예제 #1
파일: InsetText.cpp 프로젝트: cburschka/lyx
void InsetText::addToToc(DocIterator const & cdit, bool output_active,
						 UpdateType utype, TocBackend & backend) const
	DocIterator dit = cdit;
	dit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast<InsetText &>(*this)));
	iterateForToc(dit, output_active, utype, backend);
예제 #2
void InsetBranch::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit) const
	DocIterator pit = cpit;
	pit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast<InsetBranch &>(*this)));

	Toc & toc = buffer().tocBackend().toc("branch");
	docstring str = params_.branch + ": ";
	text().forToc(str, TOC_ENTRY_LENGTH);
	toc.push_back(TocItem(pit, 0, str, toolTipText(docstring(), 3, 60)));
	// Proceed with the rest of the inset.
예제 #3
void InsetNote::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit) const
	DocIterator pit = cpit;
	pit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast<InsetNote &>(*this)));

	Toc & toc = buffer().tocBackend().toc("note");
	InsetLayout const & il = getLayout();
	docstring str = translateIfPossible(il.labelstring()) + from_ascii(": ");
	text().forToc(str, TOC_ENTRY_LENGTH);
	toc.push_back(TocItem(pit, 0, str, toolTipText(docstring(), 3, 60)));
	// Proceed with the rest of the inset.
예제 #4
void InsetText::addToToc(DocIterator const & cdit) const
	DocIterator dit = cdit;
	dit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast<InsetText &>(*this)));
	Toc & toc = buffer().tocBackend().toc("tableofcontents");

	BufferParams const & bufparams = buffer_->params();
	int const min_toclevel = bufparams.documentClass().min_toclevel();

	// For each paragraph, traverse its insets and let them add
	// their toc items
	ParagraphList const & pars = paragraphs();
	pit_type pend = paragraphs().size();
	for (pit_type pit = 0; pit != pend; ++pit) {
		Paragraph const & par = pars[pit];
		dit.pit() = pit;
		// if we find an optarg, we'll save it for use later.
		InsetText const * arginset = 0;
		InsetList::const_iterator it  = par.insetList().begin();
		InsetList::const_iterator end = par.insetList().end();
		for (; it != end; ++it) {
			Inset & inset = *it->inset;
			dit.pos() = it->pos;
			//lyxerr << (void*)&inset << " code: " << inset.lyxCode() << std::endl;
			if (inset.lyxCode() == ARG_CODE)
				arginset = inset.asInsetText();
		// now the toc entry for the paragraph
		int const toclevel = par.layout().toclevel;
		if (toclevel != Layout::NOT_IN_TOC && toclevel >= min_toclevel) {
			// insert this into the table of contents
			docstring tocstring;
			if (arginset) {
				tocstring = par.labelString();
				if (!tocstring.empty())
					tocstring += ' ';
				arginset->text().forToc(tocstring, TOC_ENTRY_LENGTH);
			} else
				par.forToc(tocstring, TOC_ENTRY_LENGTH);
			dit.pos() = 0;
			toc.push_back(TocItem(dit, toclevel - min_toclevel,
				tocstring, tocstring));
		// And now the list of changes.
		par.addChangesToToc(dit, buffer());
예제 #5
void InsetCaptionable::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit, bool output_active,
								UpdateType utype, TocBackend & backend) const
	DocIterator pit = cpit;
	pit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast<InsetCaptionable &>(*this)));
	docstring str;
	// Leave str empty if we generate for output (e.g. xhtml lists of figures).
	// This ensures that there is a caption if and only if the string is
	// non-empty.
	if (utype != OutputUpdate)
		text().forOutliner(str, TOC_ENTRY_LENGTH);
	TocBuilder & b = backend.builder(caption_type_);
	b.pushItem(pit, str, output_active);
	// Proceed with the rest of the inset.
	InsetCollapsible::addToToc(cpit, output_active, utype, backend);
예제 #6
void InsetCaption::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit, bool output_active) const
	if (floattype_.empty())

	DocIterator pit = cpit;
	pit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast<InsetCaption &>(*this)));

	Toc & toc = buffer().tocBackend().toc(floattype_);
	docstring str = full_label_;
	int length = output_active ? INT_MAX : TOC_ENTRY_LENGTH;
	text().forToc(str, length);
	toc.push_back(TocItem(pit, 0, str, output_active));

	// Proceed with the rest of the inset.
	InsetText::addToToc(cpit, output_active);
예제 #7
void InsetCaption::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit, bool output_active,
							UpdateType utype, TocBackend & backend) const
	string const & type = floattype_.empty() ? "senseless" : floattype_;
	DocIterator pit = cpit;
	pit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast<InsetCaption &>(*this)));
	int length = (utype == OutputUpdate) ?
		// For output (e.g. xhtml) all (bug #8603) or nothing
		(output_active ? INT_MAX : 0) :
		// TOC for LyX interface
	docstring str;
	if (length > 0) {
		str = full_label_;
		text().forOutliner(str, length);
	backend.builder(type).captionItem(pit, str, output_active);
	// Proceed with the rest of the inset.
	InsetText::addToToc(cpit, output_active, utype, backend);
예제 #8
void InsetText::addToToc(DocIterator const & cdit, bool output_active) const
	DocIterator dit = cdit;
	dit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast<InsetText &>(*this)));
	iterateForToc(dit, output_active);