void FBoneHierarchyBuilder::CopyToRefSkeleton(FReferenceSkeleton& RefSkeleton)
	for (int32 SourceBoneIndex = 0; SourceBoneIndex < AllBones.Num(); ++SourceBoneIndex)
		const FName BoneName(AllBones[SourceBoneIndex]);
		const int32 ParentIndex(ParentIndices[SourceBoneIndex]);
		const FMeshBoneInfo BoneInfo(BoneName, BoneName.ToString(), ParentIndex);
		const FTransform& Transform = Transforms[SourceBoneIndex];
		RefSkeleton.Add(BoneInfo, Transform);
* Process and fill in the mesh ref skeleton bone hierarchy using the raw binary import data
* @param RefSkeleton - [out] reference skeleton hierarchy to update
* @param SkeletalDepth - [out] depth of the reference skeleton hierarchy
* @param ImportData - raw binary import data to process
* @return true if the operation completed successfully
bool ProcessImportMeshSkeleton(FReferenceSkeleton& RefSkeleton, int32& SkeletalDepth, FSkeletalMeshImportData& ImportData)
	TArray <VBone>&	RefBonesBinary = ImportData.RefBonesBinary;

	// Setup skeletal hierarchy + names structure.

	// Digest bones to the serializable format.
	for( int32 b=0; b<RefBonesBinary.Num(); b++ )
		const VBone & BinaryBone = RefBonesBinary[ b ];
		const FString BoneName = FSkeletalMeshImportData::FixupBoneName( BinaryBone.Name );
		const FMeshBoneInfo BoneInfo(FName(*BoneName, FNAME_Add, true), BinaryBone.ParentIndex);
		const FTransform BoneTransform(BinaryBone.BonePos.Orientation, BinaryBone.BonePos.Position, FVector(1.f));

		if(RefSkeleton.FindBoneIndex(BoneInfo.Name) != INDEX_NONE)
			UnFbx::FFbxImporter* FFbxImporter = UnFbx::FFbxImporter::GetInstance();
			FFbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, FText::Format(LOCTEXT("SkeletonHasDuplicateBones", "Skeleton has non-unique bone names.\nBone named '{0}' encountered more than once."), FText::FromName(BoneInfo.Name))));
			return false;

		RefSkeleton.Add(BoneInfo, BoneTransform);

	// Add hierarchy index to each bone and detect max depth.
	SkeletalDepth = 0;

	TArray<int32> SkeletalDepths;
	SkeletalDepths.Empty( RefBonesBinary.Num() );
	SkeletalDepths.AddZeroed( RefBonesBinary.Num() );
	for( int32 b=0; b < RefSkeleton.GetNum(); b++ )
		int32 Parent	= RefSkeleton.GetParentIndex(b);
		int32 Depth	= 1.0f;

		SkeletalDepths[b]	= 1.0f;
		if( Parent != INDEX_NONE )
			Depth += SkeletalDepths[Parent];
		if( SkeletalDepth < Depth )
			SkeletalDepth = Depth;
		SkeletalDepths[b] = Depth;

	return true;