예제 #1
         * Recursively inspect btree buckets.
         * @param dl DiskLoc for the current bucket
         * @param depth depth for the current bucket (root is 0)
         * @param childNum so that the current bucket is the childNum-th child of its parent
         *                 (the right child is numbered as the last left child + 1)
         * @param parentIsExpanded bucket expansion was requested for the parent bucket so the
         *                         statistics and information for this bucket will appear in the
         *                         subtree
         * @param expandedAncestors if the d-th element is k, the k-th child of an expanded parent
         *                          at depth d is expanded
         *                          [0, 4, 1] means that root is expanded, its 4th child is expanded
         *                          and, in turn, the first child of the 4th child of the root is
         *                          expanded
         * @return true on success, false otherwise
        bool inspectBucket(const DiskLoc& dl, unsigned int depth, int childNum,
                           bool parentIsExpanded, vector<int> expandedAncestors) {

            if (dl.isNull()) return true;

            const BtreeBucket<Version>* bucket = dl.btree<Version>();
            int usedKeyCount = 0; // number of used keys in this bucket

            int keyCount = bucket->getN();
            int childrenCount = keyCount + 1; // maximum number of children of this bucket
                                              // including the right child

            if (depth > _stats.depth) _stats.depth = depth;

            bool curNodeIsExpanded = false;
            if (parentIsExpanded) {
                // if the parent node is expanded, statistics and info will be outputted for this
                // bucket as well

                    // if the expansion of this node was requested
                if (depth < _expandNodes.size() && _expandNodes[depth] == childNum) {
                    verify(_stats.branch.size() == depth + 1);
                    curNodeIsExpanded = true;

            const _KeyNode* firstKeyNode = NULL;
            const _KeyNode* lastKeyNode = NULL;
            for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++ ) {
                const _KeyNode& kn = bucket->k(i);

                if (kn.isUsed()) {
                    if (i == 0) {
                        firstKeyNode = &kn;
                    lastKeyNode = &kn;

                    this->inspectBucket(kn.prevChildBucket, depth + 1, i, curNodeIsExpanded,
            this->inspectBucket(bucket->getNextChild(), depth + 1, keyCount, curNodeIsExpanded,


            if (parentIsExpanded) {
                // stats for the children of this bucket have been added in the recursive calls,
                // avoid including the current bucket in the stats for its subtree

            // add the stats for the current bucket to the aggregates for all its ancestors and
            // the entire tree
            for (unsigned int d = 0; d < expandedAncestors.size(); ++d) {
                AreaStats& nodeStats = _stats.nodeAt(d, expandedAncestors[d]);
                nodeStats.addStats(keyCount, usedKeyCount, bucket, sizeof(_KeyNode));
            _stats.wholeTree.addStats(keyCount, usedKeyCount, bucket, sizeof(_KeyNode));

            if (parentIsExpanded) {
                NodeInfo nodeInfo;
                if (firstKeyNode != NULL) {
                    nodeInfo.firstKey = KeyNode(*bucket, *firstKeyNode).key.toBson();
                if (lastKeyNode != NULL) {
                    nodeInfo.lastKey = KeyNode(*bucket, *lastKeyNode).key.toBson();

                nodeInfo.childNum = childNum;
                nodeInfo.depth = depth;
                nodeInfo.diskLoc = dl.toBSONObj();
                nodeInfo.keyCount = keyCount;
                nodeInfo.usedKeyCount = bucket->getN();
                nodeInfo.fillRatio =
                    (1.0 - static_cast<double>(bucket->getEmptySize()) / BucketBasics::bodySize());

                _stats.nodeAt(depth, childNum).nodeInfo = nodeInfo;

            // add the stats for this bucket to the aggregate for a certain depth
            while (_stats.perLevel.size() < depth + 1)
            verify(_stats.perLevel.size() > depth);
            AreaStats& level = _stats.perLevel[depth];
            level.addStats(keyCount, usedKeyCount, bucket, sizeof(_KeyNode));

            return true;