs.GetStringNext();

  // Set up output dataset. 
  Dset_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(), "g(r)");
  if (Dset_ == 0) return RDF_ERR("Could not allocate RDF data set.");
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(outfilename, actionArgs);
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( Dset_ );
  // Make default precision a little higher than normal
  // Set DataSet legend from mask strings.
  Dset_->SetLegend(Mask1_.MaskExpression() + " => " + Mask2_.MaskExpression());
  // TODO: Set Yaxis label in DataFile
  // Calculate number of bins
  one_over_spacing_ = 1 / spacing_;
  double temp_numbins = maximum * one_over_spacing_;
  temp_numbins = ceil(temp_numbins);
  numBins_ = (int) temp_numbins;
  // Setup output datafile. Align on bin centers instead of left.
  // TODO: Use Rdim for binning?
  Dimension Rdim( spacing_ / 2.0, spacing_, "Distance (Ang)" ); 
  Dset_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Rdim);
  // Set up output for integral of mask2 if specified.
  if (intrdfFile != 0) {
    intrdf_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(Dset_->Meta().Name(), "int" ));
    if (intrdf_ == 0) return RDF_ERR("Could not allocate RDF integral data set.");
    intrdf_->SetLegend("Int[" + Mask2_.MaskExpression() + "]");
    intrdf_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Rdim);
    intrdfFile->AddDataSet( intrdf_ );
  } else
    intrdf_ = 0;
  // Set up output for raw rdf
  if (rawrdfFile != 0) {
    rawrdf_ = init.DSL().AddSet( DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(Dset_->Meta().Name(), "raw" ));
    if (rawrdf_ == 0) return RDF_ERR("Could not allocate raw RDF data set.");
    rawrdf_->SetLegend("Raw[" + Dset_->Meta().Legend() + "]");
    rawrdf_->SetDim(Dimension::X, Rdim);
    rawrdfFile->AddDataSet( rawrdf_ );
  } else
    rawrdf_ = 0;

  // Set up histogram
  RDF_ = new int[ numBins_ ];
  std::fill(RDF_, RDF_ + numBins_, 0);
# ifdef _OPENMP
  // Since RDF is shared by all threads and we cant guarantee that a given
  // bin in RDF wont be accessed at the same time by the same thread,
  // each thread needs its own bin space.
#pragma omp parallel
  if (omp_get_thread_num()==0)
    numthreads_ = omp_get_num_threads();
  rdf_thread_ = new int*[ numthreads_ ];
  for (int i=0; i < numthreads_; i++) {
    rdf_thread_[i] = new int[ numBins_ ];
    std::fill(rdf_thread_[i], rdf_thread_[i] + numBins_, 0);
# endif
  mprintf("    RADIAL: Calculating RDF for atoms in mask [%s]",Mask1_.MaskString());
  if (!mask2.empty()) 
    mprintf(" to atoms in mask [%s]",Mask2_.MaskString());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("            Output to %s.\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  if (intrdf_ != 0)
    mprintf("            Integral of mask2 atoms will be output to %s\n",
  if (rawrdf_ != 0)
    mprintf("            Raw RDF bin values will be output to %s\n",
  if (rmode_==CENTER1)
    mprintf("            Using center of atoms in mask1.\n");
  else if (rmode_==CENTER2)
    mprintf("            Using center of atoms in mask2.\n");
  mprintf("            Histogram max %f, spacing %f, bins %i.\n",maximum,
  if (useVolume_)
    mprintf("            Normalizing based on cell volume.\n");
    mprintf("            Normalizing using particle density of %f molecules/Ang^3.\n",density_);
  if (!image_.UseImage()) 
    mprintf("            Imaging disabled.\n");
  if (numthreads_ > 1)
    mprintf("            Parallelizing RDF calculation with %i threads.\n",numthreads_);

  return Action::OK;
예제 #30
// Analysis_Lifetime::Setup()
Analysis::RetType Analysis_Lifetime::Setup(ArgList& analyzeArgs, DataSetList* datasetlist,
                            TopologyList* PFLin, DataFileList* DFLin, int debugIn)
  // Get Keywords
  FileName outfileName( analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("out") );
  std::string setname = analyzeArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  bool sortSets = (!analyzeArgs.hasKey("nosort"));
  windowSize_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("window", -1);
  averageonly_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("averageonly");
  cumulative_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("cumulative");
  deltaAvg_ = analyzeArgs.hasKey("delta");
  cut_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyDouble("cut", 0.5);
  fuzzCut_ = analyzeArgs.getKeyInt("fuzz", -1);
  if (fuzzCut_ < 1) fuzzCut_ = -1;
  normalizeCurves_ = !analyzeArgs.hasKey("rawcurve");
  if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("greater"))
    Compare_ = Compare_GreaterThan;
  else if (analyzeArgs.hasKey("less"))
    Compare_ = Compare_LessThan;
    Compare_ = Compare_GreaterThan;
  // Select datasets from remaining args
  if (inputDsets_.AddSetsFromArgs( analyzeArgs.RemainingArgs(), *datasetlist )) {
    mprinterr("Error: lifetime: Could not add data sets.\n");
    return Analysis::ERR;
  // Sort data sets
  if (sortSets) inputDsets_.SortArray1D(); 

  // Create output datasets
  DataFile* outfile = 0;
  DataFile* maxfile = 0;
  DataFile* avgfile = 0;
  if (setname.empty())
    setname = datasetlist->GenerateDefaultName( "lifetime" );
  if ( windowSize_ != -1) {
    outfile = DFLin->AddDataFile(outfileName, analyzeArgs);
    if (!averageonly_ && outfile != 0) {
      maxfile = DFLin->AddDataFile(outfileName.DirPrefix() + "max." + 
                                   outfileName.Base(), analyzeArgs);
      avgfile = DFLin->AddDataFile(outfileName.DirPrefix() + "avg." + 
                                   outfileName.Base(), analyzeArgs);
    int didx = 0;
    for (Array1D::const_iterator set = inputDsets_.begin(); set != inputDsets_.end(); ++set)
      MetaData md(setname, didx);
      md.SetLegend( (*set)->Meta().Legend() );
      DataSet_1D* outSet = (DataSet_1D*)datasetlist->AddSet( DataSet::FLOAT, md );
      if (CheckDsetError(outSet, "output", (*set)->legend())) 
        return Analysis::ERR;
      outputDsets_.push_back( outSet );
      if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( outSet );
      if (!averageonly_) {
        // MAX
        outSet = (DataSet_1D*)datasetlist->AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, md);
        if (CheckDsetError(outSet, "lifetime max", (*set)->legend()))
          return Analysis::ERR;
        maxDsets_.push_back( outSet );
        if (maxfile != 0) maxfile->AddDataSet( outSet );
        // AVG
        outSet = (DataSet_1D*)datasetlist->AddSet(DataSet::FLOAT, md);
        if (CheckDsetError(outSet, "lifetime avg", (*set)->legend()))
          return Analysis::ERR;
        avgDsets_.push_back( outSet );
        if (avgfile != 0) avgfile->AddDataSet( outSet );
    // Set step to window size.
    std::string fileArgs = "xstep " + integerToString( windowSize_ ); 
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->ProcessArgs( fileArgs );
    if (maxfile != 0) maxfile->ProcessArgs( fileArgs );
    if (avgfile != 0) avgfile->ProcessArgs( fileArgs );
  // Lifetime curves
  DataFile* crvfile = 0;
  if (!averageonly_) {
    if (!outfileName.empty()) {
      crvfile = DFLin->AddDataFile(outfileName.DirPrefix() + "crv." + 
                                   outfileName.Base(), analyzeArgs);
    MetaData md(setname, "curve");
    for (int didx = 0; didx != (int)inputDsets_.size(); didx++)
      DataSet_1D* outSet = (DataSet_1D*)datasetlist->AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, md);
      if (CheckDsetError(outSet, "lifetime curve", inputDsets_[didx]->legend()))
        return Analysis::ERR;
      curveSets_.push_back( outSet );
      if (crvfile != 0) crvfile->AddDataSet( outSet );
  // Non-window output file
  if (!averageonly_ && windowSize_ == -1) {
    standalone_ = DFLin->AddCpptrajFile( outfileName, "Lifetimes", DataFileList::TEXT, true );
    if (standalone_ == 0) return Analysis::ERR;
  } else
    standalone_ = 0; 

  if (!averageonly_)
    mprintf("    LIFETIME: Calculating average lifetime using a cutoff of %f", cut_);
    mprintf("    LIFETIME: Calculating only averages");
  mprintf(" of data in %i sets\n", inputDsets_.size());
  if (!sortSets) mprintf("\tInput data sets will not be sorted.\n");
  if (debugIn > 0)
    for (Array1D::const_iterator set = inputDsets_.begin(); set != inputDsets_.end(); ++set)
      mprintf("\t%s\n", (*set)->legend());
  if (Compare_ == Compare_GreaterThan) 
    mprintf("\tValues greater than %f are considered present.\n", cut_);
    mprintf("\tValues less than %f are considered present.\n", cut_);
  if (windowSize_ != -1) {
    mprintf("\tAverage of data over windows will be saved to sets named %s\n",
    mprintf("\tWindow size for averaging: %i\n", windowSize_);
    if (cumulative_)
      mprintf("\tCumulative averages will be saved.\n");
    if (deltaAvg_)
      mprintf("\tChange of average from previous average will be saved.\n");
  if (outfile != 0) {
    mprintf("\tOutfile: %s", outfile->DataFilename().full());
    if (!averageonly_ && outfile != 0)
      mprintf(", %s, %s", maxfile->DataFilename().base(), avgfile->DataFilename().base());
  if (!averageonly_) {
    if (crvfile != 0)
      mprintf("\tLifetime curves output: %s\n", crvfile->DataFilename().base());
    if (normalizeCurves_)
      mprintf("\tLifetime curves will be normalized.\n");
      mprintf("\tLifetime curves will not be normalized.\n");
  if (fuzzCut_ != -1)
    mprintf("\tFuzz value of %i frames will be used.\n", fuzzCut_);
  return Analysis::OK;