예제 #1
Estimate recip(const Estimate &arg)
    if (!arg.IsNonZero()) throw PrecisionException("recip");

    LongFloat r(arg.m_Value.recip());
    ErrorEstimate e(arg.m_Value, ErrorEstimate::Down);
    ErrorEstimate re(RoundingError(r, r.DivisionRoundingError()));
    return Estimate(r, (arg.m_Error / (e - arg.m_Error) / e) + re);
    // multiplication in denominator would have the wrong rounding mode
예제 #2
Estimate operator / (const Estimate &lhs, const Estimate &rhs)
    if (!rhs.IsNonZero()) throw PrecisionException("division");
    // this also assures e - rhs.m_Error > 0

    LongFloat r(lhs.m_Value / rhs.m_Value);
    ErrorEstimate e(rhs.m_Value, ErrorEstimate::Down);
    ErrorEstimate n(ErrorEstimate(lhs.m_Value) * rhs.m_Error + ErrorEstimate(rhs.m_Value, ErrorEstimate::Up) * lhs.m_Error);
    return Estimate(r, n / (e - rhs.m_Error) / e + RoundingError(r, r.DivisionRoundingError()));
    // multiplication in denominator would have the wrong rounding mode