예제 #1
파일: SGraphPin.cpp 프로젝트: johndpope/UE4
FReply SGraphPin::OnPinMouseDown( const FGeometry& SenderGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	bIsMovingLinks = false;

	if (MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton)
		if (!GraphPinObj->bNotConnectable && IsEditable.Get())
			if (MouseEvent.IsAltDown())
				// Alt-Left clicking will break all existing connections to a pin
				const UEdGraphSchema* Schema = GraphPinObj->GetSchema();
				Schema->BreakPinLinks(*GraphPinObj, true);
				return FReply::Handled();

			auto OwnerNodePinned = OwnerNodePtr.Pin();
			if (MouseEvent.IsControlDown() && (GraphPinObj->LinkedTo.Num() > 0))
				// Get a reference to the owning panel widget
				TSharedPtr<SGraphPanel> OwnerPanelPtr = OwnerNodePinned->GetOwnerPanel();

				// Obtain the set of all pins within the panel
				TSet<TSharedRef<SWidget> > AllPins;

				// Construct a UEdGraphPin->SGraphPin mapping for the full pin set
				TMap< UEdGraphPin*, TSharedRef<SGraphPin> > PinToPinWidgetMap;
				for( TSet< TSharedRef<SWidget> >::TIterator ConnectorIt(AllPins); ConnectorIt; ++ConnectorIt )
					const TSharedRef<SWidget>& SomePinWidget = *ConnectorIt;
					const SGraphPin& PinWidget = static_cast<const SGraphPin&>(SomePinWidget.Get());

					PinToPinWidgetMap.Add(PinWidget.GetPinObj(), StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphPin>(SomePinWidget));

				// Define a local struct to temporarily store lookup information for pins that we are currently linked to
				struct LinkedToPinInfo
					// Pin name string
					FString PinName;

					// A weak reference to the node object that owns the pin
					TWeakObjectPtr<UEdGraphNode> OwnerNodePtr;

				// Build a lookup table containing information about the set of pins that we're currently linked to
				TArray<LinkedToPinInfo> LinkedToPinInfoArray;
				for( TArray<UEdGraphPin*>::TIterator LinkArrayIter(GetPinObj()->LinkedTo); LinkArrayIter; ++LinkArrayIter )
					if (auto PinWidget = PinToPinWidgetMap.Find(*LinkArrayIter))

						LinkedToPinInfo PinInfo;
						PinInfo.PinName = (*PinWidget)->GetPinObj()->PinName;
						PinInfo.OwnerNodePtr = (*PinWidget)->OwnerNodePtr.Pin()->GetNodeObj();

				// Control-Left clicking will break all existing connections to a pin
				// Note that for some nodes, this can cause reconstruction. In that case, pins we had previously linked to may now be destroyed.
				const UEdGraphSchema* Schema = GraphPinObj->GetSchema();
				Schema->BreakPinLinks(*GraphPinObj, true);

				// Check to see if the panel has been invalidated by a graph change notification
				if (!OwnerPanelPtr->Contains(OwnerNodePinned->GetNodeObj()))
					// Force the panel to update. This will cause node & pin widgets to be reinstanced to match any reconstructed node/pin object references.

					// Obtain the full set of pins again after the update

					// Rebuild the UEdGraphPin->SGraphPin mapping for the full pin set
					for( TSet< TSharedRef<SWidget> >::TIterator ConnectorIt(AllPins); ConnectorIt; ++ConnectorIt )
						const TSharedRef<SWidget>& SomePinWidget = *ConnectorIt;
						const SGraphPin& PinWidget = static_cast<const SGraphPin&>(SomePinWidget.Get());

						PinToPinWidgetMap.Add(PinWidget.GetPinObj(), StaticCastSharedRef<SGraphPin>(SomePinWidget));
				// Now iterate over our lookup table to find the instances of pin widgets that we had previously linked to
				TArray<TSharedRef<SGraphPin>> PinArray;
				for(auto LinkedToPinInfoIter = LinkedToPinInfoArray.CreateConstIterator(); LinkedToPinInfoIter; ++LinkedToPinInfoIter)
					LinkedToPinInfo PinInfo = *LinkedToPinInfoIter;
					UEdGraphNode* OwnerNodeObj = PinInfo.OwnerNodePtr.Get();
					if(OwnerNodeObj != NULL)
						for(auto PinIter = PinInfo.OwnerNodePtr.Get()->Pins.CreateConstIterator(); PinIter; ++PinIter)
							UEdGraphPin* Pin = *PinIter;
							if(Pin->PinName == PinInfo.PinName)
								if (auto pWidget = PinToPinWidgetMap.Find(Pin))

				if(PinArray.Num() > 0)
					bIsMovingLinks = true;

					return FReply::Handled().BeginDragDrop(SpawnPinDragEvent(OwnerPanelPtr.ToSharedRef(), PinArray, /*bIsShiftOperation=*/ false));
					// Shouldn't get here, but just in case we lose our previous links somehow after breaking them, we'll just skip the drag.
					return FReply::Handled();
			// Start a drag-drop on the pin
			if (ensure(OwnerNodePinned.IsValid()))
				TArray<TSharedRef<SGraphPin>> PinArray;

				return FReply::Handled().BeginDragDrop(SpawnPinDragEvent(OwnerNodePinned->GetOwnerPanel().ToSharedRef(), PinArray, MouseEvent.IsShiftDown()));
				return FReply::Unhandled();
			// It's not connectable, but we don't want anything above us to process this left click.
			return FReply::Handled();
		return FReply::Unhandled();