NoiseNetwork* Displace::network() {
    // 0. query module for readieness
    //    a module is ready if all dependencies are sadisfied, if that did not happen
    //    we can't use it as libnoise could throw an exception or do other weird things...
    if (ready()) {
        //   1. create a noiseNetwork (if generator module)
        NoiseNetwork* noiseNetwork = new NoiseNetwork;

        //   2. construct the local module (in this case Perlin)
        noise::module::Displace* m_Displace = new noise::module::Displace();

        //   3. assign all properties
        //   m_Displace->SetOctaveCount (property("OctaveCount"));
        //FIXME: implement this

        //   4. connect all source modules (in case of a generator module: none) & merge the NoiseNetwork(s)
        //   foreach(input i)
        //       m_perlin->SetSourceModule(i->portnumber, i->topLevelModule);
        //       noiseNetwork->merge(i->network)
        //   foreach(input m)
        //     m_perlin->SetControlModule(m->topLevelModule);
        //     noiseNetwork->merge(m->network)

        for (int x=0; x < childCount(); ++x) {
            DataAbstractItem* chi = childItems()[x];
            if (chi->getObjectType() == DataItemType::PORT) {
                DataPort* p = static_cast<DataPort*>(chi);
                if (p->PortDirection() == PortDirection::IN || p->PortDirection() == PortDirection::MOD) {
                    // 1. reconstruct the Connection
                    DataConnection* c = static_cast<DataConnection*> (p->referenceChildItems().first());
                    // 2. reconstruct the remote port
                    DataAbstractItem* abstractPort = c->dst();
                    // 3. reconstruct the remote module
                    DataAbstractModule* module = static_cast<DataAbstractModule*> (abstractPort->parent());
                    // 4. check if it is ready
                    if (p->PortDirection() == PortDirection::IN) {
                      NoiseNetwork* n = module->network();
                      m_Displace->SetSourceModule(p->PortNumber(), n->topLevelModule());
                      noiseNetwork += n;
                    if (p->PortDirection() == PortDirection::MOD) {
                      NoiseNetwork* n = module->network();
                      noiseNetwork += n;                      

        return noiseNetwork;
    return NULL;
void DataPort::removeChild ( unsigned int index ) {
    qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
    if ( m_childItems.size() < index ) {
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "FATAL ERROR: child item not found";
        exit( 1 );

    DataAbstractItem* child = m_childItems[index];

    // let's not forget to remove also the reference at the other port
    DataConnection* childConnection = static_cast<DataConnection*> (child);
    DataPort* dstItem = static_cast<DataPort*> ( childConnection->dst() );
    int i = dstItem->referenceChildItems().indexOf(childConnection);
//     qDebug() << dstItem->referenceChildItems().size();
    if (i == -1) {
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "this should not happen";
    dstItem->removeReference ( i );

    m_childItems.removeAt( index );
    delete child;