예제 #1
void fbxLoader2::computeMesh(FbxNode* pNode, FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer, FbxAMatrix& pGlobalPosition, FbxPose* pPose, int frame)
    FbxMesh* lMesh = pNode->GetMesh();
    const int lVertexCount = lMesh->GetControlPointsCount();

    // No vertex to draw.
    if (lVertexCount == 0)

    // If it has some defomer connection, update the vertices position
    const bool lHasVertexCache = lMesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eVertexCache) &&
        (static_cast<FbxVertexCacheDeformer*>(lMesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::eVertexCache)))->IsActive();
    const bool lHasShape = lMesh->GetShapeCount() > 0;
    const bool lHasSkin = lMesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eSkin) > 0;
    const bool lHasDeformation = lHasVertexCache || lHasShape || lHasSkin;

    if (lHasDeformation)
        //we need to get the number of clusters
        const int lSkinCount = lMesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eSkin);
        int lClusterCount = 0;
        for (int lSkinIndex = 0; lSkinIndex < lSkinCount; ++lSkinIndex)
            lClusterCount += ((FbxSkin *)(lMesh->GetDeformer(lSkinIndex, FbxDeformer::eSkin)))->GetClusterCount();
        if (lClusterCount)
            // Deform the vertex array with the skin deformer.
            ComputeSkinDeformation(pGlobalPosition, lMesh, pTime, pPose, frame);
예제 #2
void fbxLoader2::setBindPoseCluster(FbxNode *node)
	if( node->GetNodeAttribute())
		case FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh: 
			FbxMesh *mesh = node->GetMesh();

			for (int j = 0; j<mesh->GetDeformerCount(); j++)
				FbxSkin *skin = (FbxSkin*) mesh->GetDeformer(j,FbxDeformer::eSkin);
				int clusters = skin->GetClusterCount();
				for(int k = 0; k<clusters; k++)
					FbxCluster* cluster = skin->GetCluster(k);
					FbxNode* boneLink = cluster->GetLink();

						std::string nameLink = boneLink->GetName();
						FbxAMatrix translationM;
						FbxAMatrix invert;

						translationM = translationM * invert.Inverse();

						D3DXMATRIX mat = D3DXMATRIX((float)translationM.mData[0].mData[0], (float)translationM.mData[0].mData[1], (float)translationM.mData[0].mData[2], (float)translationM.mData[3].mData[0],
													(float)translationM.mData[1].mData[0], (float)translationM.mData[1].mData[1], (float)translationM.mData[1].mData[2], (float)translationM.mData[3].mData[1],
													(float)translationM.mData[2].mData[0], (float)translationM.mData[2].mData[1], (float)translationM.mData[2].mData[2], (float)translationM.mData[3].mData[2],

	for (int i = 0; i<node->GetChildCount(); i++)
		FbxNode* child = node->GetChild(i);
예제 #3
void FBXConverter::processAnimations( FbxNode* node , std::vector<JointData> &skeleton , std::vector<VertexData> &verts , std::vector<IndexData> &indices )
	FbxMesh* theMesh = node->GetMesh();

	FbxAnimStack* animationStack = node->GetScene()->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>();
	FbxAnimLayer* animationLayer = animationStack->GetMember<FbxAnimLayer>();
	std::vector<FbxTime> frames;
	for ( int curveNodeIndex = 0; curveNodeIndex < animationLayer->GetMemberCount(); ++curveNodeIndex )
		FbxAnimCurveNode* currentCurve = animationLayer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>( curveNodeIndex );

		for ( unsigned int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < currentCurve->GetChannelsCount(); ++channelIndex )
			for ( int curve = 0; curve < currentCurve->GetCurveCount( channelIndex ); ++curve )
				FbxAnimCurve* theCurveVictim = currentCurve->GetCurve( channelIndex , curve );
				for ( int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < theCurveVictim->KeyGetCount(); ++keyIndex )
					bool alreadyIn = false;
					for ( unsigned int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frames.size(); ++frameIndex )
						if ( ( unsigned int ) frames[frameIndex].GetFrameCount() == ( unsigned int ) theCurveVictim->KeyGet( keyIndex ).GetTime().GetFrameCount() )
							alreadyIn = true;
							//std::cout << frames[frameIndex].GetFrameCount() << " " << theCurveVictim->KeyGet( keyIndex ).GetTime().GetFrameCount() << " " << alreadyIn << std::endl;
					std::cout << theCurveVictim->KeyGet( keyIndex ).GetTime().GetFrameCount() << " " << alreadyIn << std::endl;
					if(!alreadyIn) frames.push_back(theCurveVictim->KeyGet( keyIndex ).GetTime());
	std::sort( frames.begin() , frames.end() , frameCompare );

	FbxAMatrix geoTransform( node->GetGeometricTranslation( FbxNode::eSourcePivot ) , node->GetGeometricRotation( FbxNode::eSourcePivot ) , node->GetGeometricScaling( FbxNode::eSourcePivot ) );

	for ( int i = 0; i < theMesh->GetDeformerCount(); ++i )
		FbxSkin* theSkin = reinterpret_cast< FbxSkin* >( theMesh->GetDeformer( i , FbxDeformer::eSkin ) );
		if ( !theSkin ) continue;

		for ( int j = 0; j < theSkin->GetClusterCount(); ++j )
			FbxCluster* cluster = theSkin->GetCluster( j );
			std::string jointName = cluster->GetLink()->GetName();
			int currentJointIndex = -1;
			for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < skeleton.size(); ++k )
				if ( !skeleton[k].name.compare( jointName ) )
					currentJointIndex = k;
			if ( currentJointIndex < 0 )
				std::cout << "wrong bone" << std::endl;

			FbxAMatrix transformMatrix, transformLinkMatrix, offsetMatrix;
			cluster->GetTransformMatrix( transformMatrix );
			cluster->GetTransformLinkMatrix( transformLinkMatrix );
			//offsetMatrix = transformLinkMatrix.Inverse() * transformMatrix * geoTransform;

			FbxMatrix realMatrix( transformLinkMatrix.Inverse() * transformMatrix );
			for ( unsigned int row = 0; row < 4; ++row )
				for ( unsigned int column = 0; column < 4; ++column )
					skeleton[currentJointIndex].offsetMatrix[row][column] = (float)realMatrix.Get( row , column );

			for ( int k = 0; k < cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount(); ++k )
				BlendingIndexWeightPair weightPair;
				weightPair.blendingIndex = currentJointIndex;
				weightPair.blendingWeight = (float)cluster->GetControlPointWeights()[k];
				unsigned int controlPoint = cluster->GetControlPointIndices()[k];
				for ( unsigned int z = 0; z < indices.size(); ++z )
					if ( indices[z].oldControlPoint == controlPoint )
						if ( verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo.size() > 4 )
							std::cout << "Warning: vert has more than 4 bones connected, ignoring additional bone." << std::endl;
						//else verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo.push_back( weightPair );
						bool found = false;
						for ( unsigned int omg = 0; omg < verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo.size(); ++omg )
							if ( verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo[omg].blendingIndex == weightPair.blendingIndex )
								found = true;
						if ( !found ) verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo.push_back( weightPair );

			for ( unsigned int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frames.size(); ++frameIndex )
				FbxVector4 translation = cluster->GetLink()->EvaluateLocalTranslation( frames[frameIndex] );
				FbxVector4 rotation = cluster->GetLink()->EvaluateLocalRotation( frames[frameIndex] );
				FbxVector4 scale = cluster->GetLink()->EvaluateLocalScaling( frames[frameIndex] );
				AnimationData animData;
				animData.frame = (int)frames[frameIndex].GetFrameCount();
				animData.translation = glm::vec3(translation[0],translation[1],translation[2]);
				animData.rotation = glm::angleAxis( glm::radians( (float)rotation[2] ), glm::vec3(0,0,1)) * glm::angleAxis(glm::radians((float) rotation[1]), glm::vec3(0,1,0)) * glm::angleAxis(glm::radians((float)rotation[0]), glm::vec3(1,0,0));
				animData.scale = glm::vec3(scale[0],scale[1],scale[2]);
				skeleton[currentJointIndex].animation.push_back( animData );
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifndef _DEBUG
	if (argc != 2)
		printf("invalid arg");
		return 0;
	const char* filename = argv[1];
	const char* filename = "*****@*****.**";
	output.open("output.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
	output2.open("output2.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
	output3.open("output3.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
	if (!output.is_open())
	FbxManager* fm = FbxManager::Create();
	FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(fm, IOSROOT);
	//ios->SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_ANIMATION, false);
	ios->SetIntProp(EXP_FBX_COMPRESS_LEVEL, 9);

	FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create(fm, "");
	if (!importer->Initialize(filename, -1, fm->GetIOSettings()))
		printf("error returned : %s\n", importer->GetStatus().GetErrorString());

	FbxScene* scene = FbxScene::Create(fm, "myscene");

	output << "some\n";
	output << "charcnt : " << scene->GetCharacterCount() << endl << "node cnt : " << scene->GetNodeCount() << endl;
	int animstackcnt = scene->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimStack>();
	output << "animstackcnt : " << animstackcnt << endl;

	output << "------------" << endl;
	vector<FbxNode*> removableNodes;

	for (int i = 0; i < scene->GetNodeCount(); i++)
		FbxNode* node = scene->GetNode(i);
		output << "scene's node " << i << " : " << node->GetName() << ", childcnt : " << node->GetChildCount();
		if (node->GetNodeAttribute())
			output <<", att type : " << node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType();
			if (node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eMesh)
				FbxMesh* mesh = node->GetMesh();

				output << ", mem usage : " << mesh->MemoryUsage() << ", deformer cnt : " << mesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::EDeformerType::eSkin) << endl;
				FbxSkin* skin = (FbxSkin*) (mesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::EDeformerType::eSkin));
				if (skin)
					for (int cli = 0; cli < skin->GetClusterCount(); cli++)
						FbxCluster* cluster = skin->GetCluster(cli);
						output << "\tcluster no." << cli << " has " << cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount() << " connected verts" << endl;
						if (cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount() == 0)
							removableNodes.push_back( cluster->GetLink() );

				if (mesh->IsTriangleMesh())
					output << "\tit's triangle mesh" << endl;
				output << endl;
			output << ", att type : none" << endl;

	for (int rni = 0; rni < removableNodes.size(); rni++)
		FbxNode* rnd = removableNodes[rni];
		if (rnd && rnd->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eSkeleton)
			output3 << rnd->GetName() << " node with no vert attached's curve : " << rnd->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimCurve>() << "," << rnd->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimCurveNode>() << endl;

	output << "-----------animinfo" << endl;
	int cubic = 0, linear = 0, cons = 0;
	for (int si = 0; si < animstackcnt; si++)
		FbxAnimStack* stack = scene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(si);
		for (int i = 0; i < stack->GetMemberCount<FbxAnimLayer>(); i++)
			FbxAnimLayer* layer = stack->GetMember<FbxAnimLayer>(i);
			int curvenodecnt = layer->GetMemberCount<FbxAnimCurveNode>();
			int compositcnt = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < curvenodecnt; j++)
				FbxAnimCurveNode* cnode = layer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>(j);
				compositcnt += (cnode->IsComposite() ? 1 : 0);
			output << "\tanimstack's layer " << i << " : " << layer->GetName() << ", curve node cnt : " << curvenodecnt << ", composit node cnt : " << compositcnt << endl;
			vector<FbxAnimCurveNode*> nodes2del;
			for (int j = 0; j < curvenodecnt; j++)
				FbxAnimCurveNode* cnode = layer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>(j);
				output << "\t\tcurvenode " << j << " channel cnt : " << cnode->GetChannelsCount() << ", dst obj cnt " << cnode->GetDstObjectCount() << "(";
				for (int dsti = 0; dsti < cnode->GetDstObjectCount(); dsti++)
					output << "," << cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetName();
					if (cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetSrcObjectCount() > 0)
						output << "<" << cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxSkeleton>() << ">";
				output << ")";
				FbxTimeSpan interval;
				if (cnode->GetAnimationInterval(interval))
					output << ", start : " << interval.GetStart().GetTimeString() << ", end : " << interval.GetStop().GetTimeString() << endl;
					output << ", no interval" << endl;

				for (int chi = 0; chi < cnode->GetChannelsCount(); chi++)
					int curvecnt = cnode->GetCurveCount(chi);
					output << "\t\t\tchannel." << chi << " curvecnt : " << curvecnt << endl;
					for (int ci = 0; ci < curvecnt; ci++)
						FbxAnimCurve* curve = cnode->GetCurve(chi, ci);
						int keycnt = curve->KeyGetCount();
						output << "\t\t\t\tcurve no." << ci << " : key count : " << keycnt;
						output2 << "curve  " << ci << endl;
						vector<int> keys2Remove;
						for (int cki = 0; cki < keycnt; cki++)
							FbxAnimCurveKey prevkey, currkey, nextkey;

							if (cki == 0 || cki == keycnt - 1)
							currkey = curve->KeyGet(cki);
							prevkey = curve->KeyGet(cki-1);
							nextkey = curve->KeyGet(cki + 1);
							bool keepit = true;

							output2 << ci << "-" << cki;

//							keepit = keepTestHorizon(curve, prevkey, currkey, nextkey);
	//						if (keepit)
	//							keepit = slopkeepTest(curve, prevkey, currkey, nextkey);

							if (!keepit)
								if (!(currkey.GetInterpolation() == FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType::eInterpolationConstant && nextkey.GetInterpolation() != FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType::eInterpolationConstant))
						for (int kri = keys2Remove.size() - 1; kri >= 0; kri--)
						output2 << endl;
						//output << ", cubic:linear:const : " << cubic << ":" << linear << ":" << cons << endl;
						if (keys2Remove.size() > 0)
							output << ", " << keys2Remove.size() << " keys removed";

						keycnt = curve->KeyGetCount();

			//이부분은 별로 효과없음
			for (int di = 0; di < nodes2del.size(); di++)
	output << "cubic:linear:const  " << cubic << ":" << linear << ":" << cons << endl;
	FbxExporter* exporter = FbxExporter::Create(fm, "");
	const char* outFBXName = "after.fbx";

	bool exportstatus = exporter->Initialize(outFBXName, -1, fm->GetIOSettings());
	if (exportstatus == false)
		puts("err export fail");
	return 0;
void FVertexAnimTools::ImportVertexAnimtion(UnFbx::FFbxImporter* FFbxImporter, USkeletalMesh * SkelMesh, UPackage * Package, FString& Filename)
	check(SkelMesh->GetImportedResource()->LODModels.Num() > 0);
	FStaticLODModel& Model = SkelMesh->GetImportedResource()->LODModels[0];
	if(Model.MeshToImportVertexMap.Num() == 0)
		UE_LOG(LogFbx, Warning, TEXT("ImportVertexAnimtion: Mesh does not contain necessary vertex anim mapping."));

	FbxNode* RootNodeToImport = FFbxImporter->Scene->GetRootNode();

	/* Exporting from Maya with skin and vertex cache seems to throw away the skin deformer, so not sure how to find the 'right' mesh...
	TArray<FbxNode*> MeshArray;
	FName RootBoneName = (SkelMesh->Skeleton)? SkelMesh->Skeleton->GetBoneName(0) : SkelMesh->RefSkeleton.RefBoneInfo(0).Name;
	FFbxImporter->FindFBXMeshesByBone(RootBoneName, false, MeshArray);

	// Find mesh with vertex deformer
	TArray<FbxMesh*> VertexCacheMeshes;
	RecursiveFindVertexAnimMeshes(RootNodeToImport, VertexCacheMeshes);
	if(VertexCacheMeshes.Num() == 0)
		UE_LOG(LogFbx, Warning, TEXT("ImportVertexAnimtion: No vertex cache deformed mesh found."));

	// Get deformer and open cache
	FbxMesh* Mesh = VertexCacheMeshes[0];
	FbxVertexCacheDeformer* Deformer = static_cast<FbxVertexCacheDeformer*>(Mesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::eVertexCache));
	check(Deformer != NULL); // tested in RecursiveFindVertexAnimMeshes
	FbxCache* Cache = Deformer->GetCache();
	bool bOpenSuccess = Cache->OpenFileForRead();
		UE_LOG(LogFbx, Warning, TEXT("ImportVertexAnimtion: Unable to open cache file."));

	// Check cache format
	if(Cache->GetCacheFileFormat() != FbxCache::eMayaCache)
		UE_LOG(LogFbx, Warning, TEXT("ImportVertexAnimtion: Only Maya vertex animation supported."));

	// Get channel
	FbxString DeformerChannelName = Deformer->Channel.Get();
	int ChannelIndex = Cache->GetChannelIndex(DeformerChannelName);
	if(ChannelIndex == -1)
		UE_LOG(LogFbx, Warning, TEXT("ImportVertexAnimtion: No Cache channel for deformer."));

	// Get data type
	FbxCache::EMCDataType DataType;
	bool bGetDataTypeOk = Cache->GetChannelDataType(ChannelIndex, DataType);
	if(DataType != FbxCache::EMCDataType::eDoubleVectorArray)
		UE_LOG(LogFbx, Warning, TEXT("ImportVertexAnimtion: Only double array format supported at the moment."));

	// Get other info about anim
	FbxTime StartTime, DeltaTime;
	int32 NumFrames, NumAnimatedPoints;
	bool bInfoOk = GetVertexAnimInfo(Cache, ChannelIndex, StartTime, DeltaTime, NumFrames, NumAnimatedPoints);
		UE_LOG(LogFbx, Warning, TEXT("ImportVertexAnimtion: Invalid vertex animation."));

	UVertexAnimation* NewVertexAnim = UnFbx::FFbxImporter::CreateAsset<UVertexAnimation>( Package->GetName(), *FPaths::GetBaseFilename(Filename) );
	if (NewVertexAnim != NULL)
		// Save the mesh we are importing for
		NewVertexAnim->BaseSkelMesh = SkelMesh;
		NewVertexAnim->NumAnimatedVerts = NumAnimatedPoints;

		ConvertCacheToAnim(Cache, ChannelIndex, NewVertexAnim, StartTime, DeltaTime, NumFrames);

		UE_LOG(LogFbx, Log, TEXT("ImportVertexAnimtion: Success! %d frames."), NewVertexAnim->GetNumFrames());
예제 #6
void FBXLoader::LoadJointsAndAnimation(FbxNode* inNode)
	// This is how each subset gets its bone/joint for animation
	FBXSubsets* subset = mSubsets[iCurrentSubset];
	FbxMesh* mesh = inNode->GetMesh();
	uint32 numOfDeformers = mesh->GetDeformerCount();
	FbxAMatrix geomTrans = ZShadeSandboxMesh::FBXHelper::GetGeometryTransformation(inNode);
	// A deformer contains clusters.
	// A cluster contains a link, which is a joint.
	// Normally, There is only one deformer in a mesh but Maya has many types.
	for (uint32 deformerIndex = 0; deformerIndex < numOfDeformers; ++deformerIndex)
		// Lets see if this deformer is a skin
		FbxSkin* skin = reinterpret_cast<FbxSkin*>(mesh->GetDeformer(deformerIndex, FbxDeformer::eSkin));
		if (!skin) continue;
		uint32 numOfClusters = skin->GetClusterCount();
		for (uint32 clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < numOfClusters; ++clusterIndex)
			FbxCluster* cluster = skin->GetCluster(clusterIndex);
			string jointName = cluster->GetLink()->GetName();
			uint32 jointIndex = FindJointIndexUsingName(jointName);
			FbxAMatrix transform;
			FbxAMatrix transformLink;
			FbxAMatrix globalBindposeInverse;
			// The transformation of the mesh at binding time
			// The transformation of the cluster (joint) at binding time from joint space to world space
			globalBindposeInverse = transformLink.Inverse() * transform * geomTrans;
			// Update skeletal information
			mSkeleton.joints[jointIndex].globalBindposeInverse = globalBindposeInverse;
			mSkeleton.joints[jointIndex].node = cluster->GetLink();
			// Associate each joint with the control points it affects
			uint32 numOfIndices = cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount();
			for (uint32 i = 0; i < numOfIndices; ++i)
				ZShadeSandboxMesh::BlendingIndexWeightPair currBlendingIndexWeightPair;
				currBlendingIndexWeightPair.blendingIndex = jointIndex;
				currBlendingIndexWeightPair.blendingWeight = cluster->GetControlPointWeights()[i];
			// Animation information
			FbxAnimStack* animStack = m_pFbxScene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(0);
			FbxString animStackName = animStack->GetName();
			mAnimationName = animStackName.Buffer();
			FbxTakeInfo* takeInfo = m_pFbxScene->GetTakeInfo(animStackName);
			FbxTime start = takeInfo->mLocalTimeSpan.GetStart();
			FbxTime end = takeInfo->mLocalTimeSpan.GetStop();
			mAnimationLength = end.GetFrameCount(FbxTime::eFrames24) - start.GetFrameCount(FbxTime::eFrames24) + 1;
			FBXKeyframe** anim = &mSkeleton.joints[jointIndex].animation;
			for (FbxLongLong i = start.GetFrameCount(FbxTime::eFrames24); i <= end.GetFrameCount(FbxTime::eFrames24); ++i)
				FbxTime time;
				time.SetFrame(i, FbxTime::eFrames24);
				*anim = new FBXKeyframe();
				(*anim)->frameNum = i;
				FbxAMatrix currentTransformOffset = inNode->EvaluateGlobalTransform(time) * geomTrans;
				(*anim)->globalTransform = currentTransformOffset.Inverse() * cluster->GetLink()->EvaluateGlobalTransform(time);
				anim = &((*anim)->next);
	// Some control points have less than 4 joints
	// For a normal renderer, there are usually 4 joints
	ZShadeSandboxMesh::BlendingIndexWeightPair currBlendingIndexWeightPair;
	currBlendingIndexWeightPair.blendingIndex = 0;
	currBlendingIndexWeightPair.blendingWeight = 0;
	for (auto itr = mControlPoints.begin(); itr != mControlPoints.end(); ++itr)
		for (unsigned int i = itr->second->blendingInfo.size(); i <= 4; ++i)
예제 #7
bool FillData(ModelData* someData,FbxNode* aNode, AnimationData* aAnimation)
	FbxMesh* mesh = aNode->GetMesh();
	if (mesh == nullptr || !aNode)
		return false;

	const int lPolygonCount = mesh->GetPolygonCount();

	// Count the polygon count of each material
	FbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<int>* lMaterialIndice = NULL;
	FbxGeometryElement::EMappingMode lMaterialMappingMode = FbxGeometryElement::eNone;
	if (mesh->GetElementMaterial())
		lMaterialIndice = &mesh->GetElementMaterial()->GetIndexArray();
		lMaterialMappingMode = mesh->GetElementMaterial()->GetMappingMode();
		if (lMaterialIndice && lMaterialMappingMode == FbxGeometryElement::eByPolygon)
			FBX_ASSERT(lMaterialIndice->GetCount() == lPolygonCount);
			if (lMaterialIndice->GetCount() == lPolygonCount)
				// Count the faces of each material
				for (int lPolygonIndex = 0; lPolygonIndex < lPolygonCount; ++lPolygonIndex)
					const int lMaterialIndex = lMaterialIndice->GetAt(lPolygonIndex);
					/*if (someData->mSubMeshes[lMaterialIndex] == NULL)
						someData->mSubMeshes[lMaterialIndex] = new ModelData::SubMesh;
					someData->mSubMeshes[lMaterialIndex]->TriangleCount += 1;*/

				// Make sure we have no "holes" (NULL) in the mSubMeshes table. This can happen
				// if, in the loop above, we resized the mSubMeshes by more than one slot.
				/*for (int i = 0; i < someData->mSubMeshes.Count(); i++)
					if (someData->mSubMeshes[i] == NULL)
						someData->mSubMeshes[i] = new ModelData::SubMesh;

				// Record the offset (how many vertex)
				const int lMaterialCount = someData->mSubMeshes.Size();
				int lOffset = 0;
				/*for (int lIndex = 0; lIndex < lMaterialCount; ++lIndex)
					someData->mSubMeshes[lIndex]->IndexOffset = lOffset;
					lOffset += someData->mSubMeshes[lIndex]->TriangleCount * 3;
					// This will be used as counter in the following procedures, reset to zero
					someData->mSubMeshes[lIndex]->TriangleCount = 0;
				FBX_ASSERT(lOffset == lPolygonCount * 3);

	// All faces will use the same material.
	if (someData->mSubMeshes.Size() == 0)
		if (someData->mSubMeshes.GetCapacity() == 0)
		someData->mSubMeshes[0] = new ModelData::SubMesh();


	bool hasNormalMap = false;

	const int lMaterialCount = aNode->GetMaterialCount();
	for (int lMaterialIndex = 0; lMaterialIndex < lMaterialCount; ++lMaterialIndex)
		FbxSurfaceMaterial * lMaterial = aNode->GetMaterial(lMaterialIndex);
		if (lMaterial && !lMaterial->GetUserDataPtr())
			TextureInfo diffuseInfo;
			diffuseInfo.myType = DIFFUSE;
			if(diffuseInfo.myFileName.empty() == false)

			TextureInfo normalInfo;
			hasNormalMap = normalInfo.myFileName.empty() == false;
			normalInfo.myType = NORMALMAP;
			if(normalInfo.myFileName.empty() == false)
				hasNormalMap = true;

			TextureInfo roughnessInfo;
			roughnessInfo.myType = ROUGHNESS;
			if(roughnessInfo.myFileName.empty() == false)

			TextureInfo substanceInfo;
			substanceInfo.myType = SUBSTANCE;
			if(substanceInfo.myFileName.empty() == false)

			TextureInfo ambientInfo;
			GetMaterialProperty(lMaterial, FbxSurfaceMaterial::sAmbient, FbxSurfaceMaterial::sAmbientFactor, ambientInfo.myFileName);
			ambientInfo.myType = AO;
			if (substanceInfo.myFileName.empty() == false)

	// Congregate all the data of a mesh to be cached in VBOs.
	// If normal or UV is by polygon vertex, record all vertex attributes by polygon vertex.'
	someData->mHasNormal = mesh->GetElementNormalCount() > 0;
	someData->mHasUV = mesh->GetElementUVCount() > 0;
	someData->myHasBiNormal = mesh->GetElementBinormalCount() > 0;

	FbxSkin * lSkinDeformer = (FbxSkin *)mesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::eSkin);
	someData->myHasSkinweights = lSkinDeformer != nullptr;

	if(hasNormalMap && someData->myHasBiNormal == false)
		someData->myHasBiNormal = mesh->GetElementBinormalCount() > 0;
	someData->myHasTangents = mesh->GetElementTangentCount() > 0;
	FbxGeometryElement::EMappingMode lNormalMappingMode = FbxGeometryElement::eNone;
	FbxGeometryElement::EMappingMode lUVMappingMode = FbxGeometryElement::eNone;
	if (someData->mHasNormal)
		lNormalMappingMode = mesh->GetElementNormal(0)->GetMappingMode();
		if (lNormalMappingMode == FbxGeometryElement::eNone)
			someData->mHasNormal = false;
		if (someData->mHasNormal && lNormalMappingMode != FbxGeometryElement::eByControlPoint)
			someData->mAllByControlPoint = false;
	if (someData->mHasUV)
		lUVMappingMode = mesh->GetElementUV(0)->GetMappingMode();
		if (lUVMappingMode == FbxGeometryElement::eNone)
			someData->mHasUV = false;
		if (someData->mHasUV && lUVMappingMode != FbxGeometryElement::eByControlPoint)
			someData->mAllByControlPoint = false;

	// Allocate the array memory, by control point or by polygon vertex.
	int lPolygonVertexCount = mesh->GetControlPointsCount();
	//if (!someData->my)
		ModelData::Layout newLayout;
		newLayout.myType = ModelData::VERTEX_POS;
		newLayout.mySize = VERTEX_STRIDE;
		newLayout.myOffset = 0;
		lPolygonVertexCount = lPolygonCount * TRIANGLE_VERTEX_COUNT;
	int stride = VERTEX_STRIDE;
	size_t size = lPolygonVertexCount * VERTEX_STRIDE;
	//float * lVertices = new float[lPolygonVertexCount * VERTEX_STRIDE];
	unsigned int * lIndices = new unsigned int[lPolygonCount * TRIANGLE_VERTEX_COUNT];
	someData->myIndexCount = lPolygonCount * TRIANGLE_VERTEX_COUNT;
	//float * lNormals = NULL;
	if (someData->mHasNormal)
		ModelData::Layout newLayout;
		newLayout.myType = ModelData::VERTEX_NORMAL;
		newLayout.mySize = NORMAL_STRIDE;
		newLayout.myOffset = stride*4;

		stride += NORMAL_STRIDE;
		size += lPolygonVertexCount * NORMAL_STRIDE;
		//lNormals = new float[lPolygonVertexCount * NORMAL_STRIDE];
	//float * lUVs = NULL;
	FbxStringList lUVNames;
	const char * lUVName = NULL;
	if (someData->mHasUV && lUVNames.GetCount())
		ModelData::Layout newLayout;
		newLayout.myType = ModelData::VERTEX_UV;
		newLayout.mySize = UV_STRIDE;
		newLayout.myOffset = stride*4;

		stride += UV_STRIDE;
		size += lPolygonVertexCount * UV_STRIDE;
		//lUVs = new float[lPolygonVertexCount * UV_STRIDE];
		lUVName = lUVNames[0];

	if (someData->myHasBiNormal)
		ModelData::Layout newLayout;
		newLayout.myType = ModelData::VERTEX_BINORMAL;
		newLayout.mySize = BINORMAL_STRIDE;
		newLayout.myOffset = stride*4;

		stride += BINORMAL_STRIDE;
		size += lPolygonVertexCount * BINORMAL_STRIDE;
		//lUVs = new float[lPolygonVertexCount * UV_STRIDE];

	if (someData->myHasTangents)
		ModelData::Layout newLayout;
		newLayout.myType = ModelData::VERTEX_TANGENT;
		newLayout.mySize = TANGENT_STRIDE;
		newLayout.myOffset = stride*4;

		stride += TANGENT_STRIDE;
		size += lPolygonVertexCount * TANGENT_STRIDE;
		//lUVs = new float[lPolygonVertexCount * UV_STRIDE];

	if (someData->myHasSkinweights)
		ModelData::Layout newLayout;
		newLayout.myType = ModelData::VERTEX_SKINWEIGHTS;
		newLayout.mySize = SKINWEIGHT_STRIDE;
		newLayout.myOffset = stride*4;

		size += lPolygonVertexCount * SKINWEIGHT_STRIDE;

		newLayout.myType = ModelData::VERTEX_BONEID;
		newLayout.mySize = BONEID_STRIDE;
		newLayout.myOffset = stride*4;

		stride += BONEID_STRIDE;
		size += lPolygonVertexCount * BONEID_STRIDE;
		//lUVs = new float[lPolygonVertexCount * UV_STRIDE];

	float * lVertices = new float[size];

	FbxAMatrix globalPos;
	FbxVector4* weights = nullptr;
	FbxVectorTemplate4<int>* bones = nullptr;
	FbxTime time = static_cast<FbxTime>(0.0f);
		weights = new FbxVector4[mesh->GetControlPointsCount()];
		bones = new FbxVectorTemplate4<int>[mesh->GetControlPointsCount()];

	const FbxGeometryElementBinormal * lBiNormalElement = NULL;
	const FbxGeometryElementTangent * lTangentElement = NULL;

	if (someData->myHasBiNormal)
		lBiNormalElement = mesh->GetElementBinormal(0);
	if (someData->myHasTangents)
		lTangentElement = mesh->GetElementTangent(0);

	// Populate the array with vertex attribute, if by control point.
	const FbxVector4 * lControlPoints = mesh->GetControlPoints();
	FbxVector4 lCurrentVertex;
	FbxVector4 lCurrentNormal;
	FbxVector4 lCurrentBiNormal;
	FbxVector4 lCurrentTangent;
	FbxVector2 lCurrentUV;
	if (someData->mAllByControlPoint)
		const FbxGeometryElementNormal * lNormalElement = NULL;
		const FbxGeometryElementUV * lUVElement = NULL;
		if (someData->mHasNormal)
			lNormalElement = mesh->GetElementNormal(0);
		if (someData->mHasUV)
			lUVElement = mesh->GetElementUV(0);

		for (int lIndex = 0; lIndex < lPolygonVertexCount; ++lIndex)
			int currentIndex = lIndex * stride;
			int addedSize = VERTEX_STRIDE;
			// Save the vertex position.
			lCurrentVertex = lControlPoints[lIndex];
			CU::Vector4f position(static_cast<float>(lCurrentVertex[0]),

			CU::Matrix44f fixMatrix;
			fixMatrix = CU::Matrix44<float>::CreateReflectionMatrixAboutAxis(CU::Vector3f(1,0,0));
			position = position*fixMatrix;

			lVertices[currentIndex] = position.x;
			lVertices[currentIndex + 1] = position.y;
			lVertices[currentIndex + 2] = position.z;
			lVertices[currentIndex + 3] = 1;

			// Save the normal.
			if (someData->mHasNormal)
				int lNormalIndex = lIndex;
				if (lNormalElement->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
					lNormalIndex = lNormalElement->GetIndexArray().GetAt(lIndex);
				lCurrentNormal = lNormalElement->GetDirectArray().GetAt(lNormalIndex);

				CU::Vector3f normal( static_cast<float>(lCurrentNormal[0]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentNormal[1]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentNormal[2]));
				normal = normal*CU::Matrix33<float>::CreateReflectionMatrixAboutAxis(CU::Vector3f(1, 0, 0));

				lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = normal.x;
				lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = normal.y;
				lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = normal.z;
				lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = 0;
				addedSize += NORMAL_STRIDE;

			// Save the UV.
			if (someData->mHasUV)
				int lUVIndex = lIndex;
				if (lUVElement->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
					lUVIndex = lUVElement->GetIndexArray().GetAt(lIndex);
				lCurrentUV = lUVElement->GetDirectArray().GetAt(lUVIndex);
				lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = static_cast<float>(lCurrentUV[0]);
				lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = static_cast<float>(lCurrentUV[1])*-1.0f;
				addedSize += 2;

			if (someData->myHasBiNormal)
					int lBinormIndexIndex = lIndex;
					if (lBiNormalElement->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
						lBinormIndexIndex = lBiNormalElement->GetIndexArray().GetAt(lIndex);

					lCurrentBiNormal = lBiNormalElement->GetDirectArray().GetAt(lBinormIndexIndex);
					//mesh->GetElementBinormal(lPolygonIndex, lVerticeIndex, lCurrentNormal);
					//lCurrentNormal = lCurrentNormal
					CU::Vector3f normal( static_cast<float>(lCurrentBiNormal[0]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentBiNormal[1]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentBiNormal[2]));
					normal = normal*CU::Matrix33<float>::CreateReflectionMatrixAboutAxis(CU::Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
					if (CU::Length(normal) != 0.f)
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = normal.x;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = normal.y;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = normal.z;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = 0;
					addedSize += BINORMAL_STRIDE;

				if (someData->myHasTangents)
					int lBinormIndexIndex = lIndex;
					if (lTangentElement->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
						lBinormIndexIndex = lTangentElement->GetIndexArray().GetAt(lIndex);

					lCurrentTangent = lTangentElement->GetDirectArray().GetAt(lBinormIndexIndex);

					//lCurrentNormal = lCurrentNormal
					CU::Vector3f normal( static_cast<float>(lCurrentTangent[0]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentTangent[1]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentTangent[2]));
					normal = normal*CU::Matrix33<float>::CreateReflectionMatrixAboutAxis(CU::Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
					if (CU::Length(normal) != 0.f)
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = normal.x;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = normal.y;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = normal.z;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = 0;
					addedSize += TANGENT_STRIDE;

					FbxVector4 currentWeights = weights[lIndex];

					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = static_cast<float>(currentWeights[0]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = static_cast<float>(currentWeights[1]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = static_cast<float>(currentWeights[2]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = static_cast<float>(currentWeights[3]);
					addedSize += SKINWEIGHT_STRIDE;

					FbxVectorTemplate4<int> currentBones = bones[lIndex];

					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = static_cast<float>(currentBones[0]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = static_cast<float>(currentBones[1]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = static_cast<float>(currentBones[2]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = static_cast<float>(currentBones[3]);
					addedSize += BONEID_STRIDE;


	int lVertexCount = 0;
	for (int lPolygonIndex = 0; lPolygonIndex < lPolygonCount; ++lPolygonIndex)
		// The material for current face.
		int lMaterialIndex = 0;
		if (lMaterialIndice && lMaterialMappingMode == FbxGeometryElement::eByPolygon)
			lMaterialIndex = lMaterialIndice->GetAt(lPolygonIndex);

		// Where should I save the vertex attribute index, according to the material
		const int lIndexOffset = someData->mSubMeshes[lMaterialIndex]->IndexOffset +
			someData->mSubMeshes[lMaterialIndex]->TriangleCount * 3;
		for (int lVerticeIndex = TRIANGLE_VERTEX_COUNT-1; lVerticeIndex > -1; --lVerticeIndex)
			const int lControlPointIndex = mesh->GetPolygonVertex(lPolygonIndex, lVerticeIndex);
			int vertexIndex = lIndexOffset + (TRIANGLE_VERTEX_COUNT-1) - lVerticeIndex;
			if (someData->mAllByControlPoint)
				lIndices[vertexIndex] = static_cast<unsigned int>(lControlPointIndex);
			// Populate the array with vertex attribute, if by polygon vertex.
				lIndices[vertexIndex] = static_cast<unsigned int>(lVertexCount);

				lCurrentVertex = lControlPoints[lControlPointIndex];
				int addedSize = VERTEX_STRIDE;
				int currentIndex = lVertexCount * stride;

				CU::Vector4f position(static_cast<float>(lCurrentVertex[0]),

				CU::Matrix44f fixMatrix;
				fixMatrix = CU::Matrix44<float>::CreateReflectionMatrixAboutAxis(CU::Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
				position = position*fixMatrix;

				lVertices[currentIndex] = position.x;
				lVertices[currentIndex + 1] = position.y;
				lVertices[currentIndex + 2] = position.z;
				lVertices[currentIndex + 3] = 0;

				if (someData->mHasNormal)
					mesh->GetPolygonVertexNormal(lPolygonIndex, lVerticeIndex, lCurrentNormal);
					CU::Vector3f normal( static_cast<float>(lCurrentNormal[0]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentNormal[1]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentNormal[2]));
					normal = normal*CU::Matrix33<float>::CreateReflectionMatrixAboutAxis(CU::Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
					if (CU::Length(normal) != 0.f)

					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = normal.x;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = normal.y;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = normal.z;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = 0;
					addedSize += NORMAL_STRIDE;

				if (someData->mHasUV)
					bool lUnmappedUV;
					mesh->GetPolygonVertexUV(lPolygonIndex, lVerticeIndex, lUVName, lCurrentUV, lUnmappedUV);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = static_cast<float>(lCurrentUV[0]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = static_cast<float>(lCurrentUV[1])*-1.0f;
					addedSize += UV_STRIDE;
				if (someData->myHasBiNormal)
					int lBinormIndexIndex = lVerticeIndex;
					if (lBiNormalElement->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
						lBinormIndexIndex = lBiNormalElement->GetIndexArray().GetAt(lVerticeIndex);

					lCurrentBiNormal = lBiNormalElement->GetDirectArray().GetAt(lBinormIndexIndex);

					CU::Vector3f normal( static_cast<float>(lCurrentBiNormal[0]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentBiNormal[1]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentBiNormal[2]));
					normal = normal*CU::Matrix33<float>::CreateReflectionMatrixAboutAxis(CU::Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
					if (CU::Length(normal) != 0.f)
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = normal.x;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = normal.y;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = normal.z;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = 0;
					addedSize += BINORMAL_STRIDE;

				if (someData->myHasTangents)
					int lBinormIndexIndex = lVerticeIndex;
					if (lTangentElement->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
						lBinormIndexIndex = lTangentElement->GetIndexArray().GetAt(lVerticeIndex);

					lCurrentTangent = lTangentElement->GetDirectArray().GetAt(lBinormIndexIndex);

					mesh->GetPolygonVertexNormal(lPolygonIndex, lVerticeIndex, lCurrentNormal);

					CU::Vector3f normal( static_cast<float>(lCurrentTangent[0]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentTangent[1]), static_cast<float>(lCurrentTangent[2]));
					normal = normal*CU::Matrix33<float>::CreateReflectionMatrixAboutAxis(CU::Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
					if (CU::Length(normal) != 0.f)
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = normal.x;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = normal.y;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = normal.z;
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = 0;
					addedSize += TANGENT_STRIDE;

					FbxVector4 currentWeights = weights[lControlPointIndex];
					FbxVectorTemplate4<int> currentBones = bones[lControlPointIndex];
					for(int l = 0;l < 4;++l)
						if(currentBones[l] == -1)
							currentWeights[l] = 0.0f;

					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = static_cast<float>(currentWeights[0]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = static_cast<float>(currentWeights[1]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = static_cast<float>(currentWeights[2]);
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = static_cast<float>(currentWeights[3]);
					addedSize += SKINWEIGHT_STRIDE;


					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize] = *(float*)&currentBones[0];
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 1] = *(float*)&currentBones[1];
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 2] = *(float*)&currentBones[2];
					lVertices[currentIndex + addedSize + 3] = *(float*)&currentBones[3];
					addedSize += BONEID_STRIDE;
		someData->mSubMeshes[lMaterialIndex]->TriangleCount += 1;

	someData->myVertexCount = lVertexCount;
	someData->myVertexStride = stride;

	someData->myVertexBuffer = lVertices;
	someData->myIndicies = lIndices;

		delete [] weights;
		delete [] bones;

	return true;