예제 #1
	void D3D11RenderTarget::captureDepthBuffer(DepthImage32& result, const mat4f& perspectiveTransform)

		const mat4f inv = perspectiveTransform.getInverse();

		//result.setInvalidValue(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());	//the default is -INF

		for (unsigned int y = 0; y < result.getHeight(); y++)	{
			for (unsigned int x = 0; x < result.getWidth(); x++)	{
				float &v = result(x, y);
				if (v >= 1.0f)
					v = result.getInvalidValue();
					//float dx = math::linearMap(0.0f, result.getWidth() - 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, (float)x);
					//float dy = math::linearMap(0.0f, result.getHeight() - 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, (float)y);
					//v = (inv * vec3f(dx, dy, v)).z;
					vec2f p = D3D11GraphicsDevice::pixelToNDC(vec2i(x, y), result.getWidth(), result.getHeight());
					v = (inv * vec3f(p.x, p.y, v)).z;
예제 #2
void VoxelGrid::integrate(const mat4f& intrinsic, const mat4f& cameraToWorld, const DepthImage32& depthImage, const BaseImage<unsigned short>& semantics)
	const mat4f worldToCamera = cameraToWorld.getInverse();
	BoundingBox3<int> voxelBounds = computeFrustumBounds(intrinsic, cameraToWorld, depthImage.getWidth(), depthImage.getHeight());

	for (int k = voxelBounds.getMinZ(); k <= voxelBounds.getMaxZ(); k++) {
		for (int j = voxelBounds.getMinY(); j <= voxelBounds.getMaxY(); j++) {
			for (int i = voxelBounds.getMinX(); i <= voxelBounds.getMaxX(); i++) {

				//transform to current frame
				vec3f p = worldToCamera * voxelToWorld(vec3i(i, j, k));

				//project into depth image
				p = skeletonToDepth(intrinsic, p);

				vec3i pi = math::round(p);
				if (pi.x >= 0 && pi.y >= 0 && pi.x < (int)depthImage.getWidth() && pi.y < (int)depthImage.getHeight()) {
					const float d = depthImage(pi.x, pi.y);
					const unsigned short sem = semantics(pi.x, pi.y);

					//check for a valid depth range
					if (d != depthImage.getInvalidValue() && d >= m_depthMin && d <= m_depthMax) {

						//update free space counter if voxel is in front of observation
						if (p.z < d) {
							(*this)(i, j, k).freeCtr++;

						//compute signed distance; positive in front of the observation
						float sdf = d - p.z;
						float truncation = getTruncation(d);

						if (sdf > -truncation) {
							Voxel& v = (*this)(i, j, k);
							if (std::abs(sdf) <= std::abs(v.sdf)) {
								if (sdf >= 0.0f || v.sdf <= 0.0f) {
									v.sdf = sdf;
									v.color[0] = sem & 0xff; //ushort to vec2uc
									v.color[1] = (sem >> 8) & 0xff;
									v.weight = 1;
							//std::cout << "v: " << v.sdf << " " << (int)v.weight << std::endl;

예제 #3
void VoxelGrid::integrate(const mat4f& intrinsic, const mat4f& cameraToWorld, const DepthImage32& depthImage)
	const mat4f worldToCamera = cameraToWorld.getInverse();
	BoundingBox3<int> voxelBounds = computeFrustumBounds(intrinsic, cameraToWorld, depthImage.getWidth(), depthImage.getHeight());

	//std::cout << "camera to world" << std::endl << cameraToWorld << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "world to camera" << std::endl << worldToCamera << std::endl;

	for (int k = voxelBounds.getMinZ(); k <= voxelBounds.getMaxZ(); k++) {
		for (int j = voxelBounds.getMinY(); j <= voxelBounds.getMaxY(); j++) {
			for (int i = voxelBounds.getMinX(); i <= voxelBounds.getMaxX(); i++) {

				//transform to current frame
				vec3f pf = worldToCamera * voxelToWorld(vec3i(i, j, k));
				//vec3f p = worldToCamera * (m_gridToWorld * ((vec3f(i, j, k) + 0.5f)));

				//project into depth image
				vec3f p = skeletonToDepth(intrinsic, pf);

				vec3i pi = math::round(p);

				if (pi.x >= 0 && pi.y >= 0 && pi.x < (int)depthImage.getWidth() && pi.y < (int)depthImage.getHeight()) {
					float d = depthImage(pi.x, pi.y);

					//check for a valid depth range
					if (d != depthImage.getInvalidValue() && d >= m_depthMin && d <= m_depthMax) {

						//update free space counter if voxel is in front of observation
						if (p.z < d) {
							(*this)(i, j, k).freeCtr++;

						//compute signed distance; positive in front of the observation
						float sdf = d - p.z;
						float truncation = getTruncation(d);

						if (sdf > -truncation) {
							if (sdf >= 0.0f) {
								sdf = fminf(truncation, sdf);
							else {
								sdf = fmaxf(-truncation, sdf);
							const float integrationWeightSample = 3.0f;
							const float depthWorldMin = 0.4f;
							const float depthWorldMax = 4.0f;
							float depthZeroOne = (d - depthWorldMin) / (depthWorldMax - depthWorldMin);
							float weightUpdate = std::max(integrationWeightSample * 1.5f * (1.0f - depthZeroOne), 1.0f);

							Voxel& v = (*this)(i, j, k);
							if (v.sdf == -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
								v.sdf = sdf;
							else {
								v.sdf = (v.sdf * (float)v.weight + sdf * weightUpdate) / (float)(v.weight + weightUpdate);
							v.weight = (uchar)std::min((int)v.weight + (int)weightUpdate, (int)std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max());
