예제 #1
bool EigenLisLinearSolver::solve(EigenMatrix &A_, EigenVector& b_,
                                 EigenVector &x_)
                  "Sparse matrix is required to be in row major storage.");
    auto &A = A_.getRawMatrix();
    auto &b = b_.getRawVector();
    auto &x = x_.getRawVector();

    if (!A.isCompressed())
    int nnz = A.nonZeros();
    int* ptr = A.outerIndexPtr();
    int* col = A.innerIndexPtr();
    double* data = A.valuePtr();
    LisMatrix lisA(A_.getNumberOfRows(), nnz, ptr, col, data);
    LisVector lisb(b.rows(), b.data());
    LisVector lisx(x.rows(), x.data());

    LisLinearSolver lissol; // TODO not always creat Lis solver here
    lissol.solve(lisA, lisb, lisx);

    for (std::size_t i=0; i<lisx.size(); i++)
        x[i] = lisx[i];

    return true; // TODO implement checks
예제 #2
void addToMatrix(EigenMatrix& m,
                 std::initializer_list<double> values)
    auto const rows = m.getNumberOfRows();
    auto const cols = m.getNumberOfColumns();

    assert(static_cast<EigenMatrix::IndexType>(values.size()) == rows*cols);
    Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> tmp(rows, cols);

    auto it = values.begin();
    for (GlobalIndexType r=0; r<rows; ++r) {
        for (GlobalIndexType c=0; c<cols; ++c) {
            tmp(r, c) = *(it++);

    m.getRawMatrix() += tmp.sparseView();