size_t BinnedPdf::FindBin(const EventData& data_) const{ try{ return fHistogram.FindBin(data_.ToRepresentation(fDataRep)); } catch (const DimensionError& e_){ throw RepresentationError(std::string("Representation in compatible with pdf ") + e_.what()); } }
void BinnedPdf::Fill(const EventData& data_, double weight_){ try{ fHistogram.Fill(data_.ToRepresentation(fDataRep), weight_); } catch (const DimensionError& e_){ throw RepresentationError(std::string("Representation in compatible with pdf ") + e_.what()); } }
double BinnedPdf::Probability(const EventData& oberservations_) const{ try{ return operator()(oberservations_.ToRepresentation(fDataRep)); } catch(const RepresentationError& e_){ throw RepresentationError("BinnedPdf::Probability() failed with " + std::string(e_.what()) + " is the rep set correctly?"); } }