예제 #1
파일: lua.cpp 프로젝트: cthielen/epiar
bool Lua::Load( const string& filename ) {
    File pathTranslator; // use this to determine the physfs-resolved path, e.g. absolute/full path

    if( ! luaInitialized ) {
        if( Init() == false ) {
            LogMsg(WARN, "Could not load Lua script. Unable to initialize Lua." );
            return( false );

    if( pathTranslator.OpenRead( filename ) == false ) {
        LogMsg(ERR,"Error loading '%s' from filesystem", filename.c_str());
        return false;

    // Load the lua script
    if( 0 != luaL_loadfile(L, pathTranslator.GetAbsolutePath().c_str()) ) {
        LogMsg(ERR,"Error loading '%s': %s", pathTranslator.GetAbsolutePath().c_str(), lua_tostring(L, -1));
        return false;

    // Execute the lua script
    if( 0 != lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0) ) {
        LogMsg(ERR,"Error Executing '%s': %s", filename.c_str(), lua_tostring(L, -1));
        return false;

    LogMsg(INFO,"Loaded Lua Script '%s'",filename.c_str());
    return( true );
예제 #2
/**\brief Loads the font (uses FTGL Texture Fonts).
 * \param filename Path to font file.
bool Font::Load( string filename ) {
    File fontFile;
    if( fontFile.OpenRead( filename.c_str() ) == false) {
        LogMsg(ERR, "Font '%s' could not be loaded.", fontname.c_str() );
        return( false );

    if( this->font != NULL) {
        LogMsg(ERR, "Deleting the old font '%s'.\n", fontname.c_str() );
        delete this->font;

    fontname = fontFile.GetAbsolutePath();
    this->font = new FTTextureFont( fontname.c_str() );

    if( font == NULL ) {
        LogMsg(ERR, "Failed to load font '%s'.\n", fontname.c_str() );
        return( false );


    LogMsg(INFO, "Font '%s' loaded.\n", fontname.c_str() );

    return( true );
예제 #3
// recursively write the files and dirs
void MakeImage::WriteFiles(Directory *root, ofstream &out) {

    char *sector = 0;

    sector = new char[SECTOR_SIZE];
    ZeroMemory(sector, SECTOR_SIZE);

    root->CreatePathDescriptor(sector, false);
    WriteSector(out, root->GetBlock(), sector);

    delete [] sector;

    for(UINT i=0; i < root->mChildren.size(); ++i) {

        WriteFiles(root->mChildren[i], out);

    for(UINT i=0; i < root->mFiles.size(); ++i) {

        File *curFile = root->mFiles[i];
        int writeSector = curFile->GetBlock();

        char filePath[MAX_PATH];

        strcpy_s(filePath, MAX_PATH, "cd_root");
        strcat_s(filePath, MAX_PATH, curFile->GetAbsolutePath());

        ifstream in;
        in.open(filePath, ios_base::binary);

        do {

            sector = new char[SECTOR_SIZE];
            ZeroMemory(sector, SECTOR_SIZE);

            in.read(sector, SECTOR_SIZE);

            WriteSector(out, writeSector, sector);

            delete [] sector;

