예제 #1
void SetupNonUniformHelper(FVector& Scale3D, float& MinScale, float& MinScaleAbs, FVector& Scale3DAbs)
	// if almost zero, set min scale
	// @todo fixme
	if (Scale3D.IsNearlyZero())
		// set min scale
		Scale3D = FVector(0.1f);

	Scale3DAbs = Scale3D.GetAbs();
	MinScaleAbs = Scale3DAbs.GetMin();

	MinScale = FMath::Max3(Scale3D.X, Scale3D.Y, Scale3D.Z) < 0.f ? -MinScaleAbs : MinScaleAbs;	//if all three values are negative make minScale negative
	if (FMath::IsNearlyZero(MinScale))
		// only one of them can be 0, we make sure they have mini set up correctly
		MinScale = 0.1f;
		MinScaleAbs = 0.1f;
float UKismetMathLibrary::GetMinElement(FVector A)
	return A.GetMin();