예제 #1
VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::VerifyDiagnosticConsumer(DiagnosticsEngine &Diags)
  : Diags(Diags),
    PrimaryClient(Diags.getClient()), OwnsPrimaryClient(Diags.ownsClient()),
    Buffer(new TextDiagnosticBuffer()),
    SrcManager(0), Status(HasNoDirectives)
예제 #2
/// \brief Based on the way the client configured the Diagnostic
/// object, classify the specified diagnostic ID into a Level, consumable by
/// the DiagnosticClient.
/// \param Loc The source location we are interested in finding out the
/// diagnostic state. Can be null in order to query the latest state.
DiagnosticIDs::getDiagnosticSeverity(unsigned DiagID, unsigned DiagClass,
                                     SourceLocation Loc,
                                     const DiagnosticsEngine &Diag) const {
  assert(DiagClass != CLASS_NOTE);

  // Specific non-error diagnostics may be mapped to various levels from ignored
  // to error.  Errors can only be mapped to fatal.
  diag::Severity Result = diag::Severity::Fatal;

    Pos = Diag.GetDiagStatePointForLoc(Loc);
  DiagnosticsEngine::DiagState *State = Pos->State;

  // Get the mapping information, or compute it lazily.
  DiagnosticMapping &Mapping = State->getOrAddMapping((diag::kind)DiagID);

  // TODO: Can a null severity really get here?
  if (Mapping.getSeverity() != diag::Severity())
    Result = Mapping.getSeverity();

  // Upgrade ignored diagnostics if -Weverything is enabled.
  if (Diag.EnableAllWarnings && Result == diag::Severity::Ignored &&
    Result = diag::Severity::Warning;

  // Diagnostics of class REMARK are either printed as remarks or in case they
  // have been added to -Werror they are printed as errors.
  if (DiagClass == CLASS_REMARK && Result == diag::Severity::Warning)
    Result = diag::Severity::Remark;

  // Ignore -pedantic diagnostics inside __extension__ blocks.
  // (The diagnostics controlled by -pedantic are the extension diagnostics
  // that are not enabled by default.)
  bool EnabledByDefault = false;
  bool IsExtensionDiag = isBuiltinExtensionDiag(DiagID, EnabledByDefault);
  if (Diag.AllExtensionsSilenced && IsExtensionDiag && !EnabledByDefault)
    return diag::Severity::Ignored;

  // For extension diagnostics that haven't been explicitly mapped, check if we
  // should upgrade the diagnostic.
  if (IsExtensionDiag && !Mapping.isUser()) {
    switch (Diag.ExtBehavior) {
    case DiagnosticsEngine::Ext_Ignore:
    case DiagnosticsEngine::Ext_Warn:
      // Upgrade ignored diagnostics to warnings.
      if (Result == diag::Severity::Ignored)
        Result = diag::Severity::Warning;
    case DiagnosticsEngine::Ext_Error:
      // Upgrade ignored or warning diagnostics to errors.
      if (Result == diag::Severity::Ignored ||
          Result == diag::Severity::Warning)
        Result = diag::Severity::Error;

  // At this point, ignored errors can no longer be upgraded.
  if (Result == diag::Severity::Ignored)
    return Result;

  // Honor -w, which is lower in priority than pedantic-errors, but higher than
  // -Werror.
  if (Result == diag::Severity::Warning && Diag.IgnoreAllWarnings)
    return diag::Severity::Ignored;

  // If -Werror is enabled, map warnings to errors unless explicitly disabled.
  if (Result == diag::Severity::Warning) {
    if (Diag.WarningsAsErrors && !Mapping.hasNoWarningAsError())
      Result = diag::Severity::Error;

  // If -Wfatal-errors is enabled, map errors to fatal unless explicity
  // disabled.
  if (Result == diag::Severity::Error) {
    if (Diag.ErrorsAsFatal && !Mapping.hasNoErrorAsFatal())
      Result = diag::Severity::Fatal;

  // Custom diagnostics always are emitted in system headers.
  bool ShowInSystemHeader =
      !GetDiagInfo(DiagID) || GetDiagInfo(DiagID)->WarnShowInSystemHeader;

  // If we are in a system header, we ignore it. We look at the diagnostic class
  // because we also want to ignore extensions and warnings in -Werror and
  // -pedantic-errors modes, which *map* warnings/extensions to errors.
  if (Result >= diag::Severity::Warning && DiagClass != CLASS_ERROR &&
      !ShowInSystemHeader && Diag.SuppressSystemWarnings && Loc.isValid() &&
    return diag::Severity::Ignored;

  return Result;
예제 #3
/// \brief Based on the way the client configured the Diagnostic
/// object, classify the specified diagnostic ID into a Level, consumable by
/// the DiagnosticClient.
/// \param Loc The source location we are interested in finding out the
/// diagnostic state. Can be null in order to query the latest state.
DiagnosticIDs::getDiagnosticLevel(unsigned DiagID, unsigned DiagClass,
                                  SourceLocation Loc,
                                  const DiagnosticsEngine &Diag) const {
  // Specific non-error diagnostics may be mapped to various levels from ignored
  // to error.  Errors can only be mapped to fatal.
  DiagnosticIDs::Level Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;

    Pos = Diag.GetDiagStatePointForLoc(Loc);
  DiagnosticsEngine::DiagState *State = Pos->State;

  // Get the mapping information, or compute it lazily.
  DiagnosticMappingInfo &MappingInfo = State->getOrAddMappingInfo(

  switch (MappingInfo.getMapping()) {
  default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown mapping!");
  case diag::MAP_IGNORE:
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;
  case diag::MAP_WARNING:
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Warning;
  case diag::MAP_ERROR:
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;
  case diag::MAP_FATAL:
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;

  // Upgrade ignored diagnostics if -Weverything is enabled.
  if (Diag.EnableAllWarnings && Result == DiagnosticIDs::Ignored &&
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Warning;

  // Ignore -pedantic diagnostics inside __extension__ blocks.
  // (The diagnostics controlled by -pedantic are the extension diagnostics
  // that are not enabled by default.)
  bool EnabledByDefault = false;
  bool IsExtensionDiag = isBuiltinExtensionDiag(DiagID, EnabledByDefault);
  if (Diag.AllExtensionsSilenced && IsExtensionDiag && !EnabledByDefault)
    return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;

  // For extension diagnostics that haven't been explicitly mapped, check if we
  // should upgrade the diagnostic.
  if (IsExtensionDiag && !MappingInfo.isUser()) {
    switch (Diag.ExtBehavior) {
    case DiagnosticsEngine::Ext_Ignore:
    case DiagnosticsEngine::Ext_Warn:
      // Upgrade ignored diagnostics to warnings.
      if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Ignored)
        Result = DiagnosticIDs::Warning;
    case DiagnosticsEngine::Ext_Error:
      // Upgrade ignored or warning diagnostics to errors.
      if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Ignored || Result == DiagnosticIDs::Warning)
        Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;

  // At this point, ignored errors can no longer be upgraded.
  if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Ignored)
    return Result;

  // Honor -w, which is lower in priority than pedantic-errors, but higher than
  // -Werror.
  if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Warning && Diag.IgnoreAllWarnings)
    return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;

  // If -Werror is enabled, map warnings to errors unless explicitly disabled.
  if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Warning) {
    if (Diag.WarningsAsErrors && !MappingInfo.hasNoWarningAsError())
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;

  // If -Wfatal-errors is enabled, map errors to fatal unless explicity
  // disabled.
  if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Error) {
    if (Diag.ErrorsAsFatal && !MappingInfo.hasNoErrorAsFatal())
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;

  // If we are in a system header, we ignore it. We look at the diagnostic class
  // because we also want to ignore extensions and warnings in -Werror and
  // -pedantic-errors modes, which *map* warnings/extensions to errors.
  if (Result >= DiagnosticIDs::Warning &&
      DiagClass != CLASS_ERROR &&
      // Custom diagnostics always are emitted in system headers.
      DiagID < diag::DIAG_UPPER_LIMIT &&
      !MappingInfo.hasShowInSystemHeader() &&
      Diag.SuppressSystemWarnings &&
      Loc.isValid() &&
    return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;

  return Result;