예제 #1
void MeshCylinderRenderer::DrawCylinderBuffer(const ExpandableBuffer<GLfloat>& position, const ExpandableBuffer<GLfloat>& color, const ExpandableBuffer<GLfloat>& textureCoord1, const ExpandableBuffer<GLfloat>& textureCoord2)
	// NOTE: leaked, but this is a singleton
	if (m_Quadric == 0)
		m_Quadric = gluNewQuadric();
	if( m_Quadric == NULL )
		fprintf( stderr, "quadric allocation is failed\n");
	// we extract the centers and radii from the encoding that is usually passed to the CG program
	const int numBalls = position.getNumObjects()/16;
	for (int i=0; i<numBalls; i++)
		// endpoints
		const CCVOpenGLMath::Vector endpoint1(textureCoord1.get(i*16 + 0),
											  textureCoord1.get(i*16 + 1),
											  textureCoord1.get(i*16 + 2),
		const CCVOpenGLMath::Vector endpoint2(textureCoord2.get(i*16 + 0),
											  textureCoord2.get(i*16 + 1),
											  textureCoord2.get(i*16 + 2),
		// radius is stored as the Z of position
		const GLfloat radius = position.get(i*16 + 2);
		// extract color
		glColor3f(color.get(i*16 + 0),
				  color.get(i*16 + 1),
				  color.get(i*16 + 2));
		// gluCylinder draws on the z axis.
		// so we need to rotate cylinderUp to align with the z axis
		const CCVOpenGLMath::Vector cylinderUp = (endpoint2 - endpoint1);
		const GLfloat height = cylinderUp.norm();
		// convert cylinderUp to spherical coordinates.  OpenGL needs this in degrees.
		const GLfloat RAD_TO_DEG = 180.0f/M_PI;

		const GLfloat phi = acos(cylinderUp[2]/height) * RAD_TO_DEG;
		const GLfloat theta = atan2(cylinderUp[1],cylinderUp[0]) * RAD_TO_DEG;

		// prepare to draw
		// (rotate phi down, remaining aligned with x-axis, then rotate theta)
		glTranslatef(endpoint1[0], endpoint1[1], endpoint1[2]);
		glRotatef(theta, 0, 0, 1);
		glRotatef(phi, 0, 1, 0);

					radius, // GLdouble  base,
					radius, // GLdouble  top,
					LEVEL_OF_DETAIL, // GLint  slices,
					1); // GLint  stacks);
예제 #2
void MeshHelixRenderer::DrawHelixBuffer(const ExpandableBuffer<GLfloat>& position, const ExpandableBuffer<GLfloat>& color, const ExpandableBuffer<GLfloat>& textureCoord1, const ExpandableBuffer<GLfloat>& textureCoord2)
	// NOTE: leaked, but this is a singleton
	if (m_Quadric == 0)
		m_Quadric = gluNewQuadric();
	// we extract the centers and radii from the encoding that is usually passed to the CG program
	const int numBalls = position.getNumObjects()/16;
	for (int i=0; i<numBalls; i++)
		// endpoints
		const CCVOpenGLMath::Vector endpoint1(textureCoord1.get(i*16 + 0),
											  textureCoord1.get(i*16 + 1),
											  textureCoord1.get(i*16 + 2),
		const CCVOpenGLMath::Vector endpoint2(textureCoord2.get(i*16 + 0),
											  textureCoord2.get(i*16 + 1),
											  textureCoord2.get(i*16 + 2),
		// radius is stored as the Z of position
		const GLfloat radius = position.get(i*16 + 2);
		// extract color
		glColor3f(color.get(i*16 + 0),
				  color.get(i*16 + 1),
				  color.get(i*16 + 2));
		// gluHelix draws on the z axis.
		// so we need to rotate helixUp to align with the z axis
		const CCVOpenGLMath::Vector helixUp = (endpoint2 - endpoint1);
		const GLfloat height = helixUp.norm();
		// convert helixUp to spherical coordinates.  OpenGL needs this in degrees.
		const GLfloat RAD_TO_DEG = 180.0f/M_PI;
		const GLfloat phi = acos(helixUp[2]/height);
		const GLfloat theta = atan2(helixUp[1],helixUp[0]);
		// prepare to draw
		// (rotate phi down, remaining aligned with x-axis, then rotate theta)
		glTranslatef(endpoint1[0], endpoint1[1], endpoint1[2]);
		glRotatef(theta * RAD_TO_DEG, 0, 0, 1);
		glRotatef(phi * RAD_TO_DEG, 0, 1, 0);
		// construct a triangle strip helix
		const GLfloat HEIGHT_TO_THETA = (1.0f / height) * 360.0f * HEIGHT_TO_COILS;
		int nAngles = height / HEIGHT_STEP;
		int nVertices = 2 * nAngles;
		GLfloat vertices[nVertices][3];
		GLfloat normals[nVertices][3];
		GLfloat heightIter = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i+=2)
			GLfloat thetaIter = heightIter * HEIGHT_TO_THETA;
			normals[i+1][0] = normals[i][0] = cos(thetaIter);
			normals[i+1][1] = normals[i][1] = sin(thetaIter);
			normals[i+1][2] = normals[i][2] = 0;
			vertices[i][0] = radius * cos(thetaIter);
			vertices[i][1] = radius * sin(thetaIter);
			vertices[i][2] = heightIter + STRIP_HEIGHT;
			vertices[i+1][0] = radius * cos(thetaIter);
			vertices[i+1][1] = radius * sin(thetaIter);
			vertices[i+1][2] = heightIter;
			heightIter += HEIGHT_STEP;
		// render
		glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
		glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, normals);
		glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, nVertices);