예제 #1
/** Converts an EventWorkspace to an equivalent Workspace2D
 * @param inputMatrixW :: input event workspace
 * @return a MatrixWorkspace_sptr
EventWorkspaceHelpers::convertEventTo2D(MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputMatrixW) {
  EventWorkspace_sptr inputW =
  if (!inputW)
    throw std::invalid_argument("EventWorkspaceHelpers::convertEventTo2D(): "
                                "Input workspace is not an EventWorkspace.");

  size_t numBins = inputW->blocksize();

  // Make a workspace 2D version of it
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputW;
  outputW = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
      "Workspace2D", inputW->getNumberHistograms(), numBins + 1, numBins);
  WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputW, outputW, false);

  // Now let's set all the X bins and values
  for (size_t i = 0; i < inputW->getNumberHistograms(); i++) {
    outputW->setX(i, inputW->refX(i));

    MantidVec &Yout = outputW->dataY(i);
    const MantidVec &Yin = inputW->readY(i);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < numBins; j++)
      Yout[j] = Yin[j];

    MantidVec &Eout = outputW->dataE(i);
    const MantidVec &Ein = inputW->readE(i);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < numBins; j++)
      Eout[j] = Ein[j];

  return outputW;
예제 #2
/** Execute the algorithm for a EventWorkspace input
 * @param ws :: EventWorkspace
void SmoothNeighbours::execEvent(Mantid::DataObjects::EventWorkspace_sptr ws) {
  m_progress->resetNumSteps(inWS->getNumberHistograms(), 0.5, 1.0);

  // Get some stuff from the input workspace
  const size_t numberOfSpectra = outWI;
  const int YLength = static_cast<int>(inWS->blocksize());

  EventWorkspace_sptr outWS;
  // Make a brand new EventWorkspace
  outWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<EventWorkspace>(
          "EventWorkspace", numberOfSpectra, YLength + 1, YLength));
  // Copy geometry over.
  API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(*ws, *outWS, false);
  // Ensure thread-safety
  outWS->sortAll(TOF_SORT, nullptr);


  // Go through all the output workspace
  PARALLEL_FOR_IF(Kernel::threadSafe(*ws, *outWS))
  for (int outWIi = 0; outWIi < int(numberOfSpectra); outWIi++) {

    // Create the output event list (empty)
    EventList &outEL = outWS->getSpectrum(outWIi);

    // Which are the neighbours?
    std::vector<weightedNeighbour> &neighbours = m_neighbours[outWIi];
    std::vector<weightedNeighbour>::iterator it;
    for (it = neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); ++it) {
      size_t inWI = it->first;
      // if(sum)outEL.copyInfoFrom(*ws->getSpectrum(inWI));
      double weight = it->second;
      // Copy the event list
      EventList tmpEL = ws->getSpectrum(inWI);
      // Scale it
      tmpEL *= weight;
      // Add it
      outEL += tmpEL;

    // Copy the single detector ID (of the center) and spectrum number from the
    // input workspace
    // if (!sum) outEL.copyInfoFrom(*ws->getSpectrum(outWIi));


  // Give the 0-th X bins to all the output spectra.
  if (expandSumAllPixels)
예제 #3
void GatherWorkspaces::execEvent() {

  // Every process in an MPI job must hit this next line or everything hangs!
  mpi::communicator included; // The communicator containing all processes
  // The root process needs to create a workspace of the appropriate size
  EventWorkspace_sptr outputWorkspace;
  if (included.rank() == 0) {
    g_log.debug() << "Total number of spectra is " << totalSpec << "\n";
    // Create the workspace for the output
    outputWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<EventWorkspace>(
        API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("EventWorkspace", sumSpec,
                                                 numBins + hist, numBins));
    // Copy geometry over.
        eventW, outputWorkspace, true);
    setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWorkspace);
    ExperimentInfo_sptr inWS = inputWorkspace;

  for (size_t wi = 0; wi < totalSpec; wi++) {
    if (included.rank() == 0) {
      // How do we accumulate the data?
      std::string accum = this->getPropertyValue("AccumulationMethod");
      std::vector<Mantid::DataObjects::EventList> out_values;
      gather(included, eventW->getEventList(wi), out_values, 0);
      for (int i = 0; i < included.size(); i++) {
        size_t index = wi; // accum == "Add"
        if (accum == "Append")
          index = wi + i * totalSpec;
        outputWorkspace->dataX(index) = eventW->readX(wi);
        outputWorkspace->getOrAddEventList(index) += out_values[i];
        const ISpectrum *inSpec = eventW->getSpectrum(wi);
        ISpectrum *outSpec = outputWorkspace->getSpectrum(index);
    } else {
      gather(included, eventW->getEventList(wi), 0);
예제 #4
/** Process the event file properly.
 * @param workspace :: EventWorkspace to write to.
void LoadEventPreNexus::procEvents(
    DataObjects::EventWorkspace_sptr &workspace) {
  this->num_error_events = 0;
  this->num_good_events = 0;
  this->num_ignored_events = 0;

  // Default values in the case of no parallel
  size_t loadBlockSize = Mantid::Kernel::DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE * 2;

  shortest_tof = static_cast<double>(MAX_TOF_UINT32) * TOF_CONVERSION;
  longest_tof = 0.;

  // Initialize progress reporting.
  size_t numBlocks = (max_events + loadBlockSize - 1) / loadBlockSize;

  // We want to pad out empty pixels.
  detid2det_map detector_map;

  // -------------- Determine processing mode
  std::string procMode = getProperty("UseParallelProcessing");
  if (procMode == "Serial")
    parallelProcessing = false;
  else if (procMode == "Parallel")
    parallelProcessing = true;
  else {
    // Automatic determination. Loading serially (for me) is about 3 million
    // events per second,
    // (which is sped up by ~ x 3 with parallel processing, say 10 million per
    // second, e.g. 7 million events more per seconds).
    // compared to a setup time/merging time of about 10 seconds per million
    // detectors.
    double setUpTime = double(detector_map.size()) * 10e-6;
    parallelProcessing = ((double(max_events) / 7e6) > setUpTime);
    g_log.debug() << (parallelProcessing ? "Using" : "Not using")
                  << " parallel processing.\n";

  // determine maximum pixel id
  detid2det_map::iterator it;
  detid_max = 0; // seems like a safe lower bound
  for (it = detector_map.begin(); it != detector_map.end(); it++)
    if (it->first > detid_max)
      detid_max = it->first;

  // Pad all the pixels
  prog->report("Padding Pixels");
      detid_max + 1); // starting at zero up to and including detid_max
  // Set to zero
  this->pixel_to_wkspindex.assign(detid_max + 1, 0);
  size_t workspaceIndex = 0;
  for (it = detector_map.begin(); it != detector_map.end(); it++) {
    if (!it->second->isMonitor()) {
      this->pixel_to_wkspindex[it->first] = workspaceIndex;
      EventList &spec = workspace->getOrAddEventList(workspaceIndex);
      // Start the spectrum number at 1
      spec.setSpectrumNo(specnum_t(workspaceIndex + 1));
      workspaceIndex += 1;

  // For slight speed up
  loadOnlySomeSpectra = (!this->spectra_list.empty());

  // Turn the spectra list into a map, for speed of access
  for (auto &spectrum : spectra_list)
    spectraLoadMap[spectrum] = true;

  CPUTimer tim;

  // --------------- Create the partial workspaces
  // ------------------------------------------
  // Vector of partial workspaces, for parallel processing.
  std::vector<EventWorkspace_sptr> partWorkspaces;
  std::vector<DasEvent *> buffers;

  /// Pointer to the vector of events
  typedef std::vector<TofEvent> *EventVector_pt;
  /// Bare array of arrays of pointers to the EventVectors
  EventVector_pt **eventVectors;

  /// How many threads will we use?
  size_t numThreads = 1;
  if (parallelProcessing)
    numThreads = size_t(PARALLEL_GET_MAX_THREADS);

  eventVectors = new EventVector_pt *[numThreads];

  // cppcheck-suppress syntaxError
  PRAGMA_OMP( parallel for if (parallelProcessing) )
  for (int i = 0; i < int(numThreads); i++) {
    // This is the partial workspace we are about to create (if in parallel)
    EventWorkspace_sptr partWS;
    if (parallelProcessing) {
      prog->report("Creating Partial Workspace");
      // Create a partial workspace
      partWS = EventWorkspace_sptr(new EventWorkspace());
      // Make sure to initialize.
      partWS->initialize(1, 1, 1);
      // Copy all the spectra numbers and stuff (no actual events to copy
      // though).
      // Push it in the array
      partWorkspaces[i] = partWS;
    } else
      partWS = workspace;

    // Allocate the buffers
    buffers[i] = new DasEvent[loadBlockSize];

    // For each partial workspace, make an array where index = detector ID and
    // value = pointer to the events vector
    eventVectors[i] = new EventVector_pt[detid_max + 1];
    EventVector_pt *theseEventVectors = eventVectors[i];
    for (detid_t j = 0; j < detid_max + 1; j++) {
      size_t wi = pixel_to_wkspindex[j];
      // Save a POINTER to the vector<tofEvent>
      theseEventVectors[j] = &partWS->getSpectrum(wi).getEvents();

  g_log.debug() << tim << " to create " << partWorkspaces.size()
                << " workspaces for parallel loading.\n";

  prog->resetNumSteps(numBlocks, 0.1, 0.8);

  // ---------------------------------- LOAD THE DATA --------------------------
  PRAGMA_OMP( parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) if (parallelProcessing) )
  for (int blockNum = 0; blockNum < int(numBlocks); blockNum++) {

    // Find the workspace for this particular thread
    EventWorkspace_sptr ws;
    size_t threadNum = 0;
    if (parallelProcessing) {
      ws = partWorkspaces[threadNum];
    } else
      ws = workspace;

    // Get the buffer (for this thread)
    DasEvent *event_buffer = buffers[threadNum];

    // Get the speeding-up array of vector<tofEvent> where index = detid.
    EventVector_pt *theseEventVectors = eventVectors[threadNum];

    // Where to start in the file?
    size_t fileOffset = first_event + (loadBlockSize * blockNum);
    // May need to reduce size of last (or only) block
    size_t current_event_buffer_size =
        (blockNum == int(numBlocks - 1))
            ? (max_events - (numBlocks - 1) * loadBlockSize)
            : loadBlockSize;

    // Load this chunk of event data (critical block)
    PARALLEL_CRITICAL(LoadEventPreNexus_fileAccess) {
      current_event_buffer_size = eventfile->loadBlockAt(
          event_buffer, fileOffset, current_event_buffer_size);

    // This processes the events. Can be done in parallel!
    procEventsLinear(ws, theseEventVectors, event_buffer,
                     current_event_buffer_size, fileOffset);

    // Report progress
    prog->report("Load Event PreNeXus");

  g_log.debug() << tim << " to load the data.\n";

  // ---------------------------------- MERGE WORKSPACES BACK TOGETHER
  // --------------------------
  if (parallelProcessing) {
    prog->resetNumSteps(workspace->getNumberHistograms(), 0.8, 0.95);

    // Merge all workspaces, index by index.
    for (int iwi = 0; iwi < int(workspace->getNumberHistograms()); iwi++) {
      size_t wi = size_t(iwi);

      // The output event list.
      EventList &el = workspace->getSpectrum(wi);

      // How many events will it have?
      size_t numEvents = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
        numEvents += partWorkspaces[i]->getSpectrum(wi).getNumberEvents();
      // This will avoid too much copying.

      // Now merge the event lists
      for (size_t i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
        EventList &partEl = partWorkspaces[i]->getSpectrum(wi);
        el += partEl.getEvents();
        // Free up memory as you go along.
      prog->report("Merging Workspaces");
    g_log.debug() << tim << " to merge workspaces together.\n";

  // Delete the buffers for each thread.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
    delete[] buffers[i];
    delete[] eventVectors[i];
  delete[] eventVectors;
  // delete [] pulsetimes;

  prog->resetNumSteps(3, 0.94, 1.00);

  // finalize loading
  prog->report("Deleting Empty Lists");
  if (loadOnlySomeSpectra)

  prog->report("Setting proton charge");
  g_log.debug() << tim << " to set the proton charge log.\n";

  // Make sure the MRU is cleared

  // Now, create a default X-vector for histogramming, with just 2 bins.
  auto axis = HistogramData::BinEdges{shortest_tof - 1, longest_tof + 1};

  g_log.information() << "Read " << this->num_good_events << " events + "
                      << this->num_error_events << " errors"
                      << ". Shortest TOF: " << shortest_tof
                      << " microsec; longest TOF: " << longest_tof
                      << " microsec.\n";
예제 #5
/** Execute the algorithm.
void ResampleX::exec() {
  // generically having access to the input workspace is a good idea
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
  bool inPlace = (inputWS == outputWS); // Rebinning in-place
  m_isDistribution = inputWS->isDistribution();
  m_isHistogram = inputWS->isHistogramData();
  int numSpectra = static_cast<int>(inputWS->getNumberHistograms());

  // the easy parameters
  m_useLogBinning = getProperty("LogBinning");
  m_numBins = getProperty("NumberBins");
  m_preserveEvents = getProperty("PreserveEvents");

  // determine the xmin/xmax for the workspace
  vector<double> xmins = getProperty("XMin");
  vector<double> xmaxs = getProperty("XMax");
  string error = determineXMinMax(inputWS, xmins, xmaxs);
  if (!error.empty())
    throw std::runtime_error(error);

  bool common_limits = true;
    double xmin_common = xmins[0];
    double xmax_common = xmaxs[0];
    for (size_t i = 1; i < xmins.size(); ++i) {
      if (xmins[i] != xmin_common) {
        common_limits = false;
      if (xmaxs[i] != xmax_common) {
        common_limits = false;
  if (common_limits) {
    g_log.debug() << "Common limits between all spectra\n";
  } else {
    g_log.debug() << "Does not have common limits between all spectra\n";

  // start doing actual work
  EventWorkspace_const_sptr inputEventWS =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(inputWS);
  if (inputEventWS != NULL) {
    if (m_preserveEvents) {
      EventWorkspace_sptr outputEventWS =
      if (inPlace) {
        g_log.debug() << "Rebinning event workspace in place\n";
      } else {
        g_log.debug() << "Rebinning event workspace out of place\n";

        // copy the event workspace to a new EventWorkspace
        outputEventWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<EventWorkspace>(
                "EventWorkspace", inputWS->getNumberHistograms(), 2, 1));
        // copy geometry over.
            inputEventWS, outputEventWS, false);
        // copy over the data as well.

      if (common_limits) {
        // get the delta from the first since they are all the same
        MantidVecPtr xValues;
        double delta =
            this->determineBinning(xValues.access(), xmins[0], xmaxs[0]);
        g_log.debug() << "delta = " << delta << "\n";
      } else {
        // initialize progress reporting.
        Progress prog(this, 0.0, 1.0, numSpectra);

        // do the rebinning
        PARALLEL_FOR2(inputEventWS, outputWS)
        for (int wkspIndex = 0; wkspIndex < numSpectra; ++wkspIndex) {
          MantidVec xValues;
          double delta = this->determineBinning(xValues, xmins[wkspIndex],
          g_log.debug() << "delta[wkspindex=" << wkspIndex << "] = " << delta
                        << " xmin=" << xmins[wkspIndex]
                        << " xmax=" << xmaxs[wkspIndex] << "\n";
          prog.report(name()); // Report progress

    }    // end if (m_preserveEvents)
    else // event workspace -> matrix workspace
      //--------- Different output, OR you're inplace but not preserving Events
      //--- create a Workspace2D -------
      g_log.information() << "Creating a Workspace2D from the EventWorkspace "
                          << inputEventWS->getName() << ".\n";

      // Create a Workspace2D
      // This creates a new Workspace2D through a torturous route using the
      // WorkspaceFactory.
      // The Workspace2D is created with an EMPTY CONSTRUCTOR
      outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("Workspace2D", numSpectra,
                                                     m_numBins, m_numBins - 1);
      WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputWS, outputWS,
      // Initialize progress reporting.
      Progress prog(this, 0.0, 1.0, numSpectra);

      // Go through all the histograms and set the data
      PARALLEL_FOR2(inputEventWS, outputWS)
      for (int wkspIndex = 0; wkspIndex < numSpectra; ++wkspIndex) {

        // Set the X axis for each output histogram
        MantidVec xValues;
        double delta =
            this->determineBinning(xValues, xmins[wkspIndex], xmaxs[wkspIndex]);
        g_log.debug() << "delta[wkspindex=" << wkspIndex << "] = " << delta
                      << "\n";
        outputWS->setX(wkspIndex, xValues);

        // Get a const event list reference. inputEventWS->dataY() doesn't work.
        const EventList &el = inputEventWS->getEventList(wkspIndex);
        MantidVec y_data, e_data;
        // The EventList takes care of histogramming.
        el.generateHistogram(xValues, y_data, e_data);

        // Copy the data over.
        outputWS->dataY(wkspIndex).assign(y_data.begin(), y_data.end());
        outputWS->dataE(wkspIndex).assign(e_data.begin(), e_data.end());

        // Report progress

      // Copy all the axes
      for (int i = 1; i < inputWS->axes(); i++) {
        outputWS->replaceAxis(i, inputWS->getAxis(i)->clone(outputWS.get()));
        outputWS->getAxis(i)->unit() = inputWS->getAxis(i)->unit();

      // Copy the units over too.
      for (int i = 0; i < outputWS->axes(); ++i)
        outputWS->getAxis(i)->unit() = inputWS->getAxis(i)->unit();

      // Assign it to the output workspace property
      setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);
  } else // (inputeventWS != NULL)
/** Convert the workspace units using TOF as an intermediate step in the
* conversion
* @param fromUnit :: The unit of the input workspace
* @param inputWS :: The input workspace
* @returns A shared pointer to the output workspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ConvertUnitsUsingDetectorTable::convertViaTOF(
    Kernel::Unit_const_sptr fromUnit, API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS) {
  using namespace Geometry;

  // Let's see if we are using a TableWorkspace to override parameters
  TableWorkspace_sptr paramWS = getProperty("DetectorParameters");

  // See if we have supplied a DetectorParameters Workspace
  // TODO: Check if paramWS is NULL and if so throw an exception

  //      const std::string l1ColumnLabel("l1");

  // Let's check all the columns exist and are readable
  try {
    auto spectraColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("spectra");
    auto l1ColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("l1");
    auto l2ColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("l2");
    auto twoThetaColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("twotheta");
    auto efixedColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("efixed");
    auto emodeColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("emode");
  } catch (...) {
    throw Exception::InstrumentDefinitionError(
        "DetectorParameter TableWorkspace is not defined correctly.");

  // Now let's take a reference to the vectors.
  const auto &l1Column = paramWS->getColVector<double>("l1");
  const auto &l2Column = paramWS->getColVector<double>("l2");
  const auto &twoThetaColumn = paramWS->getColVector<double>("twotheta");
  const auto &efixedColumn = paramWS->getColVector<double>("efixed");
  const auto &emodeColumn = paramWS->getColVector<int>("emode");
  const auto &spectraColumn = paramWS->getColVector<int>("spectra");

  Progress prog(this, 0.2, 1.0, m_numberOfSpectra);
  int64_t numberOfSpectra_i =
      static_cast<int64_t>(m_numberOfSpectra); // cast to make openmp happy

  // Get the unit object for each workspace
  Kernel::Unit_const_sptr outputUnit = m_outputUnit;
  std::vector<double> emptyVec;
  int failedDetectorCount = 0;

  // Perform Sanity Validation before creating workspace
  size_t checkIndex = 0;
  int checkSpecNo = inputWS->getDetector(checkIndex)->getID();
  auto checkSpecIter =
      std::find(spectraColumn.begin(), spectraColumn.end(), checkSpecNo);
  if (checkSpecIter != spectraColumn.end()) {
    size_t detectorRow = std::distance(spectraColumn.begin(), checkSpecIter);
    // copy the X values for the check
    auto checkXValues = inputWS->readX(checkIndex);
    // Convert the input unit to time-of-flight
    auto checkFromUnit = std::unique_ptr<Unit>(fromUnit->clone());
    auto checkOutputUnit = std::unique_ptr<Unit>(outputUnit->clone());
    double checkdelta = 0;
    checkFromUnit->toTOF(checkXValues, emptyVec, l1Column[detectorRow],
                         l2Column[detectorRow], twoThetaColumn[detectorRow],
                         emodeColumn[detectorRow], efixedColumn[detectorRow],
    // Convert from time-of-flight to the desired unit
    checkOutputUnit->fromTOF(checkXValues, emptyVec, l1Column[detectorRow],
                             l2Column[detectorRow], twoThetaColumn[detectorRow],
                             efixedColumn[detectorRow], checkdelta);

  // create the output workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = this->setupOutputWorkspace(inputWS);
  EventWorkspace_sptr eventWS =
  assert(static_cast<bool>(eventWS) == m_inputEvents); // Sanity check

  // TODO: Check why this parallel stuff breaks
  // Loop over the histograms (detector spectra)
  // PARALLEL_FOR_IF(Kernel::threadSafe(*outputWS))
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numberOfSpectra_i; ++i) {

    // Lets find what row this spectrum Number appears in our detector table.


    std::size_t wsid = i;

    try {

      double deg2rad = M_PI / 180.;

      auto det = outputWS->getDetector(i);
      int specNo = det->getID();

      // int spectraNumber = static_cast<int>(spectraColumn->toDouble(i));
      // wsid = outputWS->getIndexFromSpectrumNumber(spectraNumber);
      g_log.debug() << "###### Spectra #" << specNo
                    << " ==> Workspace ID:" << wsid << '\n';

      // Now we need to find the row that contains this spectrum
      std::vector<int>::const_iterator specIter;

      specIter = std::find(spectraColumn.begin(), spectraColumn.end(), specNo);
      if (specIter != spectraColumn.end()) {
        const size_t detectorRow =
            std::distance(spectraColumn.begin(), specIter);
        const double l1 = l1Column[detectorRow];
        const double l2 = l2Column[detectorRow];
        const double twoTheta = twoThetaColumn[detectorRow] * deg2rad;
        const double efixed = efixedColumn[detectorRow];
        const int emode = emodeColumn[detectorRow];

        if (g_log.is(Logger::Priority::PRIO_DEBUG)) {
          g_log.debug() << "specNo from detector table = "
                        << spectraColumn[detectorRow] << '\n';

          g_log.debug() << "###### Spectra #" << specNo
                        << " ==> Det Table Row:" << detectorRow << '\n';

          g_log.debug() << "\tL1=" << l1 << ",L2=" << l2 << ",TT=" << twoTheta
                        << ",EF=" << efixed << ",EM=" << emode << '\n';

        // Make local copies of the units. This allows running the loop in
        // parallel
        auto localFromUnit = std::unique_ptr<Unit>(fromUnit->clone());
        auto localOutputUnit = std::unique_ptr<Unit>(outputUnit->clone());
        /// @todo Don't yet consider hold-off (delta)
        const double delta = 0.0;
        std::vector<double> values(outputWS->x(wsid).begin(),

        // Convert the input unit to time-of-flight
        localFromUnit->toTOF(values, emptyVec, l1, l2, twoTheta, emode, efixed,
        // Convert from time-of-flight to the desired unit
        localOutputUnit->fromTOF(values, emptyVec, l1, l2, twoTheta, emode,
                                 efixed, delta);

        outputWS->mutableX(wsid) = std::move(values);

        // EventWorkspace part, modifying the EventLists.
        if (m_inputEvents) {
              .convertUnitsViaTof(localFromUnit.get(), localOutputUnit.get());

      } else {
        // Not found

    } catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) {
      // Get to here if exception thrown when calculating distance to detector
      // Since you usually (always?) get to here when there's no attached
      // detectors, this call is
      // the same as just zeroing out the data (calling clearData on the
      // spectrum)

    prog.report("Convert to " + m_outputUnit->unitID());
  } // loop over spectra

  if (failedDetectorCount != 0) {
    g_log.information() << "Something went wrong for " << failedDetectorCount
                        << " spectra. Masking spectrum.\n";
  if (m_inputEvents)

  return outputWS;