예제 #1
realv Layer::signalWeighting(FeatureVector _signal, Mat _weights) {
	if (_signal.getLength() != ((uint) _weights.cols)) {
		throw length_error("Layer : Uncorrect length between signal and weights");
	realv sum = 0;
	for (uint i = 0; i < _signal.getLength(); i++) {
		sum += _signal[i] * _weights.at<realv>(0, i);
	return sum;
예제 #2
realv SEMeasurer::totalError(FeatureVector _output, FeatureVector _target) {
	if (_output.getLength() != _target.getLength()) {
		throw length_error("SE : Output and target do not have the same size");
	realv result = 0;
	for (uint i = 0; i < _output.getLength(); i++) {
		result += (_output[i] - _target[i]) * (_output[i] - _target[i]);
	err = result;
	return err;
예제 #3
ErrorVector SEMeasurer::errorPerUnit(FeatureVector _output, FeatureVector _target) {
	if (_output.getLength() != _target.getLength()) {
		throw length_error("SEMeasurer : Output and target do not have the same size");
	ErrorVector result(_output.getLength());
	for (uint i = 0; i < _output.getLength(); i++) {
		result[i] = (_output[i] - _target[i]) * (_output[i] - _target[i]);
	errPerUnit = result;
	return result;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  vector<string> arguments;
  arguments.push_back("classification dataset");
  arguments.push_back("save folder for the dataset, the folder must contain a lab, labTrain and htk subfolder");
  arguments.push_back("model length, to suppres short training samples");
  cout << helper("Create HTK learning files", "Create HTK learning files using a classification dataset.", arguments) << endl;

  if (argc != arguments.size() + 1) {
    cerr << "Not enough arguments, " << argc-1 << " given and "<< arguments.size()<<" required" << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  ClassificationDataset datasetBasic;
  cout << "Loaded dataset" << endl;
  string saveLocation = argv[2];
  vector<FeatureVector> sequence;
  int length = atoi(argv[3]);
  FeatureVector sample;
  AEMeasurer ae;
  ostringstream dictionnaryFileLocation;
  ostringstream htkScpFileLocation;
  ostringstream labScpFileLocation;
  map<string,string> dictionnary;
  dictionnaryFileLocation << saveLocation << "dictionnary.scp";
  htkScpFileLocation << saveLocation << "dataFiles.scp";
  labScpFileLocation << saveLocation << "labFiles.scp";
  ofstream dictionnaryFile(dictionnaryFileLocation.str().c_str());
  ofstream htkScp(htkScpFileLocation.str().c_str());
  ofstream labScp(labScpFileLocation.str().c_str());
  for (uint j = 0; j < datasetBasic.getNumSequences(); j++) {
    sequence = datasetBasic[j];
    vector<string> target = datasetBasic.getSequenceClasses(j);

    ostringstream sequenceFile, wordFile,wordFile2;
    ostringstream word, spacedLetters;
    sequenceFile << saveLocation << "htkn/" << j <<".htk";
    wordFile << saveLocation << "lab/"<<j <<".lab";
    wordFile2 << saveLocation << "labTrain/"<<j <<".lab";
    htkScp << sequenceFile.str() << endl;
    labScp << wordFile.str() << endl;

    ofstream outputSequence(sequenceFile.str().c_str());
    ofstream outputWord(wordFile.str().c_str());
    ofstream outputWord2(wordFile2.str().c_str());
      for (uint k = 0; k < sequence.size(); k++) {
	sample = sequence[k];
	for (uint i = 0; i < sample.getLength(); i++) {
	  outputSequence << sample[i] <<" " ;
	outputSequence << endl;

      for(uint k=0; k < target.size();k++){
	outputWord << target[k] << endl;
	outputWord2 << target[k] ;
	word << target[k] ;
	spacedLetters << target[k] << " ";
  map<string,string>::iterator it ;
    dictionnaryFile << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second << endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;