bool Skim_Group::Skim_Filename (char *filename) { int i, num_field; bool binary_flag; Db_Field *fld; if (skim_file == NULL || skim_a == NULL || skim_b == NULL) return (false); //---- open the skim file ---- char buffer [FIELD_BUFFER]; str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Zone Skim File #%d", Group ()); skim_file->File_Type (buffer); skim_a->File_Type (buffer); skim_b->File_Type (buffer); skim_file->File_ID (str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Skim%d", Group ())); skim_a->File_ID (str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Skim%dA", Group ())); skim_b->File_ID (str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Skim%dB", Group ())); if (!skim_file->Open (filename)) return (false); if (!skim_a->Add_Field ("KEY", Db_Code::INTEGER, sizeof (int), 0, 0, true)) return (false); if (!skim_b->Add_Field ("KEY", Db_Code::INTEGER, sizeof (int), 0, 0, true)) return (false); num_field = skim_file->Num_Fields (); binary_flag = (skim_file->Record_Format () == Db_Code::BINARY); for (i=1; i <= num_field; i++) { if (i == skim_file->Origin_Field ()) continue; if (i == skim_file->Destination_Field ()) continue; if (i == skim_file->Period_Field ()) continue; fld = skim_file->Field (i); if (fld == NULL) continue; if (!str_cmp (fld->Name (), "NOTES")) continue; if (!skim_a->Add_Field (fld->Name (), fld->Type (), fld->Size (), fld->Decimal (), END_OF_RECORD, binary_flag)) return (false); if (!skim_b->Add_Field (fld->Name (), fld->Type (), fld->Size (), fld->Decimal (), END_OF_RECORD, binary_flag)) return (false); } dump_field = skim_a->Optional_Field ("TIME", "DRIVE", "TRANSIT", "WALK", "COST"); return (true); }
void ArcAddZ::Copy_Shape (File_Group *arcview) { int i, nfield, z_field; bool binary; XYZ_Point pt; Db_Field *fld; z_field = arcview->input.Optional_Field ("Z_COORD", "ELEVATION", "Z"); //----- create the fields ---- nfield = arcview->input.Num_Fields (); binary = (arcview->input.Record_Format () == Db_Code::BINARY); for (i=1; i <= nfield; i++) { fld = arcview->input.Field (i); arcview->output.Add_Field (fld->Name (), fld->Type (), fld->Size (), fld->Decimal (), -1, binary); } arcview->output.Write_Header (); //---- coppy the fields ---- if (arcview->group_num > 0) { Show_Message ("Coping ArcView Shape File #%d -- Record", arcview->group_num); } else { Show_Message ("Coping ArcView Shape File -- Record"); } Set_Progress (); //---- read the input shape file ---- while (arcview->input.Read_Record ()) { Show_Progress (); arcview-> (); arcview->output.points.Reset (); arcview->output.Copy_Fields (&arcview->input); if (z_field > 0) { arcview->output.Put_Field (z_field, z_coord); } for (i=1; i <= arcview->input.Num_Parts (); i++) { if (!arcview-> (arcview-> [i])) goto point_error; } for (i=1; i <= arcview->input.Num_Points (); i++) { pt = *(arcview->input.points [i]); pt.z = z_coord; if (!arcview->output.points.Add (&pt)) goto point_error; } //---- save the diff record ---- if (!arcview->output.Write_Record ()) { Error ("Writing %s", arcview->output.File_Type ()); } } End_Progress (); arcview->input.Close (); arcview->output.Close (); return; point_error: Error ("Insufficient Memory for Output Shape Points"); return; }
void SmoothData::Program_Control (void) { int i, lvalue, nfile, nheader, nfield, increment, max_field; int naverage, default_average, niter, default_iter, max_size, max_iter; char *str_ptr, *format_ptr, buffer [FIELD_BUFFER]; char input_data [FIELD_BUFFER], output_data [FIELD_BUFFER]; char input_format [FIELD_BUFFER], output_format [FIELD_BUFFER]; char initial_file [STRING_BUFFER], initial_format [FIELD_BUFFER]; double dvalue, forward, backward, factor; bool loop_flag, initial_flag, replicate_flag; File_Group *group_ptr; nfile = 0; nheader = 1; nfield = 0; max_field = 100; increment = 0; default_average = 3; max_size = 9; forward = 20.0; backward = 20.0; default_iter = 0; max_iter = 25; loop_flag = true; initial_flag = false; replicate_flag = false; input_data [0] = output_data [0] = '\0'; str_cpy (input_format, sizeof (input_format), "HOURS"); str_cpy (output_format, sizeof (output_format), "HOURS"); //---- number of input files ---- nfile = Highest_Control_Group (INPUT_DATA_FILE_x, 0); if (nfile == 0) { Error ("No Input Data File Keys"); } file_group.Max_Records (nfile); //---- get the default file format ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_DATA_FORMAT); if (str_ptr != NULL) { str_cpy (input_data, sizeof (input_data), str_ptr); } str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT); if (str_ptr != NULL) { str_cpy (output_data, sizeof (output_data), str_ptr); } //---- get the default distribution filename ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DISTRIBUTION_FILE); if (str_ptr != NULL) { str_cpy (initial_file, sizeof (initial_file), str_ptr); initial_flag = true; str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DISTRIBUTION_FORMAT); if (str_ptr != NULL) { str_cpy (initial_format, sizeof (initial_format), str_ptr); } else { initial_format [0] = '\0'; } } //---- get the time of day format ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_TIME_FORMAT); if (str_ptr != NULL) { str_cpy (input_format, sizeof (input_format), str_ptr); } str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_TIME_FORMAT); if (str_ptr != NULL) { str_cpy (output_format, sizeof (output_format), str_ptr); } //---- read the field number ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_FIELD_NUMBER); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue); if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > max_field) goto field_error; nfield = lvalue; } //---- time increment ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_TIME_INCREMENT); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue); if (lvalue < 0 || lvalue > 3600) goto increment_error; increment = lvalue; } if (increment > 0) { max_size = 2 * 3600 / increment + 1; max_iter = (max_size + 1) / 2; if (max_iter > 100) max_iter = 100; max_iter *= max_iter; } else { max_size = 9; max_iter = 25; } //---- read the number smooth records ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_GROUP_SIZE); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue); if (lvalue < 3 || lvalue > max_size) goto size_error; if ((lvalue % 2) != 1) goto odd_error; default_average = lvalue; } //---- read the percent distributed forward ---- factor = 100.0 - 50.0 / default_average; str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PERCENT_MOVED_FORWARD); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue); if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > factor) goto forward_error; forward = dvalue; } //---- read the percent distributed backwarde ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PERCENT_MOVED_BACKWARD); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue); if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > factor) goto backward_error; backward = dvalue; } factor = forward + backward; dvalue = 100.0 - 100.0 / default_average; if (factor < 5.0 || factor > dvalue) goto combined_error; //---- number of iterations ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue); if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > max_iter) goto iteration_error; default_iter = lvalue; } //---- read the circular smoothing flag ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (CIRCULAR_GROUP_FLAG); if (str_ptr != NULL) { loop_flag = Get_Control_Flag (CIRCULAR_GROUP_FLAG); } //---- read the replicate fields flag ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (REPLICATE_FIELDS_FLAG); if (str_ptr != NULL) { replicate_flag = Get_Control_Flag (REPLICATE_FIELDS_FLAG); } //---- open each file ---- for (i=1; i <= nfile; i++) { //---- get the next filename --- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_DATA_FILE_x, i); if (str_ptr == NULL) continue; group_ptr = file_group.New_Record (true); group_ptr->Group (i); //---- create the input file ---- Print (1); group_ptr->Input_File (new Diurnal_File ()); str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Input Data File #%d", i); group_ptr->Input_File ()->File_Type (buffer); format_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_DATA_FORMAT_x, i); if (format_ptr != NULL) { group_ptr->Input_File ()->Dbase_Format (format_ptr); } else if (input_data [0] != '\0') { group_ptr->Input_File ()->Dbase_Format (input_data); } //---- open the file ---- if (!group_ptr->Input_File ()->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) { File_Error (buffer, group_ptr->Input_File ()->Filename ()); } //---- open the output file ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_DATA_FILE_x, i); if (str_ptr == NULL) goto control_error; group_ptr->Output_File (new Diurnal_File (Db_Code::CREATE)); str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Output Data File #%d", i); group_ptr->Output_File ()->File_Type (buffer); format_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT_x, i); if (format_ptr != NULL) { group_ptr->Output_File ()->Dbase_Format (format_ptr); } else if (output_data [0] != '\0') { group_ptr->Output_File ()->Dbase_Format (output_data); } if (!group_ptr->Output_File ()->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) { File_Error (buffer, group_ptr->Output_File ()->Filename ()); } //---- get the distribution file ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (DISTRIBUTION_FILE_x, i); if (str_ptr == NULL) { if (initial_flag) { str_ptr = initial_file; if (initial_format [0] != '\0') { format_ptr = initial_format; } else { format_ptr = NULL; } } } else { format_ptr = Get_Control_String (DISTRIBUTION_FORMAT_x, i); } if (str_ptr != NULL) { group_ptr->Initial_File (new Diurnal_File ()); str_fmt (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Distribution File #%d", i); group_ptr->Initial_File ()->File_Type (buffer); if (format_ptr != NULL) { group_ptr->Initial_File ()->Dbase_Format (format_ptr); } if (!group_ptr->Initial_File ()->Open (Project_Filename (str_ptr))) { File_Error (buffer, group_ptr->Initial_File ()->Filename ()); } } else { group_ptr->Initial_File (NULL); } //---- get the time of day format ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (INPUT_TIME_FORMAT_x, i); if (str_ptr == NULL) { str_ptr = input_format; } if (!group_ptr->Input_Format (str_ptr)) { Error ("Input Time Format %s was Unrecognized", str_ptr); } Print (1, "Input Time Format = %s", str_ptr); str_ptr = Get_Control_String (OUTPUT_TIME_FORMAT_x, i); if (str_ptr == NULL) { str_ptr = output_format; } if (!group_ptr->Output_Format (str_ptr)) { Error ("Output Time Format %s was Unrecognized", str_ptr); } Print (1, "Output Time Format = %s", str_ptr); //---- read the field number ---- max_field = group_ptr->Input_File ()->Num_Fields (); str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_FIELD_NUMBER_x, i); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue); if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > max_field) goto field_error; } else { lvalue = nfield; } group_ptr->Field_Number (lvalue); if (lvalue > 0) { Print (1, "Smooth Field Number = %d", lvalue); group_ptr->Input_File ()->Share_Field (lvalue); } //---- time increment ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_TIME_INCREMENT_x, i); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue); if (lvalue < 0 || lvalue > 3600) goto increment_error; } else { lvalue = increment; } if (lvalue > 0) { Print (1, "Smooth Time Increment = %d seconds", lvalue); max_size = 2 * 3600 / lvalue + 1; max_iter = (max_size + 1) / 2; if (max_iter > 100) max_iter = 100; max_iter *= max_iter; naverage = default_average; niter = default_iter; if (niter == 0) { niter = max_iter / 2; } } else { Print (1, "Smooth Based on Input Time Periods"); max_size = 9; max_iter = 25; naverage = default_average; niter = default_iter; } group_ptr->Increment (lvalue); //---- read the number smooth records ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (SMOOTH_GROUP_SIZE_x, i); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue); if (lvalue < 3 || lvalue > max_size) goto size_error; if ((lvalue % 2) != 1) goto odd_error; } else { lvalue = naverage; } Print (1, "Smooth Group Size = %d", lvalue); group_ptr->Num_Average (lvalue); //---- read the percent distributed forward ---- factor = 100.0 - 50.0 / lvalue; str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PERCENT_MOVED_FORWARD_x, i); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue); if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > factor) goto forward_error; } else { dvalue = forward; } Print (1, "Percent Distributed Forward = %.1lf percent", dvalue); group_ptr->Forward (dvalue); //---- read the percent distributed backwarde ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (PERCENT_MOVED_BACKWARD_x, i); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Double (str_ptr, &dvalue); if (dvalue < 0.0 || dvalue > factor) goto backward_error; } else { dvalue = backward; } Print (1, "Percent Distributed Backward = %.1lf percent", dvalue); group_ptr->Backward (dvalue); factor = group_ptr->Forward () + group_ptr->Backward (); dvalue = 100.0 - 100.0 / group_ptr->Num_Average (); if (factor < 5.0 || factor > dvalue) goto combined_error; //---- number of iterations ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS_x, i); if (str_ptr != NULL) { Get_Integer (str_ptr, &lvalue); if (lvalue < 1 || lvalue > max_iter) goto iteration_error; } else { lvalue = niter; } Print (1, "Number of Iterations = %d", lvalue); group_ptr->Num_Iteration (lvalue); //---- read the circular smoothing flag ---- str_ptr = Get_Control_String (CIRCULAR_GROUP_FLAG_x, i); if (str_ptr != NULL) { group_ptr->Loop_Flag (Get_Control_Flag (CIRCULAR_GROUP_FLAG_x, i)); } else { group_ptr->Loop_Flag (loop_flag); } Print (1, "Circular Group Flag = %s", (group_ptr->Loop_Flag () ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); //---- read the replicate fields flag ---- if (Get_Control_String (REPLICATE_FIELDS_FLAG_x, i) != NULL) { group_ptr->Replicate_Flag (Get_Control_Flag (REPLICATE_FIELDS_FLAG_x, i)); } else { group_ptr->Replicate_Flag (replicate_flag); } Print (1, "Replicate Fields Flag = %s", (group_ptr->Replicate_Flag () ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); if (group_ptr->Replicate_Flag ()) { int field, num; bool binary; Db_Field *fld; Diurnal_File *file; group_ptr->Output_File ()->Share_Field (0); group_ptr->Output_File ()->Clear_Fields (); //---- copy all fields ---- file = group_ptr->Input_File (); binary = (file->Record_Format () == Db_Code::BINARY); num = file->Num_Fields (); for (field=1; field <= num; field++) { fld = file->Field (field); if (fld == NULL) continue; if (field == file->Start_Field () || field == file->End_Field ()) { group_ptr->Output_File ()->Add_Field (fld->Name (), Db_Code::STRING, 20); } else { group_ptr->Output_File ()->Add_Field (fld->Name (), fld->Type (), fld->Size (), fld->Decimal (), -1, binary); } } group_ptr->Output_File ()->Write_Header (); group_ptr->Output_File ()->Share_Field (group_ptr->Input_File ()->Share_Field ()); } //---- add the group record ---- if (!file_group.Add ()) { Error ("Adding File Group"); } } return; //---- error message ---- control_error: Error ("Missing Control Key = %s", Current_Key ()); field_error: Error ("Field Number %d is Out of Range (1..%d)", lvalue, max_field); increment_error: Error ("Smooth Time Increment %d is Out of Range (0..3600)", lvalue); size_error: Error ("Smooth Group Size %d is Out of Range (1..%d)", lvalue, max_size); odd_error: Error ("Smooth Group Size %d must be an Odd Number", lvalue); forward_error: Error ("Forward Percentage %.1lf is Out of Range (0..%.1lf)", dvalue, factor); backward_error: Error ("Backward Percentage %.1lf is Out of Range (0..%.1lf)", dvalue, factor); combined_error: Error ("Combined Distribution Percentage %.1lf is Out of Range (5..%.0lf)", factor, dvalue); iteration_error: Error ("Number of Iterations %d is Out of Range (1-%d)", lvalue, max_iter); }