예제 #1
void CatalogDB::GetAllObjects(const QString &catalog,
                              QList< SkyObject* > &sky_list,
                              QList < QPair <int, QString> > &object_names,
                              CatalogComponent *catalog_ptr) {
    QString selected_catalog = QString::number(FindCatalog(catalog));
    QSqlQuery get_query(skydb_);
    get_query.prepare("SELECT Epoch, Type, RA, Dec, Magnitude, Prefix, "
                      "IDNumber, LongName, MajorAxis, MinorAxis, "
                      "PositionAngle, Flux FROM ObjectDesignation JOIN DSO "
                      "JOIN Catalog WHERE Catalog.id = :catID AND "
                      "ObjectDesignation.id_Catalog = Catalog.id AND "
                      "ObjectDesignation.UID_DSO = DSO.UID");
    get_query.bindValue("catID", selected_catalog);

//     kWarning() << get_query.lastQuery();
//     kWarning() << get_query.lastError();
//     kWarning() << FindCatalog(catalog);

    if (!get_query.exec()) {
        kWarning() << get_query.lastQuery();
        kWarning() << get_query.lastError();

    while (get_query.next()) {

        int cat_epoch = get_query.value(0).toInt();
        unsigned char iType = get_query.value(1).toInt();
        dms RA(get_query.value(2).toDouble());
        dms Dec(get_query.value(3).toDouble());
        float mag = get_query.value(4).toFloat();
        QString catPrefix = get_query.value(5).toString();
        int id_number_in_catalog = get_query.value(6).toInt();
        QString lname = get_query.value(7).toString();
        float a = get_query.value(8).toFloat();
        float b = get_query.value(9).toFloat();
        float PA = get_query.value(10).toFloat();
        float flux = get_query.value(11).toFloat();

        QString name = catPrefix + ' ' + QString::number(id_number_in_catalog);
        SkyPoint t;
        t.set(RA, Dec);

        if (cat_epoch == 1950) {
            // Assume B1950 epoch
            t.B1950ToJ2000();  // t.ra() and t.dec() are now J2000.0
                               // coordinates
        } else if (cat_epoch == 2000) {
            // Do nothing
                 { }
               } else {
                 // FIXME: What should we do?
                 // FIXME: This warning will be printed for each line in the
                 //        catalog rather than once for the entire catalog
                 kWarning() << "Unknown epoch while dealing with custom "
                               "catalog. Will ignore the epoch and assume"
                               " J2000.0";

        RA = t.ra();
        Dec = t.dec();

        if (iType == 0) {  // Add a star
            StarObject *o = new StarObject(RA, Dec, mag, lname);
        } else {  // Add a deep-sky object
            DeepSkyObject *o = new DeepSkyObject(iType, RA, Dec, mag,
                                                 name, QString(), lname,
                                                 catPrefix, a, b, -PA);


            // Add name to the list of object names
            if (!name.isEmpty()) {
                object_names.append(qMakePair<int,QString>(iType, name));

        if (!lname.isEmpty() && lname != name) {
            object_names.append(qMakePair<int,QString>(iType, lname));
