예제 #1
XMLParser::XMLParser(string path) 
	// Debug-Objekt erstellen, so dass Dateiname und eventuelle Fehlermeldung gleiche Nummer haben
	Debug dbg = Debug() ;
	dbg.message("Parse XML-File: " + path) ;

	filepath = path ;

	file.open(filepath.c_str(), ios_base::in) ;

	// überprüfen, ob die Datei existiert
	if (!file) {
		dbg.message("Datei '" + path + "' nicht gefunden") ;
	} else {
		string filecontent ;
		char character ;
		while(!file.eof()) {
			file.get(character) ;
			filecontent += character ;

		// Mainnodes herausfinden und gesamte Datei in Nodes aufsplitten
		splitMainNodes(filecontent) ;

	file.close() ;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        Debug dbg ;
        if (2 == argc)
                dbg.SetExePathName(argv[1]) ;
                char szFileName[256] = "" ;
                OPENFILENAME file = {0} ;
                file.lpstrFile = szFileName ;
                file.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME) ;
                file.nMaxFile = 256 ;
                file.lpstrFilter = "Executables\0*.exe\0All Files\0*.*\0\0" ;
                file.nFilterIndex = 1 ;
                        dbg.SetExePathName(szFileName) ;

        dbg.StartDebug() ;
        system("pause") ;
        return 0 ;
예제 #3
파일: 7_53.cpp 프로젝트: Mlieou/cpp_primer
int main() {
    constexpr Debug io_sub(false, true, false);
    if (io_sub.any())
        std::cerr << "print appropriate error messages" << std::endl;
    constexpr Debug prod(false);
    if (prod.any())
        std::cerr << "print an error message" << std::endl;
예제 #4
int main()
    constexpr Debug io_sub(false, true ,false);
        cerr << "printf appropriate error messages" << endl;
    constexpr Debug prod(false);
        cerr << "printf an error message" << endl;

    return 0;
예제 #5
static int test_sales_data()
//  Sales_data data(cin);
//  print(cout, data);

    X2 x2(5);

    X2 x2_default;

    constexpr Debug d;
    constexpr int c_i = d.any();

    return 0;
예제 #6
int dvbsub_init() 
	printf("dvbsub_init: starting... tid %ld\n", syscall(__NR_gettid));
	int trc;


	reader_running = true;
	dvbsub_stopped = 1;
	pid_change_req = 1;
	// reader-Thread starten
	trc = pthread_create(&threadReader, 0, reader_thread, (void *) NULL);
	if (trc) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[dvb-sub] failed to create reader-thread (rc=%d)\n", trc);
		reader_running = false;
		return -1;

	dvbsub_running = true;
	// subtitle decoder-Thread starten
	trc = pthread_create(&threadDvbsub, 0, dvbsub_thread, NULL);

	if (trc) 
		fprintf(stderr, "[dvb-sub] failed to create dvbsub-thread (rc=%d)\n", trc);
		dvbsub_running = false;
		return -1;

bool CGame::Initialize()
	Debug *dbg = Debug::GetInstance();

		dbg->Print("SDL_Init Failed /n");
		return false;

	if(m_FullScreen == true)

	else if(m_FullScreen == false)

	if(mainScreen == NULL)
		dbg->Print("Could not Initialize Screen!");
		return false;

	if(TTF_Init() == -1)
		dbg->Print("TTF_Init Failed");
		return false;
		dbg->Print("SDL_Mixer failed/n");
		return false;

	SDL_WM_SetCaption("Alana's Valentine's Day Gift", NULL);
	return true;
예제 #8
void DebugTest::flags() {
    std::ostringstream out;

        /* Don't allow to set/reset the reserved flag */
        Debug debug;
        debug.setFlag(static_cast<Debug::Flag>(0x01), false);
    } {
        Debug debug;
        debug.setFlag(Debug::SpaceAfterEachValue, false);
        debug << "a" << "b" << "c";
    CORRADE_COMPARE(out.str(), "abc\n");
        Debug debug;
        debug.setFlag(Debug::NewLineAtTheEnd, false);
        debug << "a" << "b" << "c";
    CORRADE_COMPARE(out.str(), "a b c");
예제 #9
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: qianlv/learning
int main()
    Scales_data item;
    std::string null_book = "9-999-99999-9";
    print(std::cout, item) << std::endl;
    constexpr Debug io_sub(false, true, false);
    if (io_sub.any())
        std::cerr << "print appropriate error messages" << std::endl;
    constexpr Debug prob(false);
    if (prob.any())
        std::cerr << "print an error messages" << std::endl;

    // Scales_data total(std::cin);
    std::string null_book("abc");
    // Scales_data item = null_book;  // explicit Scales_data(std::string) cause error
    Scales_data item;

    Screen myScreen(5, 3, '$');
    const Screen blank(5, 3, '0');
    myScreen.move(1, 3).set('#').display(std::cout);
    std::cout << std::endl;
    Window_mgr my_windows({myScreen, blank});

    Screen::pos ht(24), wd(80);
    Screen scr(ht, wd, ' ');
    Screen *p = &scr;
    char c = scr.get();
    c = p->get();
    std::cout << c << std::endl;
예제 #10
파일: debug.cpp 프로젝트: delgor/Core
void Nuria::Debug::qtMessageHandler (QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context,
				     const QString &message) {
	Type t = DebugMsg;
	// Translate QtMsgType to a Debug::Type value
	switch (type) {
	case QtDebugMsg:
		t = DebugMsg;
	case QtWarningMsg:
		t = WarnMsg;
	case QtCriticalMsg:
	case QtFatalMsg:
		t = CriticalMsg;
	// Output.
	Debug out (t, context.category, context.file, context.line, context.function, 0);
	out.setBuffer (message);
예제 #11
int dvbsub_init() {
	int trc;


	reader_running = true;
	dvbsub_stopped = 1;
	pid_change_req = 1;
	// reader-Thread starten
	trc = pthread_create(&threadReader, 0, reader_thread, NULL);
	if (trc) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[dvb-sub] failed to create reader-thread (rc=%d)\n", trc);
		reader_running = false;
		return -1;

	dvbsub_running = true;
	// subtitle decoder-Thread starten
	trc = pthread_create(&threadDvbsub, 0, dvbsub_thread, NULL);
	if (trc) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[dvb-sub] failed to create dvbsub-thread (rc=%d)\n", trc);
		dvbsub_running = false;
		return -1;

	ass_reader_running = true;
	sem_init(&ass_sem, 0, 0);
	trc = pthread_create(&threadAss, 0, ass_reader_thread, NULL);
	if (trc) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[dvb-sub] failed to create %s-thread (rc=%d)\n", "ass-reader", trc);
		ass_reader_running = false;
		return -1;
예제 #12
// return true to retry later (e.g. after display lost)
static bool MainLoop(bool retryCreate)
    TextureBuffer * eyeRenderTexture[2] = { nullptr, nullptr };
    DepthBuffer   * eyeDepthBuffer[2] = { nullptr, nullptr };
    ovrGLTexture  * mirrorTexture = nullptr;
    GLuint          mirrorFBO = 0;

    ovrHmd HMD;
	ovrGraphicsLuid luid;
    ovrResult result = ovr_Create(&HMD, &luid);
    if (!OVR_SUCCESS(result))
        return retryCreate;

    ovrHmdDesc hmdDesc = ovr_GetHmdDesc(HMD);

    // Setup Window and Graphics
    // Note: the mirror window can be any size, for this sample we use 1/2 the HMD resolution
    ovrSizei windowSize = { hmdDesc.Resolution.w / 2, hmdDesc.Resolution.h / 2 };
    if (!Platform.InitDevice(windowSize.w, windowSize.h, reinterpret_cast<LUID*>(&luid)))
        goto Done;

	opengl.init(1600, 700);

	GameObject *box = new GameObject(vec3(0, 2, 0), vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(1, 1, 1));
	Model *box_model = new Model();
	box_model->autoRotate = true;
	box->add_game_component((GameComponent *)box_model);
	opengl.init_buffer(box_model->vertexBuffer, box_model->verts4D, GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
	opengl.init_buffer(box_model->indiciesBuffer, box_model->indices, GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

	GameObject *box1 = new GameObject(vec3(5, 5, 0), vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(1, 1, 1));
	Model *box_model1 = new Model();
	box_model1->autoRotate = false;
	box1->add_game_component((GameComponent *)box_model1);
	opengl.init_buffer(box_model1->vertexBuffer, box_model1->verts4D, GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
	opengl.init_buffer(box_model1->indiciesBuffer, box_model1->indices, GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

    // Make eye render buffers
    for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye)
        ovrSizei idealTextureSize = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(HMD, ovrEyeType(eye), hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[eye], 1);
        eyeRenderTexture[eye] = new TextureBuffer(HMD, true, true, idealTextureSize, 1, NULL, 1);
        eyeDepthBuffer[eye]   = new DepthBuffer(eyeRenderTexture[eye]->GetSize(), 0);

        if (!eyeRenderTexture[eye]->TextureSet)
            if (retryCreate) goto Done;
            VALIDATE(false, "Failed to create texture.");

    // Create mirror texture and an FBO used to copy mirror texture to back buffer
    result = ovr_CreateMirrorTextureGL(HMD, GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8, windowSize.w, windowSize.h, reinterpret_cast<ovrTexture**>(&mirrorTexture));
    if (!OVR_SUCCESS(result))
        if (retryCreate) goto Done;
        VALIDATE(false, "Failed to create mirror texture.");

    // Configure the mirror read buffer
    glGenFramebuffers(1, &mirrorFBO);
    glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, mirrorFBO);
    glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, mirrorTexture->OGL.TexId, 0);
    glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);

    ovrEyeRenderDesc EyeRenderDesc[2]; 
    EyeRenderDesc[0] = ovr_GetRenderDesc(HMD, ovrEye_Left, hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[0]);
    EyeRenderDesc[1] = ovr_GetRenderDesc(HMD, ovrEye_Right, hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[1]);

    // Turn off vsync to let the compositor do its magic

    bool isVisible = true;

    // Main loop
    while (Platform.HandleMessages())
        // Keyboard inputs to adjust player orientation
        static float Yaw(3.141592f);  
        if (Platform.Key[VK_LEFT])  Yaw += 0.02f;
        if (Platform.Key[VK_RIGHT]) Yaw -= 0.02f;

        // Keyboard inputs to adjust player position
        static Vector3f Pos2(4.0f,0.0f,-10.0f);
        if (Platform.Key['W']||Platform.Key[VK_UP])     Pos2+=Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw).Transform(Vector3f(0,0,-0.05f));
        if (Platform.Key['S']||Platform.Key[VK_DOWN])   Pos2+=Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw).Transform(Vector3f(0,0,+0.05f));
        if (Platform.Key['D'])                          Pos2+=Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw).Transform(Vector3f(+0.05f,0,0));
        if (Platform.Key['A'])                          Pos2+=Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw).Transform(Vector3f(-0.05f,0,0));
        Pos2.y = ovr_GetFloat(HMD, OVR_KEY_EYE_HEIGHT, Pos2.y);

		// Animate the cube
        static float cubeClock = 0;

        // Get eye poses, feeding in correct IPD offset
        ovrVector3f               ViewOffset[2] = { EyeRenderDesc[0].HmdToEyeViewOffset,
                                                    EyeRenderDesc[1].HmdToEyeViewOffset };
        ovrPosef                  EyeRenderPose[2];

        double           ftiming = ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime(HMD, 0);
        // Keeping sensorSampleTime as close to ovr_GetTrackingState as possible - fed into the layer
        double           sensorSampleTime = ovr_GetTimeInSeconds();
        ovrTrackingState hmdState = ovr_GetTrackingState(HMD, ftiming, ovrTrue);
        ovr_CalcEyePoses(hmdState.HeadPose.ThePose, ViewOffset, EyeRenderPose);

        if (isVisible)
            for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye)
                // Increment to use next texture, just before writing
                eyeRenderTexture[eye]->TextureSet->CurrentIndex = (eyeRenderTexture[eye]->TextureSet->CurrentIndex + 1) % eyeRenderTexture[eye]->TextureSet->TextureCount;

                // Switch to eye render target

                // Get view and projection matrices
                Matrix4f rollPitchYaw = Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw);
                Matrix4f finalRollPitchYaw = rollPitchYaw * Matrix4f(EyeRenderPose[eye].Orientation);
                Vector3f finalUp = finalRollPitchYaw.Transform(Vector3f(0, 1, 0));
                Vector3f finalForward = finalRollPitchYaw.Transform(Vector3f(0, 0, -1));
                Vector3f shiftedEyePos = Pos2 + rollPitchYaw.Transform(EyeRenderPose[eye].Position);

                Matrix4f view = Matrix4f::LookAtRH(shiftedEyePos, shiftedEyePos + finalForward, finalUp);
                Matrix4f proj = ovrMatrix4f_Projection(hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[eye], 0.2f, 1000.0f, ovrProjection_RightHanded);

				glm::mat4 view1 = glm::transpose(glm::make_mat4((float *) &view));
				glm::mat4 proj1 = glm::transpose(glm::make_mat4((float *) &proj));

				/*for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
					for (int y = 0; y < 4 y++) {
						view1[x][y] = view[x][y];
						proj1[x][y] = view[x][y];

				scene.render_scene(&opengl, view1, proj1);

                // Avoids an error when calling SetAndClearRenderSurface during next iteration.
                // Without this, during the next while loop iteration SetAndClearRenderSurface
                // would bind a framebuffer with an invalid COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 because the texture ID
                // associated with COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 had been unlocked by calling wglDXUnlockObjectsNV.

        // Do distortion rendering, Present and flush/sync

        // Set up positional data.
        ovrViewScaleDesc viewScaleDesc;
        viewScaleDesc.HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters = 1.0f;
        viewScaleDesc.HmdToEyeViewOffset[0] = ViewOffset[0];
        viewScaleDesc.HmdToEyeViewOffset[1] = ViewOffset[1];

        ovrLayerEyeFov ld;
        ld.Header.Type  = ovrLayerType_EyeFov;
        ld.Header.Flags = ovrLayerFlag_TextureOriginAtBottomLeft;   // Because OpenGL.

        for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye)
            ld.ColorTexture[eye] = eyeRenderTexture[eye]->TextureSet;
            ld.Viewport[eye]     = Recti(eyeRenderTexture[eye]->GetSize());
            ld.Fov[eye]          = hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[eye];
            ld.RenderPose[eye]   = EyeRenderPose[eye];
            ld.SensorSampleTime  = sensorSampleTime;

        ovrLayerHeader* layers = &ld.Header;
        ovrResult result = ovr_SubmitFrame(HMD, 0, &viewScaleDesc, &layers, 1);
        // exit the rendering loop if submit returns an error, will retry on ovrError_DisplayLost
        if (!OVR_SUCCESS(result))
            goto Done;

        isVisible = (result == ovrSuccess);

        // Blit mirror texture to back buffer
        glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, mirrorFBO);
        glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
        GLint w = mirrorTexture->OGL.Header.TextureSize.w;
        GLint h = mirrorTexture->OGL.Header.TextureSize.h;
        glBlitFramebuffer(0, h, w, 0,
                          0, 0, w, h,
                          GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST);
        glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);


    if (mirrorFBO) glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &mirrorFBO);
    if (mirrorTexture) ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture(HMD, reinterpret_cast<ovrTexture*>(mirrorTexture));
    for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye)
        delete eyeRenderTexture[eye];
        delete eyeDepthBuffer[eye];

    // Retry on ovrError_DisplayLost
    return retryCreate || OVR_SUCCESS(result) || (result == ovrError_DisplayLost);
예제 #13
void pixel_tracker_implementation(const PixelEvent & data, std::vector<GpuTrack>& result)
  num_events = 1;
  int num_threads = 0; // auto

  // debug.setMode(DEBUG);

  debug << "Setup:" << endl
    << " Number of threads: " << (num_threads > 0 ? toString<int>(num_threads) : "auto") << endl;

  // Deprecated - Now we use PixelEvent and GpuTrack (more civilized)
  /* Expected format:
     no_sensors - int
     no_hits    - int
     sensor_Zs  -  no_sensors * int
     sensor_hitStarts - no_sensors * int
     sensor_hitNums   - no_sensors * int
     hit_IDs          - no_hits * int
     hit_Xs   - no_hits * double
     hit_Ys   - no_hits * double
     hit_Zs   - no_hits * int
     no_sensors = (int*) &data;
     no_hits = (int*) (no_sensors + 1);
     sensor_Zs = (int*) (no_hits + 1);
     sensor_hitStarts = (int*) (sensor_Zs + no_sensors[0]);
     sensor_hitNums = (int*) (sensor_hitStarts + no_sensors[0]);
     hit_IDs = (int*) (sensor_hitNums + no_sensors[0]);
     hit_Xs = (double*) (hit_IDs + no_hits[0]);
     hit_Ys = (double*) (hit_Xs + no_hits[0]);
     hit_Zs = (int*) (hit_Ys + no_hits[0]);
     sens_num = no_sensors[0];
     hits_num = no_hits[0];

  // int noSensors;
  // int noHits;
  // std::vector<int> sensorZs;
  // std::vector<int> sensorHitStarts;
  // std::vector<int> sensorHitsNums;
  // std::vector<int> hitIDs;
  // std::vector<float> hitXs;
  // std::vector<float> hitYs;
  // std::vector<int> hitZs;

  sens_num = data.noSensors;
  hits_num = data.noHits;
  sensor_Zs = (int*) &data.sensorZs[0];
  sensor_hitStarts = (int*) &data.sensorHitStarts[0];
  sensor_hitNums = (int*) &data.sensorHitsNums[0];

  hit_IDs = (int*) &data.hitIDs[0];
  hit_Xs = (float*) &data.hitXs[0];
  hit_Ys = (float*) &data.hitYs[0];
  hit_Zs = (int*) &data.hitZs[0];


  // Fill in hit sensorNums info (only needed to cross check results)

  // We need to quicksort


  debug << "Sens num " << sens_num << ", hits num " << hits_num << endl;

  // Allocate space for tracks vectors
  for (int i=0; i<num_events; ++i) {
    vector<GpuTrack> t1;

  debug << "Starting parallel searchByPair..." << endl;

  // Perform parallel experiments!
  if(num_threads > 0)

  tick_count parallel_start = tick_count::now();
  parallel_for(blocked_range<int>(0, num_events), TBBSearchByPair());
  tick_count parallel_end = tick_count::now();
  result = parallel_tracks_vector[0];

  debug << std::setprecision(3);

  debug << "Algorithm execution finished!" << endl
    << "It took: " << (parallel_end - parallel_start).seconds() << " seconds!" << endl;
  /*    << experiment_timing["mean"] << " seconds (mean), "
        << experiment_timing["deviation"] << " deviation, "
        << experiment_timing["variance"] << " variance, "
        << experiment_timing["min"] << " min, "
        << experiment_timing["max"] << " max " << endl; */

  debug << "Testing hits (first GpuTrack): " << endl;
  bool all_ok = 1;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < hits[0].size(); i++) {
    if(hits[0][i] != parallel_tracks_vector[0][0].hits[i]) {
      debug << "hit " << i << " differs: " << hits[0][i] << ", " << parallel_tracks_vector[0][0].hits[i] << endl;
      all_ok = 0;
    debug << " All hits are correct!";

  debug << "Writing results..." << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_events; i++)
    printResultTracks(parallel_tracks_vector[i], i, "parallel_tracks");

  debug << "Done!" << endl;
void LidarInpaintingHSVTextureVerification(TImage* const originalImage, Mask* const mask,
                                           const unsigned int patchHalfWidth, const unsigned int numberOfKNN,
                                           float slightBlurVariance = 1.0f, unsigned int searchRadius = 1000,
                                           float localRegionSizeMultiplier = 3.0f, float maxAllowedUsedPixelsRatio = 0.5f)
  itk::ImageRegion<2> fullRegion = originalImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion();

  // Extract the RGB image
  typedef itk::Image<itk::CovariantVector<float, 3>, 2> RGBImageType;
  std::vector<unsigned int> firstThreeChannels = {0,1,2};
  RGBImageType::Pointer rgbImage = RGBImageType::New();
  ITKHelpers::ExtractChannels(originalImage, firstThreeChannels, rgbImage.GetPointer());

  // Create the HSV image
  typedef itk::Image<itk::CovariantVector<float, 3>, 2> HSVImageType;
  HSVImageType::Pointer hsvImage = HSVImageType::New();
  ITKVTKHelpers::ConvertRGBtoHSV(rgbImage.GetPointer(), hsvImage.GetPointer());

  ITKHelpers::WriteImage(hsvImage.GetPointer(), "HSVImage.mha");

  // Stack the HSV image with the original rest of the channels
  typedef itk::Image<itk::CovariantVector<float, 5>, 2> HSVDxDyImageType;
  HSVDxDyImageType::Pointer hsvDxDyImage = HSVDxDyImageType::New();
  ITKHelpers::DeepCopy(originalImage, hsvDxDyImage.GetPointer());

  ITKHelpers::ReplaceChannels(hsvDxDyImage.GetPointer(), firstThreeChannels, hsvImage.GetPointer());

  // Blur the image for gradient computation stability (Criminisi's data term)
  RGBImageType::Pointer blurredRGBImage = RGBImageType::New();
  float blurVariance = 2.0f;
  MaskOperations::MaskedBlur(rgbImage.GetPointer(), mask, blurVariance, blurredRGBImage.GetPointer());

  ITKHelpers::WriteRGBImage(blurredRGBImage.GetPointer(), "BlurredRGBImage.png");

  // Blur the image slightly so that the SSD comparisons are not so noisy
  typename HSVDxDyImageType::Pointer slightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImage = TImage::New();
  MaskOperations::MaskedBlur(hsvDxDyImage.GetPointer(), mask, slightBlurVariance, slightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImage.GetPointer());

  ITKHelpers::WriteImage(slightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImage.GetPointer(), "SlightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImage.mha");

  // Create the graph
  typedef ImagePatchPixelDescriptor<TImage> ImagePatchPixelDescriptorType;

  typedef boost::grid_graph<2> VertexListGraphType;

  // We can't make this a signed type (size_t versus int) because we allow negative
  boost::array<std::size_t, 2> graphSideLengths = { { fullRegion.GetSize()[0],
                                                      fullRegion.GetSize()[1] } };
  VertexListGraphType graph(graphSideLengths);
  typedef boost::graph_traits<VertexListGraphType>::vertex_descriptor VertexDescriptorType;
  typedef boost::graph_traits<VertexListGraphType>::vertex_iterator VertexIteratorType;

  // Get the index map
  typedef boost::property_map<VertexListGraphType, boost::vertex_index_t>::const_type IndexMapType;
  IndexMapType indexMap(get(boost::vertex_index, graph));

  // Create the descriptor map. This is where the data for each pixel is stored.
  typedef boost::vector_property_map<ImagePatchPixelDescriptorType, IndexMapType> ImagePatchDescriptorMapType;
  ImagePatchDescriptorMapType imagePatchDescriptorMap(num_vertices(graph), indexMap);

  // Create the patch inpainter.
  typedef PatchInpainter<TImage> OriginalImageInpainterType;
  OriginalImageInpainterType originalImagePatchInpainter(patchHalfWidth, originalImage, mask);

  // Create an inpainter for the HSV image.
  typedef PatchInpainter<HSVImageType> HSVImageInpainterType;
  HSVImageInpainterType hsvImagePatchInpainter(patchHalfWidth, hsvImage, mask);

  // Create an inpainter for the RGB image.
  typedef PatchInpainter<RGBImageType> RGBImageInpainterType;
  RGBImageInpainterType rgbImagePatchInpainter(patchHalfWidth, rgbImage, mask);

  // Create an inpainter for the blurred image.
  typedef PatchInpainter<RGBImageType> BlurredImageInpainterType;
  BlurredImageInpainterType blurredRGBImagePatchInpainter(patchHalfWidth, blurredRGBImage, mask);

  // Create an inpainter for the slightly blurred image.
  typedef PatchInpainter<TImage> SlightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImageImageInpainterType;
  SlightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImageImageInpainterType slightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImageImagePatchInpainter(patchHalfWidth, slightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImage, mask);

  // Create a composite inpainter. (Note: the mask is inpainted in InpaintingVisitor::FinishVertex)
  CompositePatchInpainter inpainter;

  // Create the priority function
  typedef PriorityCriminisi<RGBImageType> PriorityType;
  PriorityType priorityFunction(blurredRGBImage, mask, patchHalfWidth);
//  priorityFunction.SetDebugLevel(1);

  // Queue
  typedef IndirectPriorityQueue<VertexListGraphType> BoundaryNodeQueueType;
  BoundaryNodeQueueType boundaryNodeQueue(graph);

  // Create the descriptor visitor (used for SSD comparisons).
  typedef ImagePatchDescriptorVisitor<VertexListGraphType, TImage, ImagePatchDescriptorMapType>
//  ImagePatchDescriptorVisitorType imagePatchDescriptorVisitor(originalImage, mask,
//                                  imagePatchDescriptorMap, patchHalfWidth); // Use the non-blurred image for the SSD comparisons
  ImagePatchDescriptorVisitorType imagePatchDescriptorVisitor(slightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImage, mask,
                                  imagePatchDescriptorMap, patchHalfWidth); // Use the slightly blurred HSV image for the SSD comparisons. Make sure to use a *HSVSSD difference functor so the H differences are treated appropriately!

  typedef DefaultAcceptanceVisitor<VertexListGraphType> AcceptanceVisitorType;
  AcceptanceVisitorType acceptanceVisitor;

  // Create the inpainting visitor. (The mask is inpainted in FinishVertex)
  typedef InpaintingVisitor<VertexListGraphType, BoundaryNodeQueueType,
      ImagePatchDescriptorVisitorType, AcceptanceVisitorType, PriorityType, TImage>
  InpaintingVisitorType inpaintingVisitor(mask, boundaryNodeQueue,
                                          imagePatchDescriptorVisitor, acceptanceVisitor,
                                          &priorityFunction, patchHalfWidth, "InpaintingVisitor", originalImage);
  inpaintingVisitor.SetDebugImages(true); // This produces PatchesCopied* images showing where patches were copied from/to at each iteration
//  inpaintingVisitor.SetAllowNewPatches(false);
  inpaintingVisitor.SetAllowNewPatches(true); // we can do this as long as we use one of the LinearSearchKNNProperty*Reuse (like LinearSearchKNNPropertyLimitLocalReuse) in the steps below

  InitializePriority(mask, boundaryNodeQueue, &priorityFunction);

  // Initialize the boundary node queue from the user provided mask image.
  InitializeFromMaskImage<InpaintingVisitorType, VertexDescriptorType>(mask, &inpaintingVisitor);
  std::cout << "PatchBasedInpaintingNonInteractive: There are " << boundaryNodeQueue.CountValidNodes()
            << " nodes in the boundaryNodeQueue" << std::endl;

#define DUseWeightedDifference

#ifdef DUseWeightedDifference
  // The absolute value of the depth derivative range is usually about [0,12], so to make
  // it comparable to to the color image channel range of [0,255], we multiply by 255/12 ~= 20.
//  float depthDerivativeWeight = 20.0f;

  // This should not be computed "by eye" by looking at the Dx and Dy channels of the PTX scan, because there are typically
  // huge depth discontinuties around the objects that are going to be inpainted. We'd have to look at the masked version of this
  // image to determine the min/max values of the unmasked pixels. They will be much smaller than the min/max values of the original
  // image, which will make the depth derivative weights much higher (~100 or so)

//  std::vector<typename TImage::PixelType> channelMins = ITKHelpers::ComputeMinOfAllChannels(originalImage);
//  std::vector<typename TImage::PixelType> channelMaxs = ITKHelpers::ComputeMaxOfAllChannels(originalImage);
  typename TImage::PixelType channelMins;
  ITKHelpers::ComputeMinOfAllChannels(originalImage, channelMins);

  typename TImage::PixelType channelMaxs;
  ITKHelpers::ComputeMaxOfAllChannels(originalImage, channelMaxs);

  float minX = fabs(channelMins[3]);
  float maxX = fabs(channelMaxs[3]);
  float maxValueX = std::max(minX, maxX);
  std::cout << "maxValueX = " << maxValueX << std::endl;
  float depthDerivativeWeightX = 255.0f / maxValueX;
  std::cout << "Computed depthDerivativeWeightX = " << depthDerivativeWeightX << std::endl;

  float minY = fabs(channelMins[4]);
  float maxY = fabs(channelMaxs[4]);
  float maxValueY = std::max(minY, maxY);
  std::cout << "maxValueY = " << maxValueY << std::endl;
  float depthDerivativeWeightY = 255.0f / maxValueY;
  std::cout << "Computed depthDerivativeWeightY = " << depthDerivativeWeightY << std::endl;

  // Use all channels
  std::vector<float> weights = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, depthDerivativeWeightX, depthDerivativeWeightY};
  //  typedef WeightedSumSquaredPixelDifference<typename TImage::PixelType> PixelDifferenceType;
  typedef WeightedHSVSSDFull<typename TImage::PixelType> FullPixelDifferenceType;
  FullPixelDifferenceType fullPixelDifferenceFunctor(weights);

  typedef ImagePatchDifference<ImagePatchPixelDescriptorType,
      FullPixelDifferenceType > FullPatchDifferenceType;
  FullPatchDifferenceType fullPatchDifferenceFunctor(fullPixelDifferenceFunctor);

  // Use only the first 3 channels
  typedef HSVSSD<typename TImage::PixelType> First3PixelDifferenceType;
  First3PixelDifferenceType first3PixelDifferenceFunctor;

  typedef ImagePatchDifference<ImagePatchPixelDescriptorType,
      First3PixelDifferenceType > First3PatchDifferenceType;
  First3PatchDifferenceType first3PatchDifferenceFunctor(first3PixelDifferenceFunctor);
  // Use an unweighted pixel difference
  typedef ImagePatchDifference<ImagePatchPixelDescriptorType,
      SumSquaredPixelDifference<typename TImage::PixelType> > PatchDifferenceType;

  PatchDifferenceType patchDifferenceFunctor;

//#define DAllowReuse // comment/uncomment this line to toggle allowing patches to be used as the source patch more than once

#ifdef DAllowReuse
  // Create the first (KNN) neighbor finder
  typedef LinearSearchKNNProperty<ImagePatchDescriptorMapType, PatchDifferenceType> KNNSearchType;
  KNNSearchType linearSearchKNN(imagePatchDescriptorMap, numberOfKNN, patchDifferenceFunctor);

  typedef LinearSearchKNNPropertyLimitLocalReuse<ImagePatchDescriptorMapType, FullPatchDifferenceType, RGBImageType> KNNSearchType;
  KNNSearchType linearSearchKNN(imagePatchDescriptorMap, mask, numberOfKNN, localRegionSizeMultiplier, maxAllowedUsedPixelsRatio,
                                fullPatchDifferenceFunctor, inpaintingVisitor.GetSourcePixelMapImage(),
//#else // This works the best, but is less useful for demonstrations

//  typedef LinearSearchKNNPropertyLimitLocalReuse<ImagePatchDescriptorMapType, FullPatchDifferenceType, RGBImageType> FullPixelKNNSearchType;
//  FullPixelKNNSearchType fullPixelSearchKNN(imagePatchDescriptorMap, mask, numberOfKNN, localRegionSizeMultiplier, maxAllowedUsedPixelsRatio,
//                                fullPatchDifferenceFunctor, inpaintingVisitor.GetSourcePixelMapImage(),
//                                rgbImage.GetPointer());
//  fullPixelSearchKNN.SetDebugImages(true);
//  fullPixelSearchKNN.SetDebugScreenOutputs(true);

//  typedef LinearSearchKNNPropertyLimitLocalReuse<ImagePatchDescriptorMapType, First3PatchDifferenceType, RGBImageType> First3PixelKNNSearchType;
//  First3PixelKNNSearchType first3SearchKNN(imagePatchDescriptorMap, mask, numberOfKNN, localRegionSizeMultiplier, maxAllowedUsedPixelsRatio,
//                                           first3PatchDifferenceFunctor, inpaintingVisitor.GetSourcePixelMapImage(),
//                                           rgbImage.GetPointer());
//  first3SearchKNN.SetDebugScreenOutputs(true);

////  typedef LinearSearchKNNProperty<ImagePatchDescriptorMapType, First3PatchDifferenceType> First3PixelKNNSearchType;
////  First3PixelKNNSearchType first3SearchKNN(imagePatchDescriptorMap, numberOfKNN,
////                                first3PatchDifferenceFunctor);

////  first3SearchKNN.SetDebugImages(true);

//  typedef LinearSearchKNNPropertyCombine<FullPixelKNNSearchType, First3PixelKNNSearchType> KNNSearchType;
//  KNNSearchType linearSearchKNN(fullPixelSearchKNN, first3SearchKNN);

  // Setup the second (1-NN) neighbor finder
  typedef std::vector<VertexDescriptorType>::iterator VertexDescriptorVectorIteratorType;

  // This is templated on TImage because we need it to write out debug patches from this searcher (since we are not using an RGB image to compute the histograms)
//  typedef LinearSearchBestTexture<ImagePatchDescriptorMapType, HSVImageType,
//      VertexDescriptorVectorIteratorType, TImage> BestSearchType; // Use the histogram of the gradient magnitudes of a scalar represetnation of the image (e.g. magnitude image)
//  typedef LinearSearchBestLidarTextureDerivatives<ImagePatchDescriptorMapType, HSVImageType,
//      VertexDescriptorVectorIteratorType, TImage> BestSearchType; // Use the concatenated histograms of the absolute value of the derivatives of each channel
//  typedef LinearSearchBestLidarHSVTextureGradient<ImagePatchDescriptorMapType, HSVDxDyImageType,
//      VertexDescriptorVectorIteratorType, RGBImageType> BestSearchType; // Use the concatenated histograms of the gradient magnitudes of each channel. This HSVDxDyImageType must match the hsvDxDyImage provided below
  typedef LinearSearchBestLidarHSVTextureGradientWithSort<ImagePatchDescriptorMapType, HSVDxDyImageType,
      VertexDescriptorVectorIteratorType, RGBImageType> BestSearchType; // Use the concatenated histograms of the gradient magnitudes of each channel. This HSVDxDyImageType must match the hsvDxDyImage provided below. Also sort the patches for demonstrative output purposes.

//  BestSearchType linearSearchBest(imagePatchDescriptorMap, hsvDxDyImage.GetPointer(), mask); // use non-blurred for texture sorting
  Debug bestSearchTypeDebug;
//  bestSearchTypeDebug.SetDebugImages(true);
//  linearSearchBest.SetDebugOutputs(true);
//  linearSearchBest.SetDebugImages(true);

   // use slightly blurred for texture sorting
  BestSearchType linearSearchBest(imagePatchDescriptorMap, slightlyBlurredHSVDxDyImage.GetPointer(),
                                  mask, rgbImage.GetPointer(), bestSearchTypeDebug);
//  linearSearchBest.SetDebugImages(false);
  linearSearchBest.SetDebugImages(true); // This produces BestPatch* images showing the list of the top K patches that were passed to the BestSearch functor

  // Setup the two step neighbor finder
  TwoStepNearestNeighbor<KNNSearchType, BestSearchType>
      twoStepNearestNeighbor(linearSearchKNN, linearSearchBest);

  // #define DFullSearch // comment/uncomment this line to set the search region

#ifdef DFullSearch
  // Perform the inpainting (full search)
  InpaintingAlgorithm(graph, inpaintingVisitor, &boundaryNodeQueue,
                      twoStepNearestNeighbor, &inpainter);

  NeighborhoodSearch<VertexDescriptorType, ImagePatchDescriptorMapType> neighborhoodSearch(originalImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion(),
                                                              searchRadius, imagePatchDescriptorMap);

  // Perform the inpainting (local search)
  bool algorithmDebug = true;
  InpaintingAlgorithmWithLocalSearch(graph, inpaintingVisitor, &boundaryNodeQueue,
                                     twoStepNearestNeighbor, &inpainter, neighborhoodSearch, algorithmDebug);

예제 #15
파일: debugger.hpp 프로젝트: pra85/libsass
inline void debug_ast(AST_Node* node, std::string ind, Env* env)
  if (node == 0) return;
  if (ind == "") std::cerr << "####################################################################\n";
  if (dynamic_cast<Bubble*>(node)) {
    Bubble* bubble = dynamic_cast<Bubble*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Bubble " << bubble;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << bubble->tabs();
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<At_Root_Block*>(node)) {
    At_Root_Block* root_block = dynamic_cast<At_Root_Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "At_Root_Block " << root_block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << root_block->tabs();
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(root_block->expression(), ind + ":", env);
    debug_ast(root_block->block(), ind + " ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_List*>(node)) {
    Selector_List* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_List*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Selector_List " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;

    for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }

//  } else if (dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node)) {
//    Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node);
//    std::cerr << ind << "Expression " << expression << " " << expression->concrete_type() << std::endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Parent_Selector*>(node)) {
    Parent_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Parent_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Parent_Selector " << selector;
//    if (selector->not_selector()) cerr << " [in_declaration]";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
//    debug_ast(selector->selector(), ind + "->", env);

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Complex_Selector*>(node)) {
    Complex_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Complex_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Complex_Selector " << selector
      << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
      << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"
      << " [weight:" << longToHex(selector->specificity()) << "]"
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -")
      << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has parent]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << " -- ";
      std::string del;
      switch (selector->combinator()) {
        case Complex_Selector::PARENT_OF:   del = ">"; break;
        case Complex_Selector::PRECEDES:    del = "~"; break;
        case Complex_Selector::ADJACENT_TO: del = "+"; break;
        case Complex_Selector::ANCESTOR_OF: del = " "; break;
        case Complex_Selector::REFERENCE:   del = "//"; break;
      // if (del = "/") del += selector->reference()->perform(&to_string) + "/";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(selector->head(), ind + " " /* + "[" + del + "]" */, env);
    if (selector->tail()) {
      debug_ast(selector->tail(), ind + "{" + del + "}", env);
    } else if(del != " ") {
      std::cerr << ind << " |" << del << "| {trailing op}" << std::endl;
    SourcesSet set = selector->sources();
    // debug_sources_set(set, ind + "  @--> ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Compound_Selector*>(node)) {
    Compound_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Compound_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Compound_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " [weight:" << longToHex(selector->specificity()) << "]";
    std::cerr << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]";
    std::cerr << (selector->extended() ? " [extended]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
    for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Propset*>(node)) {
    Propset* selector = dynamic_cast<Propset*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Propset " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << selector->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (selector->block()) for(auto i : selector->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Wrapped_Selector*>(node)) {
    Wrapped_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Wrapped_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Wrapped_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(selector->selector(), ind + " () ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Pseudo_Selector*>(node)) {
    Pseudo_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Pseudo_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Pseudo_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(selector->expression(), ind + " <= ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Attribute_Selector*>(node)) {
    Attribute_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Attribute_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Attribute_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(selector->value(), ind + "[" + selector->matcher() + "] ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_Qualifier*>(node)) {
    Selector_Qualifier* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_Qualifier*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Selector_Qualifier " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Type_Selector*>(node)) {
    Type_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Type_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Type_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_Placeholder*>(node)) {

    Selector_Placeholder* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_Placeholder*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Selector_Placeholder [" << selector->ns_name() << "] " << selector
      << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << std::endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Simple_Selector*>(node)) {
    Simple_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Simple_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Simple_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << std::endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_Schema*>(node)) {
    Selector_Schema* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_Schema*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Selector_Schema " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
      << (selector->at_root() && selector->at_root() ? " [@ROOT]" : "")
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << std::endl;

    debug_ast(selector->contents(), ind + " ");
    // for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector*>(node)) {
    Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << std::endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Query_Expression*>(node)) {
    Media_Query_Expression* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Query_Expression*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Media_Query_Expression " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << (block->is_interpolated() ? " [is_interpolated]": " -")
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->feature(), ind + " feature) ");
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value) ");

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Query*>(node)) {
    Media_Query* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Query*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Media_Query " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << (block->is_negated() ? " [is_negated]": " -")
      << (block->is_restricted() ? " [is_restricted]": " -")
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->media_type(), ind + " ");
    for(auto i : block->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Block*>(node)) {
    Media_Block* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Media_Block " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->media_queries(), ind + " =@ ");
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Block*>(node)) {
    Supports_Block* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Block " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->condition(), ind + " =@ ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Operator*>(node)) {
    Supports_Operator* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Operator*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Operator " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->left(), ind + " left) ");
    debug_ast(block->right(), ind + " right) ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Negation*>(node)) {
    Supports_Negation* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Negation*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Negation " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->condition(), ind + " condition) ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Declaration*>(node)) {
    Supports_Declaration* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Declaration*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Declaration " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->feature(), ind + " feature) ");
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value) ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Block*>(node)) {
    Block* root_block = dynamic_cast<Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Block " << root_block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    if (root_block->is_root()) std::cerr << " [root]";
    std::cerr << " " << root_block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (root_block->block()) for(auto i : root_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Warning*>(node)) {
    Warning* block = dynamic_cast<Warning*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Warning " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Error*>(node)) {
    Error* block = dynamic_cast<Error*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Error " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Debug*>(node)) {
    Debug* block = dynamic_cast<Debug*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Debug " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Comment*>(node)) {
    Comment* block = dynamic_cast<Comment*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Comment " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() <<
      " <" << prettyprint(block->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->text(), ind + "// ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<If*>(node)) {
    If* block = dynamic_cast<If*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "If " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->predicate(), ind + " = ");
    debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " <>");
    debug_ast(block->alternative(), ind + " ><");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Return*>(node)) {
    Return* block = dynamic_cast<Return*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Return " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Extension*>(node)) {
    Extension* block = dynamic_cast<Extension*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Extension " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->selector(), ind + "-> ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Content*>(node)) {
    Content* block = dynamic_cast<Content*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Content " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Import_Stub*>(node)) {
    Import_Stub* block = dynamic_cast<Import_Stub*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Import_Stub " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Import*>(node)) {
    Import* block = dynamic_cast<Import*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Import " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->media_queries(), ind + " @ ");
    // std::vector<std::string>         files_;
    for (auto imp : block->urls()) debug_ast(imp, "@ ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Assignment*>(node)) {
    Assignment* block = dynamic_cast<Assignment*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Assignment " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <<" << block->variable() << ">> " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + "=", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Declaration*>(node)) {
    Declaration* block = dynamic_cast<Declaration*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Declaration " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->property(), ind + " prop: ", env);
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Keyframe_Rule*>(node)) {
    Keyframe_Rule* has_block = dynamic_cast<Keyframe_Rule*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Keyframe_Rule " << has_block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << has_block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (has_block->selector()) debug_ast(has_block->selector(), ind + "@");
    if (has_block->block()) for(auto i : has_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<At_Rule*>(node)) {
    At_Rule* block = dynamic_cast<At_Rule*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "At_Rule " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << block->keyword() << "] " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->selector(), ind + "~", env);
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + "+", env);
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Each*>(node)) {
    Each* block = dynamic_cast<Each*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Each " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<For*>(node)) {
    For* block = dynamic_cast<For*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "For " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<While*>(node)) {
    While* block = dynamic_cast<While*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "While " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Definition*>(node)) {
    Definition* block = dynamic_cast<Definition*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Definition " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [name: " << block->name() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [type: " << (block->type() == Sass::Definition::Type::MIXIN ? "Mixin " : "Function ") << "] ";
    // this seems to lead to segfaults some times?
    // std::cerr << " [signature: " << block->signature() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [native: " << block->native_function() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->parameters(), ind + " params: ", env);
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Mixin_Call*>(node)) {
    Mixin_Call* block = dynamic_cast<Mixin_Call*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Mixin_Call " << block << " " << block->tabs();
    std::cerr << " [" <<  block->name() << "]";
    std::cerr << " [has_content: " << block->has_content() << "] " << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->arguments(), ind + " args: ");
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (Ruleset* ruleset = dynamic_cast<Ruleset*>(node)) {
    std::cerr << ind << "Ruleset " << ruleset;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [indent: " << ruleset->tabs() << "]";
    std::cerr << (ruleset->at_root() ? " [@ROOT]" : "");
    std::cerr << (ruleset->is_root() ? " [root]" : "");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(ruleset->selector(), ind + ">");
    debug_ast(ruleset->block(), ind + " ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Block*>(node)) {
    Block* block = dynamic_cast<Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Block " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [indent: " << block->tabs() << "]" << std::endl;
    for(auto i : block->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Textual*>(node)) {
    Textual* expression = dynamic_cast<Textual*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Textual ";
    if (expression->type() == Textual::NUMBER) std::cerr << " [NUMBER]";
    else if (expression->type() == Textual::PERCENTAGE) std::cerr << " [PERCENTAGE]";
    else if (expression->type() == Textual::DIMENSION) std::cerr << " [DIMENSION]";
    else if (expression->type() == Textual::HEX) std::cerr << " [HEX]";
    std::cerr << expression << " [" << expression->value() << "]";
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Variable*>(node)) {
    Variable* expression = dynamic_cast<Variable*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Variable " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->name() << "]" << std::endl;
    std::string name(expression->name());
    if (env && env->has(name)) debug_ast(static_cast<Expression*>((*env)[name]), ind + " -> ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Function_Call_Schema*>(node)) {
    Function_Call_Schema* expression = dynamic_cast<Function_Call_Schema*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Function_Call_Schema " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << "" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->name(), ind + "name: ", env);
    debug_ast(expression->arguments(), ind + " args: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Function_Call*>(node)) {
    Function_Call* expression = dynamic_cast<Function_Call*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Function_Call " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->name() << "]";
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->arguments(), ind + " args: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Arguments*>(node)) {
    Arguments* expression = dynamic_cast<Arguments*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Arguments " << expression;
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    if (expression->has_named_arguments()) std::cerr << " [has_named_arguments]";
    if (expression->has_rest_argument()) std::cerr << " [has_rest_argument]";
    if (expression->has_keyword_argument()) std::cerr << " [has_keyword_argument]";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Argument*>(node)) {
    Argument* expression = dynamic_cast<Argument*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Argument " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->value() << "]";
    std::cerr << " [name: " << expression->name() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [rest: " << expression->is_rest_argument() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [keyword: " << expression->is_keyword_argument() << "] " << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->value(), ind + " value: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Parameters*>(node)) {
    Parameters* expression = dynamic_cast<Parameters*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Parameters " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [has_optional: " << expression->has_optional_parameters() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [has_rest: " << expression->has_rest_parameter() << "] ";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Parameter*>(node)) {
    Parameter* expression = dynamic_cast<Parameter*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Parameter " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [name: " << expression->name() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [default: " << expression->default_value() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [rest: " << expression->is_rest_parameter() << "] " << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Unary_Expression*>(node)) {
    Unary_Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Unary_Expression*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Unary_Expression " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->type() << "]" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->operand(), ind + " operand: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Binary_Expression*>(node)) {
    Binary_Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Binary_Expression*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Binary_Expression " << expression;
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [is interpolant] ";
    if (expression->is_left_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [left interpolant] ";
    if (expression->is_right_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [right interpolant] ";
    std::cerr << " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [ws_before: " << expression->op().ws_before << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [ws_after: " << expression->op().ws_after << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->type_name() << "]" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->left(), ind + " left:  ", env);
    debug_ast(expression->right(), ind + " right: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Map*>(node)) {
    Map* expression = dynamic_cast<Map*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Map " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [Hashed]" << std::endl;
    for (auto i : expression->elements()) {
      debug_ast(i.first, ind + " key: ");
      debug_ast(i.second, ind + " val: ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<List*>(node)) {
    List* expression = dynamic_cast<List*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "List " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " (" << expression->length() << ") " <<
      (expression->separator() == SASS_COMMA ? "Comma " : expression->separator() == SASS_HASH ? "Map" : "Space ") <<
      " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] " <<
      " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] " <<
      " [arglist: " << expression->is_arglist() << "] " <<
      " [hash: " << expression->hash() << "] " <<
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Content*>(node)) {
    Content* expression = dynamic_cast<Content*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Content " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [Statement]" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Boolean*>(node)) {
    Boolean* expression = dynamic_cast<Boolean*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Boolean " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->value() << "]" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Color*>(node)) {
    Color* expression = dynamic_cast<Color*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Color " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->r() << ":"  << expression->g() << ":" << expression->b() << "@" << expression->a() << "]" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Number*>(node)) {
    Number* expression = dynamic_cast<Number*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Number " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->value() << expression->unit() << "]" <<
      " [hash: " << expression->hash() << "] " <<
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Quoted*>(node)) {
    String_Quoted* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Quoted*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "String_Quoted " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << prettyprint(expression->value()) << "]";
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    if (expression->sass_fix_1291()) std::cerr << " [sass_fix_1291]";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]";
    if (expression->quote_mark()) std::cerr << " [quote_mark: " << expression->quote_mark() << "]";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Constant*>(node)) {
    String_Constant* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Constant*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "String_Constant " << expression;
    if (expression->concrete_type()) {
      std::cerr << " " << expression->concrete_type();
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << prettyprint(expression->value()) << "]";
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    if (expression->sass_fix_1291()) std::cerr << " [sass_fix_1291]";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Schema*>(node)) {
    String_Schema* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Schema*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "String_Schema " << expression;
    std::cerr << " " << expression->concrete_type();
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [is interpolant]";
    if (expression->has_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [has interpolant]";
    if (expression->is_left_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [left interpolant] ";
    if (expression->is_right_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [right interpolant] ";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String*>(node)) {
    String* expression = dynamic_cast<String*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "String " << expression;
    std::cerr << " " << expression->concrete_type();
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    if (expression->sass_fix_1291()) std::cerr << " [sass_fix_1291]";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node)) {
    Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Expression " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    switch (expression->concrete_type()) {
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NONE: std::cerr << " [NONE]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::BOOLEAN: std::cerr << " [BOOLEAN]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NUMBER: std::cerr << " [NUMBER]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::COLOR: std::cerr << " [COLOR]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::STRING: std::cerr << " [STRING]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::LIST: std::cerr << " [LIST]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::MAP: std::cerr << " [MAP]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::SELECTOR: std::cerr << " [SELECTOR]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NULL_VAL: std::cerr << " [NULL_VAL]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::C_WARNING: std::cerr << " [C_WARNING]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::C_ERROR: std::cerr << " [C_ERROR]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NUM_TYPES: std::cerr << " [NUM_TYPES]"; break;
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Has_Block*>(node)) {
    Has_Block* has_block = dynamic_cast<Has_Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Has_Block " << has_block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << has_block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (has_block->block()) for(auto i : has_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Statement*>(node)) {
    Statement* statement = dynamic_cast<Statement*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Statement " << statement;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << statement->tabs() << std::endl;

  if (ind == "") std::cerr << "####################################################################\n";
예제 #16
static void* reader_thread(void * /*arg*/)
	uint8_t tmp[16];  /* actually 6 should be enough */
	int count;
	int len;
	uint16_t packlen;
	uint8_t* buf;

        dmx = new cDemux();

	dmx->Open(DMX_PES_CHANNEL, 64*1024, live_fe);

	while (reader_running) 
		//dmx->Open(DMX_PES_CHANNEL, 64*1024, live_fe?live_fe->fenumber:0);	
		if(dvbsub_stopped /*dvbsub_paused*/) 
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s stopped\n", __FUNCTION__);


			pthread_mutex_lock(&readerMutex );
			int ret = pthread_cond_wait(&readerCond, &readerMutex);

			if (ret) 
				sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "pthread_cond_timedwait fails with %d\n", ret);
			dvbsub_stopped = 0;
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s (re)started with pid 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, dvbsub_pid);

			pid_change_req = 0;
			dmx->Open(DMX_PES_CHANNEL, 64*1024, live_fe/*?live_fe->fenumber:0*/);	
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s changed to pid 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, dvbsub_pid);

		len = 0;
		count = 0;

		len = dmx->Read(tmp, 6, 1000);
		//printf("\n[dvbsub] len: %d\n", len);
		if(len <= 0)

		if(memcmp(tmp, "\x00\x00\x01\xbd", 4)) 
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "[subtitles] bad start code: %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3]);
		count = 6;

		packlen =  getbits(tmp, 4*8, 16) + 6;

		buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(packlen);

		memcpy(buf, tmp, 6);
		/* read rest of the packet */
		while((count < packlen) /* && !dvbsub_paused*/) 
			len = dmx->Read(buf+count, packlen-count, 1000);
			if (len < 0) {
			} else {
				count += len;
#if 0
		for(int i = 6; i < packlen - 4; i++) {
			if(!memcmp(&buf[i], "\x00\x00\x01\xbd", 4)) {
				int plen =  getbits(&buf[i], 4*8, 16) + 6;
				printf("[subtitles] PES header at %d ?!\n", i);
				printf("[subtitles] start code: %02x%02x%02x%02x len %d\n", buf[i+0], buf[i+1], buf[i+2], buf[i+3], plen);

		if(!dvbsub_stopped /*!dvbsub_paused*/ ) 
			//sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "[subtitles] new packet, len %d buf 0x%x pts-stc diff %lld\n", count, buf, get_pts_stc_delta(get_pts(buf)));
			/* Packet now in memory */
			/* TODO: allocation exception */
			// wake up dvb thread

	delete dmx;
	dmx = NULL;

	sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s shutdown\n", __FUNCTION__);
예제 #17
int main (int argc, char** argv)
    //-- Initialization stuff

    //-- Command-line arguments
    float ransac_threshold = 0.02;
    float hsv_s_threshold = 0.30;
    float hsv_v_threshold = 0.35;

    //-- Show usage
    if (pcl::console::find_switch(argc, argv, "-h") || pcl::console::find_switch(argc, argv, "--help"))
        return 0;

    if (pcl::console::find_switch(argc, argv, "--ransac-threshold"))
        pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "--ransac-threshold", ransac_threshold);
        std::cerr << "RANSAC theshold not specified, using default value..." << std::endl;

    if (pcl::console::find_switch(argc, argv, "--hsv-s-threshold"))
        pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "--hsv-s-threshold", hsv_s_threshold);
        std::cerr << "Saturation theshold not specified, using default value..." << std::endl;

    if (pcl::console::find_switch(argc, argv, "--hsv-v-threshold"))
        pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "--hsv-v-threshold", hsv_v_threshold);
        std::cerr << "Value theshold not specified, using default value..." << std::endl;

    //-- Get point cloud file from arguments
    std::vector<int> filenames;
    bool file_is_pcd = false;

    filenames = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument(argc, argv, ".ply");

    if (filenames.size() != 1)
        filenames = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument(argc, argv, ".pcd");

        if (filenames.size() != 1)
            return -1;

        file_is_pcd = true;

    //-- Load point cloud data
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr source_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

    if (file_is_pcd)
        if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile(argv[filenames[0]], *source_cloud) < 0)
            std::cout << "Error loading point cloud " << argv[filenames[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
            return -1;
        if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile(argv[filenames[0]], *source_cloud) < 0)
            std::cout << "Error loading point cloud " << argv[filenames[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
            return -1;

    //-- Load point cloud data (with color)
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr source_cloud_color(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);

    if (file_is_pcd)
        if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile(argv[filenames[0]], *source_cloud_color) < 0)
            std::cout << "Error loading colored point cloud " << argv[filenames[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
            return -1;
        if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile(argv[filenames[0]], *source_cloud_color) < 0)
            std::cout << "Error loading colored point cloud " << argv[filenames[0]] << std::endl << std::endl;
            return -1;

    //-- Print arguments to user
    std::cout << "Selected arguments: " << std::endl
              << "\tRANSAC threshold: " << ransac_threshold << std::endl
              << "\tColor point threshold: " << hsv_s_threshold << std::endl
              << "\tColor region threshold: " << hsv_v_threshold << std::endl;

    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_filtered(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

    //-- Program does actual work from here
    Debug debug;

    debug.plotPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(source_cloud_color, Debug::COLOR_ORIGINAL);
    debug.show("Original with color");

    //-- Downsample the dataset prior to plane detection (using a leaf size of 1cm)
    pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> voxel_grid;
    voxel_grid.setLeafSize(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
    std::cout << "Initially PointCloud has: " << source_cloud->points.size ()  << " data points." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "PointCloud after filtering has: " << cloud_filtered->points.size ()  << " data points." << std::endl;

    //-- Detect all possible planes
    std::vector<pcl::ModelCoefficientsPtr> all_planes;

    pcl::SACSegmentation<pcl::PointXYZ> ransac_segmentation;

    pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers(new pcl::PointIndices);
    pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr current_plane(new pcl::ModelCoefficients);

    int i=0, nr_points = (int) cloud_filtered->points.size();
    while (cloud_filtered->points.size() > 0.3 * nr_points)
        // Segment the largest planar component from the remaining cloud
        ransac_segmentation.segment(*inliers, *current_plane);
        if (inliers->indices.size() == 0)
            std::cout << "Could not estimate a planar model for the given dataset." << std::endl;

        // Extract the planar inliers from the input cloud
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_f(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
        pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZ> extract;

        // Remove the planar inliers, extract the rest
        *cloud_filtered = *cloud_f;

        //-- Save plane
        pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr copy_current_plane(new pcl::ModelCoefficients);
        *copy_current_plane = *current_plane;

        //-- Debug stuff
        debug.plotPlane(*current_plane, Debug::COLOR_BLUE);
        debug.plotPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>(cloud_filtered, Debug::COLOR_RED);
        debug.show("Plane segmentation");

    //-- Filter planes to obtain garment plane
    pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr garment_plane(new pcl::ModelCoefficients);
    float min_height = FLT_MAX;
    pcl::PointXYZ garment_projected_center;

    for(int i = 0; i < all_planes.size(); i++)
        //-- Check orientation
        Eigen::Vector3f normal_vector(all_planes[i]->values[0],
        Eigen::Vector3f good_orientation(0, -1, -1);

        std::cout << "Checking vector with dot product: " << std::abs(normal_vector.dot(good_orientation)) << std::endl;
        if (std::abs(normal_vector.dot(good_orientation)) >= 0.9)
            //-- Check "height" (height is defined in the local frame of reference in the yz direction)
            //-- With this frame, it is approximately equal to the norm of the vector OO' (being O the
            //-- center of the old frame and O' the projection of that center onto the plane).

            //-- Project center point onto given plane:
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr center_to_be_projected_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
            pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr center_projected_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

            pcl::ProjectInliers<pcl::PointXYZ> project_inliners;
            pcl::PointXYZ projected_center = center_projected_cloud->points[0];
            Eigen::Vector3f projected_center_vector(projected_center.x, projected_center.y, projected_center.z);

            float height = projected_center_vector.norm();
            if (height < min_height)
                min_height = height;
                *garment_plane = *all_planes[i];
                garment_projected_center = projected_center;

    if (!(min_height < FLT_MAX))
        std::cerr << "Garment plane not found!" << std::endl;
        return -3;
        std::cout << "Found closest plane with h=" << min_height << std::endl;

        //-- Debug stuff
        debug.plotPlane(*garment_plane, Debug::COLOR_BLUE);
        debug.plotPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>(source_cloud, Debug::COLOR_RED);
        debug.show("Garment plane");

    //-- Reorient cloud to origin (with color point cloud)
    //-- Translating to center
    //pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr centered_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
    Eigen::Affine3f translation_transform = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity();
    translation_transform.translation() << -garment_projected_center.x, -garment_projected_center.y, -garment_projected_center.z;
    //pcl::transformPointCloud(*source_cloud_color, *centered_cloud, translation_transform);

    //-- Orient using the plane normal
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr oriented_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
    Eigen::Vector3f normal_vector(garment_plane->values[0], garment_plane->values[1], garment_plane->values[2]);
    //-- Check normal vector orientation
    if (normal_vector.dot(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()) >= 0 && normal_vector.dot(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY()) >= 0)
        normal_vector = -normal_vector;
    Eigen::Quaternionf rotation_quaternion = Eigen::Quaternionf().setFromTwoVectors(normal_vector, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ());
    //pcl::transformPointCloud(*centered_cloud, *oriented_cloud, Eigen::Vector3f(0,0,0), rotation_quaternion);
    Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine> t(rotation_quaternion * translation_transform);
    pcl::transformPointCloud(*source_cloud_color, *oriented_cloud, t);

    //-- Save to file
    record_transformation(argv[filenames[0]]+std::string("-transform1.txt"), translation_transform, rotation_quaternion);

    debug.plotPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(oriented_cloud, Debug::COLOR_GREEN);

    //-- Filter points under the garment table
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr garment_table_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
    pcl::PassThrough<pcl::PointXYZRGB> passthrough_filter;
    passthrough_filter.setFilterLimits(-ransac_threshold/2.0f, FLT_MAX);

    debug.plotPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(garment_table_cloud, Debug::COLOR_GREEN);
    debug.show("Table cloud (filtered)");

    //-- Color segmentation of the garment
    //-- HSV thresholding
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZHSV>::Ptr hsv_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZHSV>);
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr filtered_garment_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
    pcl::PointCloudXYZRGBtoXYZHSV(*garment_table_cloud, *hsv_cloud);
    for (int i = 0; i < hsv_cloud->points.size(); i++)
        if (isnan(hsv_cloud->points[i].x) || isnan(hsv_cloud->points[i].y || isnan(hsv_cloud->points[i].z)))
        if (hsv_cloud->points[i].s > hsv_s_threshold &&  hsv_cloud->points[i].v > hsv_v_threshold)

    debug.plotPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(filtered_garment_cloud, Debug::COLOR_GREEN);
    debug.show("Garment cloud");

    //-- Euclidean Clustering of the resultant cloud
    pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr tree(new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);

    std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> cluster_indices;
    pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction<pcl::PointXYZRGB> euclidean_custering;

    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr largest_color_cluster(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
    int largest_cluster_size = 0;
    for (auto it = cluster_indices.begin (); it != cluster_indices.end (); ++it)
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud_cluster (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
      for (auto pit = it->indices.begin (); pit != it->indices.end (); ++pit)
      cloud_cluster->width = cloud_cluster->points.size ();
      cloud_cluster->height = 1;
      cloud_cluster->is_dense = true;

      std::cout << "Found cluster of " << cloud_cluster->points.size() << " points." << std::endl;
      if (cloud_cluster->points.size() > largest_cluster_size)
          largest_cluster_size = cloud_cluster->points.size();
          *largest_color_cluster = *cloud_cluster;

    debug.plotPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(largest_color_cluster, Debug::COLOR_GREEN);
    debug.show("Filtered garment cloud");

    //-- Centering the point cloud before saving it
    //-- Find bounding box
    pcl::MomentOfInertiaEstimation<pcl::PointXYZRGB> feature_extractor;
    pcl::PointXYZRGB min_point_AABB, max_point_AABB;
    pcl::PointXYZRGB min_point_OBB,  max_point_OBB;
    pcl::PointXYZRGB position_OBB;
    Eigen::Matrix3f rotational_matrix_OBB;

    feature_extractor.getAABB(min_point_AABB, max_point_AABB);
    feature_extractor.getOBB(min_point_OBB, max_point_OBB, position_OBB, rotational_matrix_OBB);

    //-- Translating to center
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr centered_garment_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
    Eigen::Affine3f garment_translation_transform = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity();
    garment_translation_transform.translation() << -position_OBB.x, -position_OBB.y, -position_OBB.z;
    pcl::transformPointCloud(*largest_color_cluster, *centered_garment_cloud, garment_translation_transform);

    //-- Orient using the principal axes of the bounding box
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr oriented_garment_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
    Eigen::Vector3f principal_axis_x(max_point_OBB.x - min_point_OBB.x, 0, 0);
    Eigen::Quaternionf garment_rotation_quaternion = Eigen::Quaternionf().setFromTwoVectors(principal_axis_x, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX()); //-- This transformation is wrong (I guess)
    Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine> t2 = Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine>::Identity();
    //pcl::transformPointCloud(*centered_garment_cloud, *oriented_garment_cloud, Eigen::Vector3f(0,0,0), garment_rotation_quaternion);
    pcl::transformPointCloud(*centered_garment_cloud, *oriented_garment_cloud, t2);

    //-- Save to file
    record_transformation(argv[filenames[0]]+std::string("-transform2.txt"), garment_translation_transform, Eigen::Quaternionf(t2.rotation()));

    debug.plotPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(oriented_garment_cloud, Debug::COLOR_GREEN);
    debug.plotBoundingBox(min_point_OBB, max_point_OBB, position_OBB, rotational_matrix_OBB, Debug::COLOR_YELLOW);
    debug.show("Oriented garment patch");

    //-- Save point cloud in file to process it in Python
    pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary(argv[filenames[0]]+std::string("-output.pcd"), *oriented_garment_cloud);

    return 0;
예제 #18
inline void debug_ast(AST_Node* node, string ind = "", Env* env = 0)
  if (node == 0) return;
  if (ind == "") cerr << "####################################################################\n";
  if (dynamic_cast<Bubble*>(node)) {
    Bubble* bubble = dynamic_cast<Bubble*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Bubble " << bubble << " " << bubble->tabs() << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<At_Root_Block*>(node)) {
    At_Root_Block* root_block = dynamic_cast<At_Root_Block*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "At_Root_Block " << root_block << " " << root_block->tabs() << endl;
    if (root_block->block()) for(auto i : root_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_List*>(node)) {
    Selector_List* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_List*>(node);

    cerr << ind << "Selector_List " << selector
      << " [block:" << selector->last_block() << "]"
      << (selector->last_block() && selector->last_block()->is_root() ? " [root]" : "")
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << endl;

    for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }

//  } else if (dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node)) {
//    Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node);
//    cerr << ind << "Expression " << expression << " " << expression->concrete_type() << endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Parent_Selector*>(node)) {
    Parent_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Parent_Selector*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Parent_Selector " << selector;
    cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << endl;
    debug_ast(selector->selector(), ind + "->", env);

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Complex_Selector*>(node)) {
    Complex_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Complex_Selector*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Complex_Selector " << selector
      << " [block:" << selector->last_block() << "]"
      << " [weight:" << longToHex(selector->specificity()) << "]"
      << (selector->last_block() && selector->last_block()->is_root() ? " [root]" : "")
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << " -> ";
      switch (selector->combinator()) {
        case Complex_Selector::PARENT_OF:   cerr << "{>}"; break;
        case Complex_Selector::PRECEDES:    cerr << "{~}"; break;
        case Complex_Selector::ADJACENT_TO: cerr << "{+}"; break;
        case Complex_Selector::ANCESTOR_OF: cerr << "{ }"; break;
    cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << endl;
    debug_ast(selector->head(), ind + " ", env);
    debug_ast(selector->tail(), ind + "-", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Compound_Selector*>(node)) {
    Compound_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Compound_Selector*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Compound_Selector " << selector;
    cerr << " [block:" << selector->last_block() << "]";
    cerr << " [weight:" << longToHex(selector->specificity()) << "]";
    // cerr << (selector->last_block() && selector->last_block()->is_root() ? " [root]" : "");
    cerr << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]";
    cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << endl;
    for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Propset*>(node)) {
    Propset* selector = dynamic_cast<Propset*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Propset " << selector << " " << selector->tabs() << endl;
    if (selector->block()) for(auto i : selector->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Wrapped_Selector*>(node)) {
    Wrapped_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Wrapped_Selector*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Wrapped_Selector " << selector << " <<" << selector->name() << ">>" << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << endl;
    debug_ast(selector->selector(), ind + " () ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Pseudo_Selector*>(node)) {
    Pseudo_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Pseudo_Selector*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Pseudo_Selector " << selector << " <<" << selector->name() << ">>" << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << endl;
    debug_ast(selector->expression(), ind + " <= ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Attribute_Selector*>(node)) {
    Attribute_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Attribute_Selector*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Attribute_Selector " << selector << " <<" << selector->name() << ">>" << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << endl;
    debug_ast(selector->value(), ind + "[" + selector->matcher() + "] ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_Qualifier*>(node)) {
    Selector_Qualifier* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_Qualifier*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Selector_Qualifier " << selector << " <<" << selector->name() << ">>" << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Type_Selector*>(node)) {
    Type_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Type_Selector*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Type_Selector " << selector << " <<" << selector->name() << ">>" << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") <<
      " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_Placeholder*>(node)) {

    Selector_Placeholder* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_Placeholder*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Selector_Placeholder [" << selector->name() << "] " << selector
      << " [block:" << selector->last_block() << "]"
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_Reference*>(node)) {
    Selector_Reference* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_Reference*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Selector_Reference " << selector << " @ref " << selector->selector() << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Simple_Selector*>(node)) {
    Simple_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Simple_Selector*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Simple_Selector " << selector << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_Schema*>(node)) {
    Selector_Schema* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_Schema*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Selector_Schema " << selector
      << " [block:" << selector->last_block() << "]"
      << (selector->last_block() && selector->last_block()->is_root() ? " [root]" : "")
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << endl;

    debug_ast(selector->contents(), ind + " ");
    // for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector*>(node)) {
    Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Selector " << selector
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Query_Expression*>(node)) {
    Media_Query_Expression* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Query_Expression*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Media_Query_Expression " << block
      << (block->is_interpolated() ? " [is_interpolated]": " -")
    << endl;
    debug_ast(block->feature(), ind + " f) ");
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " v) ");

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Query*>(node)) {
    Media_Query* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Query*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Media_Query " << block
      << (block->is_negated() ? " [is_negated]": " -")
      << (block->is_restricted() ? " [is_restricted]": " -")
    << endl;
    debug_ast(block->media_type(), ind + " ");
    for(auto i : block->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Block*>(node)) {
    Media_Block* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Block*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Media_Block " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    debug_ast(block->media_queries(), ind + " =@ ");
    debug_ast(block->selector(), ind + " -@ ");
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Feature_Block*>(node)) {
    Feature_Block* block = dynamic_cast<Feature_Block*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Feature_Block " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Block*>(node)) {
    Block* root_block = dynamic_cast<Block*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Block " << root_block << " " << root_block->tabs() << endl;
    if (root_block->block()) for(auto i : root_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Warning*>(node)) {
    Warning* block = dynamic_cast<Warning*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Warning " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Error*>(node)) {
    Error* block = dynamic_cast<Error*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Error " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Debug*>(node)) {
    Debug* block = dynamic_cast<Debug*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Debug " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Comment*>(node)) {
    Comment* block = dynamic_cast<Comment*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Comment " << block << " " << block->tabs() <<
      " <" << prettyprint(block->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << endl;
    debug_ast(block->text(), ind + "// ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<If*>(node)) {
    If* block = dynamic_cast<If*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "If " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Return*>(node)) {
    Return* block = dynamic_cast<Return*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Return " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Extension*>(node)) {
    Extension* block = dynamic_cast<Extension*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Extension " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    debug_ast(block->selector(), ind + "-> ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Content*>(node)) {
    Content* block = dynamic_cast<Content*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Content " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Import_Stub*>(node)) {
    Import_Stub* block = dynamic_cast<Import_Stub*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Import_Stub " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Import*>(node)) {
    Import* block = dynamic_cast<Import*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Import " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    // vector<string>         files_;
    for (auto imp : block->urls()) debug_ast(imp, "@ ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Assignment*>(node)) {
    Assignment* block = dynamic_cast<Assignment*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Assignment " << block << " <<" << block->variable() << ">> " << block->tabs() << endl;
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + "=", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Declaration*>(node)) {
    Declaration* block = dynamic_cast<Declaration*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Declaration " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    debug_ast(block->property(), ind + " prop: ", env);
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Keyframe_Rule*>(node)) {
    Keyframe_Rule* has_block = dynamic_cast<Keyframe_Rule*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Keyframe_Rule " << has_block << " " << has_block->tabs() << endl;
    if (has_block->selector()) debug_ast(has_block->selector(), ind + "@");
    if (has_block->block()) for(auto i : has_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<At_Rule*>(node)) {
    At_Rule* block = dynamic_cast<At_Rule*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "At_Rule " << block << " [" << block->keyword() << "] " << block->tabs() << endl;
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + "+", env);
    debug_ast(block->selector(), ind + "~", env);
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Each*>(node)) {
    Each* block = dynamic_cast<Each*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Each " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<For*>(node)) {
    For* block = dynamic_cast<For*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "For " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<While*>(node)) {
    While* block = dynamic_cast<While*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "While " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Definition*>(node)) {
    Definition* block = dynamic_cast<Definition*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Definition " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Mixin_Call*>(node)) {
    Mixin_Call* block = dynamic_cast<Mixin_Call*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Mixin_Call " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Ruleset*>(node)) {
    Ruleset* ruleset = dynamic_cast<Ruleset*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Ruleset " << ruleset << " " << ruleset->tabs() << endl;
    debug_ast(ruleset->selector(), ind + " ");
    if (ruleset->block()) for(auto i : ruleset->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Block*>(node)) {
    Block* block = dynamic_cast<Block*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Block " << block << " " << block->tabs() << endl;
    for(auto i : block->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Textual*>(node)) {
    Textual* expression = dynamic_cast<Textual*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Textual ";
    if (expression->type() == Textual::NUMBER) cerr << " [NUMBER]";
    else if (expression->type() == Textual::PERCENTAGE) cerr << " [PERCENTAGE]";
    else if (expression->type() == Textual::DIMENSION) cerr << " [DIMENSION]";
    else if (expression->type() == Textual::HEX) cerr << " [HEX]";
    cerr << expression << " [" << expression->value() << "]" << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Variable*>(node)) {
    Variable* expression = dynamic_cast<Variable*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Variable " << expression << " [" << expression->name() << "]" << endl;
    string name(expression->name());
    if (env && env->has(name)) debug_ast(static_cast<Expression*>((*env)[name]), ind + " -> ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Function_Call_Schema*>(node)) {
    Function_Call_Schema* expression = dynamic_cast<Function_Call_Schema*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Function_Call_Schema " << expression << "]" << endl;
    debug_ast(expression->name(), ind + "name: ", env);
    debug_ast(expression->arguments(), ind + " args: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Function_Call*>(node)) {
    Function_Call* expression = dynamic_cast<Function_Call*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Function_Call " << expression << " [" << expression->name() << "]" << endl;
    debug_ast(expression->arguments(), ind + " args: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Arguments*>(node)) {
    Arguments* expression = dynamic_cast<Arguments*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Arguments " << expression << "]" << endl;
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Argument*>(node)) {
    Argument* expression = dynamic_cast<Argument*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Argument " << expression << " [" << expression->value() << "]" << endl;
    debug_ast(expression->value(), ind + " value: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Unary_Expression*>(node)) {
    Unary_Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Unary_Expression*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Unary_Expression " << expression << " [" << expression->type() << "]" << endl;
    debug_ast(expression->operand(), ind + " operand: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Binary_Expression*>(node)) {
    Binary_Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Binary_Expression*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Binary_Expression " << expression << " [" << expression->type() << "]" << endl;
    debug_ast(expression->left(), ind + " left:  ", env);
    debug_ast(expression->right(), ind + " right: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Map*>(node)) {
    Map* expression = dynamic_cast<Map*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Map " << expression << " [Hashed]" << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<List*>(node)) {
    List* expression = dynamic_cast<List*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "List " << expression << " (" << expression->length() << ") " <<
      (expression->separator() == Sass::List::Separator::COMMA ? "Comma " : "Space ") <<
      " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] " <<
      " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] " <<
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Content*>(node)) {
    Content* expression = dynamic_cast<Content*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Content " << expression << " [Statement]" << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Boolean*>(node)) {
    Boolean* expression = dynamic_cast<Boolean*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Boolean " << expression << " [" << expression->value() << "]" << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Color*>(node)) {
    Color* expression = dynamic_cast<Color*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Color " << expression << " [" << expression->r() << ":"  << expression->g() << ":" << expression->b() << "@" << expression->a() << "]" << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Number*>(node)) {
    Number* expression = dynamic_cast<Number*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Number " << expression << " [" << expression->value() << expression->unit() << "]" << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Quoted*>(node)) {
    String_Quoted* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Quoted*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "String_Quoted : " << expression << " [" << prettyprint(expression->value()) << "]" <<
      (expression->is_delayed() ? " {delayed}" : "") <<
      (expression->sass_fix_1291() ? " {sass_fix_1291}" : "") <<
      (expression->quote_mark() != 0 ? " {qm:" + string(1, expression->quote_mark()) + "}" : "") <<
      " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Constant*>(node)) {
    String_Constant* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Constant*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "String_Constant : " << expression << " [" << prettyprint(expression->value()) << "]" <<
      (expression->is_delayed() ? " {delayed}" : "") <<
      (expression->sass_fix_1291() ? " {sass_fix_1291}" : "") <<
      " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Schema*>(node)) {
    String_Schema* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Schema*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "String_Schema " << expression << " " << expression->concrete_type() <<
      (expression->has_interpolants() ? " {has_interpolants}" : "") <<
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String*>(node)) {
    String* expression = dynamic_cast<String*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "String " << expression << expression->concrete_type() <<
      " " << (expression->sass_fix_1291() ? "{sass_fix_1291}" : "") <<
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node)) {
    Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Expression " << expression;
    switch (expression->concrete_type()) {
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NONE: cerr << " [NONE]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::BOOLEAN: cerr << " [BOOLEAN]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NUMBER: cerr << " [NUMBER]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::COLOR: cerr << " [COLOR]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::STRING: cerr << " [STRING]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::LIST: cerr << " [LIST]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::MAP: cerr << " [MAP]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::SELECTOR: cerr << " [SELECTOR]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NULL_VAL: cerr << " [NULL_VAL]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NUM_TYPES: cerr << " [NUM_TYPES]"; break;
    cerr << endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Has_Block*>(node)) {
    Has_Block* has_block = dynamic_cast<Has_Block*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Has_Block " << has_block << " " << has_block->tabs() << endl;
    if (has_block->block()) for(auto i : has_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Statement*>(node)) {
    Statement* statement = dynamic_cast<Statement*>(node);
    cerr << ind << "Statement " << statement << " " << statement->tabs() << endl;

  if (ind == "") cerr << "####################################################################\n";
예제 #19
void AppMenuBar::OnDebug(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
    Debug *debug = new Debug(wxT("debug"));
예제 #20
static void* dvbsub_thread(void* /*arg*/)
	struct timespec restartWait;
	struct timeval now;

	sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s started\n", __FUNCTION__);
	if (!dvbSubtitleConverter)
		dvbSubtitleConverter = new cDvbSubtitleConverter;

	int timeout = 1000000;
		uint8_t* packet;
		int64_t pts;
		int dataoffset;
		int packlen;

		gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

		int ret = 0;
		now.tv_usec += (timeout == 0) ? 1000000 : timeout;   // add the timeout
		while (now.tv_usec >= 1000000) 
			// take care of an overflow
			now.tv_usec -= 1000000;
		restartWait.tv_sec = now.tv_sec;          // seconds
		restartWait.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000; // nano seconds

		pthread_mutex_lock( &packetMutex );
		ret = pthread_cond_timedwait( &packetCond, &packetMutex, &restartWait );
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &packetMutex );

		timeout = dvbSubtitleConverter->Action();

		if(packet_queue.size() == 0) {
#if 1
		sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "PES: Wakeup, queue size %d\n\n", packet_queue.size());
		if(dvbsub_stopped /*dvbsub_paused*/) 

		packet = packet_queue.pop();

		if (!packet) {
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "Error no packet found\n");
		packlen = (packet[4] << 8 | packet[5]) + 6;

		pts = get_pts(packet);

		dataoffset = packet[8] + 8 + 1;
		if (packet[dataoffset] != 0x20) 
#if 1
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "Not a dvb subtitle packet, discard it (len %d)\n", packlen);

			for(int i = 0; i < packlen; i++)
				printf("%02X ", packet[i]);
			goto next_round;

#if 1
		sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "PES packet: len %d data len %d PTS=%Ld (%02d:%02d:%02d.%d) diff %lld\n", packlen, packlen - (dataoffset + 2), pts, (int)(pts/324000000), (int)((pts/5400000)%60), (int)((pts/90000)%60), (int)(pts%90000), get_pts_stc_delta(pts));

		if (packlen <= dataoffset + 3) 
			sub_debug.print(Debug::INFO, "Packet too short, discard\n");
			goto next_round;

		if (packet[dataoffset + 2] == 0x0f) 
			dvbSubtitleConverter->Convert(&packet[dataoffset + 2], packlen - (dataoffset + 2), pts);
			sub_debug.print(Debug::INFO, "End_of_PES is missing\n");
		timeout = dvbSubtitleConverter->Action();


	delete dvbSubtitleConverter;

	sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s shutdown\n", __FUNCTION__);
예제 #21
static void* reader_thread(void * /*arg*/)
	int fds[2];
	fcntl(fds[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
	fcntl(fds[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
	fcntl(fds[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
	fcntl(fds[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
	flagFd = fds[1];
	uint8_t tmp[16];  /* actually 6 should be enough */
	int count;
	int len;
	uint16_t packlen;
	uint8_t* buf;
	bool bad_startcode = false;

	dmx = new cDemux(0);
	dmx->Open(DMX_PES_CHANNEL, NULL, 16*1024);
	dmx->Open(DMX_PES_CHANNEL, NULL, 64*1024);

	while (reader_running) {
		if(dvbsub_stopped /*dvbsub_paused*/) {
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s stopped\n", __FUNCTION__);


			pthread_mutex_lock(&readerMutex );
			int ret = pthread_cond_wait(&readerCond, &readerMutex);
			if (ret) {
				sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "pthread_cond_timedwait fails with %d\n", ret);
			dvbsub_stopped = 0;
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s (re)started with pid 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, dvbsub_pid);
		if(pid_change_req) {
			pid_change_req = 0;
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s changed to pid 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, dvbsub_pid);

		struct pollfd pfds[2];
		pfds[0].fd = fds[1];
		pfds[0].events = POLLIN;
		char _tmp[64];

		if (isEplayer) {
			poll(pfds, 1, -1);
			while (0 > read(pfds[0].fd, _tmp, sizeof(tmp)));

		pfds[1].fd = dmx->getFD();
		pfds[1].events = POLLIN;
		switch (poll(pfds, 2, -1)) {
			case 0:
			case -1:
				if (pfds[0].revents & POLLIN)
					while (0 > read(pfds[0].fd, _tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
				if (pfds[0].revents & POLLIN)
					while (0 > read(pfds[0].fd, _tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
				if (!(pfds[1].revents & POLLIN))

		len = dmx->Read(tmp, 6, 0);
		if(len <= 0)

		if(!memcmp(tmp, "\x00\x00\x01\xbe", 4)) { // padding stream
			packlen =  getbits(tmp, 4*8, 16) + 6;
			count = 6;
			buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(packlen);

			// actually, we're doing slightly too much here ...
			memmove(buf, tmp, 6);
			/* read rest of the packet */
			while((count < packlen) && !dvbsub_stopped) {
				len = dmx->Read(buf+count, packlen-count, 1000);
				if (len < 0) {
				} else {
					count += len;
			buf = NULL;

		if(memcmp(tmp, "\x00\x00\x01\xbd", 4)) {
			if (!bad_startcode) {
				sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "[subtitles] bad start code: %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3]);
				bad_startcode = true;
		bad_startcode = false;
		count = 6;

		packlen =  getbits(tmp, 4*8, 16) + 6;

		buf = (uint8_t*) malloc(packlen);

		memmove(buf, tmp, 6);
		/* read rest of the packet */
		while((count < packlen) && !dvbsub_stopped) {
			len = dmx->Read(buf+count, packlen-count, 1000);
			if (len < 0) {
			} else {
				count += len;
#if 0
		for(int i = 6; i < packlen - 4; i++) {
			if(!memcmp(&buf[i], "\x00\x00\x01\xbd", 4)) {
				int plen =  getbits(&buf[i], 4*8, 16) + 6;
				sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "[subtitles] ******************* PES header at %d ?! *******************\n", i);
				sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "[subtitles] start code: %02x%02x%02x%02x len %d\n", buf[i+0], buf[i+1], buf[i+2], buf[i+3], plen);

		if(!dvbsub_stopped /*!dvbsub_paused*/) {
			sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "[subtitles] *** new packet, len %d buf 0x%x pts-stc diff %lld ***\n", count, buf, get_pts_stc_delta(get_pts(buf)));
			/* Packet now in memory */
			/* TODO: allocation exception */
			// wake up dvb thread
		} else {

	delete dmx;
	dmx = NULL;

	flagFd = -1;

	sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s shutdown\n", __FUNCTION__);
예제 #22
static void* dvbsub_thread(void* /*arg*/)
	struct timespec restartWait;
	struct timeval now;

	sub_debug.print(Debug::VERBOSE, "%s started\n", __FUNCTION__);
	if (!dvbSubtitleConverter)
		dvbSubtitleConverter = new cDvbSubtitleConverter;

	int timeout = 1000000;
	CFrameBuffer *fb = CFrameBuffer::getInstance();
	int xres = fb->getScreenWidth(true);
	int yres = fb->getScreenHeight(true);
	int clr_x0 = xres, clr_y0 = yres, clr_x1 = 0, clr_y1 = 0;
	uint32_t colortable[256];
	memset(colortable, 0, sizeof(colortable));
	uint32_t last_color = 0;

	while(dvbsub_running) {
		if (ass_track) {
			usleep(100000); // FIXME ... should poll instead

			OpenThreads::ScopedLock<OpenThreads::Mutex> m_lock(ass_mutex);

			if (!ass_track)

			if (ass_size != sub_font_size) {
				ass_size = sub_font_size;
				ass_set_font_scale(ass_renderer, ((double) ass_size)/ASS_CUSTOM_FONT_SIZE);

			int detect_change = 0;
			int64_t pts;
			ASS_Image *image = ass_render_frame(ass_renderer, ass_track, pts/90, &detect_change);
			if (detect_change) {
				if (clr_x1 && clr_y1) {
					fb->paintBox(clr_x0, clr_y0, clr_x1 + 1, clr_y1 + 1, 0);
					clr_x0 = xres;
					clr_y0 = yres;
					clr_x1 = clr_y1 = 0;

				while (image) {
					if (last_color != image->color) {
						last_color = image->color;
						uint32_t c = last_color >> 8, a = 255 - (last_color & 0xff);
						for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
							uint32_t k = (a * i) >> 8;
							colortable[i] = k ? (c | (k << 24)) : 0;
					if (image->w && image->h && image->dst_x > -1 && image->dst_x + image->w < xres && image->dst_y > -1 && image->dst_y + image->h < yres) {
						if (image->dst_x < clr_x0)
							clr_x0 = image->dst_x;
						if (image->dst_y < clr_y0)
							clr_y0 = image->dst_y;
						if (image->dst_x + image->w > clr_x1)
							clr_x1 = image->dst_x + image->w;
						if (image->dst_y + image->h > clr_y1)
							clr_y1 = image->dst_y + image->h;

						uint32_t *lfb = fb->getFrameBufferPointer() + image->dst_x + xres * image->dst_y;
						unsigned char *bm = image->bitmap;
						int bm_add = image->stride - image->w;
						int lfb_add = xres - image->w;
						for (int y = 0; y < image->h; y++) {
							for (int x = 0; x < image->w; x++) {
								if (*bm)
									*lfb = colortable[*bm];
								lfb++, bm++;
							lfb += lfb_add;
							bm += bm_add;
					image = image->next;
		} else {
			if (clr_x1 && clr_y1) {
예제 #23
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: L31N/source
int main() {
    Debug *debug;
    debug = new Debug("TACTIC_GOAL");
    debug->send("Tactic for Goal starting...");

    IRSensor *ir[4];
    ir[0] = new IRSensor("BALL_SENSOR4", "BALL_SENSORS", 4);
    ir[1] = new IRSensor("BALL_SENSOR5", "BALL_SENSORS", 5);
    ir[2] = new IRSensor("BALL_SENSOR6", "BALL_SENSORS", 6);
    ir[3] = new IRSensor("BALL_SENSOR7", "BALL_SENSORS", 7);

    Motion* motion;
    motion = new Motion;

    //Main Loop
    while(true) {
        if (ir[0]->getValue()) motion->drive(Vector(60,0), 0);
        else motion->drive(Vector(0,0), 5);

//        // position
//        navi.calculate();
//        Vector position = navi.getPosition();
//        debug->send("X: %f|Y: %f", position.getX(), position.getY());
//        // correct angle to zero degree
//        turnto_count ++;
//        if (turnto_count > TURNTO_COUNT_TRESHOLD && abs(gyro.getVector().getAngle(true, false)) > ANGLE_TRESHOLD) {
//            motion->turnto(Vector(0,1), 30, Motion::automatic);
//            turnto_count = 0;
//        }
//        //else {
//            Vector drive(0, 0);
//            if(ir[0]->getValue() < 30 && ir[1]->getValue() < 30 && ir[2]->getValue() < 30 && ir[3]->getValue() < 30) {     // no ball --> adjustment
//                //motion->pbreak();
//                motion->drive(Vector(0,0), 0);
//                ///debug->send("Ball not available - adjustment");
//                /** adjustment **/
//                if (position.getX() < X_TARGET - X_TOLLERANCE) drive.setX(1);
//                else if (position.getX() > X_MAX + X_TOLLERANCE) drive.setX(-1);
//                if (position.getY() < Y_TARGET - Y_TOLLERANCE) drive.setY(1);
//                else if (position.getY() > Y_TARGET + Y_TOLLERANCE) drive.setY(-1);
//                /// if already adjusted and no ball -> drive left - right to seek the ball
//                drive.setLength(ADJUST_SPEED);
//                motion->drive(drive, 0);
//            }
//            else {
//                if(position.getY() > Y_MIN && (ir[3]->getValue() > (ir[0]->getValue() + ir[1]->getValue() + ir[2]->getValue())/3)) {        // schraeg nach hinten
//                    debug->send("Ball is behind");
//                    drive.setY(-1);
//                    // schraeg, jenachdem wo mehr platz
//                    if (position.getX() > FIELD_WIDTH / 2) drive.setX(-1);
//                    else drive.setX(1);
//                    drive.setLength(BALL_SPEED);
//                }
//                else if(position.getY() < Y_MAX && (ir[0]->getValue() <= ir[1]->getValue() && ir[2]->getValue() <= ir[1]->getValue())) {
//                    debug->send("Ball is in front");
//                    drive.set(0, 1);
//                    drive.setLength(BALL_SPEED);
//                }
//                else if(position.getX() < X_MAX && (ir[0]->getValue() > ir[1]->getValue())) {    // drive right
//                    debug->send("Ball is front right");
//                    //drive.set(1.5, 1);
//                    drive.set(1, 0);
//                    drive.setLength(BALL_SPEED);
//                }
//                else if(position.getX() > X_MIN && (ir[2]->getValue() > ir[1]->getValue())) {    // drive left
//                    debug->send("Ball is front left");
//                    //drive.set(-1.5, 1);
//                    drive.set(-1, 0);
//                    drive.setLength(BALL_SPEED);
//                }
//                //debug->send("Drive vector: %f | %f %d", drive.getX(), drive.getY(), ir[1]->getValue());
//                ///debug->send("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", ir[0]->getValue(), ir[1]->getValue(), ir[2]->getValue(), ir[3]->getValue());
//                motion->drive(drive, 0);
//            }
//        //}
//        usleep(30000);
//    }

예제 #24
void Util_Parser::llenarParametrosObtenidos( std::vector<YAML::Node> baseNode, Parametros &parametrosObtenidos)
        Debug debugParseado = read_yaml_Debug(baseNode);
        parametrosObtenidos.level = debugParseado.get_level();
        if(levelValido( parametrosObtenidos.level))
            NotifyMessage("llenarParametrosObtenidos: level obtenido", "Util_Parser.cpp");
            NotifyWarning("llenarParametrosObtenidos: level invalido", "Util_Parser.cpp");
            parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
    catch(YAML::Exception ex)
        NotifyError("llenarParametrosObtenidos: no se pudo obtener el nodo Debug", "Util_Parser.cpp");
        parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
    catch(const std::runtime_error& re)
        NotifyError("Error en Runtime: ", "Util_Parser.cpp");
        NotifyError(re.what(), "Util_Parser.cpp");
        parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
    catch(const std::exception& ex)
        NotifyError("Ha ocurrido un error: ", "Util_Parser.cpp");
        NotifyError(ex.what(), "Util_Parser.cpp");
        parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
        NotifyError("Error desconocido que no se ha podido especificar.", "Util_Parser.cpp");
        parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;

        Equipo equipoParseado  = read_yaml_Equipo(baseNode);
        parametrosObtenidos.casaca = equipoParseado.get_casaca();
            NotifyMessage("llenarParametrosObtenidos: casaca obtenido", "Util_Parser.cpp");
            NotifyWarning("llenarParametrosObtenidos: casaca invalido", "Util_Parser.cpp");
            parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
        parametrosObtenidos.formacion = equipoParseado.get_formacion();
            NotifyMessage("llenarParametrosObtenidos: formacion obtenido", "Util_Parser.cpp");
            NotifyWarning("llenarParametrosObtenidos: formacion invalido", "Util_Parser.cpp");
            parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
    catch(YAML::Exception ex)
        NotifyError("llenarParametrosObtenidos: no se pudo obtener el nodo Equipo", "Util_Parser.cpp");
        parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
    catch(const std::runtime_error& re)
        NotifyError("Error en Runtime: ", "Util_Parser.cpp");
        NotifyError(re.what(), "Util_Parser.cpp");
        parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
    catch(const std::exception& ex)
        NotifyError("Ha ocurrido un error: ", "Util_Parser.cpp");
        NotifyError(ex.what(), "Util_Parser.cpp");
        parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
        NotifyError("Error desconocido que no se ha podido especificar.", "Util_Parser.cpp");
        parametrosObtenidos.esValido = 0;
예제 #25
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: L31N/source
int main () {
     try {

        Debug debug ("CAN_SERVER");
        std::cout << "can-server -> initialisation ..." << std::endl;

        BufferedAsyncSerial serial(SERIAL_DEVICE_FILE.c_str(), SERIAL_BAUD_RATE);
        if (!serial.isOpen()) {
            std::cerr << "ERROR: could not open serial Stream to :" << SERIAL_DEVICE_FILE << std::endl;
            debug.send("ERROR: could not open serial stream to: %s", SERIAL_DEVICE_FILE.c_str());

        ipcReceivingConnection ipcRCon ("CAN_SERVER", 10, 32);

        CANConfig cancfg(CAN_CONFIG_FILE_PATH.c_str());

        std::string serial_buffer;
        Data* ipc_buffer;
        while(true) {
            if (serial.readsome(serial_buffer, 11)) {      /// new serial message ...      /** asynchronous readsome function, must be called in loop ! **/
                debug.send("serial data received: %s", serial_buffer.c_str());
                std::cout << "received new serialdata: " << serial_buffer << std::endl;

                /*for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
                    std::cout << "[" << i << "]: " << int(serial_buffer[i]) << std::endl;

                //bool can_rtr = serial_buffer[0];
                unsigned short can_id = serial_buffer[1];
                //unsigned short can_length = serial_buffer[2];
                //char can_data[can_length];
                //for (int i = 0; i < can_length; i++) can_data[i] = serial_buffer[3+i];
                char can_data[8];
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) can_data[i] = serial_buffer[3+i];

                std::string ipc_output ((char*)&can_id);
                ipc_output += std::string(can_data, 8);

                /*std::cout << "can_id: " << int(can_id) << std::endl;
                std::cout << "\ncan_data: \t";
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) std::cout << int(can_data[i]) << "\t";
                std::cout << "\nipc_output: \t";
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ipc_output.length(); i ++) std::cout << int(ipc_output[i]) << "\t";
                std::cout << std::endl;*/

                //std::cout << "can_data: " << int(can_data) << std::endl;
                //std::cout << "ipc_output: " << int(ipc_output) << std::endl;

                std::string ipcSyn = cancfg.getIpcSynonym(can_id);
                std::cout << "ipcSyn: " << ipcSyn << std::endl;
                ipcSendingConnection ipcSCon("CAN_SERVER", ipcSyn, 32, IPC_LOCAL);
                //if (ipcSCon.is_open()) {
                /*else {      /// could not open ipc_connection
                    std::cerr << "ERROR: could not open ipc_connection to: " << ipcSyn << std::endl;
                    debug.send("ERROR: could not open ipc_connection to: %s", ipcSyn.c_str());

            if (ipcRCon.checkForNewData()) {        /// new ipc data available ...
                ipc_buffer = ipcRCon.readDataFromBuffer();

                std::string data = ipc_buffer->getData();
                data.resize(12, 0);
                short senderID = ipc_buffer->getSenderID();

                debug.send("data: %s\tsenderID: %i", data.c_str(), senderID);
                std::cout << "data[0]: " << (int)data[0] << "\tsenderID: " << senderID << std::endl;

                char command = data[0];


                /*if (command == '') {       /// remote call
                    unsigned short can_id = cancfg.getCanID(data);
                    char serial_data[12];
                    serial_data[0] = 's';
                    serial_data[1] = 1;
                    serial_data[2] = can_id;
                    serial_data[3] = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) serial_data[4+i] = 0;   // sets the values of the CAN data to ZERO, only rtr is important !

                    serial.write(serial_data, 12);
                if (command == 's') {  /// send data via CAN

                    unsigned short can_id = data[0];
                    std::cout << "can_id: " << can_id << std::endl;
                    data.erase(0, 1);
                    char serial_data[12];
                    serial_data[0] = 's';
                    serial_data[1] = 0;
                    serial_data[2] = can_id;
                    serial_data[3] = 8;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) serial_data[4+i] = data[i];

                    std::cout << "send data via can now: " << std::endl;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                        //printf("%i: %c", i, serial_data[i]);
                        std::cout << "i: " << i << "\t" << int(serial_data[i]) << std::endl;

                    //serial.write(serial_data, 12);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                        serial.write(serial_data+i, 1);
                else if (command == 'f') {  /// set filter
                    unsigned int num = data[0];
                    unsigned int mask = data[1];
                    unsigned int id = data[2];

                    char serial_data[12];
                    serial_data[0] = 'f';       /// 'f' for "set filter"
                    serial_data[1] = num;       /// num
                    serial_data[2] = id;        /// id
                    serial_data[3] = mask;      /// mask
                    serial_data[4] = 0;         /// rtr
                    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) serial_data[5+i] = 0;

                    serial.write(serial_data, 12);
                else {
                    std::cerr << "ERROR: unknown command byte (IPC): " << command << std::endl;
                    debug.send("ERROR: unknown command byte (IPC): %c", command);


    catch(boost::system::system_error& e) {
        std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        return 1;