예제 #1
파일: modif_nslc.hpp 프로젝트: sferes2/nslc
      void apply(Ea& ea) {
        size_t k = Params::nslc::k;
        // merge the population and the archive in a single archive
        pop_t archive = _archive;
        archive.insert(archive.end(), ea.pop().begin(), ea.pop().end());

        // compute the sparseness of each individual of the population
        // and potentially add some of them to the archive
        int added = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < ea.pop().size(); ++i) {
          size_t nb_objs = ea.pop()[i]->fit().objs().size();
          assert(nb_objs >= 2);

          // sort
          parallel::sort(archive.begin(), archive.end(),

          // local competition score
          int rank = k;
          for (size_t j = 0; j < k; ++j)
            if (ea.pop()[i]->fit().value() < archive[j]->fit().value())
          ea.pop()[i]->fit().set_obj(0, rank);

          // novelty
          double n = 0.0;
          for (size_t j = 0; j < k; ++j)
            n += ea.pop()[i]->fit().dist(*archive[j]);

          ea.pop()[i]->fit().set_obj(1, n);

          // add to the archive
          if (n > _rho_min
              || misc::rand<float>() < Params::nslc::add_to_archive_prob) {
            _not_added = 0;
          } else {
        } // end for all individuals

        // update rho_min
        if (_not_added > Params::nslc::stalled_tresh) { //2500
          _rho_min *= 0.95;
          _not_added = 0;
        if (_archive.size() > Params::nslc::k
            && added > Params::nslc::adding_tresh) {//4
          _rho_min *= 1.05f;
        std::cout<<"archive size:"<<_archive.size()<<std::endl;
예제 #2
파일: run.hpp 프로젝트: Meghdeep/sferes2
  static void run_ea(int argc,
                     char **argv,
                     Ea& ea,
                     const typename Ea::phen_t::fit_t& fit_proto,
                     const boost::program_options::options_description& add_opts =
                     bool init_rand = true) {
    namespace po = boost::program_options;
    std::cout<<"sferes2 version: "<<VERSION<<std::endl;
    if (init_rand) {
      time_t t = time(0) + ::getpid();
      std::cout<<"seed: " << t << std::endl;
    po::options_description desc("Allowed sferes2 options");
    ("help,h", "produce help message")
    ("stat,s", po::value<int>(), "statistic number")
    ("out,o", po::value<std::string>(), "output file")
    ("number,n", po::value<int>(), "number in stat")
    ("load,l", po::value<std::string>(), "load a result file")
    ("verbose,v", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >()->multitoken(),
     "verbose output, available default streams : all, ea, fit, phen, trace")

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    if (vm.count("help")) {
      std::cout << desc << std::endl;
    if (vm.count("verbose")) {
      std::vector<std::string> streams =
        vm["verbose"].as<std::vector<std::string> >();
      attach_ostream(dbg::warning, std::cout);
      attach_ostream(dbg::error, std::cerr);
      attach_ostream(dbg::info, std::cout);
      bool all = std::find(streams.begin(), streams.end(), "all") != streams.end();
      bool trace = std::find(streams.begin(), streams.end(), "trace") != streams.end();
      if (all) {
      BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& s, streams) {
        dbg::enable(dbg::all, s.c_str(), true);
        dbg::attach_ostream(dbg::info, s.c_str(), std::cout);
        if (trace)
          dbg::attach_ostream(dbg::tracing, s.c_str(), std::cout);
예제 #3
	void apply(Ea& ea)
        // parallel compute
        parallel::p_for(parallel::range_t(0, ea.pop().size()),
                        novelty::_parallel_behavior_nov<typename Ea::phen_t, archive_t, Params>(ea.pop(),_archive));
        //Update archive
        int obj_num = 1;
        int bestindiv = -1;
        float max_sparse = -1.0;

        for(size_t i = 0; i < ea.pop().size(); ++i) {
          float sparse = ea.pop()[i]->fit().obj(obj_num);
          if(max_sparse < sparse) {
            max_sparse =  sparse;
            bestindiv = i;

예제 #4
      void apply(Ea& ea)
//      	boost::accumulators::accumulator_set<double, boost::accumulators::stats<boost::accumulators::tag::max> > acc_max;
//      	boost::accumulators::accumulator_set<double, boost::accumulators::stats<boost::accumulators::tag::min> > acc_min;

        SFERES_CONST size_t k = Params::novelty::k;
        // merge the population and the archive in a single archive
        pop_t archive = _archive;
        archive.insert(archive.end(), ea.pop().begin(), ea.pop().end());

        // we compute all the distances from pop(i) to archive(j) and store them
        Eigen::MatrixXf distances(ea.pop().size(), archive.size());
        novelty::_distance_f<Phen> f(ea.pop(), archive, distances);
        parallel::p_for(parallel::range_t(0, ea.pop().size()), f);

        // compute the sparseness of each individual of the population
        // and potentially add to the archive
        int added = 0;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < ea.pop().size(); ++i) {
          size_t nb_objs = ea.pop()[i]->fit().objs().size();
          Eigen::VectorXf vd = distances.row(i);

          // Get the k-nearest neighbors
          double n = 0.0;
                            vd.data() + k,
                            vd.data() + vd.size());

          // Sum up the total of distances from k-nearest neighbors
          // This is the novelty score
          n = vd.head<k>().sum() / k;

          // Set the novelty score to the last objective in the array of objectives
          ea.pop()[i]->fit().set_obj(nb_objs - 1, n);

//          std::cout << "rho = " << _rho_min << "; n = " << n << "\n";
//          acc_max(n);
//          acc_min(n);

          // Check if this individual is already in the archive
          if (!in_archive_already(ea.pop()[i]->id()) &&
          		(n > _rho_min			// Check if the novelty score passes the threshold
              || misc::rand<float>() < Params::novelty::add_to_archive_prob))
          	// Add this individual to the permanent archive

          	// Print this indiv just added
//            std::cout << "----> n = " << n << "; label = " << ea.pop()[i]->fit().label() << "; score = " << ea.pop()[i]->fit().score() << "; id = " << ea.pop()[i]->id()  <<"\n";
//          	std::cout << "----> n = " << n << "; label = " << "; id = " << ea.pop()[i]->id()  <<"\n";

            _not_added = 0;
          } else {
          	// Do not add this individual to the archive
        } // end for all individuals

        // update rho_min
        if (_not_added > Params::novelty::stalled_tresh)//2500
          _rho_min *= 0.95;	// Lower rho_min
          _not_added = 0;		// After lowering the stalled threshold, we need to reset the _not_added count
        if (_archive.size() > Params::novelty::k && added > Params::novelty::adding_tresh)//4
          _rho_min *= 1.05f;	// Increase rho_min

        std::cout<<"a size:"<<_archive.size()<<std::endl;

        // DEBUG
//        std::cout << "a size:"<<_archive.size()
//        		<< "; max: " << boost::accumulators::max(acc_max)
//        		<< "; min: " << boost::accumulators::min(acc_min)
//        		<< std::endl;
