예제 #1
BlastQueryPath::BlastQueryPath(Path path, BlastQuery * query) :
    m_path(path), m_query(query)

    //This function follows the path, returning the BLAST hits it finds for the
    //query.  It requires that the hits occur in order, i.e. that each hit in
    //the path begins later in the query than the previous hit.

    BlastHit * previousHit = 0;
    QList<DeBruijnNode *> pathNodes = m_path.getNodes();
    for (int i = 0; i < pathNodes.size(); ++i)
        DeBruijnNode * node = pathNodes[i];

        QList<BlastHit *> hitsThisNode;
        QList< QSharedPointer<BlastHit> > queryHits = query->getHits();
        for (int j = 0; j < queryHits.size(); ++j)
            BlastHit * hit = queryHits[j].data();
            if (hit->m_node->getName() == node->getName())

        std::sort(hitsThisNode.begin(), hitsThisNode.end(),

        for (int j = 0; j < hitsThisNode.size(); ++j)
            BlastHit * hit = hitsThisNode[j];

            //First check to make sure the hits are within the path.  This means
            //if we are in the first or last nodes of the path, we need to make
            //sure that our hit is contained within the start/end positions.
            if ( (i != 0 || hit->m_nodeStart >= m_path.getStartLocation().getPosition()) &&
                    (i != pathNodes.size()-1 || hit->m_nodeEnd <= m_path.getEndLocation().getPosition()))
                //Now make sure that the hit follows the previous hit in the
                if (previousHit == 0 ||
                        hit->m_queryStart > previousHit->m_queryStart)
                    previousHit = hit;
void AssemblyGraph::pointEachNodeToItsReverseComplement()
    QMapIterator<QString, DeBruijnNode*> i(m_deBruijnGraphNodes);
    while (i.hasNext())
        DeBruijnNode * positiveNode = i.value();

        if (positiveNode->isPositiveNode())
            DeBruijnNode * negativeNode = m_deBruijnGraphNodes[getOppositeNodeName(positiveNode->getName())];
            if (negativeNode != 0)