예제 #1
// Returns a handle for positioning and rendering this face at the given size.
FontFaceHandle* FontFace::GetHandle(const String& _raw_charset, int size)
	UnicodeRangeList charset;

	HandleMap::iterator iterator = handles.find(size);
	if (iterator != handles.end())
		return iterator->second;


	// See if this face has been released.
	if (face == NULL)
		Log::Message(Log::LT_WARNING, "Font face has been released, unable to generate new handle.");
		return NULL;

	// Construct and initialise the new handle.
	FontFaceHandle* handle = new FontFaceHandle();
	if (!handle->Initialise(face, _raw_charset, size))
		return NULL;

	// Save the handle, and add a reference for the callee. The initial reference will be removed when the font face
	// releases it.
	handles[size] = handle;


	return handle;
예제 #2
// Returns a handle to a font face that can be used to position and render text.
FontFaceHandle* FontDatabase::GetFontFaceHandle(const String& family, const String& charset, Font::Style style, Font::Weight weight, int size)
	if( family.Empty() ) {
		return NULL;

	FontProviderInterface *fontprovider_interface = Core::GetFontProviderInterface();
	FontHandle fonthandle = fontprovider_interface->GetFontFaceHandle(family, charset, style, weight, size);

	FontFaceHandleMap::iterator it = instance->font_handles.find(family);
	if (it == instance->font_handles.end()) {
		std::pair<FontFaceHandleMap::iterator, bool> const &insert = 
			instance->font_handles.insert(std::pair<const String &, FontFaceHandleList>(family, FontFaceHandleList()));
		it = insert.first;

	FontFaceHandle *handle;
	FontFaceHandleList::iterator hit = it->second.find(fonthandle);
	if (hit == it->second.end()) {
		handle = new FontFaceHandle();
		handle->Initialise(fontprovider_interface, fonthandle);

		std::pair<FontFaceHandleList::iterator, bool> const &insert = 
			it->second.insert(std::pair<FontHandle, FontFaceHandle *>(fonthandle, handle));
		hit = insert.first;

	handle = hit->second;
	return handle;
예제 #3
// Attempts to load the texture from the source.
bool TextureResource::Load(RenderInterface* render_interface) const
	// Check for special loader tokens.
	if (!source.Empty() &&
		source[0] == '?')
		Vector2i dimensions;

		bool delete_data = false;
		const byte* data = NULL;

		// Find the generation protocol and generate the data accordingly.
		String protocol = source.Substring(1, source.Find("::") - 1);
		if (protocol == "font")
			// The requested texture is a font layer.
			delete_data = true;

			StringList parameters;
			StringUtilities::ExpandString(parameters, source.Substring(source.Find("::") + 2), '/');
			if (parameters.size() == 3)
				FontFaceHandle* handle = (FontFaceHandle*) strtol(parameters[0].CString(), NULL, 16);
											 strtol(parameters[1].CString(), NULL, 16),

		// If texture data was generated, great! Otherwise, fallback to the LoadTexture() code and
		// hope the client knows what the hell to do with the question mark in their file name.
		if (data != NULL)
			TextureHandle handle;
			bool success = render_interface->GenerateTexture(handle, data, dimensions);

			if (delete_data)
				delete[] data;

			if (success)
				texture_data[render_interface] = TextureData(handle, dimensions);
				return true;
				Log::Message(Log::LT_WARNING, "Failed to generate internal texture %s.", source.CString());
				texture_data[render_interface] = TextureData((TextureHandle)NULL, Vector2i(0, 0));

				return false;

	TextureHandle handle;
	Vector2i dimensions;
	if (!render_interface->LoadTexture(handle, dimensions, source))
		Log::Message(Log::LT_WARNING, "Failed to load texture from %s.", source.CString());
		texture_data[render_interface] = TextureData((TextureHandle)NULL, Vector2i(0, 0));

		return false;

	texture_data[render_interface] = TextureData((TextureHandle)handle, dimensions);
	return true;
예제 #4
// Returns a handle for positioning and rendering this face at the given size.
Rocket::Core::FontFaceHandle* FontFace::GetHandle(const String& _raw_charset, int size)
	UnicodeRangeList charset;

	HandleMap::iterator iterator = handles.find(size);
	if (iterator != handles.end())
		const HandleList& handles = (*iterator).second;

		// Check all the handles if their charsets match the requested one exactly (ie, were specified by the same
		// string).
		String raw_charset(_raw_charset);
		for (size_t i = 0; i < handles.size(); ++i)
			if (handles[i]->GetRawCharset() == _raw_charset)
				return (Rocket::Core::FreeType::FontFaceHandle*)handles[i];

		// Check all the handles if their charsets contain the requested charset.
		if (!UnicodeRange::BuildList(charset, raw_charset))
			Log::Message(Log::LT_ERROR, "Invalid font charset '%s'.", _raw_charset.CString());
			return NULL;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < handles.size(); ++i)
			bool range_contained = true;

			const UnicodeRangeList& handle_charset = handles[i]->GetCharset();
			for (size_t j = 0; j < charset.size() && range_contained; ++j)
				if (!charset[j].IsContained(handle_charset))
					range_contained = false;

			if (range_contained)
				return (Rocket::Core::FreeType::FontFaceHandle*)handles[i];

	// See if this face has been released.
	if (face == NULL)
		Log::Message(Log::LT_WARNING, "Font face has been released, unable to generate new handle.");
		return NULL;

	// Construct and initialise the new handle.
	FontFaceHandle* handle = new FontFaceHandle();
	if (!handle->Initialise(face, _raw_charset, size))
		return NULL;

	// Save the handle, and add a reference for the callee. The initial reference will be removed when the font face
	// releases it.
	if (iterator != handles.end())
		handles[size] = HandleList(1, handle);


	return handle;
예제 #5
// Attempts to load the texture from the source.
bool TextureResource::Load(RenderInterface* render_interface) const
	// Check for special loader tokens.
	if (!source.Empty() &&
		source[0] == '?')
		Vector2i dimensions;

		bool delete_data = false;
		const byte* data = NULL;

		// Find the generation protocol and generate the data accordingly.
		String protocol = source.Substring(1, source.Find("::") - 1);
		if (protocol == "font")
			// The requested texture is a font layer.
			delete_data = true;
			FontFaceHandle* handle;
			FontEffect* layer_id;
			int texture_id;
			if (sscanf(source.CString(), "?font::%p/%p/%d", &handle, &layer_id, &texture_id) == 3)

		// If texture data was generated, great! Otherwise, fallback to the LoadTexture() code and
		// hope the client knows what the hell to do with the question mark in their file name.
		if (data != NULL)
			TextureHandle handle;
			bool success = render_interface->GenerateTexture(handle, data, dimensions);

			if (delete_data)
				delete[] data;

			if (success)
				texture_data[render_interface] = TextureData(handle, dimensions);
				return true;
				Log::Message(Log::LT_WARNING, "Failed to generate internal texture %s.", source.CString());
				texture_data[render_interface] = TextureData(NULL, Vector2i(0, 0));

				return false;

	TextureHandle handle;
	Vector2i dimensions;
	if (!render_interface->LoadTexture(handle, dimensions, source))
		Log::Message(Log::LT_WARNING, "Failed to load texture from %s.", source.CString());
		texture_data[render_interface] = TextureData(NULL, Vector2i(0, 0));

		return false;

	texture_data[render_interface] = TextureData(handle, dimensions);
	return true;