bool UDebugSkelMeshComponent::CheckIfBoundsAreCorrrect()
	if (GetPhysicsAsset())
		bool bWasUsingInGameBounds = IsUsingInGameBounds();
		FTransform TempTransform = FTransform::Identity;
		FBoxSphereBounds InGameBounds = CalcBounds(TempTransform);
		FBoxSphereBounds PreviewBounds = CalcBounds(TempTransform);
		// calculate again to have bounds as requested
		// if in-game bounds are of almost same size as preview bounds or bigger, it seems to be fine
		if (! InGameBounds.GetSphere().IsInside(PreviewBounds.GetSphere(), PreviewBounds.GetSphere().W * 0.1f) && // for spheres: A.IsInside(B) checks if A is inside of B
			! PreviewBounds.GetBox().IsInside(InGameBounds.GetBox().ExpandBy(PreviewBounds.GetSphere().W * 0.1f))) // for boxes: A.IsInside(B) checks if B is inside of A
			return true;
	return false;
bool UPostProcessComponent::EncompassesPoint(FVector Point, float SphereRadius/*=0.f*/, float* OutDistanceToPoint)
	UShapeComponent* ParentShape = Cast<UShapeComponent>(GetAttachParent());
	if (ParentShape != nullptr)
		FVector ClosestPoint;
		float Distance = ParentShape->GetDistanceToCollision(Point, ClosestPoint);
		FBoxSphereBounds Bounds = ParentShape->CalcBounds(ParentShape->ComponentToWorld);
		float Distance = 0;
		if (ParentShape->IsA<USphereComponent>())
			const FSphere& Sphere = Bounds.GetSphere();
			const FVector& Dist = Sphere.Center - Point;
			Distance = FMath::Max(0.0f, Dist.Size() - Sphere.W);
		else // UBox or UCapsule shape (approx).
			Distance = FMath::Sqrt(Bounds.GetBox().ComputeSquaredDistanceToPoint(Point));

		if (OutDistanceToPoint)
			*OutDistanceToPoint = Distance;

		return Distance >= 0.f && Distance <= SphereRadius;
	if (OutDistanceToPoint != nullptr)
		*OutDistanceToPoint = 0;
	return true;