예제 #1
void FbxToHkxConverter::findChildren(FbxNode* root, hkArray<FbxNode*>& children, FbxNodeAttribute::EType type)
	for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < root->GetChildCount(); childIndex++)
		FbxNode *node = root->GetChild(childIndex);
		if (node->GetNodeAttribute() != NULL &&
			node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == type)

		findChildren(node, children, type);
예제 #2
파일: fbx.cpp 프로젝트: kittikun/ramen
	FbxNode* FBXScene::findNode(FbxNodeAttribute::EType type)
		FbxNode* node = m_pScene->GetRootNode();
		std::vector<FbxNode*> toExplore;

		for (int i = 0; i < node->GetChildCount(); ++i) {

		while (!toExplore.empty()) {
			node = toExplore.back();

			if (node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == type) {
				return node;

			for (int i = 0; i < node->GetChildCount(); ++i) {

		LOGE << "Couldn't find any node of type " << fbxUtility::getAttributeStr(type);

		return nullptr;
예제 #3
// Load Fbx File
void GenerateLOD::LoadFbx()
	FbxManager *fbxManager = FbxManager::Create();

	//Create an IOSetting
	FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(fbxManager, IOSROOT);

	//Create an impoter
	FbxImporter *lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(fbxManager, "myImporter");
	std::string tmp = std::string(".\\LODs\\") + srcFbxName;
	bool lImporterStatus = lImporter->Initialize(tmp.c_str(), -1, fbxManager->GetIOSettings());
	if (!lImporterStatus) {
		MessageBox(NULL, "No Scuh File in .\\LODs\\ directory !", "Warning", 0);

	FbxScene *fbxScene = FbxScene::Create(fbxManager, "myScene");

	FbxNode *rootNode = fbxScene->GetRootNode();
	if (rootNode != NULL) {
		for (int i = 0; i < rootNode->GetChildCount(); ++i) {
			FbxNode *node = rootNode->GetChild(i);
			FbxNodeAttribute *Att = node->GetNodeAttribute();
			if (Att != NULL && Att->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh) {
				FbxMesh *lMesh = (FbxMesh *)(Att);
				//FbxMesh *lMesh = dynamic_cast<FbxMesh *>(Att);
				if (!lMesh->IsTriangleMesh()) {
					FbxGeometryConverter converter = FbxGeometryConverter(fbxManager);
					FbxNodeAttribute *Attr = converter.Triangulate(lMesh, true);
					lMesh = (FbxMesh *)(Attr);

				//Following is the SImplification
				Reduction_EdgesCollapse_UV(node, lMesh, fbxManager, fbxScene);


	//MessageBox(NULL, "Export Succeed!", "Export", 0);
예제 #4
	void ImportSkeletalMeshLOD( class USkeletalMesh* SelectedSkelMesh, const FString& Filename, int32 LODLevel )
		// Check the file extension for FBX. Anything that isn't .FBX is rejected
		const FString FileExtension = FPaths::GetExtension(Filename);
		const bool bIsFBX = FCString::Stricmp(*FileExtension, TEXT("FBX")) == 0;

		if (bIsFBX)
			FClothingBackup ClothingBackup;

			if(LODLevel == 0)
				ApexClothingUtils::BackupClothingDataFromSkeletalMesh(SelectedSkelMesh, ClothingBackup);

			UnFbx::FFbxImporter* FFbxImporter = UnFbx::FFbxImporter::GetInstance();
			// don't import material and animation
			UnFbx::FBXImportOptions* ImportOptions = FFbxImporter->GetImportOptions();
			ImportOptions->bImportMaterials = false;
			ImportOptions->bImportTextures = false;
			ImportOptions->bImportAnimations = false;

			if ( !FFbxImporter->ImportFromFile( *Filename, FPaths::GetExtension( Filename ) ) )
				// Log the error message and fail the import.
				FFbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, LOCTEXT("FBXImport_ParseFailed", "FBX file parsing failed.")), FFbxErrors::Generic_FBXFileParseFailed);
				bool bUseLODs = true;
				int32 MaxLODLevel = 0;
				TArray< TArray<FbxNode*>* > MeshArray;
				TArray<FString> LODStrings;
				TArray<FbxNode*>* MeshObject = NULL;;

				// Populate the mesh array
				FFbxImporter->FillFbxSkelMeshArrayInScene(FFbxImporter->Scene->GetRootNode(), MeshArray, false);

				// Nothing found, error out
				if (MeshArray.Num() == 0)
					FFbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, LOCTEXT("FBXImport_NoMesh", "No meshes were found in file.")), FFbxErrors::Generic_MeshNotFound);

				MeshObject = MeshArray[0];

				// check if there is LODGroup for this skeletal mesh
				for (int32 j = 0; j < MeshObject->Num(); j++)
					FbxNode* Node = (*MeshObject)[j];
					if (Node->GetNodeAttribute() && Node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eLODGroup)
						// get max LODgroup level
						if (MaxLODLevel < (Node->GetChildCount() - 1))
							MaxLODLevel = Node->GetChildCount() - 1;

				// No LODs found, switch to supporting a mesh array containing meshes instead of LODs
				if (MaxLODLevel == 0)
					bUseLODs = false;
					MaxLODLevel = SelectedSkelMesh->LODInfo.Num();

				// Create LOD dropdown strings
				LODStrings.AddZeroed(MaxLODLevel + 1);
				LODStrings[0] = FString::Printf( TEXT("Base") );
				for(int32 i = 1; i < MaxLODLevel + 1; i++)
					LODStrings[i] = FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), i);

				int32 SelectedLOD = LODLevel;
				if (SelectedLOD > SelectedSkelMesh->LODInfo.Num())
					// Make sure they don't manage to select a bad LOD index
					FFbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Warning, FText::Format(LOCTEXT("FBXImport_InvalidLODIdx", "Invalid mesh LOD index {0}, no prior LOD index exists"), FText::AsNumber(SelectedLOD))), FFbxErrors::Generic_Mesh_LOD_InvalidIndex);
					TArray<FbxNode*> SkelMeshNodeArray;

					if (bUseLODs || ImportOptions->bImportMorph)
						for (int32 j = 0; j < MeshObject->Num(); j++)
							FbxNode* Node = (*MeshObject)[j];
							if (Node->GetNodeAttribute() && Node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eLODGroup)
								if (Node->GetChildCount() > SelectedLOD)
								else // in less some LODGroups have less level, use the last level
									SkelMeshNodeArray.Add(Node->GetChild(Node->GetChildCount() - 1));

					// Import mesh
					USkeletalMesh* TempSkelMesh = NULL;
					// @todo AssetImportData does this temp skeletal mesh need import data?
					UFbxSkeletalMeshImportData* TempAssetImportData = NULL;
					TempSkelMesh = (USkeletalMesh*)FFbxImporter->ImportSkeletalMesh(GetTransientPackage(), bUseLODs? SkelMeshNodeArray: *MeshObject, NAME_None, (EObjectFlags)0, TempAssetImportData);

					// Add imported mesh to existing model
					bool bImportSucceeded = false;
					if( TempSkelMesh )
						bImportSucceeded = FFbxImporter->ImportSkeletalMeshLOD(TempSkelMesh, SelectedSkelMesh, SelectedLOD);

						// Mark package containing skeletal mesh as dirty.

						FFbxImporter->ImportFbxMorphTarget(SkelMeshNodeArray, SelectedSkelMesh, SelectedSkelMesh->GetOutermost(), SelectedLOD);

					if (bImportSucceeded)
						// Notification of success
						FNotificationInfo NotificationInfo(FText::GetEmpty());
						NotificationInfo.Text = FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "LODImportSuccessful", "Mesh for LOD {0} imported successfully!"), FText::AsNumber(SelectedLOD));
						NotificationInfo.ExpireDuration = 5.0f;
						// Notification of failure
						FNotificationInfo NotificationInfo(FText::GetEmpty());
						NotificationInfo.Text = FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "LODImportFail", "Failed to import mesh for LOD {0}!"), FText::AsNumber(SelectedLOD));
						NotificationInfo.ExpireDuration = 5.0f;

				// Cleanup
				for (int32 i=0; i<MeshArray.Num(); i++)
					delete MeshArray[i];

			if(LODLevel == 0)
				ApexClothingUtils::ReapplyClothingDataToSkeletalMesh(SelectedSkelMesh, ClothingBackup);
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifndef _DEBUG
	if (argc != 2)
		printf("invalid arg");
		return 0;
	const char* filename = argv[1];
	const char* filename = "*****@*****.**";
	output.open("output.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
	output2.open("output2.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
	output3.open("output3.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
	if (!output.is_open())
	FbxManager* fm = FbxManager::Create();
	FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(fm, IOSROOT);
	//ios->SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_ANIMATION, false);
	ios->SetIntProp(EXP_FBX_COMPRESS_LEVEL, 9);

	FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create(fm, "");
	if (!importer->Initialize(filename, -1, fm->GetIOSettings()))
		printf("error returned : %s\n", importer->GetStatus().GetErrorString());

	FbxScene* scene = FbxScene::Create(fm, "myscene");

	output << "some\n";
	output << "charcnt : " << scene->GetCharacterCount() << endl << "node cnt : " << scene->GetNodeCount() << endl;
	int animstackcnt = scene->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimStack>();
	output << "animstackcnt : " << animstackcnt << endl;

	output << "------------" << endl;
	vector<FbxNode*> removableNodes;

	for (int i = 0; i < scene->GetNodeCount(); i++)
		FbxNode* node = scene->GetNode(i);
		output << "scene's node " << i << " : " << node->GetName() << ", childcnt : " << node->GetChildCount();
		if (node->GetNodeAttribute())
			output <<", att type : " << node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType();
			if (node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eMesh)
				FbxMesh* mesh = node->GetMesh();

				output << ", mem usage : " << mesh->MemoryUsage() << ", deformer cnt : " << mesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::EDeformerType::eSkin) << endl;
				FbxSkin* skin = (FbxSkin*) (mesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::EDeformerType::eSkin));
				if (skin)
					for (int cli = 0; cli < skin->GetClusterCount(); cli++)
						FbxCluster* cluster = skin->GetCluster(cli);
						output << "\tcluster no." << cli << " has " << cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount() << " connected verts" << endl;
						if (cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount() == 0)
							removableNodes.push_back( cluster->GetLink() );

				if (mesh->IsTriangleMesh())
					output << "\tit's triangle mesh" << endl;
				output << endl;
			output << ", att type : none" << endl;

	for (int rni = 0; rni < removableNodes.size(); rni++)
		FbxNode* rnd = removableNodes[rni];
		if (rnd && rnd->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eSkeleton)
			output3 << rnd->GetName() << " node with no vert attached's curve : " << rnd->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimCurve>() << "," << rnd->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimCurveNode>() << endl;

	output << "-----------animinfo" << endl;
	int cubic = 0, linear = 0, cons = 0;
	for (int si = 0; si < animstackcnt; si++)
		FbxAnimStack* stack = scene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(si);
		for (int i = 0; i < stack->GetMemberCount<FbxAnimLayer>(); i++)
			FbxAnimLayer* layer = stack->GetMember<FbxAnimLayer>(i);
			int curvenodecnt = layer->GetMemberCount<FbxAnimCurveNode>();
			int compositcnt = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < curvenodecnt; j++)
				FbxAnimCurveNode* cnode = layer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>(j);
				compositcnt += (cnode->IsComposite() ? 1 : 0);
			output << "\tanimstack's layer " << i << " : " << layer->GetName() << ", curve node cnt : " << curvenodecnt << ", composit node cnt : " << compositcnt << endl;
			vector<FbxAnimCurveNode*> nodes2del;
			for (int j = 0; j < curvenodecnt; j++)
				FbxAnimCurveNode* cnode = layer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>(j);
				output << "\t\tcurvenode " << j << " channel cnt : " << cnode->GetChannelsCount() << ", dst obj cnt " << cnode->GetDstObjectCount() << "(";
				for (int dsti = 0; dsti < cnode->GetDstObjectCount(); dsti++)
					output << "," << cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetName();
					if (cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetSrcObjectCount() > 0)
						output << "<" << cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxSkeleton>() << ">";
				output << ")";
				FbxTimeSpan interval;
				if (cnode->GetAnimationInterval(interval))
					output << ", start : " << interval.GetStart().GetTimeString() << ", end : " << interval.GetStop().GetTimeString() << endl;
					output << ", no interval" << endl;

				for (int chi = 0; chi < cnode->GetChannelsCount(); chi++)
					int curvecnt = cnode->GetCurveCount(chi);
					output << "\t\t\tchannel." << chi << " curvecnt : " << curvecnt << endl;
					for (int ci = 0; ci < curvecnt; ci++)
						FbxAnimCurve* curve = cnode->GetCurve(chi, ci);
						int keycnt = curve->KeyGetCount();
						output << "\t\t\t\tcurve no." << ci << " : key count : " << keycnt;
						output2 << "curve  " << ci << endl;
						vector<int> keys2Remove;
						for (int cki = 0; cki < keycnt; cki++)
							FbxAnimCurveKey prevkey, currkey, nextkey;

							if (cki == 0 || cki == keycnt - 1)
							currkey = curve->KeyGet(cki);
							prevkey = curve->KeyGet(cki-1);
							nextkey = curve->KeyGet(cki + 1);
							bool keepit = true;

							output2 << ci << "-" << cki;

//							keepit = keepTestHorizon(curve, prevkey, currkey, nextkey);
	//						if (keepit)
	//							keepit = slopkeepTest(curve, prevkey, currkey, nextkey);

							if (!keepit)
								if (!(currkey.GetInterpolation() == FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType::eInterpolationConstant && nextkey.GetInterpolation() != FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType::eInterpolationConstant))
						for (int kri = keys2Remove.size() - 1; kri >= 0; kri--)
						output2 << endl;
						//output << ", cubic:linear:const : " << cubic << ":" << linear << ":" << cons << endl;
						if (keys2Remove.size() > 0)
							output << ", " << keys2Remove.size() << " keys removed";

						keycnt = curve->KeyGetCount();

			//이부분은 별로 효과없음
			for (int di = 0; di < nodes2del.size(); di++)
	output << "cubic:linear:const  " << cubic << ":" << linear << ":" << cons << endl;
	FbxExporter* exporter = FbxExporter::Create(fm, "");
	const char* outFBXName = "after.fbx";

	bool exportstatus = exporter->Initialize(outFBXName, -1, fm->GetIOSettings());
	if (exportstatus == false)
		puts("err export fail");
	return 0;
예제 #6
HRESULT CStaticMesh::Load_StaticMesh(const char* szFilePath,const char* szFileName, FbxManager* _pFBXManager, FbxIOSettings* _pIOsettings, FbxScene* _pFBXScene, FbxImporter* _pImporter)

	vector<UINT> vecIndeces;

	string	strFullPath;

	strFullPath = szFilePath;
	strFullPath += szFileName;//경로에 파일이름 추가

	if (!(_pImporter->Initialize(strFullPath.c_str(), -1, _pFBXManager->GetIOSettings())))
		FAILED_CHECK_MSG(E_FAIL, L"Static Mesh Init Failed");
	if (!(_pImporter->Import(_pFBXScene)))
		FAILED_CHECK_MSG(E_FAIL, L"Static Mesh Import Failed");

	FbxGeometryConverter clsConverter(_pFBXManager);
	clsConverter.Triangulate(_pFBXScene, false);
	FbxNode* pRootNode = _pFBXScene->GetRootNode();

	if (!pRootNode)
		return E_FAIL;

	vector<VTXTEX> vecVTXTEX;

	for (int i = 0; i < pRootNode->GetChildCount(); ++i)
		FbxNode* pChildNode = pRootNode->GetChild(i);

		if (pChildNode->GetNodeAttribute() == NULL)

		FbxNodeAttribute::EType AttributeType = pChildNode->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType();

		if (AttributeType != FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh)

		FbxMesh* pMesh = (FbxMesh*)pChildNode->GetNodeAttribute();  // 임폴트 하려는 메쉬의 데이터
		D3DXVECTOR3 vOutNormal;
		FbxVector4* mControlPoints = pMesh->GetControlPoints();
		int iVTXCounter = 0;

		for (int j = 0; j < pMesh->GetPolygonCount(); j++) // 폴리곤의 인덱스
			int iNumVertices = pMesh->GetPolygonSize(j);
			assert(iNumVertices == 3);
			FbxGeometryElementUV* VtxUV = pMesh->GetElementUV(0);
			FbxGeometryElementNormal* VtxNormal = pMesh->GetElementNormal(0);

			for (int k = 0; k < iNumVertices; k++) // 폴리곤을 구성하는 버텍스의 인덱스
				//정점 데이터 얻는곳
				int iControlPointIndex = pMesh->GetPolygonVertex(j, k); // 컨트롤 포인트 = 하나의 버텍스
				int iTextureUVIndex = pMesh->GetTextureUVIndex(j, k);  // Control = Vertex
				//int iNormalIndex = pMesh->GetPolygonVertexIndex(j, k);

				vPos.x = (float)mControlPoints[iControlPointIndex].mData[0];
				vPos.y = -(float)mControlPoints[iControlPointIndex].mData[1];
				vPos.z = (float)mControlPoints[iControlPointIndex].mData[2];

				//uv 얻기
				switch (VtxUV->GetMappingMode()) // UV값 추출
				case FbxGeometryElement::eByControlPoint: // 하나의 컨트롤 포인트가 하나의 노멀벡터를 가질때

					switch (VtxUV->GetReferenceMode())
					case FbxGeometryElement::eDirect:
						vOutUV.x = static_cast<float>(VtxUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iControlPointIndex).mData[0]);
						vOutUV.y = static_cast<float>(VtxUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iControlPointIndex).mData[1]);
					case FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect:
						int index = VtxUV->GetIndexArray().GetAt(iControlPointIndex);
						vOutUV.x = static_cast<float>(VtxUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[0]);
						vOutUV.y =  static_cast<float>(VtxUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[1]);

						throw std::exception("Invalid Reference");


				case FbxGeometryElement::eByPolygonVertex:  // Sharp Edge 포인트가 존재할때 고로 우리가 실질적으로 쓰는곳
					switch (VtxUV->GetReferenceMode())
					case FbxGeometryElement::eDirect:
						vOutUV.x = static_cast<float>(VtxUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iTextureUVIndex).mData[0]);
						vOutUV.y = 1 - static_cast<float>(VtxUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iTextureUVIndex).mData[1]);
					case FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect:

						vOutUV.x = static_cast<float>(VtxUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iTextureUVIndex).mData[0]);
						vOutUV.y = 1 - static_cast<float>(VtxUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iTextureUVIndex).mData[1]);
						throw std::exception("invalid Reference");
					throw std::exception("Invalid Reference");

				switch (VtxNormal->GetMappingMode()) // 노멀값 추출
				case FbxGeometryElement::eByControlPoint: // 하나의 컨트롤 포인트가 하나의 노멀벡터를 가질때

					switch (VtxNormal->GetReferenceMode())
					case FbxGeometryElement::eDirect:
						vOutNormal.x = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iControlPointIndex).mData[0]);
						vOutNormal.y = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iControlPointIndex).mData[1]);
						vOutNormal.z = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iControlPointIndex).mData[2]);
					case FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect:
						int index = VtxNormal->GetIndexArray().GetAt(iControlPointIndex);
						vOutNormal.x = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[0]);
						vOutNormal.y = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[1]);
						vOutNormal.z = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[2]);

						throw std::exception("Invalid Reference");


				case FbxGeometryElement::eByPolygonVertex:  // Sharp Edge 포인트가 존재할때 고로 우리가 실질적으로 쓰는곳
					switch (VtxNormal->GetReferenceMode())
					case FbxGeometryElement::eDirect:
						int index = VtxNormal->GetIndexArray().GetAt(iVTXCounter);
						vOutNormal.x = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[0]);
						vOutNormal.y = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[1]);
						vOutNormal.z = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[2]);
					case FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect:
						int index = VtxNormal->GetIndexArray().GetAt(iVTXCounter);
						vOutNormal.x = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[0]);
						vOutNormal.y = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[1]);
						vOutNormal.z = static_cast<float>(VtxNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(index).mData[2]);
						throw std::exception("invalid Reference");
					throw std::exception("Invalid Reference");

				VTXTEX vtxtex;
				vtxtex.vPos = vPos;
				vtxtex.vNormal = vOutNormal;
				vtxtex.vTexUV = vOutUV;

				//int index = VtxUV->GetIndexArray().GetAt(iTextureUVIndex);

	unsigned int n = vecVTXTEX.size();
	VTXTEX* pVTXTex = new VTXTEX[n];
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecVTXTEX.size(); ++i)
		pVTXTex[i].vPos = vecVTXTEX[i].vPos;
		pVTXTex[i].vNormal = vecVTXTEX[i].vNormal;
		pVTXTex[i].vTexUV = vecVTXTEX[i].vTexUV;

	m_iVertices = vecVTXTEX.size();
	m_iVertexStrides = sizeof(VTXTEX);
	m_iVertexOffsets = 0;

	MakeVertexNormal((BYTE*)pVTXTex, NULL);

	D3D11_BUFFER_DESC tBufferDesc;
	ZeroMemory(&tBufferDesc, sizeof(D3D11_BUFFER_DESC));
	tBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
	tBufferDesc.ByteWidth = m_iVertexStrides * m_iVertices;
	tBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
	tBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;

	ZeroMemory(&tData, sizeof(D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA));
	tData.pSysMem = pVTXTex;
	hr = CDevice::GetInstance()->m_pDevice->CreateBuffer(&tBufferDesc, &tData, &m_VertexBuffer);

	if (FAILED(hr))
		return E_FAIL;

	cbd.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
	cbd.ByteWidth = sizeof(ConstantBuffer);
	cbd.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
	cbd.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
	cbd.MiscFlags = 0;
	cbd.StructureByteStride = 0;
	hr = CDevice::GetInstance()->m_pDevice->CreateBuffer(&cbd, NULL, &m_ConstantBuffer);

	if (FAILED(hr))
		MessageBox(NULL, L"System Message", L"Constant Buffer Error", MB_OK);
		return hr;

	return S_OK;
	HRESULT FBXLoader::loadFBXFile(char* filePath, VertexBuffer** vBuf, IndexBuffer** iBuf, Renderer* renderer, bool centerShift)
		if (g_pFbxSdkManager == nullptr)
			g_pFbxSdkManager = FbxManager::Create();

			FbxIOSettings* pIOsettings = FbxIOSettings::Create(g_pFbxSdkManager, IOSROOT);

		this->shiftCenter = centerShift;

		FbxImporter* pImporter = FbxImporter::Create(g_pFbxSdkManager, "");
		FbxScene* pFbxScene = FbxScene::Create(g_pFbxSdkManager, "");

		bool bSuccess = pImporter->Initialize(filePath, -1, g_pFbxSdkManager->GetIOSettings());
		if (!bSuccess) return E_FAIL;

		bSuccess = pImporter->Import(pFbxScene);
		if (!bSuccess) return E_FAIL;

		FbxAxisSystem sceneAxisSystem = pFbxScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetAxisSystem();
		FbxAxisSystem DirectXAxisSystem(FbxAxisSystem::eYAxis, FbxAxisSystem::eParityOdd, FbxAxisSystem::eLeftHanded);

		if (sceneAxisSystem != DirectXAxisSystem)


		FbxNode* pFbxRootNode = pFbxScene->GetRootNode();

		if (pFbxRootNode)
			// Check if the getChildCount is > 1  TODO
			int test = pFbxRootNode->GetChildCount();

			for (int i = 0; i < pFbxRootNode->GetChildCount(); i++)
				FbxNode* pFbxChildNode = pFbxRootNode->GetChild(i);

				if (pFbxChildNode->GetNodeAttribute() == NULL)

				FbxNodeAttribute::EType AttributeType = pFbxChildNode->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType();

				if (AttributeType != FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh)

				FbxMesh* pMesh = (FbxMesh*)pFbxChildNode->GetNodeAttribute();

				int numControlPoints = pMesh->GetControlPointsCount();
				bool initial = true;
				float xMin, yMin, zMin;
				float xMax, yMax, zMax;
				float xIn, yIn, zIn;

				float xCenter, yCenter, zCenter;

				if (this->shiftCenter){

					for (int c = 0; c < numControlPoints; c++) {
						xIn = (float)pMesh->GetControlPointAt(c).mData[0];
						yIn = (float)pMesh->GetControlPointAt(c).mData[1];
						zIn = (float)pMesh->GetControlPointAt(c).mData[2];

						if (initial) {
							xMin = xIn;
							yMin = yIn;
							zMin = zIn;

							xMax = xIn;
							yMax = yIn;
							zMax = zIn;

							initial = false;
						else {
							if (xIn < xMin) {
								xMin = xIn;

							if (yIn < yMin) {
								yMin = yIn;

							if (zIn < zMin) {
								zMin = zIn;

							if (xIn > xMax) {
								xMax = xIn;

							if (yIn > yMax) {
								yMax = yIn;

							if (zIn > zMax) {
								zMax = zIn;
					xCenter = (xMin + xMax) / 2.0f;
					yCenter = (yMin + yMax) / 2.0f;
					zCenter = (zMin + zMax) / 2.0f;
				else {
					xCenter = 0;
					yCenter = 0;
					zCenter = 0;

				FbxVector4* pVertices = pMesh->GetControlPoints();
				int vertexCount = pMesh->GetPolygonVertexCount();

				//Vertex vertex;
				Vertex* vertexArray = new Vertex[vertexCount];
				//Vertex vertexArray[2592];

				int numIndices = vertexCount;
				unsigned int* indexArray = new unsigned int[numIndices];

				FbxVector4 fbxNorm(0, 0, 0, 0);
				FbxVector2 fbxUV(0, 0);
				bool isMapped;

				int vertexIndex = 0;

				// Loop iterates through the polygons and fills the vertex and index arrays for the buffers
				for (int j = 0; j < pMesh->GetPolygonCount(); j++)
					int iNumVertices = pMesh->GetPolygonSize(j);

					assert(iNumVertices == 3);

					//1st vertex
					int controlIndex = pMesh->GetPolygonVertex(j, 2);
					pMesh->GetPolygonVertexUV(j, 2, "map1", fbxUV, isMapped);
					pMesh->GetPolygonVertexNormal(j, 2, fbxNorm);

					vertexArray[vertexIndex].point[0] = (float)pVertices[controlIndex].mData[0] - xCenter;
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].point[1] = (float)pVertices[controlIndex].mData[1] - yCenter;
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].point[2] = -(float)pVertices[controlIndex].mData[2] - zCenter;

					vertexArray[vertexIndex].texCoord[0] = (float)fbxUV[0];
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].texCoord[1] = 1.0f - (float)fbxUV[1];

					vertexArray[vertexIndex].normal[0] = (float)fbxNorm[0];
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].normal[1] = (float)fbxNorm[1];
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].normal[2] = -(float)fbxNorm[2];

					indexArray[vertexIndex] = vertexIndex;

					//2nd vertex
					controlIndex = pMesh->GetPolygonVertex(j, 1);
					pMesh->GetPolygonVertexUV(j, 1, "map1", fbxUV, isMapped);
					pMesh->GetPolygonVertexNormal(j, 1, fbxNorm);

					vertexArray[vertexIndex].point[0] = (float)pVertices[controlIndex].mData[0] - xCenter;
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].point[1] = (float)pVertices[controlIndex].mData[1] - yCenter;
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].point[2] = -(float)pVertices[controlIndex].mData[2] - zCenter;

					vertexArray[vertexIndex].texCoord[0] = (float)fbxUV[0];
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].texCoord[1] = 1.0f - (float)fbxUV[1];

					vertexArray[vertexIndex].normal[0] = (float)fbxNorm[0];
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].normal[1] = (float)fbxNorm[1];
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].normal[2] = -(float)fbxNorm[2];

					indexArray[vertexIndex] = vertexIndex;

					//3rd vertex
					controlIndex = pMesh->GetPolygonVertex(j, 0);
					pMesh->GetPolygonVertexUV(j, 0, "map1", fbxUV, isMapped);
					pMesh->GetPolygonVertexNormal(j, 0, fbxNorm);

					vertexArray[vertexIndex].point[0] = (float)pVertices[controlIndex].mData[0] - xCenter;
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].point[1] = (float)pVertices[controlIndex].mData[1] - yCenter;
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].point[2] = -(float)pVertices[controlIndex].mData[2] - zCenter;

					vertexArray[vertexIndex].texCoord[0] = (float)fbxUV[0];
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].texCoord[1] = 1.0f - (float)fbxUV[1];

					vertexArray[vertexIndex].normal[0] = (float)fbxNorm[0];
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].normal[1] = (float)fbxNorm[1];
					vertexArray[vertexIndex].normal[2] = -(float)fbxNorm[2];

					indexArray[vertexIndex] = vertexIndex;

				// Generate vertex and index buffers from the vertex and index arrays
				*vBuf = renderer->createVertexBuffer(vertexArray, vertexCount);
				*iBuf = renderer->createIndexBuffer(indexArray, numIndices);

				delete[] vertexArray;
				delete[] indexArray;
		return S_OK;
예제 #8
UObject* UFbxFactory::RecursiveImportNode(void* VoidFbxImporter, void* VoidNode, UObject* InParent, FName InName, EObjectFlags Flags, int32& NodeIndex, int32 Total, TArray<UObject*>& OutNewAssets)
	UObject* NewObject = NULL;

	FbxNode* Node = (FbxNode*)VoidNode;
	if (Node->GetNodeAttribute() && Node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eLODGroup && Node->GetChildCount() > 0 )
		// import base mesh
		NewObject = ImportANode(VoidFbxImporter, Node->GetChild(0), InParent, InName, Flags, NodeIndex, Total);

		if ( NewObject )

		bool bImportMeshLODs;
		if ( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_StaticMesh )
			bImportMeshLODs = ImportUI->StaticMeshImportData->bImportMeshLODs;
		else if ( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_SkeletalMesh )
			bImportMeshLODs = ImportUI->SkeletalMeshImportData->bImportMeshLODs;
			bImportMeshLODs = false;

		if (NewObject && bImportMeshLODs)
			// import LOD meshes
			for (int32 LODIndex = 1; LODIndex < Node->GetChildCount(); LODIndex++)
				FbxNode* ChildNode = Node->GetChild(LODIndex);
				ImportANode(VoidFbxImporter, ChildNode, InParent, InName, Flags, NodeIndex, Total, NewObject, LODIndex);
		if (Node->GetMesh())
			NewObject = ImportANode(VoidFbxImporter, Node, InParent, InName, Flags, NodeIndex, Total);

			if ( NewObject )
		for (int32 ChildIndex=0; ChildIndex<Node->GetChildCount(); ++ChildIndex)
			UObject* SubObject = RecursiveImportNode(VoidFbxImporter,Node->GetChild(ChildIndex),InParent,InName,Flags,NodeIndex,Total,OutNewAssets);

			if ( SubObject )

			if (NewObject==NULL)
				NewObject = SubObject;

	return NewObject;
예제 #9
UObject* UFbxFactory::FactoryCreateBinary
 UClass*			Class,
 UObject*			InParent,
 FName				Name,
 EObjectFlags		Flags,
 UObject*			Context,
 const TCHAR*		Type,
 const uint8*&		Buffer,
 const uint8*		BufferEnd,
 FFeedbackContext*	Warn,
 bool&				bOutOperationCanceled
	if( bOperationCanceled )
		bOutOperationCanceled = true;
		FEditorDelegates::OnAssetPostImport.Broadcast(this, NULL);
		return NULL;

	FEditorDelegates::OnAssetPreImport.Broadcast(this, Class, InParent, Name, Type);

	UObject* NewObject = NULL;

	if ( bDetectImportTypeOnImport )
		if ( !DetectImportType(UFactory::CurrentFilename) )
			// Failed to read the file info, fail the import
			FEditorDelegates::OnAssetPostImport.Broadcast(this, NULL);
			return NULL;
	// logger for all error/warnings
	// this one prints all messages that are stored in FFbxImporter
	UnFbx::FFbxImporter* FbxImporter = UnFbx::FFbxImporter::GetInstance();
	UnFbx::FFbxLoggerSetter Logger(FbxImporter);

	EFBXImportType ForcedImportType = FBXIT_StaticMesh;

	bool bIsObjFormat = false;
	if( FString(Type).Equals(TEXT("obj"), ESearchCase::IgnoreCase ) )
		bIsObjFormat = true;

	bool bShowImportDialog = bShowOption && !GIsAutomationTesting;
	bool bImportAll = false;
	UnFbx::FBXImportOptions* ImportOptions = GetImportOptions(FbxImporter, ImportUI, bShowImportDialog, InParent->GetPathName(), bOperationCanceled, bImportAll, bIsObjFormat, bIsObjFormat, ForcedImportType );
	bOutOperationCanceled = bOperationCanceled;
	if( bImportAll )
		// If the user chose to import all, we don't show the dialog again and use the same settings for each object until importing another set of files
		bShowOption = false;

	// For multiple files, use the same settings
	bDetectImportTypeOnImport = false;

	if (ImportOptions)
		Warn->BeginSlowTask( NSLOCTEXT("FbxFactory", "BeginImportingFbxMeshTask", "Importing FBX mesh"), true );
		if ( !FbxImporter->ImportFromFile( *UFactory::CurrentFilename, Type ) )
			// Log the error message and fail the import.
			Warn->Log(ELogVerbosity::Error, FbxImporter->GetErrorMessage() );
			// Log the import message and import the mesh.
			const TCHAR* errorMessage = FbxImporter->GetErrorMessage();
			if (errorMessage[0] != '\0')
				Warn->Log( errorMessage );

			FbxNode* RootNodeToImport = NULL;
			RootNodeToImport = FbxImporter->Scene->GetRootNode();

			// For animation and static mesh we assume there is at lease one interesting node by default
			int32 InterestingNodeCount = 1;
			TArray< TArray<FbxNode*>* > SkelMeshArray;

			bool bImportStaticMeshLODs = ImportUI->StaticMeshImportData->bImportMeshLODs;
			bool bCombineMeshes = ImportUI->bCombineMeshes;

			if ( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_SkeletalMesh )
				FbxImporter->FillFbxSkelMeshArrayInScene(RootNodeToImport, SkelMeshArray, false);
				InterestingNodeCount = SkelMeshArray.Num();
			else if( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_StaticMesh )
				FbxImporter->ApplyTransformSettingsToFbxNode(RootNodeToImport, ImportUI->StaticMeshImportData);

				if( bCombineMeshes && !bImportStaticMeshLODs )
					// If Combine meshes and dont import mesh LODs, the interesting node count should be 1 so all the meshes are grouped together into one static mesh
					InterestingNodeCount = 1;
					// count meshes in lod groups if we dont care about importing LODs
					bool bCountLODGroupMeshes = !bImportStaticMeshLODs;
					int32 NumLODGroups = 0;
					InterestingNodeCount = FbxImporter->GetFbxMeshCount(RootNodeToImport,bCountLODGroupMeshes,NumLODGroups);

					// if there were LODs in the file, do not combine meshes even if requested
					if( bImportStaticMeshLODs && bCombineMeshes )
						bCombineMeshes = NumLODGroups == 0;

			if (InterestingNodeCount > 1)
				// the option only works when there are only one asset
				ImportOptions->bUsedAsFullName = false;

			const FString Filename( UFactory::CurrentFilename );
			if (RootNodeToImport && InterestingNodeCount > 0)
				int32 NodeIndex = 0;

				int32 ImportedMeshCount = 0;
				UStaticMesh* NewStaticMesh = NULL;
				if ( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_StaticMesh )  // static mesh
					if (bCombineMeshes)
						TArray<FbxNode*> FbxMeshArray;
						FbxImporter->FillFbxMeshArray(RootNodeToImport, FbxMeshArray, FbxImporter);
						if (FbxMeshArray.Num() > 0)
							NewStaticMesh = FbxImporter->ImportStaticMeshAsSingle(InParent, FbxMeshArray, Name, Flags, ImportUI->StaticMeshImportData, NULL, 0);

						ImportedMeshCount = NewStaticMesh ? 1 : 0;
						TArray<UObject*> AllNewAssets;
						UObject* Object = RecursiveImportNode(FbxImporter,RootNodeToImport,InParent,Name,Flags,NodeIndex,InterestingNodeCount, AllNewAssets);

						NewStaticMesh = Cast<UStaticMesh>( Object );

						// Make sure to notify the asset registry of all assets created other than the one returned, which will notify the asset registry automatically.
						for ( auto AssetIt = AllNewAssets.CreateConstIterator(); AssetIt; ++AssetIt )
							UObject* Asset = *AssetIt;
							if ( Asset != NewStaticMesh )

						ImportedMeshCount = AllNewAssets.Num();

					// Importing static mesh sockets only works if one mesh is being imported
					if( ImportedMeshCount == 1 && NewStaticMesh )
						FbxImporter->ImportStaticMeshSockets( NewStaticMesh );

					NewObject = NewStaticMesh;

				else if ( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_SkeletalMesh )// skeletal mesh
					int32 TotalNumNodes = 0;

					for (int32 i = 0; i < SkelMeshArray.Num(); i++)
						TArray<FbxNode*> NodeArray = *SkelMeshArray[i];
						TotalNumNodes += NodeArray.Num();
						// check if there is LODGroup for this skeletal mesh
						int32 MaxLODLevel = 1;
						for (int32 j = 0; j < NodeArray.Num(); j++)
							FbxNode* Node = NodeArray[j];
							if (Node->GetNodeAttribute() && Node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eLODGroup)
								// get max LODgroup level
								if (MaxLODLevel < Node->GetChildCount())
									MaxLODLevel = Node->GetChildCount();
						int32 LODIndex;
						bool bImportSkeletalMeshLODs = ImportUI->SkeletalMeshImportData->bImportMeshLODs;
						for (LODIndex = 0; LODIndex < MaxLODLevel; LODIndex++)
							if ( !bImportSkeletalMeshLODs && LODIndex > 0) // not import LOD if UI option is OFF
							TArray<FbxNode*> SkelMeshNodeArray;
							for (int32 j = 0; j < NodeArray.Num(); j++)
								FbxNode* Node = NodeArray[j];
								if (Node->GetNodeAttribute() && Node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eLODGroup)
									if (Node->GetChildCount() > LODIndex)
									else // in less some LODGroups have less level, use the last level
										SkelMeshNodeArray.Add(Node->GetChild(Node->GetChildCount() - 1));
							if (LODIndex == 0 && SkelMeshNodeArray.Num() != 0)
								FName OutputName = FbxImporter->MakeNameForMesh(Name.ToString(), SkelMeshNodeArray[0]);

								USkeletalMesh* NewMesh = FbxImporter->ImportSkeletalMesh( InParent, SkelMeshNodeArray, OutputName, Flags, ImportUI->SkeletalMeshImportData, &bOperationCanceled );
								NewObject = NewMesh;

									// User cancelled, clean up and return
									bOperationCanceled = true;
									return nullptr;

								if ( NewMesh && ImportUI->bImportAnimations )
									// We need to remove all scaling from the root node before we set up animation data.
									// Othewise some of the global transform calculations will be incorrect.
									FbxImporter->RemoveTransformSettingsFromFbxNode(RootNodeToImport, ImportUI->SkeletalMeshImportData);
									FbxImporter->SetupAnimationDataFromMesh(NewMesh, InParent, SkelMeshNodeArray, ImportUI->AnimSequenceImportData, OutputName.ToString());

									// Reapply the transforms for the rest of the import
									FbxImporter->ApplyTransformSettingsToFbxNode(RootNodeToImport, ImportUI->SkeletalMeshImportData);
							else if (NewObject) // the base skeletal mesh is imported successfully
								USkeletalMesh* BaseSkeletalMesh = Cast<USkeletalMesh>(NewObject);
								FName LODObjectName = NAME_None;
								USkeletalMesh *LODObject = FbxImporter->ImportSkeletalMesh( GetTransientPackage(), SkelMeshNodeArray, LODObjectName, RF_NoFlags, ImportUI->SkeletalMeshImportData, &bOperationCanceled );
								bool bImportSucceeded = !bOperationCanceled && FbxImporter->ImportSkeletalMeshLOD(LODObject, BaseSkeletalMesh, LODIndex, false);

								if (bImportSucceeded)
									BaseSkeletalMesh->LODInfo[LODIndex].ScreenSize = 1.0f / (MaxLODLevel * LODIndex);
									FbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, LOCTEXT("FailedToImport_SkeletalMeshLOD", "Failed to import Skeletal mesh LOD.")), FFbxErrors::SkeletalMesh_LOD_FailedToImport);
							// import morph target
							if ( NewObject && ImportUI->SkeletalMeshImportData->bImportMorphTargets)
								// Disable material importing when importing morph targets
								uint32 bImportMaterials = ImportOptions->bImportMaterials;
								ImportOptions->bImportMaterials = 0;

								FbxImporter->ImportFbxMorphTarget(SkelMeshNodeArray, Cast<USkeletalMesh>(NewObject), InParent, LODIndex);
								ImportOptions->bImportMaterials = !!bImportMaterials;
						if (NewObject)
							FFormatNamedArguments Args;
							Args.Add( TEXT("NodeIndex"), NodeIndex );
							Args.Add( TEXT("ArrayLength"), SkelMeshArray.Num() );
							GWarn->StatusUpdate( NodeIndex, SkelMeshArray.Num(), FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "Importingf", "Importing ({NodeIndex} of {ArrayLength})"), Args ) );
					for (int32 i = 0; i < SkelMeshArray.Num(); i++)
						delete SkelMeshArray[i];
					// if total nodes we found is 0, we didn't find anything. 
					if (TotalNumNodes == 0)
						FbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, LOCTEXT("FailedToImport_NoMeshFoundOnRoot", "Could not find any valid mesh on the root hierarchy. If you have mesh in the sub hierarchy, please enable option of [Import Meshes In Bone Hierarchy] when import.")), 
				else if ( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_Animation )// animation
					if (ImportOptions->SkeletonForAnimation)
						// will return the last animation sequence that were added
						NewObject = UEditorEngine::ImportFbxAnimation( ImportOptions->SkeletonForAnimation, InParent, ImportUI->AnimSequenceImportData, *Filename, *Name.ToString(), true );
				if (RootNodeToImport == NULL)
					FbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, LOCTEXT("FailedToImport_InvalidRoot", "Could not find root node.")), FFbxErrors::SkeletalMesh_InvalidRoot);
				else if (ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_SkeletalMesh)
					FbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, LOCTEXT("FailedToImport_InvalidBone", "Failed to find any bone hierarchy. Try disabling the \"Import As Skeletal\" option to import as a rigid mesh. ")), FFbxErrors::SkeletalMesh_InvalidBone);
					FbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, LOCTEXT("FailedToImport_InvalidNode", "Could not find any node.")), FFbxErrors::SkeletalMesh_InvalidNode);

		if (NewObject == NULL)
			FbxImporter->AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, LOCTEXT("FailedToImport_NoObject", "Import failed.")), FFbxErrors::Generic_ImportingNewObjectFailed);


	FEditorDelegates::OnAssetPostImport.Broadcast(this, NewObject);

	return NewObject;
예제 #10
// This method is templated on the implementation of hctMayaSceneExporter::createHkxNodes()
void FbxToHkxConverter::addNodesRecursive(hkxScene *scene, FbxNode* fbxNode, hkxNode* node, int animStackIndex)
	for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < fbxNode->GetChildCount(); childIndex++)
		FbxNode* fbxChildNode = fbxNode->GetChild(childIndex);
		FbxNodeAttribute* fbxNodeAtttrib = fbxChildNode->GetNodeAttribute();
		bool selected = fbxChildNode->GetSelected();

		// Ignore nodes(and their descendants) if they're invisible and we ignore invisible objects
		if ( !(!m_options.m_visibleOnly || fbxNode->GetVisibility()) )

		// Ignore nodes(and their descendants) if they're not selected and we ignore deselected objects
		if ( !(!m_options.m_selectedOnly || selected) )

		hkxNode* newChildNode = new hkxNode();
			newChildNode->m_name = fbxChildNode->GetName();			

		newChildNode->m_selected = selected;

		// Extract the following types of data from this node (taken from hkxScene.h):
		if (fbxNodeAtttrib != NULL)
			switch (fbxNodeAtttrib->GetAttributeType())
			case FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh:
					// Generate hkxMesh and all its dependent data (ie: hkxSkinBinding, hkxMeshSection, hkxMaterial)
					if (m_options.m_exportMeshes)
						addMesh(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode);
			case FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsCurve:
					if (m_options.m_exportSplines)
						addSpline(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode);
			case FbxNodeAttribute::eCamera:
					// Generate hkxCamera
					if (m_options.m_exportCameras)
						addCamera(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode);
			case FbxNodeAttribute::eLight:
					// Generate hkxLight
					if (m_options.m_exportLights)
						addLight(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode);
			case FbxNodeAttribute::eSkeleton:
					// Flag this node as a bone if it's associated with a skeleton attribute
					newChildNode->m_bone = true;

		// Extract this node's animation data and bind transform
		extractKeyFramesAndAnnotations(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode, animStackIndex);

		if (m_options.m_exportAttributes)
			addSampledNodeAttributeGroups(scene, animStackIndex, fbxChildNode, newChildNode);

		GetCustomVisionData(fbxChildNode, newChildNode->m_userProperties);

		addNodesRecursive(scene, fbxChildNode, newChildNode, animStackIndex);
예제 #11
// Find the current camera at the given time.
FbxCamera* GetCurrentCamera(FbxScene* pScene, 
                             FbxTime& pTime, 
                             FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer,
                             const FbxArray<FbxNode*>& pCameraArray)
    FbxGlobalSettings& lGlobalSettings = pScene->GetGlobalSettings();
    FbxGlobalCameraSettings& lGlobalCameraSettings = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings();
    FbxString lCurrentCameraName = lGlobalSettings.GetDefaultCamera();


    // check if we need to create the Producer cameras!
    if (lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBottom() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerTop() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerFront() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBack() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerRight() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerLeft() == NULL)

    if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_BOTTOM) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBottom();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_TOP) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerTop();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_FRONT) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerFront();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_BACK) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBack();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_RIGHT) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerRight();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_LEFT) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerLeft();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_SWITCHER) == 0)
        FbxCameraSwitcher* lCameraSwitcher = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings().GetCameraSwitcher();
		FbxAnimCurve* lCurve = NULL;
		if (lCameraSwitcher)
			lCurve = lCameraSwitcher->CameraIndex.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
			int lCameraIndex = lCurve ? int(lCurve->Evaluate(pTime)) - 1 : 0;
			if (lCameraIndex >= 0 && lCameraIndex < pCameraArray.GetCount())
				FbxNode* lNode = pCameraArray[lCameraIndex];

				// Get the animated parameters of the camera.
				GetCameraAnimatedParameters(lNode, pTime, pAnimLayer);

				return (FbxCamera*) lNode->GetNodeAttribute();
        int i;
        FbxNode* lNode = NULL;

        // Find the camera in the camera array.
        for (i = 0; i < pCameraArray.GetCount(); i++)
            if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(pCameraArray[i]->GetName()) == 0)
                lNode = pCameraArray[i];

        if (lNode)
            // Get the animated parameters of the camera.
            GetCameraAnimatedParameters(lNode, pTime, pAnimLayer);

            return (FbxCamera*) lNode->GetNodeAttribute();

    return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective();