예제 #1
void DenseMatrixBase::submatrixAssign(const DenseMatrixBase& mat, unsigned int startRow, unsigned int startCol, 
			unsigned int numRows, unsigned int numCols)
	cadet_assert(numRows == mat.rows());
	cadet_assert(numCols == mat.columns());
	cadet_assert(_rows > startRow);
	cadet_assert(_cols > startCol);
	cadet_assert(_rows >= startRow + numRows);
	cadet_assert(_cols >= startCol + numCols);

	double* const ptrDest = _data + startRow * stride() + startCol;
	double const* const ptrSrc = mat.data();

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numCols; ++j)
			ptrDest[i * stride() + j] = ptrSrc[i * mat.stride() + j];
예제 #2
void DenseMatrix<T>::right_multiply (const DenseMatrixBase<T>& M3)
  if (this->use_blas_lapack)
    this->_multiply_blas(M3, RIGHT_MULTIPLY);
      // (*this) <- M3 * (*this)
      // Where:
      // (*this) = (m x n),
      // M2      = (m x p),
      // M3      = (p x n)

      // M2 is a copy of *this before it gets resize()d
      DenseMatrix<T> M2(*this);

      // Resize *this so that the result can fit
      this->resize (M2.m(), M3.n());

      this->multiply(*this, M2, M3);
예제 #3
void DenseMatrix<T>::left_multiply (const DenseMatrixBase<T>& M2)
  if (this->use_blas_lapack)
    this->_multiply_blas(M2, LEFT_MULTIPLY);
      // (*this) <- M2 * (*this)
      // Where:
      // (*this) = (m x n),
      // M2      = (m x p),
      // M3      = (p x n)

      // M3 is a copy of *this before it gets resize()d
      DenseMatrix<T> M3(*this);

      // Resize *this so that the result can fit
      this->resize (M2.m(), M3.n());

      // Call the multiply function in the base class
      this->multiply(*this, M2, M3);
예제 #4
void DenseMatrix<T>::_multiply_blas(const DenseMatrixBase<T>& other,
                                    _BLAS_Multiply_Flag flag)
  int result_size = 0;

  // For each case, determine the size of the final result make sure
  // that the inner dimensions match
  switch (flag)
        result_size = other.m() * this->n();
        if (other.n() == this->m())
        result_size = other.n() * this->m();
        if (other.m() == this->n())
        result_size = other.n() * this->n();
        if (other.m() == this->m())
        result_size = other.m() * this->m();
        if (other.n() == this->n())
        libMesh::out << "Unknown flag selected or matrices are ";
        libMesh::out << "incompatible for multiplication." << std::endl;

  // For this to work, the passed arg. must actually be a DenseMatrix<T>
  const DenseMatrix<T>* const_that = libmesh_cast_ptr< const DenseMatrix<T>* >(&other);

  // Also, although 'that' is logically const in this BLAS routine,
  // the PETSc BLAS interface does not specify that any of the inputs are
  // const.  To use it, I must cast away const-ness.
  DenseMatrix<T>* that = const_cast< DenseMatrix<T>* > (const_that);

  // Initialize A, B pointers for LEFT_MULTIPLY* cases
    *A = this,
    *B = that;

  // For RIGHT_MULTIPLY* cases, swap the meaning of A and B.
  // Here is a full table of combinations we can pass to BLASgemm, and what the answer is when finished:
  // pass A B   -> (Fortran) -> A^T B^T -> (C++) -> (A^T B^T)^T -> (identity) -> B A   "lt multiply"
  // pass B A   -> (Fortran) -> B^T A^T -> (C++) -> (B^T A^T)^T -> (identity) -> A B   "rt multiply"
  // pass A B^T -> (Fortran) -> A^T B   -> (C++) -> (A^T B)^T   -> (identity) -> B^T A "lt multiply t"
  // pass B^T A -> (Fortran) -> B A^T   -> (C++) -> (B A^T)^T   -> (identity) -> A B^T "rt multiply t"

  // transa, transb values to pass to blas
    transa[] = "n",
    transb[] = "n";

  // Integer values to pass to BLAS:
  // M
  // In Fortran, the number of rows of op(A),
  // In the BLAS documentation, typically known as 'M'.
  // In C/C++, we set:
  // M = n_cols(A) if (transa='n')
  //     n_rows(A) if (transa='t')
  int M = static_cast<int>( A->n() );

  // N
  // In Fortran, the number of cols of op(B), and also the number of cols of C.
  // In the BLAS documentation, typically known as 'N'.
  // In C/C++, we set:
  // N = n_rows(B) if (transb='n')
  //     n_cols(B) if (transb='t')
  int N = static_cast<int>( B->m() );

  // K
  // In Fortran, the number of cols of op(A), and also
  // the number of rows of op(B). In the BLAS documentation,
  // typically known as 'K'.
  // In C/C++, we set:
  // K = n_rows(A) if (transa='n')
  //     n_cols(A) if (transa='t')
  int K = static_cast<int>( A->m() );

  // LDA (leading dimension of A). In our cases,
  // LDA is always the number of columns of A.
  int LDA = static_cast<int>( A->n() );

  // LDB (leading dimension of B).  In our cases,
  // LDB is always the number of columns of B.
  int LDB = static_cast<int>( B->n() );

      transb[0] = 't';
      N = static_cast<int>( B->n() );

  else if (flag == RIGHT_MULTIPLY_TRANSPOSE)
      transa[0] = 't';

  // LDC (leading dimension of C).  LDC is the
  // number of columns in the solution matrix.
  int LDC = M;

  // Scalar values to pass to BLAS
  // scalar multiplying the whole product AB
  T alpha = 1.;

  // scalar multiplying C, which is the original matrix.
  T beta  = 0.;

  // Storage for the result
  std::vector<T> result (result_size);

  // Finally ready to call the BLAS
  BLASgemm_(transa, transb, &M, &N, &K, &alpha, &(A->_val[0]), &LDA, &(B->_val[0]), &LDB, &beta, &result[0], &LDC);

  // Update the relevant dimension for this matrix.
  switch (flag)
    case LEFT_MULTIPLY:            { this->_m = other.m(); break; }
    case RIGHT_MULTIPLY:           { this->_n = other.n(); break; }
    case LEFT_MULTIPLY_TRANSPOSE:  { this->_m = other.n(); break; }
    case RIGHT_MULTIPLY_TRANSPOSE: { this->_n = other.m(); break; }
        libMesh::out << "Unknown flag selected." << std::endl;

  // Swap my data vector with the result
예제 #5
void DenseMatrixBase<T>::multiply (DenseMatrixBase<T> & M1,
                                   const DenseMatrixBase<T> & M2,
                                   const DenseMatrixBase<T> & M3)
  // Assertions to make sure we have been
  // passed matrices of the correct dimension.
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (M1.m(), M2.m());
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (M1.n(), M3.n());
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (M2.n(), M3.m());

  const unsigned int m_s = M2.m();
  const unsigned int p_s = M2.n();
  const unsigned int n_s = M1.n();

  // Do it this way because there is a
  // decent chance (at least for constraint matrices)
  // that M3(k,j) = 0. when right-multiplying.
  for (unsigned int k=0; k<p_s; k++)
    for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_s; j++)
      if (M3.el(k,j) != 0.)
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_s; i++)
          M1.el(i,j) += M2.el(i,k) * M3.el(k,j);