int network_information_table_section::subtable::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for records**/ /* This line is probably buggy size needs to be adjusted */ numberOfRecords=((short)records.getCount() -(0)); } { /** fix dependent sizes for descriptor **/ } int retVal= 0; // write firstIndex ostream.writeUI8(firstIndex); retVal +=1; // write numberOfRecords ostream.writeUI8(numberOfRecords); retVal +=1; // write bf3 ostream.writeUI8(bf3); retVal +=1; // write records { for (ArrayList_iterator(network_information_table_section::subtable::Record) it= records.getIterator() ; it.hasNext();) { { retVal +=it.get()->write(ostream); } } } // write descriptor if ( descriptor != NULL ) { retVal +=descriptor->write(ostream); } return retVal; }
int softwareVerMMsg::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for applicationNameByte**/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for applicationSignbyte**/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for applicationVersionbyte**/ } int retVal= 0; // write ApplicationStatusflag ostream.writeUI8(ApplicationStatusflag); retVal +=1; // write applicationNameByte { retVal += applicationNameByte->write(ostream); } // write applicationSignbyte { retVal += applicationSignbyte->write(ostream); } // write applicationVersionbyte { retVal += applicationVersionbyte->write(ostream); } return retVal; }
int network_information_table_section::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for tableHeader **/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for subtableInstance **/ if ( subtableInstance != NULL ) { tableHeader->setSection_length((short)subtableInstance->getSize()); } } int retVal= 0; // write tableHeader if ( tableHeader != NULL ) { retVal +=tableHeader->write(ostream); } // write bf2 ostream.writeUI8(bf2); retVal +=1; // write subtableInstance if ( subtableInstance != NULL ) { retVal +=subtableInstance->write(ostream); } // write CRC ostream.writeUI32(CRC); retVal +=4; return retVal; }
int DSG_packetError::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for header **/ } int retVal= 0; // write header if ( header != NULL ) { retVal +=header->write(ostream); } // write length ostream.writeUI8(length); retVal +=1; // write transaction_id ostream.writeUI8(transaction_id); retVal +=1; return retVal; }
int CloseMmiCnf::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for header **/ } int retVal= 0; // write header if ( header != NULL ) { retVal +=header->write(ostream); } // write length ostream.writeUI8(length); retVal +=1; // write dialogNumber ostream.writeUI8(dialogNumber); retVal +=1; return retVal; }
int OpenSessionResponse::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException int retVal= 0; // write length ostream.writeUI8(length); retVal +=1; // write resourceIdentifier ostream.writeUI32(resourceIdentifier); retVal +=4; // write sessionStatus ostream.writeUI8(sessionStatus); retVal +=1; // write sessionNb ostream.writeUI16(sessionNb); retVal +=2; return retVal; }
int diagnosticReq_2_Smode::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for selfDiagnostics**/ } int retVal= 0; // write length ostream.writeUI8(length); retVal +=1; // write selfDiagnostics { retVal += selfDiagnostics->write(ostream); } return retVal; }
int HomingCancelled::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for header **/ } int retVal= 0; // write header if ( header != NULL ) { retVal +=header->write(ostream); } // write length ostream.writeUI8(length); retVal +=1; return retVal; }
int codeVersionTable1_3::statusfld2::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for mcAddress **/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for sourceIpAddress **/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for destinationIpAddress **/ } int retVal= 0; // write mcAddress if ( mcAddress != NULL ) { retVal +=mcAddress->write(ostream); } // write sourceIpAddress if ( sourceIpAddress != NULL ) { retVal +=sourceIpAddress->write(ostream); } // write destinationIpAddress if ( destinationIpAddress != NULL ) { retVal +=destinationIpAddress->write(ostream); } // write sourcePortNumber ostream.writeUI16(sourcePortNumber); retVal +=2; // write destinatioPortNumber ostream.writeUI16(destinatioPortNumber); retVal +=2; // write applicationId ostream.writeUI16(applicationId); retVal +=2; // write modulationType ostream.writeUI8(modulationType); retVal +=1; // write bf2 ostream.writeUI16(bf2); retVal +=2; return retVal; }
int DescriptorCollection::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for descriptors**/ /* This line is probably buggy size needs to be adjusted */ descriptor_count=((short)descriptors.getCount() -(0)); } int retVal= 0; // write descriptor_count ostream.writeUI8(descriptor_count); retVal +=1; // write descriptors { for (ArrayList_iterator(SCTE65DescriptorFactory::SCTE65Descriptor) it= descriptors.getIterator() ; it.hasNext();) { { retVal +=it.get()->write(ostream); } } } return retVal; }
int HistoryReq::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for header **/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for pincodeLength**/ } int retVal= 0; // write header if ( header != NULL ) { retVal +=header->write(ostream); } // write length ostream.writeUI8(length); retVal +=1; // write pincodeLength { retVal += pincodeLength->write(ostream); } return retVal; }
int codeVersionTable1_3::write(DataOutputStream& ostream) { // throws IOException { /** fix dependent sizes for header **/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for pgmmsg**/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for statusfldInstance **/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for statusfld2Instance **/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for statusfld3Instance **/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for codeFileByte**/ } { /** fix dependent sizes for codeVeriFicationCertiFication **/ } int retVal= 0; // write header if ( header != NULL ) { retVal +=header->write(ostream); } // write length ostream.writeUI8(length); retVal +=1; // write configurationCountChange ostream.writeUI8(configurationCountChange); retVal +=1; // write statusField ostream.writeUI8(statusField); retVal +=1; // write pgmmsg { for (ArrayList_iterator(codeVersionTableMsg) it= pgmmsg.getIterator() ; it.hasNext();) { { retVal +=it.get()->write(ostream); } } } // write bf1 ostream.writeUI8(bf1); retVal +=1; // write statusfldInstance if ( statusfldInstance != NULL ) { retVal +=statusfldInstance->write(ostream); } // write statusfld2Instance if ( statusfld2Instance != NULL ) { retVal +=statusfld2Instance->write(ostream); } // write statusfld3Instance if ( statusfld3Instance != NULL ) { retVal +=statusfld3Instance->write(ostream); } // write codeFileByte { retVal += codeFileByte->write(ostream); } // write codeVeriFicationCertiFication if ( codeVeriFicationCertiFication != NULL ) { retVal +=codeVeriFicationCertiFication->write(ostream); } return retVal; }