예제 #1
파일: imagicio.cpp 프로젝트: C-CINA/2dx
int ImagicIO::write_header(const Dict & dict, int image_index,
						   const Region * area, EMUtil::EMDataType, bool use_host_endian)

	if(image_index<0) {
		image_index = get_nimg();

	check_write_access(rw_mode, image_index);
	nz = dict["nz"];
	if (nz > 1 && image_index != 0) {
		throw ImageWriteException(filename, "to write 3D IMAGIC image, image index must be 0");

	if (area) {
		check_region(area, FloatSize(imagich.nx, imagich.ny, imagich.count+1),
		return 0;

	int nx = dict["nx"];
	int ny = dict["ny"];
	int nimg=0;		//# images currently in file

	if (!is_new_hed) {
        datatype = get_datatype_from_name(imagich.type);

		if (imagich.nx != nx || imagich.ny != ny) {
			char desc[256];
			sprintf(desc, "new IMAGIC size %dx%d is not equal to existing size %dx%d",
					nx, ny, imagich.nx, imagich.ny);
			throw ImageWriteException(filename, desc);

        if (datatype!=IMAGIC_FLOAT) {
			throw ImageWriteException(filename, "Attempted write to non REAL Imagic file");


	ImagicHeader new_hed;
	memset(&new_hed, 0, sizeof(ImagicHeader));

	time_t cur_time = time(0);
	struct tm *tm = localtime(&cur_time);

	new_hed.error = 0;
	new_hed.headrec = 1;

	new_hed.mday = tm->tm_mday;
	new_hed.month = tm->tm_mon;
	new_hed.year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
	new_hed.hour = tm->tm_hour;
	new_hed.minute = tm->tm_min;
	new_hed.sec = tm->tm_sec;

	new_hed.reals = nx * ny;
	new_hed.pixels = nx * ny;
	new_hed.ny = ny;
	new_hed.nx = nx;

	new_hed.ixold = 0;
	new_hed.iyold = 0;
	new_hed.oldav = 0;

	new_hed.min = (float)dict["minimum"];
	new_hed.max = (float)dict["maximum"];
	new_hed.avdens = (float)dict["mean"];
	new_hed.sigma = (float)dict["sigma"];

	if(nz<=1 && dict.has_key("xform.projection")) {
		Transform * t = dict["xform.projection"];
		Dict d = t->get_rotation("eman");
		new_hed.mrc1[1] = (float)d["alt"]*M_PI/180.0f;
		new_hed.mrc1[2] = (float)d["az"]*M_PI/180.0f;
		new_hed.mrc1[0] = (float)d["phi"]*M_PI/180.0f;
		if(t) {delete t; t=0;}
	else if(nz>1 && dict.has_key("xform.align3d")) {
		Transform * t = dict["xform.align3d"];
		Dict d = t->get_rotation("eman");
		new_hed.mrc1[1] = (float)d["alt"]*M_PI/180.0f;
		new_hed.mrc1[2] = (float)d["az"]*M_PI/180.0f;
		new_hed.mrc1[0] = (float)d["phi"]*M_PI/180.0f;
		if(t) {delete t; t=0;}
	else {
		if(dict.has_key("euler_alt")) new_hed.mrc1[1] = (float)dict["euler_alt"]*M_PI/180.0f;
		if(dict.has_key("euler_az")) new_hed.mrc1[2] = (float)dict["euler_az"]*M_PI/180.0f;
		if(dict.has_key("euler_phi")) new_hed.mrc1[0] = (float)dict["euler_phi"]*M_PI/180.0f;

	if(dict.has_key("ptcl_repr")) new_hed.mrc2 = (int)dict["ptcl_repr"];

	string new_label = dict.has_key("IMAGIC.label") ? (string) dict["IMAGIC.label"] : "";
	sprintf(new_hed.label, "%s", new_label.c_str() );

	new_hed.lbuf = nx;
	new_hed.inn = 1;
	new_hed.iblp = ny;
	new_hed.ifb = 0;
	new_hed.lbw = 0;
	new_hed.lbr = -1;
	new_hed.lastlr = -1;
	new_hed.lastlw = 1;
	new_hed.num = 8;
	new_hed.nhalf = nx / 2;
	new_hed.ibsd = nx * 2;
	new_hed.ihfl = 7;
	new_hed.lcbr = -1;
	new_hed.lcbw = 1;
	new_hed.imstr = -1;
	new_hed.imstw = -1;
	new_hed.istart = 1;
	new_hed.iend = nx;
	new_hed.leff = nx;
	new_hed.linbuf = nx * 2;
	new_hed.ntotbuf = -1;
	new_hed.icstart = 1;
	new_hed.icend = nx / 2;
	strncpy(new_hed.type, REAL_TYPE_MAGIC,4);

	// header in file order
	if ( (is_big_endian != ByteOrder::is_host_big_endian()) || !use_host_endian)  swap_header(new_hed);

	// overwrite existing header if necessary
	if (image_index>=0 && image_index<nimg) {
		portable_fseek(hed_file, sizeof(ImagicHeader)*image_index, SEEK_SET);
		if (is_big_endian != ByteOrder::is_host_big_endian())
				ByteOrder::swap_bytes((int *) &new_hed.imgnum,1);
		fwrite(&new_hed, sizeof(ImagicHeader),1,hed_file);

	// How many images does the file need when we're done ?
	int required_len;
	if (nz>1) required_len=nz;
	else {
		if (image_index<0) required_len=nimg+1;
		else if (image_index+1>nimg) required_len=image_index+1;
		else required_len=nimg;

	// Extend the file to the necessary length
	portable_fseek(hed_file, 0, SEEK_END);
	while (nimg<required_len) {
		if (is_big_endian != ByteOrder::is_host_big_endian())
				ByteOrder::swap_bytes((int *) &new_hed.imgnum,1);
		fwrite(&new_hed, sizeof(ImagicHeader),1,hed_file);

	// update the 1st header with total # images
	portable_fseek(hed_file, sizeof(int), SEEK_SET);
	if (is_big_endian != ByteOrder::is_host_big_endian())
			ByteOrder::swap_bytes((int *) &nimg,1);
	fwrite(&nimg, sizeof(int), 1, hed_file);

	// header in machine order
	if ( (is_big_endian != ByteOrder::is_host_big_endian()) || !use_host_endian)  swap_header(new_hed);
	is_new_hed = false;

	if( dict.has_key("ctf") ) {
		Ctf * ctf_ = dict["ctf"];
		if(ctf_) {delete ctf_; ctf_=0;}

	return 0;
예제 #2
파일: emutil.cpp 프로젝트: jgalaz84/eman2
void EMUtil::getRenderLimits(const Dict & dict, float & rendermin, float & rendermax)
	const char    min_or_max_flag     = 'm';
	const char    std_devs_flag       = 's';

	const float   flag_base           =  1.0e30;
	const float   use_data_min_or_max = -flag_base;

	string        svalue;
	const char *  str;
	char          flag;
	float         num_std_devs;

	bool          debug = (getenv("DEBUG_RENDER_LIMITS") != NULL);

	rendermin = 0.0;
	rendermax = 0.0;

	if (debug) {
		printf ("into RenderLimits, rmin = %g, rmax = %g\n", rendermin, rendermax);

	if (dict.has_key("render_min")) {
		svalue = static_cast<string>(dict["render_min"]);
		str    = svalue.c_str();
		flag   = str[0];

		if (debug) printf ("render_min = %s\n", str);

		if (flag == min_or_max_flag) {
			rendermin = use_data_min_or_max;
		else if (flag == std_devs_flag) {
			num_std_devs = 4.0;
			sscanf (str+1, "%g", & num_std_devs);
			rendermin = flag_base * num_std_devs;
		else {
			rendermin = (float) dict["render_min"];

	if (dict.has_key("render_max")) {
		svalue = static_cast<string>(dict["render_max"]);
		str    = svalue.c_str();
		flag   = str[0];

		if (debug) printf ("render_max = %s\n", str);

		if (flag == min_or_max_flag) {
			rendermax = use_data_min_or_max;
		else if (flag == std_devs_flag) {
			num_std_devs = 4.0;
			sscanf (str+1, "%g", & num_std_devs);
			rendermax = flag_base * num_std_devs;
		else {
			rendermax = (float) dict["render_max"];

	if (debug) {
		printf ("out of RenderLimits, rmin = %g, rmax = %g\n", rendermin, rendermax);
예제 #3
파일: pgmio.cpp 프로젝트: C-CINA/2dx
int PgmIO::write_header(const Dict & dict, int image_index, const Region*,
                        EMUtil::EMDataType, bool)
    int err = 0;

    //single image format, index can only be zero
    if(image_index == -1) {
        image_index = 0;
    if(image_index != 0) {
        throw ImageWriteException(filename, "PGM file does not support stack.");
    check_write_access(rw_mode, image_index);

    int nz = dict["nz"];
    if ((int)nz != 1) {
        LOGERR("Cannot write 3D image as PGM. Your image nz = %d", nz);
        err = 1;
        throw ImageWriteException("N/A", "Cannot write 3D image as PGM.");
    else {
        nx = dict["nx"];
        ny = dict["ny"];

        if(dict.has_key("min_grey")) minval = dict["min_gray"];
        if(dict.has_key("max_grey")) maxval = dict["max_gray"];

        //if we didn't get any good values from attributes, assign to 255 by default
#ifdef _WIN32
        if (maxval<=minval || _isnan(minval) || _isnan(maxval)) {
        if (maxval<=minval || std::isnan(minval) || std::isnan(maxval)) {
#endif	//_WIN32
            maxval = 255;

        if(dict.has_key("render_min")) rendermin=(float)dict["render_min"];	// float value representing black in the output
        if(dict.has_key("render_max")) rendermax=(float)dict["render_max"];	// float value representign white in the output

        fprintf(pgm_file, "%s\n%d %d\n%d\n", MAGIC_BINARY, nx, ny, maxval);

    return err;

int PgmIO::read_data(float *data, int image_index, const Region * area, bool)

    //single image format, index can only be zero
    image_index = 0;
    check_read_access(image_index, data);
    check_region(area, IntSize(nx, ny));

    portable_fseek(pgm_file, file_offset, SEEK_SET);

    unsigned char *cdata = (unsigned char *) (data);
    size_t mode_size = sizeof(unsigned char);

    EMUtil::process_region_io(cdata, pgm_file, READ_ONLY, image_index,
                              mode_size, nx, ny, 1, area, true);

    int xlen = 0, ylen = 0;
    EMUtil::get_region_dims(area, nx, &xlen, ny, &ylen);

    for (int k = xlen * ylen - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
        data[k] = static_cast < float >(cdata[k]);

    return 0;