void loop() { // if there's data available, read a packet int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket(); char Size[4]; if(packetSize) { if(packetSize == 4) { IPAddress remote = Udp.remoteIP(); // read the packet into packetBufffer Udp.read(packetBuffer,UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE); char Command[4]; for(int nCom = 0; nCom < 4; nCom++) { Command[nCom] = packetBuffer[nCom]; } if (Command[0] == 't') { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); } else if (Command[0] == 'r') { digitalWrite(12, HIGH); } else if (Command[0] == 'e') { digitalWrite(10, HIGH); } else if (Command[0] == 'w') { analogWrite(11, 65); } else { digitalWrite(13, LOW); digitalWrite(12, LOW); analogWrite(11, 0); } // send a reply, to the IP address and port that sent us the packet we received itoa(packetSize, Size, 10); Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(), Udp.remotePort()); Udp.write(ReplyBuffer); Udp.write(packetBuffer); Udp.write(Size); Udp.endPacket(); delay(1000); } else { Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(), Udp.remotePort()); Udp.write("NOPE"); Udp.endPacket(); } } }
void WakeOnLan::send(byte* mac, byte port, EthernetUDP udp) { byte preamble[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; byte i; udp.beginPacket(_ip, port); udp.write(preamble, sizeof preamble); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) udp.write(mac, sizeof mac); udp.endPacket(); #else // ARDUINO not defined or ARDUINO < 100 void WakeOnLan::send(byte* mac, byte port) { byte magic_packet[102] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; for (byte i = 6; i < 102; i++) { magic_packet[i] = mac[i%6]; } Udp.sendPacket(magic_packet, 102, _ip, port); #endif // #if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100 }
void sendNTPpacket(const byte *address) /** * send an NTP request to the time server at the given address */ { // set all bytes in the buffer to 0 memset(pb, 0, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // Initialize values needed to form NTP request // (see URL above for details on the packets) pb[0] = 0b11100011; // LI, Version, Mode pb[1] = 0; // Stratum, or type of clock pb[2] = 6; // Polling Interval pb[3] = 0xEC; // Peer Clock Precision // 8 bytes of zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion pb[12] = 49; pb[13] = 0x4E; pb[14] = 49; pb[15] = 52; // all NTP fields have been given values, now // you can send a packet requesting a timestamp: Udp.beginPacket(address, 123); //NTP requests are to port 123 Udp.write(pb,NTP_PACKET_SIZE); Udp.endPacket(); }
void uartToUdp() { bool sendIt = false; if (Serial.available() > 0) { uartBuffer[uartCounter] = Serial.read(); if (uartBuffer[uartCounter] == HDLC_SS_BYTE) { if (hdlcStart)sendIt = true; else { hdlcStart = true; Timer1.start(); } } else if (hdlcStart) { ++uartCounter; } } if (sendIt) { Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(), Udp.remotePort()); Udp.write(uartBuffer, uartCounter); Udp.endPacket(); resetUartBuffer(); } }
roveEthernet_Error roveEthernet_SendUdpPacket(roveIP destIP, uint16_t destPort, const uint8_t* msg, size_t msgSize) { udpReceiver.beginPacket(destIP, destPort); udpReceiver.write(msg, msgSize); udpReceiver.endPacket(); return ROVE_ETHERNET_ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// --------------------------------------------------- Ethernet Send Data ----------------------------------------------------------- void UDP_Send_Data() { Udp.beginPacket(ip_rpi, rpi_port); Udp.write(nav.ch, sizeof(nav.data)); Udp.write(cam.ch, sizeof(cam.pose)); Udp.write(imu.ch, sizeof(imu.imu_data)); Udp.endPacket(); }
int sendUdp( char * data, int size ) { if ( ! active ) return 0 ; Udp.beginPacket(*timeServerAddress, serverPort); byte count = Udp.write((const unsigned char *)data,size); Udp.endPacket(); return (int) count ; }
void SNMPClass::writePacket(IPAddress address, uint16_t port, char *extra_data) { Udp.beginPacket(address, port); Udp.write(_packet+_packetPos+1, _packetSize); if(extra_data != NULL){ Udp.write((byte*)extra_data, _extra_data_size); } Udp.endPacket(); }
void SyslogClass::logger(uint8_t facility, uint8_t severity, const char tag[], const char message[]) { String Pri; Pri="<"; Pri+=(8 * facility + severity); Pri+=">"; char UDPBufferPri[Pri.length()+1]; Pri.toCharArray(UDPBufferPri,Pri.length()+1); SyslogUdp.beginPacket(ip_syslogserver, SYSLOG_DEFAULT_PORT); SyslogUdp.write(UDPBufferPri); SyslogUdp.write(tag); SyslogUdp.write(" "); SyslogUdp.write(message); SyslogUdp.endPacket(); }
void Notification::sendUDPNotification(EthernetUDP &udpSocket, aJsonObject *pushurl_channel, char *payload1, extData payload2) { Serial.print(F("Sending a UDP response: ")); Serial.println(payload1); udpSocket.beginPacket(udpSocket.remoteIP(), udpSocket.remotePort()); // The actual payload udpSocket.write(payload1); // Extra payload is generated by running a callback function if (payload2 != NULL) { (*payload2)(&udpSocket); } udpSocket.write("}"); // The end of the JSON data, i.e. '}' udpSocket.endPacket(); }
void sendNtpPacket(IPAddress& address) { // set all bytes in the buffer to 0 memset(packetBuffer, 0, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // Initialize values needed to form NTP request packetBuffer[0] = 0b11100011; // LI, Version, Mode packetBuffer[1] = 0; // Stratum, or type of clock packetBuffer[2] = 6; // Polling Interval packetBuffer[3] = 0xEC; // Peer Clock Precision // 8 bytes of zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion packetBuffer[12] = 49; packetBuffer[13] = 0x4E; packetBuffer[14] = 49; packetBuffer[15] = 52; // all NTP fields have been given values, now // you can send a packet requesting a timestamp: Udp.beginPacket(address, 123); //NTP requests are to port 123 Udp.write(packetBuffer,NTP_PACKET_SIZE); Udp.endPacket(); }
void commandInterfaceTick() { int packetSize = cmdsock.parsePacket(); if(cmdsock.available()) { // read the packet into packetBufffer cmdsock.read(udpPacketBuffer, PACKET_SIZE); if(memcmp("INGV\0", udpPacketBuffer, 5) != 0) { return; } bool reboot = false; unsigned long unixTimeM = getUNIXTime(); unsigned long uptime = getUNIXTime() - getBootTime(); byte macaddress[6] = { 0 }; getMACAddress(macaddress); uint32_t probeSpeed = getProbeSpeedStatistic(); uint32_t freeramkb = freeMemory(); float latency = 0; if(udpPacketBuffer[5] == PKTTYPE_GETINFO) { latency = tcpLatency(); } float longitude = 0; float latitude = 0; switch(udpPacketBuffer[5]) { case PKTTYPE_DISCOVERY: // Reply to discovery udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKTTYPE_DISCOVERY_REPLY; memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 6, macaddress, 6); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 12, getVersionAsString().c_str(), 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 16, "uno", 3); break; case PKYTYPE_PING: // Reply to ping udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKYTYPE_PONG; break; case PKTTYPE_SENDGPS: // Get coords udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKTTYPE_OK; memcpy(&latitude, udpPacketBuffer + 12, 4); memcpy(&longitude, udpPacketBuffer + 16, 4); reverse4bytes((byte*)&latitude); reverse4bytes((byte*)&longitude); break; case PKTTYPE_REBOOT: // Reboot // Reply with OK udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKTTYPE_OK; reboot = true; break; case PKTTYPE_GETINFO: udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKTTYPE_GETINFO_REPLY; memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 6, macaddress, 6); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 28, &uptime, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 32, &unixTimeM, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 36, VERSION, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 40, &freeramkb, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 44, &latency, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 53, "uno", 3); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 57, "MMA7361", 7); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 65, &probeSpeed, 4); break; #ifdef RESET_ENABLED case PKTTYPE_RESET: initEEPROM(); reboot = true; break; #endif default: // Unknown packet or invalid command return; } if(longitude != 0 && latitude != 0) { setLongitude(longitude); setLatitude(latitude); } cmdsock.beginPacket(cmdsock.remoteIP(), cmdsock.remotePort()); cmdsock.write(udpPacketBuffer, PACKET_SIZE); cmdsock.endPacket(); cmdsock.flush(); if(reboot) { soft_restart(); } } }
bool gatewayTransportSend(MyMessage &message) { bool ret = true; char *_ethernetMsg = protocolFormat(message); setIndication(INDICATION_GW_TX); _w5100_spi_en(true); #if defined(MY_CONTROLLER_IP_ADDRESS) #if defined(MY_USE_UDP) _ethernetServer.beginPacket(_ethernetControllerIP, MY_PORT); _ethernetServer.write(_ethernetMsg, strlen(_ethernetMsg)); // returns 1 if the packet was sent successfully ret = _ethernetServer.endPacket(); #else EthernetClient client; #if defined(MY_CONTROLLER_URL_ADDRESS) if (client.connected() || client.connect(MY_CONTROLLER_URL_ADDRESS, MY_PORT)) { #else if (client.connected() || client.connect(_ethernetControllerIP, MY_PORT)) { #endif client.write(_ethernetMsg, strlen(_ethernetMsg)); } else { // connecting to the server failed! ret = false; } #endif #else // Send message to connected clients #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { if (clients[i] && clients[i].connected()) { clients[i].write((uint8_t*)_ethernetMsg, strlen(_ethernetMsg)); } } #else _ethernetServer.write(_ethernetMsg); #endif #endif _w5100_spi_en(false); return ret; } #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) bool _readFromClient(uint8_t i) { while (clients[i].connected() && clients[i].available()) { char inChar = clients[i].read(); if (inputString[i].idx < MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH - 1) { // if newline then command is complete if (inChar == '\n' || inChar == '\r') { // Add string terminator and prepare for the next message inputString[i].string[inputString[i].idx] = 0; debug(PSTR("Client %d: %s\n"), i, inputString[i].string); inputString[i].idx = 0; if (protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString[i].string)) { return true; } } else { // add it to the inputString: inputString[i].string[inputString[i].idx++] = inChar; } } else { // Incoming message too long. Throw away debug(PSTR("Client %d: Message too long\n"), i); inputString[i].idx = 0; // Finished with this client's message. Next loop() we'll see if there's more to read. break; } } return false; } #else bool _readFromClient() { while (client.connected() && client.available()) { char inChar = client.read(); if (inputString.idx < MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH - 1) { // if newline then command is complete if (inChar == '\n' || inChar == '\r') { // Add string terminator and prepare for the next message inputString.string[inputString.idx] = 0; debug(PSTR("Eth: %s\n"), inputString.string); inputString.idx = 0; if (protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString.string)) { return true; } } else { // add it to the inputString: inputString.string[inputString.idx++] = inChar; } } else { // Incoming message too long. Throw away debug(PSTR("Eth: Message too long\n")); inputString.idx = 0; // Finished with this client's message. Next loop() we'll see if there's more to read. break; } } return false; } #endif bool gatewayTransportAvailable() { _w5100_spi_en(true); #if !defined(MY_IP_ADDRESS) && defined(MY_GATEWAY_W5100) // renew IP address using DHCP gatewayTransportRenewIP(); #endif #ifdef MY_USE_UDP int packet_size = _ethernetServer.parsePacket(); if (packet_size) { //debug(PSTR("UDP packet available. Size:%d\n"), packet_size); setIndication(INDICATION_GW_RX); #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) _ethernetServer.read(inputString[0].string, MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH); inputString[0].string[packet_size] = 0; debug(PSTR("UDP packet received: %s\n"), inputString[0].string); return protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString[0].string); #else _ethernetServer.read(inputString.string, MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH); inputString.string[packet_size] = 0; debug(PSTR("UDP packet received: %s\n"), inputString.string); _w5100_spi_en(false); return protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString.string); #endif } #else #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) // ESP8266: Go over list of clients and stop any that are no longer connected. // If the server has a new client connection it will be assigned to a free slot. bool allSlotsOccupied = true; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { if (!clients[i].connected()) { if (clientsConnected[i]) { debug(PSTR("Client %d disconnected\n"), i); clients[i].stop(); } //check if there are any new clients if (_ethernetServer.hasClient()) { clients[i] = _ethernetServer.available(); inputString[i].idx = 0; debug(PSTR("Client %d connected\n"), i); gatewayTransportSend(buildGw(_msg, I_GATEWAY_READY).set("Gateway startup complete.")); if (presentation) presentation(); } } bool connected = clients[i].connected(); clientsConnected[i] = connected; allSlotsOccupied &= connected; } if (allSlotsOccupied && _ethernetServer.hasClient()) { //no free/disconnected spot so reject debug(PSTR("No free slot available\n")); EthernetClient c = _ethernetServer.available(); c.stop(); } // Loop over clients connect and read available data for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { if (_readFromClient(i)) { setIndication(INDICATION_GW_RX); _w5100_spi_en(false); return true; } } #else // W5100/ENC module does not have hasClient-method. We can only serve one client at the time. EthernetClient newclient = _ethernetServer.available(); // if a new client connects make sure to dispose any previous existing sockets if (newclient) { if (client != newclient) { client.stop(); client = newclient; debug(PSTR("Eth: connect\n")); _w5100_spi_en(false); gatewayTransportSend(buildGw(_msg, I_GATEWAY_READY).set("Gateway startup complete.")); _w5100_spi_en(true); if (presentation) presentation(); } } if (client) { if (!client.connected()) { debug(PSTR("Eth: disconnect\n")); client.stop(); } else { if (_readFromClient()) { setIndication(INDICATION_GW_RX); _w5100_spi_en(false); return true; } } } #endif #endif _w5100_spi_en(false); return false; }
SNMP_API_STAT_CODES AgentuinoClass::responsePdu(SNMP_PDU *pdu) { int32_u u; byte i; // // Length of entire SNMP packet _packetPos = 0; // 23 _packetSize = 25 + sizeof(pdu->requestId) + sizeof(pdu->error) + sizeof(pdu->errorIndex) + pdu->OID.size + pdu->VALUE.size; // memset(_packet, 0, SNMP_MAX_PACKET_LEN); // if ( _dstType == SNMP_PDU_SET ) { _packetSize += _setSize; } else { _packetSize += _getSize; } // _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)SNMP_SYNTAX_SEQUENCE; // type _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)_packetSize - 2; // length // // SNMP version _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)SNMP_SYNTAX_INT; // type _packet[_packetPos++] = 0x01; // length _packet[_packetPos++] = 0x00; // value // // SNMP community string _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)SNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS; // type if ( _dstType == SNMP_PDU_SET ) { _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)_setSize; // length for ( i = 0; i < _setSize; i++ ) { _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)_setCommName[i]; } } else { _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)_getSize; // length for ( i = 0; i < _getSize; i++ ) { _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)_getCommName[i]; } } // // SNMP PDU _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)pdu->type; _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)( sizeof(pdu->requestId) + sizeof((int32_t)pdu->error) + sizeof(pdu->errorIndex) + pdu->OID.size + pdu->VALUE.size + 14 ); // // Request ID (size always 4 e.g. 4-byte int) _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)SNMP_SYNTAX_INT; // type _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)sizeof(pdu->requestId); u.int32 = pdu->requestId; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[3]; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[2]; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[1]; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[0]; // // Error (size always 4 e.g. 4-byte int) _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)SNMP_SYNTAX_INT; // type _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)sizeof((int32_t)pdu->error); u.int32 = pdu->error; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[3]; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[2]; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[1]; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[0]; // // Error Index (size always 4 e.g. 4-byte int) _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)SNMP_SYNTAX_INT; // type _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)sizeof(pdu->errorIndex); u.int32 = pdu->errorIndex; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[3]; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[2]; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[1]; _packet[_packetPos++] = u.data[0]; // // Varbind List _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)SNMP_SYNTAX_SEQUENCE; // type _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)( pdu->OID.size + pdu->VALUE.size + 6 ); //4 // // Varbind _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)SNMP_SYNTAX_SEQUENCE; // type _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)( pdu->OID.size + pdu->VALUE.size + 4 ); //2 // // ObjectIdentifier _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)SNMP_SYNTAX_OID; // type _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)(pdu->OID.size); for ( i = 0; i < pdu->OID.size; i++ ) { _packet[_packetPos++] = pdu->OID.data[i]; } // // Value _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)pdu->VALUE.syntax; // type _packet[_packetPos++] = (byte)(pdu->VALUE.size); for ( i = 0; i < pdu->VALUE.size; i++ ) { _packet[_packetPos++] = pdu->VALUE.data[i]; } // Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(), Udp.remotePort()); Udp.write(_packet, _packetSize); Udp.endPacket(); // Udp.write(_packet, _packetSize, _dstIp, _dstPort); // return SNMP_API_STAT_SUCCESS; }
/** * Copies an external byte array into _packet and then sends it out. * * Original Auther: Rex Park * Added: November 8, 2015 (Designed to be used with a system that resends informs that haven't been acknowledged) */ void SNMPClass::send_message(IPAddress address, uint16_t port, byte *packet, uint16_t packet_size){ Udp.beginPacket(address, port); Udp.write(packet, packet_size); Udp.endPacket(); }
/** * * @info function for send SNMP TRAP * @param message * @param IP address recipient * @param boot time * @param enterprise OID * @param OID * @return void */ void AgentuinoClass::Trap(char Message[], byte RemIP[4], uint32_t Time, char enterprise_oid[], char oid_[]) { SNMP_OID oid; // trap = sequence, leng = pdu leng byte Type_and_leng[2] = {48, 0}; // type = integer, leng = 1, value = 0 - snmp v1 byte Version[3] = {2, 1, 0}; // Defined versión 1 // type = octet string, leng = , value = comunity string byte Comunity_string[2 + strlen(_getCommName)]; Comunity_string[0] = 4; Comunity_string[1] = strlen(_getCommName); for (uint8_t i = 2; i <= strlen(_getCommName) + 1; i++) Comunity_string[i] = (int) _getCommName[i - 2]; // type = trap-pdu, 82, 0, leng = long as the other message byte PDU_type_and_leng[4] = {164, 130, 0, 53 + strlen(Message)}; // type = identifier, leng = leng oid, value = oid size_t oid_size = 0; byte *enterprise_oid_dec = oid.fromString(enterprise_oid, oid_size); byte OID[2 + oid_size]; OID[0] = 6; OID[1] = oid_size; for (int i = 2; i < oid_size + 2; i++) OID[i] = enterprise_oid_dec[i - 2]; // type = IP, leng = 4, value - IP sender byte IP_definition[2] = {64, 4}; // type = integer, leng = 1, value = 6 - trap type byte Type_Trap[3] = {2, 1, 6}; // type = 1, leng = 1, value = 1 - specific trap number byte extra_OID[3] = {2, 1, 1}; // type = time stick, leng = 4 byte Type_time_stick[2] = {67, 4}; // The next part is to change the locUpTime into bytes int i = 0, k = 1, temp; byte suma = 0; uint32_t quotient; quotient = Time; byte hexadecimalNumber[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; while (quotient != 0) { temp = quotient % 16; if (k == 1) { suma = temp; k = 2; } else { suma = suma + temp * 16; hexadecimalNumber[3 - i] = suma; i = i + 1; k = 1; } quotient = quotient / 16; } if (k == 2) { hexadecimalNumber[3 - i] = suma; } // type = sequence, 130, 0, leng = long as the other message byte Var_Bind[4] = {48, 130, 0, 20 + strlen(Message)}; // Here is defined the size // type = sequence, 130, 0, leng = long as the other message byte Var_Bind1[4] = {48, 130, 0, 16 + strlen(Message)}; // Here is defined the size // type = intetifier, leng = leng oid, value = oid oid_size = 0; byte *oid_dec = oid.fromString(oid_, oid_size); byte OID1[2 + oid_size]; OID1[0] = 6; OID1[1] = oid_size; for (int i = 2; i < oid_size + 2; i++) OID1[i] = oid_dec[i - 2]; // type = octetstring, leng = long as the other message, value = message byte Value1[2] = {4, strlen(Message)}; Type_and_leng[1] = sizeof (Version) / sizeof (Version[0]) + sizeof (Comunity_string) / sizeof (Comunity_string[0]) + sizeof (PDU_type_and_leng) / sizeof (PDU_type_and_leng[0]) + sizeof (OID) / sizeof (OID[0]) + sizeof (IP_definition) / sizeof (IP_definition[0]) + sizeof (my_IP_address) / sizeof (my_IP_address[0]) + sizeof (Type_Trap) / sizeof ( Type_Trap[0]) + sizeof (extra_OID) / sizeof ( extra_OID[0]) + sizeof (Type_time_stick) / sizeof ( Type_time_stick[0]) + sizeof (hexadecimalNumber) / sizeof ( hexadecimalNumber[0]) + sizeof (Var_Bind) / sizeof ( Var_Bind[0]) + sizeof (Var_Bind1) / sizeof ( Var_Bind1[0]) + sizeof (OID1) / sizeof ( OID1[0]) + sizeof (Value1) / sizeof (Value1[0]) + strlen(Message); Var_Bind[3] = 6 + strlen(Message) + (sizeof (OID1) / sizeof ( OID1[0])); Var_Bind1[3] = 2 + strlen(Message) + (sizeof (OID1) / sizeof ( OID1[0])); PDU_type_and_leng[3] = sizeof (OID) / sizeof (OID[0]) + sizeof (IP_definition) / sizeof (IP_definition[0]) + sizeof (my_IP_address) / sizeof (my_IP_address[0]) + sizeof (Type_Trap) / sizeof ( Type_Trap[0]) + sizeof (extra_OID) / sizeof ( extra_OID[0]) + sizeof (Type_time_stick) / sizeof ( Type_time_stick[0]) + sizeof (hexadecimalNumber) / sizeof ( hexadecimalNumber[0]) + sizeof (Var_Bind) / sizeof ( Var_Bind[0]) + sizeof (Var_Bind1) / sizeof ( Var_Bind1[0]) + sizeof (OID1) / sizeof ( OID1[0]) + sizeof (Value1) / sizeof (Value1[0]) + strlen(Message); Udp.beginPacket(RemIP, 162); // Here is defined the UDP port 162 to send the trap Udp.write(Type_and_leng, 2); Udp.write(Version, 3); Udp.write(Comunity_string, 2 + strlen(_getCommName)); Udp.write(PDU_type_and_leng, 4); Udp.write(OID, sizeof (OID) / sizeof (OID[0])); Udp.write(IP_definition, 2); Udp.write(my_IP_address, 4); Udp.write(Type_Trap, 3); Udp.write(extra_OID, 3); Udp.write(Type_time_stick, 2); Udp.write(hexadecimalNumber, 4); Udp.write(Var_Bind, 4); Udp.write(Var_Bind1, 4); Udp.write(OID1, sizeof (OID1) / sizeof (OID1[0])); Udp.write(Value1, 2); Udp.write(Message, strlen(Message)); Udp.endPacket(); }