예제 #1
파일: CSNode.cpp 프로젝트: ClxS/fastbuild
CSNode::CSNode( const AString & compilerOutput,
				const Dependencies & inputNodes,
				const AString & compiler,
				const AString & compilerArgs,
				const Dependencies & extraRefs )
: FileNode( compilerOutput, Node::FLAG_NONE )
, m_ExtraRefs( extraRefs )
	ASSERT( !inputNodes.IsEmpty() );

	m_StaticDependencies.SetCapacity( inputNodes.GetSize() + extraRefs.GetSize() );
	m_StaticDependencies.Append( inputNodes );
	m_StaticDependencies.Append( extraRefs );

	// store options we'll need to use when building
	m_CompilerPath = compiler; // TODO:C This should be a node we statically depend on
	m_CompilerArgs = compilerArgs;

	m_Type = CS_NODE;
	m_LastBuildTimeMs = 5000; // higher default than a file node
예제 #2
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionLibrary::Commit( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
    // make sure all required variables are defined
    const BFFVariable * outputLib;
    const BFFVariable * compiler;
    const BFFVariable * compilerOptions;
    AStackString<> compilerOptionsDeoptimized;
    AStackString<> compilerOutputPath;
    AStackString<> compilerOutputPrefix;
    const BFFVariable * compilerOutputExtension;
    const BFFVariable * librarian;
    const BFFVariable * librarianOptions;
    if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, outputLib, ".LibrarianOutput", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compiler, ".Compiler", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOptions, ".CompilerOptions", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOptionsDeoptimized, ".CompilerOptionsDeoptimized", false ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOutputPath, ".CompilerOutputPath", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOutputPrefix, ".CompilerOutputPrefix", false ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOutputExtension, ".CompilerOutputExtension", false ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, librarian, ".Librarian", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, librarianOptions, ".LibrarianOptions", true ) )
        return false;

    PathUtils::FixupFolderPath( compilerOutputPath );

    // find or create the compiler node
    CompilerNode * compilerNode = nullptr;
    if ( !FunctionObjectList::GetCompilerNode( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, compiler->GetString(), compilerNode ) )
        return false; // GetCompilerNode will have emitted error

    // Compiler Force Using
    Dependencies compilerForceUsing;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".CompilerForceUsing", compilerForceUsing, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error

    // de-optimization setting
    bool deoptimizeWritableFiles = false;
    bool deoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken = false;
    if ( !GetBool( funcStartIter, deoptimizeWritableFiles, ".DeoptimizeWritableFiles", false, false ) )
        return false; // GetBool will have emitted error
    if ( !GetBool( funcStartIter, deoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken, ".DeoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken", false, false ) )
        return false; // GetBool will have emitted error
    if ( ( deoptimizeWritableFiles || deoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken ) && compilerOptionsDeoptimized.IsEmpty() )
        Error::Error_1101_MissingProperty( funcStartIter, this, AStackString<>( ".CompilerOptionsDeoptimized" ) );
        return false;

    // cache & distribution control
    bool allowDistribution( true );
    bool allowCaching( true );
    if ( !GetBool( funcStartIter, allowDistribution, ".AllowDistribution", true ) ||
         !GetBool( funcStartIter, allowCaching, ".AllowCaching", true ) )
        return false; // GetBool will have emitted error

    // Precompiled Header support
    ObjectNode * precompiledHeaderNode = nullptr;
    AStackString<> compilerOutputExtensionStr( compilerOutputExtension ? compilerOutputExtension->GetString().Get() : ".obj" );
    if ( !GetPrecompiledHeaderNode( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, compilerNode, compilerOptions, compilerForceUsing, precompiledHeaderNode, deoptimizeWritableFiles, deoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken, allowDistribution, allowCaching, compilerOutputExtensionStr ) )
        return false; // GetPrecompiledHeaderNode will have emitted error

    // Sanity check compile flags
    const bool usingPCH = ( precompiledHeaderNode != nullptr );
    uint32_t objFlags = ObjectNode::DetermineFlags( compilerNode, compilerOptions->GetString(), false, usingPCH );
    if ( ( objFlags & ObjectNode::FLAG_MSVC ) && ( objFlags & ObjectNode::FLAG_CREATING_PCH ) )
        // must not specify use of precompiled header (must use the PCH specific options)
        Error::Error_1303_PCHCreateOptionOnlyAllowedOnPCH( funcStartIter, this, "Yc", "CompilerOptions" );
        return false;

    // Check input/output for Compiler
        bool hasInputToken = false;
        bool hasOutputToken = false;
        bool hasCompileToken = false;

        const AString & args = compilerOptions->GetString();
        Array< AString > tokens;
        args.Tokenize( tokens );
        for ( const AString & token : tokens )
            if ( token.Find( "%1" ) )
                hasInputToken = true;
            else if ( token.Find( "%2" ) )
                hasOutputToken = true;
                if ( objFlags & ObjectNode::FLAG_MSVC )
                    if ( ( token == "/c" ) || ( token == "-c" ) )
                        hasCompileToken = true;
                    if ( token == "-c" )
                        hasCompileToken = true;

        if ( hasInputToken == false )
            Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".CompilerOptions", "%1" );
            return false;
        if ( hasOutputToken == false )
            Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".CompilerOptions", "%2" );
            return false;

        // check /c or -c
        if ( objFlags & ObjectNode::FLAG_MSVC )
            if ( hasCompileToken == false )
                Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".CompilerOptions", "/c or -c" );
                return false;
        else if ( objFlags & ( ObjectNode::FLAG_SNC | ObjectNode::FLAG_GCC | ObjectNode::FLAG_CLANG ) )
            if ( hasCompileToken == false )
                Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".CompilerOptions", "-c" );
                return false;

    // Check input/output for Librarian
        const AString & args = librarianOptions->GetString();
        bool hasInputToken = ( args.Find( "%1" ) || args.Find( "\"%1\"" ) );
        if ( hasInputToken == false )
            Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".LibrarianOptions", "%1" );
            return false;
        bool hasOutputToken = ( args.Find( "%2" ) || args.Find( "\"%2\"" ) );
        if ( hasOutputToken == false )
            Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".LibrarianOptions", "%2" );
            return false;

    // Get the (optional) Preprocessor & PreprocessorOptions
    const BFFVariable * preprocessor = nullptr;
    const BFFVariable * preprocessorOptions = nullptr;
    CompilerNode * preprocessorNode = nullptr;
    if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, preprocessor, ".Preprocessor", false ) )
        return false; // GetString will have emitted an error
    if ( preprocessor )
        // get the preprocessor executable
        if ( !FunctionObjectList::GetCompilerNode( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, preprocessor->GetString(), preprocessorNode ) )
            return false; // GetCompilerNode will have emitted an error

        // get the command line args for the preprocessor
        if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, preprocessorOptions, ".PreprocessorOptions", true ) ) // required
            return false; // GetString will have emitted an error

    // Pre-build dependencies
    Dependencies preBuildDependencies;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".PreBuildDependencies", preBuildDependencies, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error

    Dependencies staticDeps( 32, true );
    if ( !GetInputs( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, staticDeps ) )
        return false; // GetStaticDeps will gave emitted error

    // are the additional inputs to merge into the libaray?
    Dependencies additionalInputs;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".LibrarianAdditionalInputs", additionalInputs, false ) )
        return false;// helper will emit error

    if ( staticDeps.IsEmpty() && additionalInputs.IsEmpty() )
        Error::Error_1006_NothingToBuild( funcStartIter, this );
        return false;

    uint32_t flags = LibraryNode::DetermineFlags( librarian->GetString() );

    // Create library node which depends on the single file or list
    if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( outputLib->GetString() ) )
        Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, outputLib->GetString() );
        return false;

    AStackString<> baseDirectory;
    if ( !GetBaseDirectory( funcStartIter, baseDirectory ) )
        return false; // GetBaseDirectory will have emitted error

    AStackString<> extraPDBPath, extraASMPath;
    GetExtraOutputPaths( compilerOptions->GetString(), extraPDBPath, extraASMPath );

    LibraryNode * libNode = nodeGraph.CreateLibraryNode( outputLib->GetString(),
                          preprocessorOptions ? preprocessorOptions->GetString() : AString::GetEmpty(),
                          baseDirectory );
    if ( compilerOutputExtension )
        libNode->m_ObjExtensionOverride = compilerOutputExtension->GetString();
    libNode->m_CompilerOutputPrefix = compilerOutputPrefix;
    libNode->m_ExtraPDBPath = extraPDBPath;
    libNode->m_ExtraASMPath = extraASMPath;

    return ProcessAlias( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, libNode );