예제 #1
파일: makebmp.cpp 프로젝트: vata/xarino

>	BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::FindCentreInsertionPosition(Spread** Spread, DocCoord* Position)

	Author:		Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**> (from Simon)
	Created:	12/6/96
	Inputs:		-
	Outputs:	Spread:  The spread to place the clipboard objects on
				Position:The centre of the view (Spread coords)
	Purpose:	Finds the centre insertion position for clipboard objects

BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::FindCentreInsertionPosition(Spread** Spread, DocCoord* Position)
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Find out which spread is in the centre of the view 
	// this is the spread that the pasted objects will be placed on

	// Obtain the current DocView
	DocView* CurDocView = DocView::GetCurrent();

	ENSURE(CurDocView != NULL, "The current DocView is NULL"); 
	if (CurDocView == NULL)
		return FALSE; // No DocView

	// Get the view rect
	WorkRect WrkViewRect = CurDocView->GetViewRect();

	if (WrkViewRect.IsEmpty() || (!WrkViewRect.IsValid()) )
		return FALSE; // Defensive
	// Determine the centre of the view
	WorkCoord WrkCentreOfView; 
	WrkCentreOfView.x = WrkViewRect.lox	+ (WrkViewRect.Width()/2); 
	WrkCentreOfView.y = WrkViewRect.loy	+ (WrkViewRect.Height()/2);
	// FindEnclosing spread requires an OilCoord
	OilCoord OilCentreOfView = WrkCentreOfView.ToOil(CurDocView->GetScrollOffsets()); 

	// Find out which spread to insert the pasteboard objects onto
	(*Spread) = CurDocView->FindEnclosingSpread(OilCentreOfView);
	if ((*Spread) == NULL)
		return FALSE; // There is no spread

	// Phew
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Now lets find the spread coordinate of the centre of the view
	DocRect DocViewRect = CurDocView->GetDocViewRect(*Spread);
	if ( DocViewRect.IsEmpty() || (!DocViewRect.IsValid()) )
		ERROR3("DocViewRect is invalid");
		return FALSE; // Defensive

	// Find the centre of the DocViewRect
   	DocCoord DocCentreOfView; 
	DocCentreOfView.x = DocViewRect.lox	+ (DocViewRect.Width()/2); 
	DocCentreOfView.y = DocViewRect.loy	+ (DocViewRect.Height()/2);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Now convert from DocCoords to spread coords

	DocRect PhysSpreadRect = (*Spread)->GetPasteboardRect();
	(*Position).x = DocCentreOfView.x - PhysSpreadRect.lo.x; 
	(*Position).y = DocCentreOfView.y - PhysSpreadRect.lo.y;
	return TRUE;  
예제 #2
BOOL NativePrefsDlg::InitDialog ()
	ERROR2IF ( mpParams == NULL, FALSE,
			   "NativePrefsDlg::InitDialog called after duff initialisation?!" );

	//First, do we have a selection?
	Application *pApp = GetApplication();

	ERROR2IF(pApp == NULL, FALSE,"NativePrefsDlg::InitDialog -  no application!");
	SelRange *pRange = pApp->FindSelection();
	ERROR2IF(pRange == NULL, FALSE,"NativePrefsDlg::InitDialog - no selection range!");
	DocRect ClipRect = pRange->GetBoundingRect();

	BOOL fThereIsASelection=!ClipRect.IsEmpty();

	//Now, is there a selection?
	if (fThereIsASelection)
		// Yes. So ungrey both the buttons for selecting the nodes to export.

		//Now, which of those buttons should be selected?
		switch ( mpParams->GetExportSel () )
			// Choose the export pair of buttons.

		case DRAWING:
			// Choose the export pair of buttons.
		//No. So grey the SELECTION button and ungrey
		//the DRAWING button

		// And we must select the DRAWING button for the export area controls.

	return TRUE;
예제 #3
void OpDragBox::UpdateSolidDragBox(const DocRect& drNewDragBox)
	// Set up four update rectangles.  We will xor none, some, or all of these rectangles to
	// produce the new drag box.
	DocRect drUpdate[4];
	INT32 nHowMany;

	// Find the intersection of the last and new rectangles.  We will exclude this from
	// any xoring as it is already xored.
	DocRect drCommonDragBox = drNewDragBox.Intersection(m_drLastDragBox);

	// Calculate the rectangles that need to be xored to change the last into the new
	// drag box.  This depends on how they overlap.
	if (drCommonDragBox.IsEmpty())
		// There's no intersection between the last drag box and the new drag box, even
		// though they share a common corner.  So xor the full extent of both drag rects.
		drUpdate[0] = m_drLastDragBox;
		drUpdate[1] = drNewDragBox;
		nHowMany = 2;
	else if (drNewDragBox.ContainsRect(m_drLastDragBox))
		// The new drag rect completely contains the last one, so clip out the last.
		nHowMany = ((DocRect&) drNewDragBox).SplitRect(m_drLastDragBox, drUpdate);
	else if (m_drLastDragBox.ContainsRect(drNewDragBox))
		// The last drag rect completely contains the new one, so clip out the new.
		nHowMany = m_drLastDragBox.SplitRect(drNewDragBox, drUpdate);
		// The drag rectangles overlap but neither completely contains the other, so set
		// the xor rectangles to be each drag rectangle less the common drag rectangle.
		nHowMany = m_drLastDragBox.SplitRect(drCommonDragBox, &drUpdate[0]);
		nHowMany += ((DocRect&) drNewDragBox).SplitRect(drCommonDragBox, &drUpdate[nHowMany]);

	// Sanity check.
	ERROR3IF(nHowMany < 0 || nHowMany > 4,
				"Wrong number of split rects in OpDragBox::UpdateSolidDragBox\n");

	// Draw the xor rects.
	for (INT32 i = 0; i < nHowMany; i++)
		DrawXorRect(drUpdate[i], m_pStartSpread, drUpdate[i]);
예제 #4
파일: psrndrgn.cpp 프로젝트: vata/xarino
BOOL PrintPSRenderRegion::WriteClipRegion(KernelDC *pDC, const DocRect& Rect)
	if (!Rect.IsValid() || Rect.IsEmpty())
		return TRUE;

	DocCoord c0,c1;
	BOOL ok = pDC->OutputCoord(c0);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputCoord(c1);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputToken(TEXT("Cp"));
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputNewLine();

	return ok;
예제 #5
void OpDragBox::DrawXorRect(const DocRect& drClip, Spread* pspdXor, const DocRect& drXor) const
	// Check if we have nothing to do.
	if (drXor.IsEmpty()) return;

	// Ask the derived class what colour its drag box is.  If we are doing solid drags we
	// want to use the same colour to fill the box as well, otherwise we fill with no colour.
	StockColour scLineColour = GetBoxColour();
	StockColour scFillColour = (m_fDoSolidDragBoxes) ? scLineColour : COLOUR_NONE;
	// Xor the rect on all supplied render-regions.
	RenderRegion* pRegion = DocView::RenderOnTop(&((DocRect&) drClip), pspdXor, ClippedEOR);
	while (pRegion != NULL)
		// Set the line and fill colours.

		// Draw the xored drag box and go on to the next render-region.
		pRegion->DrawDragRect(&((DocRect&) drXor));
		pRegion = DocView::GetNextOnTop(&((DocRect&) drClip));
예제 #6
파일: makebmp.cpp 프로젝트: vata/xarino

>	BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::InsertBitmapIntoDocument(UndoableOperation *pOp, KernelBitmap* KernelBmp, Document* DestDoc)

	Author:		Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	11/6/96
	Purpose:	Exports the current selection as a bitmap, via the virtual fns of the
				inherited class.
	Returns:	TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
	SeeAlso:	GetExportOptions; PrepareToExport; ExportRenderNodes; CleanUpAfterExport;

BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::InsertBitmapIntoDocument(UndoableOperation *pOp, KernelBitmap* KernelBmp, Document* DestDoc)
	Spread *pSpread;
	DocCoord Origin;

	// Remember the selection rect, before we change it
	DocRect SelRect = GetApplication()->FindSelection()->GetBoundingRect();

	// For now, position Draw objects on 1st page of spread 1
PORTNOTE("spread", "Multi-spread warning!")
	pSpread = GetFirstSpread(DestDoc);
	Page *pPage = (Page *) pSpread->FindFirstPageInSpread();
		   "MakeBitmapFilter::InsertBitmapIntoDocument: Could not find first Page");

	// Use bottom left of page as origin
	DocRect PageRect = pPage->GetPageRect();
	Origin.x = PageRect.lo.x;
	Origin.y = PageRect.hi.y;

	// Get a new NodeBitmap object to import into.
	NodeBitmap *pNodeBitmap = new NodeBitmap;
	if ((pNodeBitmap == NULL) || (!pNodeBitmap->SetUpPath(12,12)))
		return FALSE;

	// Attach the Imported Bitmap to our Node
	pNodeBitmap->GetBitmapRef()->Attach(KernelBmp, DestDoc); //GetDocument());
	if (pNodeBitmap->GetBitmap() != KernelBmp)
		delete KernelBmp; // It didn't use the bitmap we gave it, so we can delete it

	// Import worked - try to add the bitmap object into the tree.
	// First, set the rectangle to the right size for the bitmap...
	BitmapInfo Info;

	DocRect BoundsRect;
	BoundsRect.lo = Origin;
	BoundsRect.hi.x = BoundsRect.lo.x + Info.RecommendedWidth;
	BoundsRect.hi.y = BoundsRect.lo.y + Info.RecommendedHeight;

	// And set this in our bitmap node

	// Make sure that there is a layer to put the bitmap onto
	if (!MakeSureLayerExists(DestDoc))
		// There is no layer and one could not be made, so we will have to fail
		delete pNodeBitmap;
		return FALSE;

	// Set the default attrs
	// This MUST be done before the NodeBitmap is Inserted into the tree
	if (!pNodeBitmap->ApplyDefaultBitmapAttrs(pOp))
		return FALSE;

	// Insert the node, but don't invalidate its region
	if (!pOp->DoInsertNewNode(pNodeBitmap, pSpread, FALSE))
		// It didn't work - delete the sub-tree we just created, and report error.
		delete pNodeBitmap;
		return FALSE;

	// bitmap is currently positioned so its bottom left hand
	// corner is at the top left of the page

	// By default we'll move it down so the top-left of the bitmap is on the top-left of the page
	INT32 XTranslate = 0;
	INT32 YTranslate = -Info.RecommendedHeight;

	ClickModifiers ClickMods = ClickModifiers::GetClickModifiers();

	if (ClickMods.Adjust && !SelRect.IsEmpty())
		// If shift is down, then we'll try and place the bitmap exactly on top of the selection
		DocCoord SelectionCentre(SelRect.lo.x + (SelRect.Width()/2), SelRect.lo.y + (SelRect.Height()/2));

		XTranslate = SelectionCentre.x - Origin.x - (Info.RecommendedWidth/2);
		YTranslate = SelectionCentre.y - Origin.y - (Info.RecommendedHeight/2);
		// Otherwise we'll try and centre it within the current view
		Spread* pCurrentSpread;
		DocCoord ViewCentre;

		if (FindCentreInsertionPosition(&pCurrentSpread, &ViewCentre))
/*	Karim 19/01/2000
 *	Ensure that the bmp is pixel-aligned as close to the centre as possible.
			XTranslate = ViewCentre.x - Origin.x - (Info.RecommendedWidth/2);
			YTranslate = ViewCentre.y - Origin.y - (Info.RecommendedHeight/2);
			DocCoord PixAlignBmpOrigin(	ViewCentre.x - Info.RecommendedWidth/2,
										ViewCentre.y - Info.RecommendedHeight/2 );
			INT32			FullDPI		= GRenderRegion::GetDefaultDPI();
			MILLIPOINT	PixWidth	= (INT32)((IN_MP_VAL / (double)FullDPI) + 0.5);
			PixAlignBmpOrigin.x -= PixAlignBmpOrigin.x % PixWidth;
			PixAlignBmpOrigin.y -= PixAlignBmpOrigin.y % PixWidth;
			XTranslate = PixAlignBmpOrigin.x - Origin.x;
			YTranslate = PixAlignBmpOrigin.y - Origin.y;

	Trans2DMatrix Xlate(XTranslate, YTranslate);

	// Ensure Sel Bounds are correct after translation

	return TRUE;
예제 #7
파일: makebmp.cpp 프로젝트: vata/xarino

>	BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::DoCreateBitmap(Operation *pOp, Document *pDoc, KernelBitmap** ppBitmap)

	Author:		Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	11/6/96
	Purpose:	Exports the current selection as a bitmap, via the virtual fns of the
				inherited class.
	Returns:	TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
	SeeAlso:	GetExportOptions; PrepareToExport; ExportRenderNodes; CleanUpAfterExport;

BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::DoCreateBitmap(Operation *pOp, Document *pDoc, KernelBitmap** ppBitmap)
	ERROR3IF(ppBitmap == NULL, "NULL bitmap pointer passed to MakeBitmapFilter::DoCreateBitmap");
	if (ppBitmap == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	pTheBitmap = NULL;
	*ppBitmap = NULL;

	// Set the bitmap pointer to null just in case, usually only used by DoExportBitmap
	pExportBitmap = NULL;

	// Get pointer to the spread to export.
PORTNOTE("spread", "Multi-spread warning!")
	pSpread = GetFirstSpread(pDoc);

	// remember the document in the class variable
	TheDocument = pDoc;

	// We must now check if there is a selection present so that we can set up whether the
	// user gets the choice of exporting the selection, drawing or spread if there is a 
	// selection present OR just a choice between the spread or drawing if no selection is
	// present.
	// If have a caret selected in a text story then the selection will be almost zero so trap
	// this case as well. 
	RangeControl rg = GetApplication()->FindSelection()->GetRangeControlFlags();
	rg.PromoteToParent = TRUE;
	SelRange Rng(*(GetApplication()->FindSelection()));

	// now, run through the selection selecting all nodes under all compound nodes
	// if we don't do this then all compound nodes aren't rendered correctly with transparent
	// bitmaps
	Node * pNode = Rng.FindFirst(FALSE);

	while (pNode)
		pNode = Rng.FindNext(pNode, FALSE);

	rg.PromoteToParent = FALSE;

	DocRect ClipRect = GetApplication()->FindSelection()->GetBoundingRect();
	SelectionType Selection = DRAWING;
 	if ( ClipRect.IsEmpty() || ClipRect.Width() < MinExportSize ||
		 ClipRect.Height() < MinExportSize)
		Selection = DRAWING;		// no selection present, so choose drawing by default
		Selection = SELECTION;		// selection present, so choose this by default

	if (Selection != SELECTION)
		BOOL UseDrawingBounds = TRUE;
		SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
		if (pSel && pSel->Count()==1)
			// Only one thing selected ... Is it the Text Caret per chance ?
			Node* pSelNode = pSel->FindFirst();
			if (pSelNode && pSelNode->IsAVisibleTextNode())
				VisibleTextNode* pTextNode = (VisibleTextNode*)pSelNode;
				if (pTextNode->IsACaret())
				 	// Aha! It's the Caret that's selected.
					// We'll use the bounds of the parent text line instead then ...
					Node* pTextLine = pTextNode->FindParent();
					ERROR3IF(!IS_A(pTextLine, TextLine), "Caret doesn't have a parent text line in DoCreateBitmap");
					// Get the bounds of the text line
					ClipRect = ((TextLine*)pTextLine)->GetBoundingRect();				

					Selection = SELECTION;
					UseDrawingBounds = FALSE;

		if (UseDrawingBounds)
			// Work out the size of the rectangle encompassing the drawing (visible layers only)
			ClipRect = GetSizeOfDrawing(pSpread);

	// Create somewhere to put the user options and fill them up
	MakeBitmapExportOptions* pMakeBmpExportOptions = (MakeBitmapExportOptions*)CreateExportOptions();
	if (pMakeBmpExportOptions == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	pMakeBmpExportOptions->SetDepth(32); // create bmp copies shoulda always default to being 32 bit

	// Set the BaseBitmapFilter member so we can use base class functionality - blurghh

	BOOL ok = GetExportOptions( (BitmapExportOptions*)pMakeBmpExportOptions );

	BOOL IsAnimation = BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions == NULL;
	BaseBitmapFilter * pNewFilter = this;
	BitmapExportOptions * pExportOptions = BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions;
	if (!IsAnimation)
		pNewFilter = pExportOptions->FindBitmapFilterForTheseExportOptions();
		// from the exporting point of view we should always have been using png options
		// set them to the png options for the export part
		if (pNewFilter)
		// gets the real export options that the prevdlg has set up for us
		BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions = NULL; // take responsibility for this data
		// the animation export didn't bring up the dlg so never set BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions
		// so continue with these options
		pExportOptions = (BitmapExportOptions*)pMakeBmpExportOptions;


	if (!ok)
		SetExportOptions(NULL); // deletes the filter ptr and nulls it
		delete pExportOptions;
		return FALSE;									// if cancelled

//////////////// SMFIX


	// Set up device context and render region for this export.
	// This will show a progress hourglass for the objects being rendered
	// THis will now also write the data out to file via our ExportRenderNodes function
	if (!PrepareToExport(pSpread, pExportOptions->GetDepth(), pExportOptions->GetDPI(), 
							pExportOptions->GetSelectionType(), pExportOptions->GetDither()))
		delete pExportOptions;
		return FALSE;

	RenderInStrips = FALSE;
	if (!ExportRender(ExportRegion))
		pNewFilter->SetExportOptions(NULL); // deletes the filter ptr and nulls it
		delete pExportOptions;
		return FALSE;

	// Now get the converted 32Bit BMP
	pTheBitmap = GetTheBitmap(pExportOptions);

	// if we`ve got a transparency index AND we`ve got a 32 Bit Render region with alpha channel info
	// then we can quickly do
	if(pExportOptions->GetDepth() <= 8 && pExportOptions->GetTransparencyIndex() != -1 && pTheBitmap)
		// What we do now is to go throught the bitmap setting the relavent pixels to transparent
		// depending on the alpha channel info held in the 32 bit version.
			pNewFilter->SetExportOptions(NULL); // deletes the filter ptr and nulls it
			return FALSE;

		// Now make sure the bitmap knows that it has a transparent colour!

	// Set pointer to the bitmap we have created
	*ppBitmap = pTheBitmap;

	pNewFilter->SetExportOptions(NULL); // deletes the filter ptr and nulls it
	delete pExportOptions;

	return *ppBitmap != NULL;

//////////////// SMFIX