void FDetailPropertyRow::GenerateChildrenForPropertyNode( TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode>& RootPropertyNode, FDetailNodeList& OutChildren )
	// Children should be disabled if we are disabled
	TAttribute<bool> ParentEnabledState = CustomIsEnabledAttrib;
	if( IsParentEnabled.IsBound() || HasEditCondition() )
		// Bind a delegate to the edit condition so our children will be disabled if the edit condition fails
		ParentEnabledState.Bind( this, &FDetailPropertyRow::GetEnabledState );

	if( PropertyTypeLayoutBuilder.IsValid() && bShowCustomPropertyChildren )
		const TArray< FDetailLayoutCustomization >& ChildRows = PropertyTypeLayoutBuilder->GetChildCustomizations();

		for( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ChildRows.Num(); ++ChildIndex )
			TSharedRef<FDetailItemNode> ChildNodeItem = MakeShareable( new FDetailItemNode( ChildRows[ChildIndex], ParentCategory.Pin().ToSharedRef(), ParentEnabledState ) );
			OutChildren.Add( ChildNodeItem );
	else if (bShowCustomPropertyChildren || !CustomPropertyWidget.IsValid() )
		TSharedRef<FDetailCategoryImpl> ParentCategoryRef = ParentCategory.Pin().ToSharedRef();
		IDetailLayoutBuilder& LayoutBuilder = ParentCategoryRef->GetParentLayout();
		UProperty* ParentProperty = RootPropertyNode->GetProperty();

		const bool bStructProperty = ParentProperty && ParentProperty->IsA<UStructProperty>();

		for( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < RootPropertyNode->GetNumChildNodes(); ++ChildIndex )
			TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode> ChildNode = RootPropertyNode->GetChildNode(ChildIndex);

			if( ChildNode.IsValid() && ChildNode->HasNodeFlags( EPropertyNodeFlags::IsCustomized ) == 0 )
				if( ChildNode->AsObjectNode() )
					// Skip over object nodes and generate their children.  Object nodes are not visible
					GenerateChildrenForPropertyNode( ChildNode, OutChildren );
				// Only struct children can have custom visibility that is different from their parent.
				else if ( !bStructProperty || LayoutBuilder.IsPropertyVisible( FPropertyAndParent(*ChildNode->GetProperty(), ParentProperty ) ) )
					FDetailLayoutCustomization Customization;
					Customization.PropertyRow = MakeShareable( new FDetailPropertyRow( ChildNode, ParentCategoryRef ) );
					TSharedRef<FDetailItemNode> ChildNodeItem = MakeShareable( new FDetailItemNode( Customization, ParentCategoryRef, ParentEnabledState ) );
					OutChildren.Add( ChildNodeItem );
bool FDetailCategoryImpl::GenerateChildrenForSingleLayout( const FName RequiredGroupName, bool bDefaultLayout, bool bNeedsGroup, const FCustomizationList& LayoutList, FDetailNodeList& OutChildren, bool& bOutLastItemHasMultipleColumns )
	bool bGeneratedAnyChildren = false;
	if( LayoutList.Num() > 0 )
		FDetailNodeList GeneratedChildren;
		GenerateNodesFromCustomizations( LayoutList, bDefaultLayout, GeneratedChildren, bOutLastItemHasMultipleColumns );

		if( GeneratedChildren.Num() > 0 )
			bGeneratedAnyChildren = true;
			if( bNeedsGroup )
				TSharedRef<IDetailTreeNode> GroupNode = MakeShareable( new FDetailCategoryGroupNode( GeneratedChildren, RequiredGroupName, *this ) );
				OutChildren.Add( GroupNode );
				OutChildren.Append( GeneratedChildren );

	return bGeneratedAnyChildren;
void FDetailItemNode::GetChildren( FDetailNodeList& OutChildren )
	for( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < Children.Num(); ++ChildIndex )
		TSharedRef<IDetailTreeNode>& Child = Children[ChildIndex];

		ENodeVisibility ChildVisibility = Child->GetVisibility();

		// Report the child if the child is visible or we are visible due to filtering and there were no filtered children.  
		// If we are visible due to filtering and so is a child, we only show that child.  
		// If we are visible due to filtering and no child is visible, we show all children

		if( ChildVisibility == ENodeVisibility::Visible ||
			( !bShouldBeVisibleDueToChildFiltering && bShouldBeVisibleDueToFiltering && ChildVisibility != ENodeVisibility::ForcedHidden ) )
			if( Child->ShouldShowOnlyChildren() )
				Child->GetChildren( OutChildren );
				OutChildren.Add( Child );
예제 #4
void FDetailGroup::OnGenerateChildren( FDetailNodeList& OutChildren )
	for( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < GroupChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex )
		TSharedRef<FDetailItemNode> NewNode = MakeShareable( new FDetailItemNode( GroupChildren[ChildIndex], ParentCategory.Pin().ToSharedRef(), IsParentEnabled ) );
		OutChildren.Add( NewNode );
void FDetailCustomBuilderRow::OnGenerateChildren( FDetailNodeList& OutChildren )
	ChildrenBuilder = MakeShareable( new FCustomChildrenBuilder( ParentCategory.Pin().ToSharedRef() ) );

	CustomNodeBuilder->GenerateChildContent( *ChildrenBuilder );
	const TArray< FDetailLayoutCustomization >& ChildRows = ChildrenBuilder->GetChildCustomizations();

	for( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ChildRows.Num(); ++ChildIndex )
		TSharedRef<FDetailItemNode> ChildNodeItem = MakeShareable( new FDetailItemNode( ChildRows[ChildIndex], ParentCategory.Pin().ToSharedRef(), IsParentEnabled ) );
		OutChildren.Add( ChildNodeItem );
void FDetailCategoryImpl::GenerateNodesFromCustomizations( const FCustomizationList& InCustomizationList, bool bDefaultLayouts, FDetailNodeList& OutNodeList, bool &bOutLastItemHasMultipleColumns )
	bOutLastItemHasMultipleColumns = false;
	for( int32 CustomizationIndex = 0; CustomizationIndex < InCustomizationList.Num(); ++CustomizationIndex )
		const FDetailLayoutCustomization& Customization = InCustomizationList[CustomizationIndex];
		// When building default layouts cull default properties which have been customized
		if( Customization.IsValidCustomization() && ( !bDefaultLayouts || !IsCustomProperty( Customization.GetPropertyNode() ) ) )
			bool bParentEnabled = true;
			TSharedRef<FDetailItemNode> NewNode = MakeShareable( new FDetailItemNode( Customization, AsShared(), bParentEnabled ) );

			if( CustomizationIndex == InCustomizationList.Num()-1 )
				bOutLastItemHasMultipleColumns = NewNode->HasMultiColumnWidget();

			OutNodeList.Add( NewNode );