예제 #1
파일: GameObject.cpp 프로젝트: nowl/games
GameObject::setClipping(const Extents& extents)
    _clipULX = extents.getMinX();
    _clipULY = extents.getMinY();
    _clipWidth = extents.getWidth();
    _clipHeight = extents.getHeight();
예제 #2
파일: Screen.cpp 프로젝트: galek/hesperus
void Screen::set_ortho_viewport(const Extents& extents)
	int screenHeight = m_extents->bottom() - m_extents->top();

	const int& x1 = extents.left(), y1 = extents.top(), x2 = extents.right(), y2 = extents.bottom();
	glViewport(x1, screenHeight - y2, x2-x1, y2-y1);

	gluOrtho2D(-1, x2+1-x1, y2+1-y1, -1);

예제 #3
Fits the components to the specified container extents and returns them.

@param extents	The extents of the container for which this object is the layout
@return			A collection of laid-out components to be put into the container
std::vector<LaidOutGUIComponent> ExplicitLayout::fit(const Extents& extents) const
	std::vector<LaidOutGUIComponent> components(m_components);

	for(std::vector<LaidOutGUIComponent>::iterator it=components.begin(), iend=components.end(); it!=iend; ++it)
		// TODO:	Check that the component fits within the container's extents, and clip
		//			its own extents if not.

		it->extents = it->extents.translate(extents.left(), extents.top());

	return components;
예제 #4
AABox EntityItem::getAABox() const { 

    // _position represents the position of the registration point.
    glm::vec3 registrationRemainder = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) - _registrationPoint;
    glm::vec3 unrotatedMinRelativeToEntity = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) - (_dimensions * _registrationPoint);
    glm::vec3 unrotatedMaxRelativeToEntity = _dimensions * registrationRemainder;
    Extents unrotatedExtentsRelativeToRegistrationPoint = { unrotatedMinRelativeToEntity, unrotatedMaxRelativeToEntity };
    Extents rotatedExtentsRelativeToRegistrationPoint = unrotatedExtentsRelativeToRegistrationPoint.getRotated(getRotation());
    // shift the extents to be relative to the position/registration point
    return AABox(rotatedExtentsRelativeToRegistrationPoint);
예제 #5
Way::Extents Way::extents() const
  Extents extents;
  for ( Nodes::const_iterator iter = _nodes.begin(); iter != _nodes.end(); ++iter )
    Node::RefPtr node ( *iter );
    if ( node.valid() )
      extents.expand ( Extents::Vertex ( node->location()[0], node->location()[1] ) );

  return extents;
예제 #6
void ModelOverlay::render() {
    if (!_visible) {
    if (_model.isActive()) {
        if (_model.isRenderable()) {
        bool displayModelBounds = Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::DisplayModelBounds);
        if (displayModelBounds) {
            glm::vec3 unRotatedMinimum = _model.getUnscaledMeshExtents().minimum;
            glm::vec3 unRotatedMaximum = _model.getUnscaledMeshExtents().maximum;
            glm::vec3 unRotatedExtents = unRotatedMaximum - unRotatedMinimum;
            float width = unRotatedExtents.x;
            float height = unRotatedExtents.y;
            float depth = unRotatedExtents.z;
            Extents rotatedExtents = _model.getUnscaledMeshExtents();
            glm::vec3 rotatedSize = rotatedExtents.maximum - rotatedExtents.minimum;
            const glm::vec3& modelScale = _model.getScale();
            glPushMatrix(); {
                glTranslatef(_position.x, _position.y, _position.z);
                // draw the rotated bounding cube
                glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                glPushMatrix(); {
                    glScalef(rotatedSize.x * modelScale.x, rotatedSize.y * modelScale.y, rotatedSize.z * modelScale.z);
                } glPopMatrix();
                // draw the model relative bounding box
                glm::vec3 axis = glm::axis(_rotation);
                glRotatef(glm::degrees(glm::angle(_rotation)), axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
                glScalef(width * modelScale.x, height * modelScale.y, depth * modelScale.z);
                glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            } glPopMatrix();
예제 #7
파일: Screen.cpp 프로젝트: galek/hesperus
void Screen::set_persp_viewport(const Extents& extents, double fovY, double zNear, double zFar)
	int screenHeight = m_extents->bottom() - m_extents->top();

	const int& x1 = extents.left(), y1 = extents.top(), x2 = extents.right(), y2 = extents.bottom();
	glViewport(x1, screenHeight - y2, x2-x1, y2-y1);

	double width = x2 - x1, height = y2 - y1;

	gluPerspective(fovY, width / height, zNear, zFar);

예제 #8
void SkeletonModel::computeBoundingShape(const FBXGeometry& geometry) {
    // compute default joint transforms
    int numStates = _rig->getJointStateCount();
    QVector<glm::mat4> transforms;
    transforms.fill(glm::mat4(), numStates);

    // compute bounding box that encloses all shapes
    Extents totalExtents;
    for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
        // compute the default transform of this joint
        const JointState& state = _rig->getJointState(i);
        int parentIndex = state.getParentIndex();
        if (parentIndex == -1) {
            transforms[i] = _rig->getJointTransform(i);
        } else {
            glm::quat modifiedRotation = state.getPreRotation() * state.getDefaultRotation() * state.getPostRotation();
            transforms[i] = transforms[parentIndex] * glm::translate(state.getTranslation())
                * state.getPreTransform() * glm::mat4_cast(modifiedRotation) * state.getPostTransform();

        // Each joint contributes a sphere at its position
        glm::vec3 axis(state.getBoneRadius());
        glm::vec3 jointPosition = extractTranslation(transforms[i]);
        totalExtents.addPoint(jointPosition + axis);
        totalExtents.addPoint(jointPosition - axis);

    // compute bounding shape parameters
    // NOTE: we assume that the longest side of totalExtents is the yAxis...
    glm::vec3 diagonal = totalExtents.maximum - totalExtents.minimum;
    // ... and assume the radius is half the RMS of the X and Z sides:
    _boundingCapsuleRadius = 0.5f * sqrtf(0.5f * (diagonal.x * diagonal.x + diagonal.z * diagonal.z));
    _boundingCapsuleHeight = diagonal.y - 2.0f * _boundingCapsuleRadius;

    glm::vec3 rootPosition = _rig->getJointState(geometry.rootJointIndex).getPosition();
    _boundingCapsuleLocalOffset = 0.5f * (totalExtents.maximum + totalExtents.minimum) - rootPosition;
    _boundingRadius = 0.5f * glm::length(diagonal);
예제 #9
/// The minimum bounding cube for the entity accounting for it's rotation.
/// This accounts for the registration point (upon which rotation occurs around).
AACube EntityItem::getMinimumAACube() const { 
    // _position represents the position of the registration point.
    glm::vec3 registrationRemainder = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) - _registrationPoint;

    glm::vec3 unrotatedMinRelativeToEntity = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) - (_dimensions * _registrationPoint);
    glm::vec3 unrotatedMaxRelativeToEntity = _dimensions * registrationRemainder;
    Extents unrotatedExtentsRelativeToRegistrationPoint = { unrotatedMinRelativeToEntity, unrotatedMaxRelativeToEntity };
    Extents rotatedExtentsRelativeToRegistrationPoint = unrotatedExtentsRelativeToRegistrationPoint.getRotated(getRotation());

    // shift the extents to be relative to the position/registration point
    // the cube that best encompasses extents is...
    AABox box(rotatedExtentsRelativeToRegistrationPoint);
    glm::vec3 centerOfBox = box.calcCenter();
    float longestSide = box.getLargestDimension();
    float halfLongestSide = longestSide / 2.0f;
    glm::vec3 cornerOfCube = centerOfBox - glm::vec3(halfLongestSide, halfLongestSide, halfLongestSide);
    // old implementation... not correct!!!
    return AACube(cornerOfCube, longestSide);
예제 #10
void Dataset::createGeoTransform ( GeoTransform &transfrom, const Extents& extents, unsigned int width, unsigned int height )
  // Get the extents lower left and upper right.
  Extents::Vertex ll ( extents.minimum() );
  Extents::Vertex ur ( extents.maximum() );
  // Get the length in x and y.
  const double xLength ( ur[0] - ll[0] );
  const double yLength ( ur[1] - ll[1] );
  // Figure out the pixel resolution.
  const double xResolution  ( xLength / width );
  const double yResolution  ( yLength / height );

  // Make sure there is enough room.
  transfrom.resize ( 6 );
  transfrom[0] = ll[0];          // top left x
  transfrom[1] = xResolution;    // w-e pixel resolution
  transfrom[2] = 0;              // rotation, 0 if image is "north up"
  transfrom[3] = ur[1];          // top left y
  transfrom[4] = 0;              // rotation, 0 if image is "north up"
  transfrom[5] = -yResolution;   // n-s pixel resolution
예제 #11
void SkeletonModel::computeBoundingShape(const FBXGeometry& geometry) {
    // compute default joint transforms
    int numStates = _jointStates.size();
    assert(numStates == _shapes.size());
    QVector<glm::mat4> transforms;
    transforms.fill(glm::mat4(), numStates);

    // compute bounding box that encloses all shapes
    Extents totalExtents;
    for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
        // compute the default transform of this joint
        JointState& state = _jointStates[i];
        const FBXJoint& joint = state.getFBXJoint();
        int parentIndex = joint.parentIndex;
        if (parentIndex == -1) {
            transforms[i] = _jointStates[i].getTransform();
        } else {
            glm::quat modifiedRotation = joint.preRotation * joint.rotation * joint.postRotation;    
            transforms[i] = transforms[parentIndex] * glm::translate(joint.translation) 
                * joint.preTransform * glm::mat4_cast(modifiedRotation) * joint.postTransform;

        // Each joint contributes its point to the bounding box
        glm::vec3 jointPosition = extractTranslation(transforms[i]);

        Shape* shape = _shapes[i];
        if (!shape) {

        // Each joint with a shape contributes to the totalExtents: a box 
        // that contains the sphere centered at the end of the joint with radius of the bone.

        // TODO: skip hand and arm shapes for bounding box calculation
        int type = shape->getType();
        if (type == CAPSULE_SHAPE) {
            // add the two furthest surface points of the capsule
            CapsuleShape* capsule = static_cast<CapsuleShape*>(shape);
            float radius = capsule->getRadius();
            glm::vec3 axis(radius);
            Extents shapeExtents;
            shapeExtents.addPoint(jointPosition + axis);
            shapeExtents.addPoint(jointPosition - axis);
        } else if (type == SPHERE_SHAPE) {
            float radius = shape->getBoundingRadius();
            glm::vec3 axis(radius);
            Extents shapeExtents;
            shapeExtents.addPoint(jointPosition + axis);
            shapeExtents.addPoint(jointPosition - axis);

    // compute bounding shape parameters
    // NOTE: we assume that the longest side of totalExtents is the yAxis...
    glm::vec3 diagonal = totalExtents.maximum - totalExtents.minimum;
    // ... and assume the radius is half the RMS of the X and Z sides:
    float capsuleRadius = 0.5f * sqrtf(0.5f * (diagonal.x * diagonal.x + diagonal.z * diagonal.z));
    _boundingShape.setHalfHeight(0.5f * diagonal.y - capsuleRadius);

    glm::vec3 rootPosition = _jointStates[geometry.rootJointIndex].getPosition();
    _boundingShapeLocalOffset = 0.5f * (totalExtents.maximum + totalExtents.minimum) - rootPosition;
    _boundingRadius = 0.5f * glm::length(diagonal);
예제 #12
void SkeletonModel::computeBoundingShape(const FBXGeometry& geometry) {
    // compute default joint transforms
    int numStates = _jointStates.size();
    QVector<glm::mat4> transforms;
    transforms.fill(glm::mat4(), numStates);

    QVector<VerletPoint>& ragdollPoints = _ragdoll->getPoints();

    // compute the default transforms and slam the ragdoll positions accordingly
    // (which puts the shapes where we want them)
    for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
        JointState& state = _jointStates[i];
        const FBXJoint& joint = state.getFBXJoint();
        int parentIndex = joint.parentIndex;
        if (parentIndex == -1) {
            transforms[i] = _jointStates[i].getTransform();
        glm::quat modifiedRotation = joint.preRotation * joint.rotation * joint.postRotation;    
        transforms[i] = transforms[parentIndex] * glm::translate(joint.translation) 
            * joint.preTransform * glm::mat4_cast(modifiedRotation) * joint.postTransform;
        // setting the ragdollPoints here slams the VerletShapes into their default positions

    // compute bounding box that encloses all shapes
    Extents totalExtents;
    for (int i = 0; i < _shapes.size(); i++) {
        Shape* shape = _shapes[i];
        if (!shape) {
        // TODO: skip hand and arm shapes for bounding box calculation
        Extents shapeExtents;
        glm::vec3 localPosition = shape->getTranslation();
        int type = shape->getType();
        if (type == CAPSULE_SHAPE) {
            // add the two furthest surface points of the capsule
            CapsuleShape* capsule = static_cast<CapsuleShape*>(shape);
            glm::vec3 axis;
            float radius = capsule->getRadius();
            float halfHeight = capsule->getHalfHeight();
            axis = halfHeight * axis + glm::vec3(radius);

            shapeExtents.addPoint(localPosition + axis);
            shapeExtents.addPoint(localPosition - axis);
        } else if (type == SPHERE_SHAPE) {
            float radius = shape->getBoundingRadius();
            glm::vec3 axis = glm::vec3(radius);
            shapeExtents.addPoint(localPosition + axis);
            shapeExtents.addPoint(localPosition - axis);

    // compute bounding shape parameters
    // NOTE: we assume that the longest side of totalExtents is the yAxis...
    glm::vec3 diagonal = totalExtents.maximum - totalExtents.minimum;
    // ... and assume the radius is half the RMS of the X and Z sides:
    float capsuleRadius = 0.5f * sqrtf(0.5f * (diagonal.x * diagonal.x + diagonal.z * diagonal.z));
    _boundingShape.setHalfHeight(0.5f * diagonal.y - capsuleRadius);

    glm::vec3 rootPosition = _jointStates[geometry.rootJointIndex].getPosition();
    _boundingShapeLocalOffset = 0.5f * (totalExtents.maximum + totalExtents.minimum) - rootPosition;
    _boundingRadius = 0.5f * glm::length(diagonal);