예제 #1
FVector UTKMathFunctionLibrary::GetVelocityAtPoint(UPrimitiveComponent* Target, FVector Point, FName BoneName, bool DrawDebugInfo)
	//FTransform Transform = Target->GetComponentTransform();
	//FVector LocalLinearVelocity = Transform.InverseTransformVectorNoScale(Target->GetPhysicsLinearVelocity());
	//FVector LocalAngularVelocity = Transform.InverseTransformVectorNoScale(Target->GetPhysicsAngularVelocity());
	//FVector ResultPointVelocity = LocalLinearVelocity + FVector::CrossProduct(FVector::DegreesToRadians(LocalAngularVelocity), Transform.InverseTransformVectorNoScale(Point - Target->GetCenterOfMass()));

	if (!Target) return FVector::ZeroVector;

	//You can actually get it from the physx body instance instead.
	FBodyInstance* BI = Target->GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if (BI && BI->IsValidBodyInstance())
		FVector PointVelocity = BI->GetUnrealWorldVelocityAtPoint(Point);

		UWorld* TheWorld = Target->GetWorld();
		if (DrawDebugInfo && TheWorld)
			FColor DefaultColor(255,200,0);
			DrawDebugPoint(TheWorld, Point, 10, DefaultColor);
			DrawDebugString(TheWorld, Point, FString::SanitizeFloat(PointVelocity.Size()), NULL, FColor::White, 0.0f);

		return PointVelocity;
	return FVector::ZeroVector;
예제 #2
static bool HasteTrace(UWorld* InWorld, FHitResult& OutHit, FVector InStart, FVector InEnd, FName InTraceTag, bool InbReturnFaceIndex = false)
	FCollisionQueryParams QueryParams(InTraceTag, true);
	QueryParams.bReturnFaceIndex = InbReturnFaceIndex;

	bool bResult = true;
	while (true)
		bResult = InWorld->LineTraceSingleByChannel(OutHit, InStart, InEnd, ECC_WorldStatic, QueryParams);
		if (bResult)
			// In the editor traces can hit "No Collision" type actors, so ugh.
			FBodyInstance* BodyInstance = OutHit.Component->GetBodyInstance();
			if (BodyInstance->GetCollisionEnabled() != ECollisionEnabled::QueryAndPhysics || BodyInstance->GetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldStatic) != ECR_Block)
				AActor* Actor = OutHit.Actor.Get();
				if (Actor)
				InStart = OutHit.ImpactPoint;
	return bResult;
예제 #3
bool UCollisionProfile::ReadConfig(FName ProfileName, FBodyInstance& BodyInstance) const
	FCollisionResponseTemplate Template;

	// first check redirect
	// if that fails, just get profile
	if ( CheckRedirect(ProfileName, BodyInstance, Template) ||
		GetProfileTemplate(ProfileName, Template) )
		// note that this can be called during loading or run-time (because of the function)
		// from property, it just uses property handle to set all data
		// but we can't use functions - i.e. SetCollisionEnabled - 
		// which will reset ProfileName by default
		BodyInstance.CollisionEnabled = Template.CollisionEnabled;
		BodyInstance.ObjectType = Template.ObjectType;
		BodyInstance.ResponseToChannels_DEPRECATED = Template.ResponseToChannels;

		// if valid instance, make sure to update physics filter data
		if (BodyInstance.IsValidBodyInstance())
		return true;

	return false;
FVector USkeletalMeshComponent::GetClosestCollidingRigidBodyLocation(const FVector& TestLocation) const
	float BestDistSq = BIG_NUMBER;
	FVector Best = TestLocation;

	UPhysicsAsset* PhysicsAsset = GetPhysicsAsset();
	if( PhysicsAsset )
		for (int32 i=0; i<Bodies.Num(); i++)
			FBodyInstance* BodyInstance = Bodies[i];
			if( BodyInstance && BodyInstance->IsValidBodyInstance() && (BodyInstance->GetCollisionEnabled() != ECollisionEnabled::NoCollision) )
				const FVector BodyLocation = BodyInstance->GetUnrealWorldTransform().GetTranslation();
				const float DistSq = (BodyLocation - TestLocation).SizeSquared();
				if( DistSq < BestDistSq )
					Best = BodyLocation;
					BestDistSq = DistSq;

	return Best;
예제 #5
bool UPrimitiveComponent::WeldToImplementation(USceneComponent * InParent, FName ParentSocketName /* = Name_None */, bool bWeldSimulatedChild /* = false */)
	//WeldToInternal assumes attachment is already done
	if (AttachParent != InParent || AttachSocketName != ParentSocketName)
		return false;

	//Check that we can actually our own socket name
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(NAME_None, false);
	if (BI == NULL)
		return false;

	if (BI->ShouldInstanceSimulatingPhysics() && bWeldSimulatedChild == false)
		return false;

	UnWeldFromParent();	//make sure to unweld from wherever we currently are

	FName SocketName;
	UPrimitiveComponent * RootComponent = GetRootWelded(this, ParentSocketName, &SocketName, true);

	if (RootComponent)
		if (FBodyInstance* RootBI = RootComponent->GetBodyInstance(SocketName, false))
			if (BI->WeldParent == RootBI)	//already welded so stop
				return true;

			BI->bWelded = true;
			//There are multiple cases to handle:
			//Root is kinematic, simulated
			//Child is kinematic, simulated
			//Child always inherits from root

			//if root is kinematic simply set child to be kinematic and we're done
			if (RootComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics(SocketName) == false)
				BI->WeldParent = NULL;
				return false;	//return false because we need to continue with regular body initialization

			//root is simulated so we actually weld the body
			FTransform RelativeTM = RootComponent == AttachParent ? GetRelativeTransform() : GetComponentToWorld().GetRelativeTransform(RootComponent->GetComponentToWorld());	//if direct parent we already have relative. Otherwise compute it
			RootBI->Weld(BI, GetComponentToWorld());
			BI->WeldParent = RootBI;

			return true;

	return false;
예제 #6
void UPrimitiveComponent::WakeRigidBody(FName BoneName)
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
예제 #7
void UPrimitiveComponent::SetEnableGravity(bool bGravityEnabled)
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance();
	if (BI)
예제 #8
void UPrimitiveComponent::SetMassScale(FName BoneName, float InMassScale)
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if (BI)
예제 #9
void UPrimitiveComponent::PutRigidBodyToSleep(FName BoneName)
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
예제 #10
FVector UBuoyancyComponent::GetVelocityAtPoint(UPrimitiveComponent* Target, FVector Point, FName BoneName)
	FBodyInstance* BI = Target->GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if (BI != NULL && BI->IsValidBodyInstance())
		return BI->GetUnrealWorldVelocityAtPoint(Point);
	return FVector::ZeroVector;
예제 #11
FVector UPrimitiveComponent::GetPhysicsLinearVelocity(FName BoneName)
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if(BI != NULL)
		return BI->GetUnrealWorldVelocity();
	return FVector(0,0,0);
예제 #12
void UPrimitiveComponent::SetAngularDamping(float InDamping)
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance();
	if (BI)
		BI->AngularDamping = InDamping;
예제 #13
bool UPrimitiveComponent::RigidBodyIsAwake(FName BoneName)
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
		return BI->IsInstanceAwake();

	return false;
예제 #14
float UPrimitiveComponent::GetMass() const
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance();
	if (BI)
		return BI->GetBodyMass();

	return 0.0f;
예제 #15
void UTKMathFunctionLibrary::SetCenterOfMassOffset(UPrimitiveComponent* Target, FVector Offset, FName BoneName)
	if (!Target) return;

	FBodyInstance* BI = Target->GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if (BI && BI->IsValidBodyInstance())
		BI->COMNudge = Offset;
예제 #16
void UPrimitiveComponent::SetConstraintMode(EDOFMode::Type ConstraintMode)
	FBodyInstance * RootBI = GetBodyInstance(NAME_None, false);

	if (RootBI == NULL || IsPendingKill())

예제 #17
bool UPrimitiveComponent::IsSimulatingPhysics(FName BoneName) const
	FBodyInstance* BodyInst = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if(BodyInst != NULL)
		return BodyInst->IsInstanceSimulatingPhysics();
		return false;
예제 #18
float UPrimitiveComponent::GetDistanceToCollision(const FVector& Point, FVector& ClosestPointOnCollision) const

	FBodyInstance* BodyInst = GetBodyInstance();
	if(BodyInst != NULL)
		return BodyInst->GetDistanceToBody(Point, ClosestPointOnCollision);

	return -1.f;
예제 #19
FVector UPrimitiveComponent::GetComponentVelocity() const
	if (IsSimulatingPhysics())
		FBodyInstance* BodyInst = GetBodyInstance();
		if(BodyInst != NULL)
			return BodyInst->GetUnrealWorldVelocity();

	return Super::GetComponentVelocity();
예제 #20
void UPrimitiveComponent::AddRadialForce(FVector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff, bool bAccelChange)

	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance();
	if (BI)
		BI->AddRadialForceToBody(Origin, Radius, Strength, Falloff, bAccelChange);
bool UGripMotionControllerComponent::TeleportMoveGrippedActor(AActor * GrippedActorToMove)
	if (!GrippedActorToMove || !GrippedActors.Num())
		return false;

	FTransform WorldTransform;
	FTransform InverseTransform = this->GetComponentTransform().Inverse();
	for (int i = GrippedActors.Num() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
		if (GrippedActors[i].Actor == GrippedActorToMove)
			// GetRelativeTransformReverse had some serious f*****g floating point errors associated with it that was f*****g everything up
			// Not sure whats wrong with the function but I might want to push a patch out eventually
			WorldTransform = GrippedActors[i].RelativeTransform.GetRelativeTransform(InverseTransform);

			// Need to use WITH teleport for this function so that the velocity isn't updated and without sweep so that they don't collide
			GrippedActors[i].Actor->SetActorTransform(WorldTransform, false, NULL, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
			FBPActorPhysicsHandleInformation * Handle = GetPhysicsGrip(GrippedActors[i]);
			if (Handle && Handle->KinActorData)

					PxScene* PScene = GetPhysXSceneFromIndex(Handle->SceneIndex);
					if (PScene)
						Handle->KinActorData->setKinematicTarget(PxTransform(U2PVector(WorldTransform.GetLocation()), Handle->KinActorData->getGlobalPose().q));
						Handle->KinActorData->setGlobalPose(PxTransform(U2PVector(WorldTransform.GetLocation()), Handle->KinActorData->getGlobalPose().q));
				//Handle->KinActorData->setGlobalPose(PxTransform(U2PVector(WorldTransform.GetLocation()), Handle->KinActorData->getGlobalPose().q));

				UPrimitiveComponent *root = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GrippedActors[i].Actor->GetRootComponent());
				if (root)
					FBodyInstance * body = root->GetBodyInstance();
					if (body)
						body->SetBodyTransform(WorldTransform, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
			return true;

	return false;
예제 #22
void FPhysSubstepTask::SubstepInterpolation(float InAlpha, float DeltaTime)
	PxScene * PScene = PAScene->getPhysXScene();
	PxScene * PScene = PAScene;
	/** Note: We lock the entire scene before iterating. The assumption is that removing an FBodyInstance from the map will also be wrapped by this lock */
	PhysTargetMap& Targets = PhysTargetBuffers[!External];

	for (PhysTargetMap::TIterator Itr = Targets.CreateIterator(); Itr; ++Itr)
		FPhysTarget & PhysTarget = Itr.Value();
		FBodyInstance * BodyInstance = Itr.Key();
		PxRigidBody* PRigidBody = BodyInstance->GetPxRigidBody_AssumesLocked();

		if (PRigidBody == NULL)

		//We should only be iterating over actors that belong to this scene
		check(PRigidBody->getScene() == PScene);

		if (!IsKinematicHelper(PRigidBody))
			ApplyCustomPhysics(PhysTarget, BodyInstance, DeltaTime);
			ApplyForces_AssumesLocked(PhysTarget, BodyInstance);
			ApplyTorques_AssumesLocked(PhysTarget, BodyInstance);
			ApplyRadialForces_AssumesLocked(PhysTarget, BodyInstance);
			InterpolateKinematicActor_AssumesLocked(PhysTarget, BodyInstance, InAlpha);

	/** Final substep */
	if (InAlpha >= 1.f)
예제 #23
void FPhysScene::SyncComponentsToBodies(uint32 SceneType)
	PxScene* PScene = GetPhysXScene(SceneType);

	PxU32 NumTransforms = 0;
	const PxActiveTransform* PActiveTransforms = PScene->getActiveTransforms(NumTransforms);


	for(PxU32 TransformIdx=0; TransformIdx<NumTransforms; TransformIdx++)
		const PxActiveTransform& PActiveTransform = PActiveTransforms[TransformIdx];
		FBodyInstance* BodyInst = FPhysxUserData::Get<FBodyInstance>(PActiveTransform.userData);
		if(	BodyInst != NULL && 
			BodyInst->InstanceBodyIndex == INDEX_NONE && 
			BodyInst->OwnerComponent != NULL &&
			BodyInst->IsInstanceSimulatingPhysics() )
			check(BodyInst->OwnerComponent->IsRegistered()); // shouldn't have a physics body for a non-registered component!

			AActor* Owner = BodyInst->OwnerComponent->GetOwner();

			// See if the transform is actually different, and if so, move the component to match physics
			const FTransform NewTransform = BodyInst->GetUnrealWorldTransform();	
				const FVector MoveBy = NewTransform.GetLocation() - BodyInst->OwnerComponent->ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
				const FRotator NewRotation = NewTransform.Rotator();

				//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("MOVING: %s"), *BodyInst->OwnerComponent->GetPathName());

				//@warning: do not reference BodyInstance again after calling MoveComponent() - events from the move could have made it unusable (destroying the actor, SetPhysics(), etc)
				BodyInst->OwnerComponent->MoveComponent(MoveBy, NewRotation, false, NULL, MOVECOMP_SkipPhysicsMove);

			// Check if we didn't fall out of the world
			if(Owner != NULL && !Owner->IsPendingKill())
void UCustomMovementComponent::CapsuleHited(class UPrimitiveComponent* MyComp, class AActor* Other, class UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FVector HitLocation, FVector HitNormal, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit)

	const float OnGroundHitDot = FVector::DotProduct(HitNormal, CapsuleComponent->GetUpVector());

	if (OnGroundHitDot > 0.75f)
		bIsJumping = false;

	CapsuleHitResult = Hit;

	if (!bEnablePhysicsInteraction)

	if (OtherComp != NULL && OtherComp->IsAnySimulatingPhysics())
		const FVector OtherLoc = OtherComp->GetComponentLocation();
		const FVector Loc = CapsuleComponent->GetComponentLocation();
		FVector ImpulseDir = (OtherLoc - Loc).GetSafeNormal();
		ImpulseDir = FVector::VectorPlaneProject(ImpulseDir, -CurrentGravityInfo.GravityDirection);
		ImpulseDir = (ImpulseDir + GetMovementVelocity().GetSafeNormal()) * 0.5f;

		float TouchForceFactorModified = HitForceFactor;

		if (bHitForceScaledToMass)
			FBodyInstance* BI = OtherComp->GetBodyInstance();
			TouchForceFactorModified *= BI ? BI->GetBodyMass() : 1.0f;

		float ImpulseStrength = GetMovementVelocity().Size() * TouchForceFactorModified;

		FVector Impulse = ImpulseDir * ImpulseStrength;
		float dot = FVector::DotProduct(HitNormal, CapsuleComponent->GetUpVector());

		if (dot > 0.99f && !bAllowDownwardForce)

		OtherComp->AddImpulseAtLocation(Impulse, HitLocation);
예제 #25
void FPhysSubstepTask::SubstepInterpolation(float InAlpha)
	PxScene * PScene = PAScene->getPhysXScene();
	PxScene * PScene = PAScene;

	PhysTargetMap & Targets = PhysTargetBuffers[!External];

	/** Note: We lock the entire scene before iterating. The assumption is that removing an FBodyInstance from the map will also be wrapped by this lock */

	for (PhysTargetMap::TIterator Itr = Targets.CreateIterator(); Itr; ++Itr)
		FPhysTarget & PhysTarget = Itr.Value();
		FBodyInstance* BodyInstance = Itr.Key();
		PxRigidDynamic * PRigidDynamic = BodyInstance->GetPxRigidDynamic();

		if (PRigidDynamic == NULL)

		//We should only be iterating over actors that belong to this scene
		check(PRigidDynamic->getScene() == PScene);

		ApplyForces(PhysTarget, BodyInstance);
		ApplyTorques(PhysTarget, BodyInstance);
		InterpolateKinematicActor(PhysTarget, BodyInstance, InAlpha);

	/** Final substep */
	if (InAlpha >= 1.f)

예제 #26
void UPrimitiveComponent::SyncComponentToRBPhysics()
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("SyncComponentToRBPhysics : Component not registered (%s)"), *GetPathName());

	 // BodyInstance we are going to sync the component to
	FBodyInstance* UseBI = GetBodyInstance();
	if(UseBI == NULL || !UseBI->IsValidBodyInstance())
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("SyncComponentToRBPhysics : Missing or invalid BodyInstance (%s)"), *GetPathName());

	AActor* Owner = GetOwner();
	if(Owner != NULL)
		if (Owner->IsPendingKill() || !Owner->CheckStillInWorld())

	if (IsPendingKill() || !IsSimulatingPhysics())

	// See if the transform is actually different, and if so, move the component to match physics
	const FTransform NewTransform = GetComponentTransformFromBodyInstance(UseBI);	
		const FVector MoveBy = NewTransform.GetLocation() - ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
		const FQuat NewRotation = NewTransform.GetRotation();

		//@warning: do not reference BodyInstance again after calling MoveComponent() - events from the move could have made it unusable (destroying the actor, SetPhysics(), etc)
		MoveComponent(MoveBy, NewRotation, false, NULL, MOVECOMP_SkipPhysicsMove);
예제 #27
bool UPrimitiveComponent::GetRigidBodyState(FRigidBodyState& OutState, FName BoneName)
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if (BI && BI->IsInstanceSimulatingPhysics())
		FTransform BodyTM = BI->GetUnrealWorldTransform();
		OutState.Position = BodyTM.GetTranslation();
		OutState.Quaternion = BodyTM.GetRotation();
		OutState.LinVel = BI->GetUnrealWorldVelocity();
		OutState.AngVel = BI->GetUnrealWorldAngularVelocity();
		OutState.Flags = (BI->IsInstanceAwake() ? ERigidBodyFlags::None : ERigidBodyFlags::Sleeping);
		return true;

	return false;
예제 #28
bool UPrimitiveComponent::ApplyRigidBodyState(const FRigidBodyState& NewState, const FRigidBodyErrorCorrection& ErrorCorrection, FVector& OutDeltaPos, FName BoneName)
	bool bRestoredState = true;

	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if (BI && BI->IsInstanceSimulatingPhysics())
		// failure cases
		const float QuatSizeSqr = NewState.Quaternion.SizeSquared();
		if (QuatSizeSqr < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
			UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning, TEXT("Invalid zero quaternion set for body. (%s:%s)"), *GetName(), *BoneName.ToString());
			return bRestoredState;
		else if (FMath::Abs(QuatSizeSqr - 1.f) > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
			UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning, TEXT("Quaternion (%f %f %f %f) with non-unit magnitude detected. (%s:%s)"), 
				NewState.Quaternion.X, NewState.Quaternion.Y, NewState.Quaternion.Z, NewState.Quaternion.W, *GetName(), *BoneName.ToString() );
			return bRestoredState;

		FRigidBodyState CurrentState;
		GetRigidBodyState(CurrentState, BoneName);

		const bool bShouldSleep = (NewState.Flags & ERigidBodyFlags::Sleeping) != 0;

		/////// POSITION CORRECTION ///////

		// Find out how much of a correction we are making
		const FVector DeltaPos = NewState.Position - CurrentState.Position;
		const float DeltaMagSq = DeltaPos.SizeSquared();
		const float BodyLinearSpeedSq = CurrentState.LinVel.SizeSquared();

		// Snap position by default (big correction, or we are moving too slowly)
		FVector UpdatedPos = NewState.Position;
		FVector FixLinVel = FVector::ZeroVector;

		// If its a small correction and velocity is above threshold, only make a partial correction, 
		// and calculate a velocity that would fix it over 'fixTime'.
		if (DeltaMagSq < ErrorCorrection.LinearDeltaThresholdSq  &&
			BodyLinearSpeedSq >= ErrorCorrection.BodySpeedThresholdSq)
			UpdatedPos = FMath::Lerp(CurrentState.Position, NewState.Position, ErrorCorrection.LinearInterpAlpha);
			FixLinVel = (NewState.Position - UpdatedPos) * ErrorCorrection.LinearRecipFixTime;

		// Get the linear correction
		OutDeltaPos = UpdatedPos - CurrentState.Position;

		// Get quaternion that takes us from old to new
		const FQuat InvCurrentQuat = CurrentState.Quaternion.Inverse();
		const FQuat DeltaQuat = NewState.Quaternion * InvCurrentQuat;

		FVector DeltaAxis;
		float DeltaAng;	// radians
		DeltaQuat.ToAxisAndAngle(DeltaAxis, DeltaAng);
		DeltaAng = FMath::UnwindRadians(DeltaAng);

		// Snap rotation by default (big correction, or we are moving too slowly)
		FQuat UpdatedQuat = NewState.Quaternion;
		FVector FixAngVel = FVector::ZeroVector; // degrees per second
		// If the error is small, and we are moving, try to move smoothly to it
		if (FMath::Abs(DeltaAng) < ErrorCorrection.AngularDeltaThreshold )
			UpdatedQuat = FMath::Lerp(CurrentState.Quaternion, NewState.Quaternion, ErrorCorrection.AngularInterpAlpha);
			FixAngVel = DeltaAxis.GetSafeNormal() * FMath::RadiansToDegrees(DeltaAng) * (1.f - ErrorCorrection.AngularInterpAlpha) * ErrorCorrection.AngularRecipFixTime;

		/////// BODY UPDATE ///////
		BI->SetBodyTransform(FTransform(UpdatedQuat, UpdatedPos), true);
		BI->SetLinearVelocity(NewState.LinVel + FixLinVel, false);
		BI->SetAngularVelocity(NewState.AngVel + FixAngVel, false);

		// state is restored when no velocity corrections are required
		bRestoredState = (FixLinVel.SizeSquared() < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) && (FixAngVel.SizeSquared() < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER);
		/////// SLEEP UPDATE ///////
		const bool bIsAwake = BI->IsInstanceAwake();
		if (bIsAwake && (bShouldSleep && bRestoredState))
		else if (!bIsAwake)

	return bRestoredState;
예제 #29
void UBuoyancyForceComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	// If disabled or we are not attached to a parent component, return.
	if (!bIsActive || !GetAttachParent()) return;

	if (!OceanManager) return;

	UPrimitiveComponent* BasePrimComp = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GetAttachParent());
	if (!BasePrimComp) return;

	if (!BasePrimComp->IsSimulatingPhysics())
		if (!SnapToSurfaceIfNoPhysics) return;

		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Running in no physics mode.."));

		float waveHeight = OceanManager->GetWaveHeightValue(BasePrimComp->GetComponentLocation(), World, true, TwoGerstnerIterations).Z;
		BasePrimComp->SetWorldLocation(FVector(BasePrimComp->GetComponentLocation().X, BasePrimComp->GetComponentLocation().Y, waveHeight));

	//Get gravity
	float Gravity = BasePrimComp->GetPhysicsVolume()->GetGravityZ();

	//--------------- If Skeletal ---------------
	USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalComp = Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent>(GetAttachParent());
	if (SkeletalComp && ApplyForceToBones)
		TArray<FName> BoneNames;

		for (int32 Itr = 0; Itr < BoneNames.Num(); Itr++)
			FBodyInstance* BI = SkeletalComp->GetBodyInstance(BoneNames[Itr], false);
			if (BI && BI->IsValidBodyInstance()
				&& BI->bEnableGravity) //Buoyancy doesn't exist without gravity
				bool isUnderwater = false;
				//FVector worldBoneLoc = SkeletalComp->GetBoneLocation(BoneNames[Itr]);
				FVector worldBoneLoc = BI->GetCOMPosition(); //Use center of mass of the bone's physics body instead of bone's location
				FVector waveHeight = OceanManager->GetWaveHeightValue(worldBoneLoc, World, true, TwoGerstnerIterations);

				float BoneDensity = MeshDensity;
				float BoneTestRadius = FMath::Abs(TestPointRadius);
				float SignedBoneRadius = FMath::Sign(Gravity) * TestPointRadius; //Direction of radius (test radius is actually a Z offset, should probably rename it!). Just in case we need an upside down world.

				//Get density & radius from the override array, if available.
				for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < BoneOverride.Num(); pointIndex++)
					FStructBoneOverride Override = BoneOverride[pointIndex];

					if (Override.BoneName.IsEqual(BoneNames[Itr]))
						BoneDensity = Override.Density;
						BoneTestRadius = FMath::Abs(Override.TestRadius);
						SignedBoneRadius = FMath::Sign(Gravity) * BoneTestRadius;

				//If test point radius is below water surface, add buoyancy force.
				if (waveHeight.Z > (worldBoneLoc.Z + SignedBoneRadius))
					isUnderwater = true;

					float DepthMultiplier = (waveHeight.Z - (worldBoneLoc.Z + SignedBoneRadius)) / (BoneTestRadius * 2);
					DepthMultiplier = FMath::Clamp(DepthMultiplier, 0.f, 1.f);

					float Mass = SkeletalComp->CalculateMass(BoneNames[Itr]); //Mass of this specific bone's physics body

					* --------
					* Buoyancy force formula: (Volume(Mass / Density) * Fluid Density * -Gravity) / Total Points * Depth Multiplier
					* --------
					float BuoyancyForceZ = Mass / BoneDensity * FluidDensity * -Gravity * DepthMultiplier;

					//Velocity damping.
					FVector DampingForce = -BI->GetUnrealWorldVelocity() * VelocityDamper * Mass * DepthMultiplier;

					//Experimental xy wave force
					if (EnableWaveForces)
						float waveVelocity = FMath::Clamp(BI->GetUnrealWorldVelocity().Z, -20.f, 150.f) * (1 - DepthMultiplier);
						DampingForce += FVector(OceanManager->GlobalWaveDirection.X, OceanManager->GlobalWaveDirection.Y, 0) * Mass * waveVelocity * WaveForceMultiplier;

					//Add force to this bone
					BI->AddForce(FVector(DampingForce.X, DampingForce.Y, DampingForce.Z + BuoyancyForceZ));
					//BasePrimComp->AddForceAtLocation(FVector(DampingForce.X, DampingForce.Y, DampingForce.Z + BuoyancyForceZ), worldBoneLoc, BoneNames[Itr]);

				//Apply fluid damping & clamp velocity
				if (isUnderwater)
					BI->SetLinearVelocity(-BI->GetUnrealWorldVelocity() * (FluidLinearDamping / 10), true);
					BI->SetAngularVelocity(-BI->GetUnrealWorldAngularVelocity() * (FluidAngularDamping / 10), true);

					//Clamp the velocity to MaxUnderwaterVelocity
					if (ClampMaxVelocity && BI->GetUnrealWorldVelocity().Size() > MaxUnderwaterVelocity)
						FVector	Velocity = BI->GetUnrealWorldVelocity().GetSafeNormal() * MaxUnderwaterVelocity;
						BI->SetLinearVelocity(Velocity, false);

				if (DrawDebugPoints)
					FColor DebugColor = FLinearColor(0.8, 0.7, 0.2, 0.8).ToRGBE();
					if (isUnderwater) { DebugColor = FLinearColor(0, 0.2, 0.7, 0.8).ToRGBE(); } //Blue color underwater, yellow out of watter
					DrawDebugSphere(World, worldBoneLoc, BoneTestRadius, 8, DebugColor);

	float TotalPoints = TestPoints.Num();
	if (TotalPoints < 1) return;

	int PointsUnderWater = 0;
	for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < TotalPoints; pointIndex++)
		if (!TestPoints.IsValidIndex(pointIndex)) return; //Array size changed during runtime

		bool isUnderwater = false;
		FVector testPoint = TestPoints[pointIndex];
		FVector worldTestPoint = BasePrimComp->GetComponentTransform().TransformPosition(testPoint);
		FVector waveHeight = OceanManager->GetWaveHeightValue(worldTestPoint, World, !EnableWaveForces, TwoGerstnerIterations);

		//Direction of radius (test radius is actually a Z offset, should probably rename it!). Just in case we need an upside down world.
		float SignedRadius = FMath::Sign(BasePrimComp->GetPhysicsVolume()->GetGravityZ()) * TestPointRadius;

		//If test point radius is below water surface, add buoyancy force.
		if (waveHeight.Z > (worldTestPoint.Z + SignedRadius)
			&& BasePrimComp->IsGravityEnabled()) //Buoyancy doesn't exist without gravity
			isUnderwater = true;

			float DepthMultiplier = (waveHeight.Z - (worldTestPoint.Z + SignedRadius)) / (TestPointRadius * 2);
			DepthMultiplier = FMath::Clamp(DepthMultiplier, 0.f, 1.f);

			//If we have a point density override, use the overridden value instead of MeshDensity
			float PointDensity = PointDensityOverride.IsValidIndex(pointIndex) ? PointDensityOverride[pointIndex] : MeshDensity;

			* --------
			* Buoyancy force formula: (Volume(Mass / Density) * Fluid Density * -Gravity) / Total Points * Depth Multiplier
			* --------
			float BuoyancyForceZ = BasePrimComp->GetMass() / PointDensity * FluidDensity * -Gravity / TotalPoints * DepthMultiplier;

			//Experimental velocity damping using VelocityAtPoint.
			FVector DampingForce = -GetUnrealVelocityAtPoint(BasePrimComp, worldTestPoint) * VelocityDamper * BasePrimComp->GetMass() * DepthMultiplier;

			//Experimental xy wave force
			if (EnableWaveForces)
				DampingForce += BasePrimComp->GetMass() * FVector2D(waveHeight.X, waveHeight.Y).Size() * FVector(OceanManager->GlobalWaveDirection.X, OceanManager->GlobalWaveDirection.Y, 0) * WaveForceMultiplier / TotalPoints;
				//float waveVelocity = FMath::Clamp(GetUnrealVelocityAtPoint(BasePrimComp, worldTestPoint).Z, -20.f, 150.f) * (1 - DepthMultiplier);
				//DampingForce += OceanManager->GlobalWaveDirection * BasePrimComp->GetMass() * waveVelocity * WaveForceMultiplier / TotalPoints;

			//Add force for this test point
			BasePrimComp->AddForceAtLocation(FVector(DampingForce.X, DampingForce.Y, DampingForce.Z + BuoyancyForceZ), worldTestPoint);

		if (DrawDebugPoints)
			FColor DebugColor = FLinearColor(0.8, 0.7, 0.2, 0.8).ToRGBE();
			if (isUnderwater) { DebugColor = FLinearColor(0, 0.2, 0.7, 0.8).ToRGBE(); } //Blue color underwater, yellow out of watter
			DrawDebugSphere(World, worldTestPoint, TestPointRadius, 8, DebugColor);

	//Clamp the velocity to MaxUnderwaterVelocity if there is any point underwater
	if (ClampMaxVelocity && PointsUnderWater > 0
		&& BasePrimComp->GetPhysicsLinearVelocity().Size() > MaxUnderwaterVelocity)
		FVector	Velocity = BasePrimComp->GetPhysicsLinearVelocity().GetSafeNormal() * MaxUnderwaterVelocity;

	//Update damping based on number of underwater test points
	BasePrimComp->SetLinearDamping(_baseLinearDamping + FluidLinearDamping / TotalPoints * PointsUnderWater);
	BasePrimComp->SetAngularDamping(_baseAngularDamping + FluidAngularDamping / TotalPoints * PointsUnderWater);
예제 #30
void UPrimitiveComponent::UnWeldFromParent()
	FBodyInstance* NewRootBI = GetBodyInstance(NAME_None, false);
	UWorld* CurrentWorld = GetWorld();
	if (NewRootBI == NULL || NewRootBI->bWelded == false || CurrentWorld == nullptr || IsPendingKill())

	FName SocketName;
	UPrimitiveComponent * RootComponent = GetRootWelded(this, AttachSocketName, &SocketName);

	if (RootComponent)
		if (FBodyInstance* RootBI = RootComponent->GetBodyInstance(SocketName, false))
			bool bRootIsBeingDeleted = RootComponent->HasAnyFlags(RF_PendingKill) || RootComponent->HasAnyFlags(RF_Unreachable);
			if (!bRootIsBeingDeleted)
				//create new root
				RootBI->UnWeld(NewRootBI);	//don't bother fixing up shapes if RootComponent is about to be deleted

			NewRootBI->bWelded = false;
			const FBodyInstance* PrevWeldParent = NewRootBI->WeldParent;
			NewRootBI->WeldParent = nullptr;

			bool bHasBodySetup = GetBodySetup() != nullptr;

			//if BodyInstance hasn't already been created we need to initialize it
			if (bHasBodySetup && NewRootBI->IsValidBodyInstance() == false)
				bool bPrevAutoWeld = NewRootBI->bAutoWeld;
				NewRootBI->bAutoWeld = false;
				NewRootBI->InitBody(GetBodySetup(), GetComponentToWorld(), this, CurrentWorld->GetPhysicsScene());
				NewRootBI->bAutoWeld = bPrevAutoWeld;

			if(PrevWeldParent == nullptr)	//our parent is kinematic so no need to do any unwelding/rewelding of children

			//now weld its children to it
			TArray<FBodyInstance*> ChildrenBodies;
			TArray<FName> ChildrenLabels;
			GetWeldedBodies(ChildrenBodies, ChildrenLabels);

			for (int32 ChildIdx = 0; ChildIdx < ChildrenBodies.Num(); ++ChildIdx)
				FBodyInstance* ChildBI = ChildrenBodies[ChildIdx];
				if (ChildBI != NewRootBI)
					if (!bRootIsBeingDeleted)

					//At this point, NewRootBI must be kinematic because it's being unwelded. It's up to the code that simulates to call Weld on the children as needed
					ChildBI->WeldParent = nullptr;	//null because we are currently kinematic