예제 #1
static void umsg_set_timezone(MessageFormatter_object *mfo,
							  intl_error& err)
	MessageFormat *mf = (MessageFormat *)mfo->mf_data.umsgf;
	TimeZone	  *used_tz = NULL;
	const Format  **formats;
	int32_t		  count;

	/* Unfortanely, this cannot change the time zone for arguments that
	 * appear inside complex formats because ::getFormats() returns NULL
	 * for all uncached formats, which is the case for complex formats
	 * unless they were set via one of the ::setFormat() methods */

	if (mfo->mf_data.tz_set) {
		return; /* already done */

	formats = mf->getFormats(count);

	if (formats == NULL) {
		intl_errors_set(&err, U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR,
			"Out of memory retrieving subformats", 0);

	for (int i = 0; U_SUCCESS(err.code) && i < count; i++) {
		DateFormat* df = dynamic_cast<DateFormat*>(
			const_cast<Format *>(formats[i]));
		if (df == NULL) {

		if (used_tz == NULL) {
			zval nullzv, *zvptr = &nullzv;
			used_tz = timezone_process_timezone_argument(zvptr, &err, "msgfmt_format");
			if (used_tz == NULL) {


	if (U_SUCCESS(err.code)) {
		mfo->mf_data.tz_set = 1;
예제 #2
CalendarTimeZoneTest::dateToString(UDate d, UnicodeString& str,
                                   const TimeZone& tz)
    DateFormat* format = getDateFormat();
    if (format == 0)
        str += "DATE_FORMAT_FAILURE";
        return str;
    TimeZone* save = format->getTimeZone().clone();
    format->format(d, str);
    return str;
예제 #3
void CalendarCaseTest::IslamicCivil()
    static const TestCase tests[] = {
        // Most of these test cases were taken from the back of
        // "Calendrical Calculations", with some extras added to help
        // debug a few of the problems that cropped up in development.
        // The months in this table are 1-based rather than 0-based,
        // because it's easier to edit that way.
        //                       Islamic
        //          Julian Day  Era  Year  Month Day  WkDay Hour Min Sec
        { 1507231.5,  0, -1245,   12,   9,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 1660037.5,  0,  -813,    2,  23,  WED,   0,  0,  0},
        { 1746893.5,  0,  -568,    4,   1,  WED,   0,  0,  0},
        { 1770641.5,  0,  -501,    4,   6,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 1892731.5,  0,  -157,   10,  17,  WED,   0,  0,  0},
        { 1931579.5,  0,   -47,    6,   3,  MON,   0,  0,  0},
        { 1974851.5,  0,    75,    7,  13,  SAT,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2091164.5,  0,   403,   10,   5,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2121509.5,  0,   489,    5,  22,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2155779.5,  0,   586,    2,   7,  FRI,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2174029.5,  0,   637,    8,   7,  SAT,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2191584.5,  0,   687,    2,  20,  FRI,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2195261.5,  0,   697,    7,   7,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2229274.5,  0,   793,    7,   1,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2245580.5,  0,   839,    7,   6,  WED,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2266100.5,  0,   897,    6,   1,  SAT,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2288542.5,  0,   960,    9,  30,  SAT,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2290901.5,  0,   967,    5,  27,  SAT,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2323140.5,  0,  1058,    5,  18,  WED,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2334848.5,  0,  1091,    6,   2,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2348020.5,  0,  1128,    8,   4,  FRI,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2366978.5,  0,  1182,    2,   3,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2385648.5,  0,  1234,   10,  10,  MON,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2392825.5,  0,  1255,    1,  11,  WED,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2416223.5,  0,  1321,    1,  21,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2425848.5,  0,  1348,    3,  19,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2430266.5,  0,  1360,    9,   8,  MON,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2430833.5,  0,  1362,    4,  13,  MON,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2431004.5,  0,  1362,   10,   7,  THU,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2448698.5,  0,  1412,    9,  13,  TUE,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2450138.5,  0,  1416,   10,   5,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2465737.5,  0,  1460,   10,  12,  WED,   0,  0,  0},
        { 2486076.5,  0,  1518,    3,   5,  SUN,   0,  0,  0},
        { -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 }

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    Calendar *c = Calendar::createInstance("ar@calendar=islamic-civil", status);
    if (failure(status, "Calendar::createInstance", TRUE)) return;
    doTestCases(tests, c);

    static const UChar expectedUChars[] = {
        0x0627, 0x0644, 0x062e, 0x0645, 0x064a, 0x0633, 0x060c, 0x0020, 0x0662, 0x0662, 0x0020,
        0x0634, 0x0648, 0x0627, 0x0644, 0x060c, 0x0020, 0x0661, 0x0663, 0x0668, 0x0669, 0x0020, 0x0647, 0x0640, 0
    UnicodeString result;
    DateFormat *fmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFull, Locale("ar_JO@calendar=islamic-civil"));
    if (fmt == NULL) {
        dataerrln("Error calling DateFormat::createDateInstance");
        delete c;

    fmt->format((UDate)2486076.5, result);
    if (result != expectedUChars) {
        errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: DateFormatting failed. Got " + result + " and expected " + UnicodeString(expectedUChars) + UnicodeString("\n"));
        errln("Maybe the resource aliasing isn't working");
    delete fmt;
    delete c;
 * This test checks various generic API methods in DateFormat to achieve 100%
 * API coverage.
void IntlTestDateFormatAPI::testAPI(/* char* par */)
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

// ======= Test constructors

    logln("Testing DateFormat constructors");

    DateFormat *def = DateFormat::createInstance();
    DateFormat *fr = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::FULL, Locale::getFrench());
    DateFormat *it = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::MEDIUM, Locale::getItalian());
    DateFormat *de = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance(DateFormat::LONG, DateFormat::LONG, Locale::getGerman());

    if (def == NULL || fr == NULL || it == NULL || de == NULL){
        dataerrln("Error creating instnaces.");

// ======= Test equality
if (fr != NULL && def != NULL)
    logln("Testing equality operator");
    if( *fr == *it ) {
        errln("ERROR: == failed");

// ======= Test various format() methods
if (fr != NULL && it != NULL && de != NULL)
    logln("Testing various format() methods");

    UDate d = 837039928046.0;
    Formattable fD(d, Formattable::kIsDate);

    UnicodeString res1, res2, res3;
    FieldPosition pos1(0), pos2(0);
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    res1 = fr->format(d, res1, pos1, status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        errln("ERROR: format() failed (French)");
    logln( (UnicodeString) "" + d + " formatted to " + res1);

    res2 = it->format(d, res2, pos2);
    logln( (UnicodeString) "" + d + " formatted to " + res2);

    res3 = de->format(d, res3);
    logln( (UnicodeString) "" + d + " formatted to " + res3);

// ======= Test parse()
if (def != NULL)
    logln("Testing parse()");

    UnicodeString text("02/03/76 2:50 AM, CST");
    Formattable result1;
    UDate result2, result3;
    ParsePosition pos(0), pos01(0);
    def->parseObject(text, result1, pos);
    if(result1.getType() != Formattable::kDate) {
        errln("ERROR: parseObject() failed for " + text);
    logln(text + " parsed into " + result1.getDate());

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    result2 = def->parse(text, status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        errln("ERROR: parse() failed, stopping testing");
    logln(text + " parsed into " + result2);

    result3 = def->parse(text, pos01);
    logln(text + " parsed into " + result3);

// ======= Test getters and setters
if (fr != NULL && it != NULL && de != NULL)
    logln("Testing getters and setters");

    int32_t count = 0;
    const Locale *locales = DateFormat::getAvailableLocales(count);
    logln((UnicodeString) "Got " + count + " locales" );
    for(int32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        UnicodeString name;
        name = locales[i].getName();

    if(fr->isLenient() != it->isLenient()) {
        errln("ERROR: setLenient() failed");

    const Calendar *cal = def->getCalendar();
    Calendar *newCal = cal->clone();
    if( *(de->getCalendar()) != *(it->getCalendar())) {
        errln("ERROR: adopt or set Calendar() failed");

    const NumberFormat *nf = def->getNumberFormat();
    NumberFormat *newNf = (NumberFormat*) nf->clone();
    if( *(de->getNumberFormat()) != *(it->getNumberFormat())) {
        errln("ERROR: adopt or set NumberFormat() failed");

    const TimeZone& tz = def->getTimeZone();
    TimeZone *newTz = tz.clone();
    if( de->getTimeZone() != it->getTimeZone()) {
        errln("ERROR: adopt or set TimeZone() failed");
// ======= Test getStaticClassID()

    logln("Testing getStaticClassID()");

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    DateFormat *test = new SimpleDateFormat(status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        errln("ERROR: Couldn't create a DateFormat");

    if(test->getDynamicClassID() != SimpleDateFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
        errln("ERROR: getDynamicClassID() didn't return the expected value");

    delete test;
    delete def;
    delete fr;
    delete it;
    delete de;
예제 #5
static void umsg_set_timezone(MessageFormatter_object *mfo,
							  intl_error& err)
	MessageFormat *mf = (MessageFormat *)mfo->mf_data.umsgf;
	TimeZone	  *used_tz = NULL;
	const Format  **formats;
	int32_t		  count;

	/* Unfortanely, this cannot change the time zone for arguments that
	 * appear inside complex formats because ::getFormats() returns NULL
	 * for all uncached formats, which is the case for complex formats
	 * unless they were set via one of the ::setFormat() methods */

	if (mfo->mf_data.tz_set) {
		return; /* already done */

	/* There is a bug in ICU which prevents MessageFormatter::getFormats()
	   to handle more than 10 formats correctly. The enumerator could be
	   used to walk through the present formatters using getFormat(), which
	   however seems to provide just a readonly access. This workaround
	   prevents crash when there are > 10 formats but doesn't set any error.
	   As a result, only DateFormatters with > 10 subformats are affected.
	   This workaround should be ifdef'd out, when the bug has been fixed
	   in ICU. */
	icu::StringEnumeration* fnames = mf->getFormatNames(err.code);
	if (!fnames || U_FAILURE(err.code)) {
	count = fnames->count(err.code);
	delete fnames;
	if (count > 10) {

	formats = mf->getFormats(count);

	if (formats == NULL) {
		intl_errors_set(&err, U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR,
			"Out of memory retrieving subformats", 0);

	for (int i = 0; U_SUCCESS(err.code) && i < count; i++) {
		DateFormat* df = dynamic_cast<DateFormat*>(
			const_cast<Format *>(formats[i]));
		if (df == NULL) {

		if (used_tz == NULL) {
			zval nullzv, *zvptr = &nullzv;
			used_tz = timezone_process_timezone_argument(zvptr, &err, "msgfmt_format");
			if (used_tz == NULL) {


	if (U_SUCCESS(err.code)) {
		mfo->mf_data.tz_set = 1;
예제 #6
void DataDrivenFormatTest::testConvertDate(TestData *testData,
        const DataMap * /* settings */, UBool fmt) {
    UnicodeString kPATTERN("PATTERN="); // TODO: static
    UnicodeString kMILLIS("MILLIS="); // TODO: static
    UnicodeString kRELATIVE_MILLIS("RELATIVE_MILLIS="); // TODO: static
    UnicodeString kRELATIVE_ADD("RELATIVE_ADD:"); // TODO: static

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    SimpleDateFormat basicFmt(UnicodeString("EEE MMM dd yyyy / YYYY'-W'ww-ee"),
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        dataerrln("FAIL: Couldn't create basic SimpleDateFormat: %s",

    const DataMap *currentCase= NULL;
    // Start the processing
    int n = 0;
    while (testData->nextCase(currentCase, status)) {
        char calLoc[256] = "";
        DateTimeStyleSet styleSet;
        UnicodeString pattern;
        UBool usePattern = FALSE;
        (void)usePattern;   // Suppress unused warning.
        CalendarFieldsSet fromSet;
        UDate fromDate = 0;
        UBool useDate = FALSE;

        UDate now = Calendar::getNow();


        char theCase[200];
        sprintf(theCase, "case %d:", n);
        UnicodeString caseString(theCase, "");

        // load params
        UnicodeString locale = currentCase->getString("locale", status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            errln("case %d: No 'locale' line.", n);
        UnicodeString zone = currentCase->getString("zone", status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            errln("case %d: No 'zone' line.", n);
        UnicodeString spec = currentCase->getString("spec", status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            errln("case %d: No 'spec' line.", n);
        UnicodeString date = currentCase->getString("date", status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            errln("case %d: No 'date' line.", n);
        UnicodeString expectStr= currentCase->getString("str", status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            errln("case %d: No 'str' line.", n);

        DateFormat *format = NULL;

        // Process: 'locale'
        locale.extract(0, locale.length(), calLoc, (const char*)0); // default codepage.  Invariant codepage doesn't have '@'!
        Locale loc(calLoc);
        if(spec.startsWith(kPATTERN)) {
            pattern = UnicodeString(spec,kPATTERN.length());
            usePattern = TRUE;
            format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, loc, status);
            if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                errln("case %d: could not create SimpleDateFormat from pattern: %s", n, u_errorName(status));
        } else {
            if(styleSet.parseFrom(spec, status)<0 || U_FAILURE(status)) {
                errln("case %d: could not parse spec as style fields: %s", n, u_errorName(status));
            format = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance((DateFormat::EStyle)styleSet.getDateStyle(), (DateFormat::EStyle)styleSet.getTimeStyle(), loc);
            if(format == NULL ) {
                errln("case %d: could not create SimpleDateFormat from styles.", n);

        Calendar *cal = Calendar::createInstance(loc, status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            errln("case %d: could not create calendar from %s", n, calLoc);

        if (zone.length() > 0) {
            TimeZone * tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone(zone);
            delete tz;

        // parse 'date'
        if(date.startsWith(kMILLIS)) {
            UnicodeString millis = UnicodeString(date, kMILLIS.length());
            useDate = TRUE;
            fromDate = udbg_stod(millis);
        } else if(date.startsWith(kRELATIVE_MILLIS)) {
            UnicodeString millis = UnicodeString(date, kRELATIVE_MILLIS.length());
            useDate = TRUE;
            fromDate = udbg_stod(millis) + now;
        } else if(date.startsWith(kRELATIVE_ADD)) {
            UnicodeString add = UnicodeString(date, kRELATIVE_ADD.length());  // "add" is a string indicating which fields to add
            if(fromSet.parseFrom(add, status)<0 || U_FAILURE(status)) {
                errln("case %d: could not parse date as RELATIVE_ADD calendar fields: %s", n, u_errorName(status));
            cal->setTime(now, status);
            for (int q=0; q<UCAL_FIELD_COUNT; q++) {
                if (fromSet.isSet((UCalendarDateFields)q)) {
                    //int32_t oldv = cal->get((UCalendarDateFields)q, status);
                    if (q == UCAL_DATE) {
                                 fromSet.get((UCalendarDateFields)q), status);
                    } else {
                    //int32_t newv = cal->get((UCalendarDateFields)q, status);
            fromDate = cal->getTime(status);
            if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                errln("case %d: could not apply date as RELATIVE_ADD calendar fields: %s", n, u_errorName(status));
        } else if(fromSet.parseFrom(date, status)<0 || U_FAILURE(status)) {
            errln("case %d: could not parse date as calendar fields: %s", n, u_errorName(status));

        // now, do it.
        if (fmt) {
            FieldPosition pos;
//            logln((UnicodeString)"#"+n+" "+locale+"/"+from+" >>> "+toCalLoc+"/"
//                    +to);
            UnicodeString output;

            if(useDate) {
//                cal->setTime(fromDate, status);
//                if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
//                    errln("case %d: could not set time on calendar: %s", n, u_errorName(status));
//                    continue;
//                }
                format->format(fromDate, output, pos, status);
            } else {
                fromSet.setOnCalendar(cal, status);
                if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    errln("case %d: could not set fields on calendar: %s", n, u_errorName(status));
                format->format(*cal, output, pos);

            // check erro result from 'format'
            if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                errln("case %d: could not format(): %s", n, u_errorName(status)); // TODO: use 'pos'
//            if(pos.getBeginIndex()==0 && pos.getEndIndex()==0) { // TODO: more precise error?
//                errln("WARNING: case %d: format's pos returned (0,0) - error ??", n);
//            }

            if(output == expectStr) {
                logln(caseString+": format: SUCCESS! "+UnicodeString("expect=output=")+output);
            } else {
                UnicodeString result;
                UnicodeString result2;
                errln(caseString+": format:  output!=expectStr, got " + *udbg_escape(output, &result) + " expected " + *udbg_escape(expectStr, &result2));
        } else {
            ParsePosition pos;
            if(useDate) {
                UDate gotDate = cal->getTime(status);
                if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    errln(caseString+": parse: could not get time on calendar: "+UnicodeString(u_errorName(status)));
                if(gotDate == fromDate) {
                    logln(caseString+": parse: SUCCESS! "+UnicodeString("gotDate=parseDate=")+expectStr);
                } else {
                    UnicodeString expectDateStr, gotDateStr;
                    errln(caseString+": parse: FAIL. parsed '"+expectStr+"' and got "+gotDateStr+", expected " + expectDateStr);
            } else {
//                Calendar *cal2 = cal->clone();
//                cal2->clear();
//                fromSet.setOnCalendar(cal2, status);
                if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    errln("case %d: parse: could not set fields on calendar: %s", n, u_errorName(status));

                CalendarFieldsSet diffSet;
//                diffSet.clear();
                if (!fromSet.matches(cal, diffSet, status)) {
                    UnicodeString diffs = diffSet.diffFrom(fromSet, status);
                    errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: "+caseString
                          +", Differences: '"+ diffs
                          +"', status: "+ u_errorName(status));
                } else if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    errln("FAIL: "+caseString+" parse SET SOURCE calendar Failed to match: "
                } else {
                    logln("PASS: "******" parse.");

        delete cal;
        delete format;

//    delete basicFmt;