void IncrementalLinearStatic :: updateDofUnknownsDictionary(DofManager *inode, TimeStep *tStep)
    // update DOF unknowns dictionary, where
    // unknowns are hold instead of keeping them in global unknowns
    // vectors in engng instances
    // this is necessary, because during solution equation numbers for
    // particular DOFs may changed, and it is necessary to keep them
    // in DOF level.

    int ndofs = inode->giveNumberOfDofs();
    Dof *iDof;
    double val;
    for ( int i = 1; i <= ndofs; i++ ) {
        iDof = inode->giveDof(i);
        // skip slave DOFs (only master (primary) DOFs have to be updated).
        if (!iDof->isPrimaryDof()) continue;
        val = iDof->giveUnknown(VM_Total, tStep);
        if ( !iDof->hasBc(tStep) ) {
            val += this->incrementOfDisplacementVector.at( iDof->__giveEquationNumber() );

        iDof->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total_Old, val);
        iDof->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total, val);
예제 #2
StructuralEngngModel :: buildReactionTable(IntArray &restrDofMans, IntArray &restrDofs,
                                           IntArray &eqn, TimeStep *tStep, int di)
    // determine number of restrained dofs
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(di);
    int numRestrDofs = this->giveNumberOfPrescribedDomainEquations(di, EID_MomentumBalance);
    int ndofMan = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    int i, j, indofs, rindex, count = 0;
    DofManager *inode;
    Dof *jdof;

    // initialize corresponding dofManagers and dofs for each restrained dof

    for ( i = 1; i <= ndofMan; i++ ) {
        inode = domain->giveDofManager(i);
        indofs = inode->giveNumberOfDofs();
        for ( j = 1; j <= indofs; j++ ) {
            jdof = inode->giveDof(j);
            if ( ( jdof->giveClassID() != SimpleSlaveDofClass ) && ( jdof->hasBc(tStep) ) ) { // skip slave dofs
                rindex = jdof->__givePrescribedEquationNumber();
                if ( rindex ) {
                    restrDofMans.at(count) = i;
                    restrDofs.at(count) = j;
                    eqn.at(count) = rindex;
                } else {
                    // NullDof has no equation number and no prescribed equation number
                    //_error ("No prescribed equation number assigned to supported DOF");
void IncrementalLinearStatic :: solveYourselfAt(TimeStep *tStep)
    // Creates system of governing eq's and solves them at given time step

    // Initiates the total displacement to zero.
    if ( tStep->isTheFirstStep() ) {
        Domain *d = this->giveDomain(1);
        for ( int i = 1; i <= d->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); i++ ) {
            DofManager *dofman = d->giveDofManager(i);
            for ( int j = 1; j <= dofman->giveNumberOfDofs(); j++ ) {
                dofman->giveDof(j)->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total_Old, 0.);
                dofman->giveDof(j)->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total, 0.);
                // This is actually redundant now;
                //dofman->giveDof(j)->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Incremental, 0.);

	int nbc = d->giveNumberOfBoundaryConditions();
	for ( int ibc = 1; ibc <= nbc; ++ibc ) {
	  GeneralBoundaryCondition *bc = d->giveBc(ibc);
	  ActiveBoundaryCondition *abc;

	  if ( ( abc = dynamic_cast< ActiveBoundaryCondition * >( bc ) ) ) {
	    int ndman = abc->giveNumberOfInternalDofManagers();
	    for ( int i = 1; i <= ndman; i++ ) {
	      DofManager *dofman = abc->giveInternalDofManager(i);
	      for ( int j = 1; j <= dofman->giveNumberOfDofs(); j++ ) {
                dofman->giveDof(j)->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total_Old, 0.);
                dofman->giveDof(j)->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total, 0.);
                // This is actually redundant now;
                //dofman->giveDof(j)->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Incremental, 0.);

    // Apply dirichlet b.c's on total values
    Domain *d = this->giveDomain(1);
    for ( int i = 1; i <= d->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); i++ ) {
        DofManager *dofman = d->giveDofManager(i);
        for ( int j = 1; j <= dofman->giveNumberOfDofs(); j++ ) {
            Dof *d = dofman->giveDof(j);
            double tot = d->giveUnknown(VM_Total_Old, tStep);
            if ( d->hasBc(tStep) ) {
                tot += d->giveBcValue(VM_Incremental, tStep);

            d->updateUnknownsDictionary(tStep, VM_Total, tot);

#ifdef VERBOSE
    OOFEM_LOG_RELEVANT( "Solving [step number %8d, time %15e]\n", tStep->giveNumber(), tStep->giveTargetTime() );

    int neq = this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations(1, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering());

    if (neq == 0) { // Allows for fully prescribed/empty problems.


#ifdef VERBOSE
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("Assembling load\n");
    // Assembling the element part of load vector
    this->assembleVector( internalLoadVector, tStep, EID_MomentumBalance, InternalForcesVector,
                          VM_Total, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), this->giveDomain(1) );

    this->assembleVector( loadVector, tStep, EID_MomentumBalance, ExternalForcesVector,
                          VM_Total, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), this->giveDomain(1) );


#ifdef VERBOSE
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("Assembling stiffness matrix\n");
    if ( stiffnessMatrix ) {
        delete stiffnessMatrix;

    stiffnessMatrix = classFactory.createSparseMtrx(sparseMtrxType);
    if ( stiffnessMatrix == NULL ) {
        _error("solveYourselfAt: sparse matrix creation failed");

    stiffnessMatrix->buildInternalStructure( this, 1, EID_MomentumBalance, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() );
    this->assemble( stiffnessMatrix, tStep, EID_MomentumBalance, StiffnessMatrix,
                   EModelDefaultEquationNumbering(), this->giveDomain(1) );

#ifdef VERBOSE
    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("Solving ...\n");
    this->giveNumericalMethod( this->giveCurrentMetaStep() );
    NM_Status s = nMethod->solve(stiffnessMatrix, & loadVector, & incrementOfDisplacementVector);
    if ( !(s & NM_Success) ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("IncrementalLinearStatic :: solverYourselfAt - No success in solving system.");