int main() { cout << "Hello world !" << endl; shared_ptr<ISource> loadChannel(new SourceFile(".", false)); shared_ptr<ISource> saveChannel(new SourceFile(".", true)); DynamicObjectManager *pom = DynamicObjectManager::getInstancePtr(); pom->addLoadSource(loadChannel); pom->addSaveSource(saveChannel); /* shared_ptr<DynamicObject> Zelda = pom->load("zelda"); shared_ptr<Integer> ageZelda = Zelda->getAttribute< Integer > ("age"); shared_ptr<Integer> newAge(new Integer((*ageZelda)() + 1)); Zelda->setAttribute("age2", newAge); */ shared_ptr<Integer> newAge(new Integer(1)); PJ pj("zelda32"); pj.computeAge(); pj.setAttribute("age2", newAge);; return 0; }
void Application::analyzeArguments (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Declare the supported options. options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "Produce help message") ("log,l", value<std::string>(), "Log file name") ("load-source-directory", value< vector<string> >()->composing(), "Add a directory as a load source") ("save-source-directory", value< vector<string> >()->composing(), "Add a directory as a save source") ; variables_map vm; store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); notify(vm); /** * If help is required * -> Display usage * -> Exit */ if (vm.count("help")) { cout << desc; ::exit(1); } CLogModule *logModule = CLogModule::getInstancePtr(); if (vm.count("log")) { std::string logFile = vm["log"].as<std::string>(); logModule->setLogFileName(logFile); } logModule->init(); DynamicObjectManager *pom = DynamicObjectManager::getInstancePtr(); SoundManager *soundManager = SoundManager::getInstancePtr(); CameraManager *cameraManager = CameraManager::getInstancePtr(); /** * If a loading source has to be added */ if (vm.count("load-source-directory")) { vector<string> lsd = vm["load-source-directory"].as< vector<string> >(); for (vector<string>::iterator it = lsd.begin(); it != lsd.end(); it++) { GNOLL_LOG() << "Adding new load source directory : \n"; shared_ptr<ISource> userLoadChannel(new SourceFile(*it, false, 10)); pom->addLoadSource(userLoadChannel); soundManager->addLoadSource(userLoadChannel); cameraManager->addLoadSource(userLoadChannel); } } /** * If a saving source has to be added */ if (vm.count("save-source-directory")) { vector<string> lsd = vm["save-source-directory"].as< vector<string> >(); for (vector<string>::iterator it = lsd.begin(); it != lsd.end(); it++) { GNOLL_LOG() << "Adding new save source directory : \n"; shared_ptr<ISource> userSaveChannel(new SourceFile( *it, true, 10 )); pom->addSaveSource(userSaveChannel); soundManager->addSaveSource(userSaveChannel); cameraManager->addLoadSource(userSaveChannel); } } }
void Application::init() { // The very first thing to do is to add the current directory in DynamicObjectManager's list of repositories // In case some modules would need to load some config files shared_ptr<ISource> loadChannel(new SourceFile(".", false)); shared_ptr<ISource> saveChannel(new SourceFile(".", true)); DynamicObjectManager *pom = DynamicObjectManager::getInstancePtr(); SoundManager *soundManager = SoundManager::getInstancePtr(); GNOLL_LOG() << "Adding load/save source for current path to the DynamicObjectManager\n"; pom->addLoadSource(loadChannel); pom->addSaveSource(saveChannel); GNOLL_LOG() << "Adding load/save source for current path to the SoundManager\n"; soundManager->addLoadSource(loadChannel); soundManager->addSaveSource(saveChannel); /** * Now program options have been parsed, * program is initialized */ GNOLL_LOG() << "Instanciating modules...\n"; logModule = CLogModule::getInstancePtr(); graphicmanager = CGraphicModule::getInstancePtr(); timeModule = CTimeModule::getInstancePtr(); messageModule = CMessageModule::getInstancePtr(); soundmanager = CSoundModule::getInstancePtr(); inputEventsTranslator = CInputEventsTranslator::getInstancePtr(); statsModule = CStatsModule::getInstancePtr(); GNOLL_LOG() << "Instanciating modules...[DONE]\n"; try { GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing message module\n"; messageModule->init(); GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing message module [DONE]\n"; GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing graphic module\n"; graphicmanager->init(); GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing graphic module [DONE]\n"; GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing input manager\n"; inputmanager.init(); GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing input manager [DONE]\n"; GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing sound manager\n"; soundmanager->init(); GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing sound manager [DONE]\n"; GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing time module\n"; timeModule->init(); GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing time module [DONE]\n"; GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing input event translator\n"; inputEventsTranslator->init(); GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing input event translator [DONE]\n"; GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing stats module\n"; statsModule->init(); GNOLL_LOG() << "Initializing stats module [DONE]\n"; } catch (Glib::ustring str) { cout << str << endl; } /* * Define the listener of the application * like the message on quit */ shared_ptr<Gnoll::ApplicationListener> listenerInput = shared_ptr<Gnoll::ApplicationListener>( new Gnoll::ApplicationListener()); messageModule->getMessageManager()->addListener ( listenerInput, Messages::MessageType(Gnoll::Input::ACTION_EVENT_TYPE) ); /** * Define the listener for the button */ CEGUI::PushButton *button_quit; button_quit = (CEGUI::PushButton *) CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("buttonQuit"); button_quit->subscribeEvent(CEGUI::PushButton::EventClicked, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&Application::quit_OnClick, this)); }
int main() { cout << "Hello world !" << endl; DynamicObject toto = DynamicObject("toto"); shared_ptr<Scalar<float> > pi( new Scalar<float>("float", 3.145) ); shared_ptr<Integer> age( new Integer(345) ); shared_ptr<Scalar<Glib::ustring> > phrase ( new Scalar<Glib::ustring>("string", "c'etait un cafard qui vivait dans le noir") ); toto.setAttribute( Glib::ustring("pi"), pi); toto.setAttribute( "phrase", phrase); toto.setAttribute( "age", age); cout << (*pi)() << endl; cout << (*phrase)() << endl; cout << "Toto has attribute 'pi' : " << toto.hasAttribute("pi") << endl; cout << "Toto has attribute 'phrase' : " << toto.hasAttribute("phrase") << endl; cout << "Toto has attribute 'tournoyant' : " << toto.hasAttribute("tournoyant") << endl; const Glib::ustring pi_name("pi"); shared_ptr<Scalar<float> > pi2 = toto.getAttribute< Scalar<float> > (pi_name); shared_ptr<Scalar<Glib::ustring> > phrase2 = toto.getAttribute< Scalar<Glib::ustring> > ("phrase"); cout << "Get attribute 'pi' : " << *pi2 << endl; cout << "Get attribute 'phrase' : " << *phrase2 << endl; try { shared_ptr<Scalar<Glib::ustring> > phrase3 = toto.getAttribute< Scalar<Glib::ustring> > ("aioli"); } catch(Glib::ustring e) { cout << e << endl; } cout << endl << "Serializationed (I'am sure it exists :) toto : " << endl; shared_ptr<xmlpp::Document> output = toto.serializeXML(); cout << output->write_to_string_formatted() << endl; SourceFile sf("./"); shared_ptr<IStream> stream = sf.loadStream("testpo.cpp"); unsigned int bytesRead = 0; while (!stream->eof()) { char buffer[256]; unsigned int nbRead = stream->read(buffer, 255); buffer[nbRead] = 0; // cout << buffer; bytesRead += nbRead; } stream->close(); cout << endl << "Bytes Read : " << bytesRead << endl; sf.setOverWrite(true); shared_ptr<IStream> streamW = sf.saveStream("testpo.cppW"); unsigned int bytesWritten = streamW->write("Jesuislorsdelajusticeetdel'emeriteca\nvalier", 40); streamW->close(); cout << endl << "Bytes Written : " << bytesWritten << endl; shared_ptr<ISource> loadChannel(new SourceFile(".", false)); shared_ptr<ISource> saveChannel(new SourceFile(".", true)); DynamicObjectManager *pom = DynamicObjectManager::getInstancePtr(); pom->addLoadSource(loadChannel); pom->addSaveSource(saveChannel); shared_ptr<DynamicObject> Zelda = pom->load("zelda"); shared_ptr<Integer> ageZelda = Zelda->getAttribute< Integer > ("age"); shared_ptr<Integer> newAge(new Integer((*ageZelda)() + 1)); Zelda->setAttribute("age2", newAge); try { shared_ptr< Float > piZelda = Zelda->getAttribute< Float > ("pi"); cout << "Float pi**2 zelda : " << (*piZelda) * (*piZelda) << endl; shared_ptr< String > nut = Zelda->getAttribute< String > ("nut"); cout << "Attribute nut = '" << *nut << "'" << endl; shared_ptr< Double > dpi = Zelda->getAttribute< Double > ("dpi"); cout << "Double PI in Zelda : " << setprecision(16) << *dpi << endl; cout << "Squared Double PI in Zelda : " << setprecision(16) << (*dpi) * (*dpi) << endl; typedef list< shared_ptr<IAttribute> >::iterator ListIterator; shared_ptr< List > list = Zelda->getAttribute< List > ("ListPreums"); for (ListIterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); it++) { if (shared_ptr<String> str = dynamic_pointer_cast<String>(*it)) { cout << "String element in list : '" << (*str) << "'" << endl; } if (shared_ptr<Integer> integer = dynamic_pointer_cast<Integer>(*it)) { cout << "Integer element in list : [" << (*integer) + 2 << "]" << endl; } if (shared_ptr<Double> dbl = dynamic_pointer_cast<Double>(*it)) { cout << "Double element in list : [" << (*dbl) << "]" << endl; } if (shared_ptr<Float> flt = dynamic_pointer_cast<Float>(*it)) { cout << "Float element in list : [" << (*flt) << "]" << endl; } } } catch(Glib::ustring e) { cout << e << endl; } pom->save(Zelda->getInstance()); cout << endl << "Serializationed (I'am sure it exists :) Zelda : " << endl; shared_ptr<xmlpp::Document> outputZelda = Zelda->serializeXML(); cout << outputZelda->write_to_string_formatted() << endl; cout << endl << endl << "--------------------------------------------" << endl << endl; shared_ptr<DynamicObject> Zelda2 = pom->load("zelda2"); shared_ptr<xmlpp::Document> outputZelda2 = Zelda2->serializeXML(); cout << outputZelda2->write_to_string_formatted() << endl; return 0; }