int ClientApp::verification(std::string testFilePath, DetectorPrx detector) { appData->isVerification = true; Purpose positive(POSITIVE, 0); RunSet runSet; std::string suffix; if(appData->videoInputType) { suffix = "mpg"; } else { suffix = "jpg"; } if(appData->multiclassDetection) { std::string testFileName0 = (m_detectorName + "0." + suffix); std::string testFileName1 = (m_detectorName + "1." + suffix); std::string testFileName2 = (m_detectorName + "2." + suffix); addToRunSet(runSet, testFilePath, testFileName0, Purpose(MULTICLASS, 0)); addToRunSet(runSet, testFilePath, testFileName1, Purpose(MULTICLASS, 1)); addToRunSet(runSet, testFilePath, testFileName2, Purpose(MULTICLASS, 2)); } else { localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG, NULL, "IceBoxTestClient-verification setting RunSet dir: %s\n", testFilePath.c_str()); std::string testFileName = (m_detectorName + "." + suffix); addToRunSet(runSet, testFilePath, testFileName, positive); // Path relative to dir } try { // Create our callback class so that we can be informed when process completes FinishedCallbackPtr finishCallback = new FinishedCallback(); Ice::CallbackPtr finishedAsync = Ice::newCallback(finishCallback, &FinishedCallback::finished); cvac::DetectorProperties dprops; Ice::AsyncResultPtr asyncResult = detector->begin_process(ident, runSet, detectorData, dprops, finishedAsync); // end_myFunction should be call from the "finished" callback //detector->end_process(asyncResult); // Wait for the processing to complete before exiting the app while (!finishCallback->hasFinished()) { sleep(100); } localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG_2, NULL, "IceBox test client: finished verification\n"); } catch (const Ice::Exception& ex) { localAndClientMsg(VLogger::WARN, NULL, "Ice- name(): %s\n", ex.ice_name().c_str()); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::WARN, NULL, "Ice- stackTrace(): \n%s\n", ex.ice_stackTrace().c_str()); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::WARN, NULL, "%s\n", ex.what()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } communicator()->shutdown(); if(appData->needSBDVerified) { if(false == SBDResultsOK()) { appData->detectionsVerified.push_back(false); // Add SBD-test failure } } // Scan for missed detections bool missedDetections = false; while(appData->detectionsVerified.size() > 0) { bool element = appData->detectionsVerified.back(); appData->detectionsVerified.pop_back(); if(false == element) { missedDetections = true; } } if(missedDetections) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int ClientApp::run(int argc, char* argv[]) { string verbStr = communicator()->getProperties()->getProperty("CVAC.ClientVerbosity"); if (!verbStr.empty()) { vLogger.setLocalVerbosityLevel( verbStr ); } localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG_2, NULL, "App 2nd arg (testFileFolder): %s\n", argv[2]); std::string testFileFolder = std::string(argv[2]); if(argc < 3 || argc > 5) // Warn wrong args { localAndClientMsg(VLogger::ERROR, NULL, "not enough or too many command line arguments\n", appName()); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::ERROR, NULL, "<exe filename> <detector xml or zipFile from config> <name of the detector> [path to directory of images to process] [flag: 'verifyresults']\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ResultSet result; RunSet runSet; Ice::PropertiesPtr props = communicator()->getProperties(); std::string dataDir = props->getProperty("CVAC.DataDir"); PurposedDirectoryPtr dir = new PurposedDirectory(); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG, NULL, "IceBoxTestClient-mainLoop setting RunSet dir: %s\n", testFileFolder.c_str()); dir->directory.relativePath = std::string(testFileFolder.c_str()); runSet.purposedLists.push_back(dir); std::string _detectorName = argv[1]; if(appData->videoInputType) { dir->fileSuffixes.push_back("mpg"); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG_2, NULL, "Using (.mpg) extension.\n"); } else { dir->fileSuffixes.push_back("jpg"); } dir->recursive = true; // get the model file std::string filenameStr = m_detectorName + ".DetectorFilename"; std::string filename = props->getProperty(filenameStr); if (filename.length() == 0) { localAndClientMsg(VLogger::WARN, NULL, "No .DetectorFilename pair found for %s.\n", m_detectorName.c_str()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } FilePath file; if ((filename.length() > 1 && filename[1] == ':' )|| filename[0] == '/' || filename[0] == '\\') { // absolute path int idx = filename.find_last_of('/'); = filename.substr(0, idx); file.filename = filename.substr(idx+1, filename.length() - idx); } else { //Add the current directory = "detectors"; file.filename = filename; } // Connect to detector DetectorPrx detector = initIceConnection(m_detectorName); if(NULL == detector.get()) { localAndClientMsg(VLogger::ERROR, NULL, "Could not connect to CVAC Ice Services\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int resultInit = initializeDetector(detector); if((EXIT_SUCCESS != resultInit)) { localAndClientMsg(VLogger::ERROR, NULL, "Detector->isInitialized() failed. Aborting IceTestClient.\n"); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG, NULL, "IceBoxTestClient detector: initialization OK. \n"); } //CTest requested? if(5 == argc) { std::string lastArgStr = std::string(argv[4]); if(-1 == lastArgStr.find("verifyresults")) { localAndClientMsg(VLogger::ERROR, NULL, "Invalid value for argument #5: %s. CMakeLists.txt must specify token: 'verifyresults'\n", argv[4]); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } int verResult = verification(testFileFolder, detector); if(EXIT_SUCCESS != verResult) { return(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { // Main Loop: build RunSet from 'testFileFolder' RunSet runSet; Ice::PropertiesPtr props = communicator()->getProperties(); std::string dataDir = props->getProperty("CVAC.DataDir"); PurposedDirectoryPtr dir = new PurposedDirectory(); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG, NULL, "IceBoxTestClient-mainLoop setting RunSet dir: %s\n", testFileFolder.c_str()); dir->directory.relativePath = std::string(testFileFolder.c_str()); runSet.purposedLists.push_back(dir); std::string _detectorName = argv[1]; if(appData->videoInputType) { dir->fileSuffixes.push_back("mpg"); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG_2, NULL, "Using (.mpg) extension.\n"); } else { dir->fileSuffixes.push_back("jpg"); } dir->recursive = true; try { // Create our callback class so that we can be informed when process completes FinishedCallbackPtr finishCallback = new FinishedCallback(); Ice::CallbackPtr finishedAsync = Ice::newCallback(finishCallback, &FinishedCallback::finished); cvac::DetectorProperties dprops; Ice::AsyncResultPtr asyncResult = detector->begin_process(ident, runSet, detectorData, dprops, finishedAsync); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG, NULL, "IceBox test client: initiated processing\n"); // end_myFunction should be call from the "finished" callback //detector->end_process(asyncResult); // Wait for the processing to complete before exiting the app while (!finishCallback->hasFinished()) { sleep(100); } localAndClientMsg(VLogger::DEBUG_2, NULL, "IceBox test client: finished processing\n"); } catch (const Ice::Exception& ex) { localAndClientMsg(VLogger::WARN, NULL, "Ice- name(): %s\n", ex.ice_name().c_str()); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::WARN, NULL, "Ice- stackTrace(): \n%s\n", ex.ice_stackTrace().c_str()); localAndClientMsg(VLogger::WARN, NULL, "%s\n", ex.what()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } communicator()->shutdown(); // Shut down at the end of either branch return EXIT_SUCCESS; }