bool DigiDoc::parseException( const Exception &e, QStringList &causes, Exception::ExceptionCode &code, int &ddocError ) { causes << from( e.getMsg() ); if( e.ddoc() > 0 ) ddocError = e.ddoc(); switch( e.code() ) { case Exception::CertificateRevoked: case Exception::CertificateUnknown: case Exception::OCSPTimeSlot: case Exception::OCSPRequestUnauthorized: case Exception::PINCanceled: case Exception::PINFailed: case Exception::PINIncorrect: case Exception::PINLocked: code = e.code(); return false; default: break; } Q_FOREACH( const Exception &c, e.getCauses() ) if( !parseException( c, causes, code, ddocError ) ) return false; return true; }
void kdrive::connector::raiseError(Connector& connector, const Exception& exception) { const int errorCode = exception.code() ? exception.code() : ConnectorErrorCodes::ConnectorError; connector.setLastErrorCode(errorCode); connector.setLastErrorMessage(exception.displayText()); connector.routeEvent(ConnectorEvents::Error); exception.rethrow(); }
std::string getExceptionMessage(const Exception & e, bool with_stacktrace, bool check_embedded_stacktrace) { std::stringstream stream; try { std::string text = e.displayText(); bool has_embedded_stack_trace = false; if (check_embedded_stacktrace) { auto embedded_stack_trace_pos = text.find("Stack trace"); has_embedded_stack_trace = embedded_stack_trace_pos != std::string::npos; if (!with_stacktrace && has_embedded_stack_trace) { text.resize(embedded_stack_trace_pos); Poco::trimRightInPlace(text); } } stream << "Code: " << e.code() << ", e.displayText() = " << text; if (with_stacktrace && !has_embedded_stack_trace) stream << ", Stack trace:\n\n" << e.getStackTrace().toString(); } catch (...) {} return stream.str(); }
Exception( const std::string& whoString, int whereLine, const std::string& whatString, const Exception& inner ) { std::stringstream lineString; lineString << whereLine; _what = whoString + "(" + lineString.str() + "): " + whatString + "\n\t" + inner.what(); _code = inner.code(); }
bool SocketSender::run(Exception& ex) { if (!_pSocket) { ex.set(Exception::SOCKET, "SocketSender ", name, " started in parallel without pointer of socket"); return false; } // send Exception exc; shared_ptr<SocketSender> pThis(_pThis); _pSocket->send(exc, pThis); if (exc.code() != Exception::ASSERT) ex.set(exc); return true; }
bool DigiDoc::parseException( const Exception &e, QStringList &causes, Exception::ExceptionCode &code, int &ddocError ) { causes << QString( "%1:%2 %3").arg( QFileInfo(from(e.file())).fileName() ).arg( e.line() ).arg( from(e.msg()) ); if( e.code() & Exception::DDocError ) ddocError = e.code() & ~Exception::DDocError; switch( e.code() ) { case Exception::CertificateRevoked: case Exception::CertificateUnknown: case Exception::OCSPTimeSlot: case Exception::OCSPRequestUnauthorized: case Exception::PINCanceled: case Exception::PINFailed: case Exception::PINIncorrect: case Exception::PINLocked: code = e.code(); default: break; } Q_FOREACH( const Exception &c, e.causes() ) if( !parseException( c, causes, code, ddocError ) ) return false; return true; }
void writeException(const Exception & e, WriteBuffer & buf, bool with_stack_trace) { writeBinary(e.code(), buf); writeBinary(String(, buf); writeBinary(e.displayText(), buf); if (with_stack_trace) writeBinary(e.getStackTrace().toString(), buf); else writeBinary(String(), buf); bool has_nested = e.nested() != nullptr; writeBinary(has_nested, buf); if (has_nested) writeException(Exception(Exception::CreateFromPoco, *e.nested()), buf, with_stack_trace); }
void WSSession::packetHandler(PacketReader& packet) { UInt8 type = 0; Exception ex; if(peer.connected) { type = packet.read8(); switch(type) { case WS::TYPE_BINARY: { RawReader reader(packet); peer.onMessage(ex, "onMessage",reader,WS::TYPE_BINARY); break; } case WS::TYPE_TEXT: { if(!JSONReader::IsValid(packet)) { RawReader reader(packet); peer.onMessage(ex, "onMessage",reader); break; } JSONReader reader(packet); if(reader.followingType()!=JSONReader::STRING) { peer.onMessage(ex, "onMessage",reader); break; } string name; reader.readString(name); if(name=="__publish") { if(reader.followingType()!=JSONReader::STRING) { ex.set(Exception::PROTOCOL, "__publish method takes a stream name in first parameter",WS::CODE_MALFORMED_PAYLOAD); break; } reader.readString(name); if(_pPublication) invoker.unpublish(peer,_pPublication->name()); _pPublication = invoker.publish(ex, peer,name); } else if(name=="__play") { if(reader.followingType()!=JSONReader::STRING) { ex.set(Exception::PROTOCOL, "__play method takes a stream name in first parameter",WS::CODE_MALFORMED_PAYLOAD); break; } reader.readString(name); closeSusbcription(); } else if(name=="__closePublish") { closePublication(); } else if(name=="__closePlay") { closeSusbcription(); } else if (name == "__close") { closePublication(); closeSusbcription(); } else if(_pPublication) { reader.reset(); _pPublication->pushData(reader); } else peer.onMessage(ex, name,reader); break; } case WS::TYPE_CLOSE: _writer.close(packet.available() ? packet.read16() : 0); break; case WS::TYPE_PING: _writer.writePong(packet.current(),packet.available()); break; case WS::TYPE_PONG: peer.setPing( = (UInt16)(_time.elapsed()/1000)); break; default: ex.set(Exception::PROTOCOL, Format<UInt8>("Type %#x unknown", type), WS::CODE_MALFORMED_PAYLOAD); break; } if (ex) { ERROR(ex.error()); _writer.close((ex.code()==Exception::APPLICATION || ex.code() == Exception::SOFTWARE) ? WS::CODE_PROTOCOL_ERROR : ex.code()); } } if(!peer.connected || type==WS::TYPE_CLOSE) kill(); else _writer.flush(); }
void RestBaseHandler::handleError (Exception const& ex) { generateError(HttpResponse::responseCode(ex.code()), ex.code(), ex.what()); }
QString Stringify::errorMessage( const Exception &exception ) { QString message = ""; switch ( exception.code() ) { case Exception::LoadError: message = i18nc( "@item", "Load Error" ); break; case Exception::SaveError: message = i18nc( "@item", "Save Error" ); break; case Exception::ParseErrorIcal: message = i18nc( "@item", "Parse Error in libical" ); break; case Exception::ParseErrorKcal: message = i18nc( "@item", "Parse Error in the kcalcore library" ); break; case Exception::NoCalendar: message = i18nc( "@item", "No calendar component found." ); break; case Exception::CalVersion1: message = i18nc( "@item", "Expected iCalendar, got vCalendar format" ); break; case Exception::CalVersion2: message = i18nc( "@item", "iCalendar Version 2.0 detected." ); break; case Exception::CalVersionUnknown: message = i18nc( "@item", "Expected iCalendar, got unknown format" ); break; case Exception::Restriction: message = i18nc( "@item", "Restriction violation" ); break; case Exception::NoWritableFound: message = i18nc( "@item", "No writable resource found" ); break; case Exception::SaveErrorOpenFile: Q_ASSERT( exception.arguments().count() == 1 ); message = i18nc( "@item", "Error saving to '%1'.", exception.arguments()[0] ); break; case Exception::SaveErrorSaveFile: Q_ASSERT( exception.arguments().count() == 1 ); message = i18nc( "@item", "Could not save '%1'", exception.arguments()[0] ); break; case Exception::LibICalError: message = i18nc( "@item", "libical error" ); break; case Exception::VersionPropertyMissing: message = i18nc( "@item", "No VERSION property found" ); break; case Exception::ExpectedCalVersion2: message = i18nc( "@item", "Expected iCalendar, got vCalendar format" ); break; case Exception::ExpectedCalVersion2Unknown: message = i18nc( "@item", "Expected iCalendar, got unknown format" ); break; case Exception::ParseErrorNotIncidence: message = i18nc( "@item", "object is not a freebusy, event, todo or journal" ); break; case Exception::ParseErrorEmptyMessage: message = i18nc( "@item", "messageText is empty, unable to parse into a ScheduleMessage" ); break; case Exception::ParseErrorUnableToParse: message = i18nc( "@item", "icalparser is unable to parse messageText into a ScheduleMessage" ); break; case Exception::ParseErrorMethodProperty: message = i18nc( "@item", "message does not contain ICAL_METHOD_PROPERTY" ); break; case Exception::UserCancel: // no real error; the user canceled the operation break; } return message; }