예제 #1
void FSteamVRHMD::PreRenderView_RenderThread(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FSceneView& View)

	// The last view location used to set the view will be in BaseHmdOrientation.  We need to calculate the delta from that, so that
	// cameras that rely on game objects (e.g. other components) for their positions don't need to be updated on the render thread.
	const FQuat DeltaOrient = View.BaseHmdOrientation.Inverse() * TrackingFrame.DeviceOrientation[vr::k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd];
	View.ViewRotation = FRotator(View.ViewRotation.Quaternion() * DeltaOrient);
예제 #2
void FViewExtension::PreRenderView_RenderThread(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FSceneView& View)
	FViewExtension& RenderContext = *this;
	FGameFrame* CurrentFrame = static_cast<FGameFrame*>(RenderContext.RenderFrame.Get());

	if (!RenderContext.ShowFlags.Rendering || !CurrentFrame || !CurrentFrame->Settings->IsStereoEnabled())

	const ovrEyeType eyeIdx = (View.StereoPass == eSSP_LEFT_EYE) ? ovrEye_Left : ovrEye_Right;
	if (RenderContext.ShowFlags.Rendering && CurrentFrame->Settings->Flags.bUpdateOnRT)
		FQuat	CurrentEyeOrientation;
		FVector	CurrentEyePosition;
		CurrentFrame->PoseToOrientationAndPosition(RenderContext.CurEyeRenderPose[eyeIdx], CurrentEyeOrientation, CurrentEyePosition);

		FQuat ViewOrientation = View.ViewRotation.Quaternion();

		// recalculate delta control orientation; it should match the one we used in CalculateStereoViewOffset on a game thread.
		FVector GameEyePosition;
		FQuat GameEyeOrient;

		CurrentFrame->PoseToOrientationAndPosition(CurrentFrame->EyeRenderPose[eyeIdx], GameEyeOrient, GameEyePosition);
		const FQuat DeltaControlOrientation =  ViewOrientation * GameEyeOrient.Inverse();
		// make sure we use the same viewrotation as we had on a game thread
		check(View.ViewRotation == CurrentFrame->CachedViewRotation[eyeIdx]);

		if (CurrentFrame->Flags.bOrientationChanged)
			// Apply updated orientation to corresponding View at recalc matrices.
			// The updated position will be applied from inside of the UpdateViewMatrix() call.
			const FQuat DeltaOrient = View.BaseHmdOrientation.Inverse() * CurrentEyeOrientation;
			View.ViewRotation = FRotator(ViewOrientation * DeltaOrient);
			//UE_LOG(LogHMD, Log, TEXT("VIEWDLT: Yaw %.3f Pitch %.3f Roll %.3f"), DeltaOrient.Rotator().Yaw, DeltaOrient.Rotator().Pitch, DeltaOrient.Rotator().Roll);

		if (!CurrentFrame->Flags.bPositionChanged)
			// if no positional change applied then we still need to calculate proper stereo disparity.
			// use the current head pose for this calculation instead of the one that was saved on a game thread.
			FQuat HeadOrientation;
			CurrentFrame->PoseToOrientationAndPosition(RenderContext.CurHeadPose, HeadOrientation, View.BaseHmdLocation);

		// The HMDPosition already has HMD orientation applied.
		// Apply rotational difference between HMD orientation and ViewRotation
		// to HMDPosition vector. 
		const FVector DeltaPosition = CurrentEyePosition - View.BaseHmdLocation;
		const FVector vEyePosition = DeltaControlOrientation.RotateVector(DeltaPosition) + CurrentFrame->Settings->PositionOffset;
		View.ViewLocation += vEyePosition;

		//UE_LOG(LogHMD, Log, TEXT("VDLTPOS: %.3f %.3f %.3f"), vEyePosition.X, vEyePosition.Y, vEyePosition.Z);

		if (CurrentFrame->Flags.bOrientationChanged || CurrentFrame->Flags.bPositionChanged)

	FSettings* FrameSettings = CurrentFrame->GetSettings();
	FrameSettings->EyeLayer.EyeFov.RenderPose[eyeIdx] = RenderContext.CurEyeRenderPose[eyeIdx];